Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Sorry for the lapse in posts. I had to go to Puerto Rico Sunday morning for two business meetings and got home at 3:00 AM this morning after a huge screw up where the connecting flight crew didn't show up in Charlotte, delaying a 9:00 PM departure to 12:00 midnight. Plus, there was never an opportunity to log on. I know this is boring and of no interest to you, but it must be entered for the record.
After all, this blog is destined to be a side bar in the Akashic Records of man's existence on earth.
As for this blog getting sluggish, I agree. There actually are some extremely exciting and stressful things going on which I can't reveal at this time for a number of confidential reasons. Hang in there, things will pick up when the coast is clear.... probably in the next few days.
BTW, Puerto Rico on business is the pits! I'm sure that if you are on the tourist trail, you can find nice places, but the Marriott Courtyard in downtown San Juan is as painful as anywhere, and the area creeps you out with the bars on all the windows and barbed wire in great abundance. I get a kick out of Joanne who was semi-disappointed that I didn't take her.
I took out some frustration by trying to race a Porsche with my rented Nissan Altima. The guy didn't even realize that I was trying to make the challenge.

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