Sunday, February 07, 2010

POTW Week 5

Sorry it took so long to make the Peep of the Week selections.
Sometimes I stall and sometimes it slips my mind.
Since I already reported mid week that weird stuff had been happening, I thought it prudent to hold out until the last moment.
Ran into Dave and Abby Bruett at Three Cod yesterday, before the bizarre road trip.  The Bruett's are one of my favorite families, from "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog" right down to little Caroline, the newest addition.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Fifth Week of 2010

Meghan Bruett
Merry Tufts
Nancy Bruett
Caroline Bruett
Abby Bruett
Dave Bruett

I would have named all of the Bruett's except for the the fact that "My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog" doesn't want me to mention his name.   Although Merry Tufts deserves to be in anyway.

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