Sunday, April 03, 2011

POTW Week 13

So I finally changed the pattern and got a workout on the Cybex this morning.  It's the best that I've felt with this head cold in three weeks, and I broke a nice sweat during the thirty minute session.
I won't be weighing myself during this regime until my pants get easier to button.  Otherwise, it doesn't matter what the scale says.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 13th Week of 2011

Tom Raiche
Brian Harrington
Denise Kearns
Kate Middleton
John Kerry
Robert Towne

But once I feel comfortable in my trousers, I will be interested in seeing the scale come up short of 200 lbs.  Even though I am rough, tough, hard to bluff and damn good looking right now, a little improvement couldn't hurt.

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