Monday, September 03, 2007

Looking Inside

Sometimes life can seem hard and unfair.
That's because it really can be.
But what makes it worse is when you try to assess the blame for everything that ails you to someone or something.
Instead of looking within for the basis of our discontent, it is far easier to think that our harsh and unfair situations were caused by other's actions and evil intent.
This never solves the problem because it diverts the attention from the ultimate true source - ourselves and our own outlooks on life. As long as we project our own feelings on others, we can never actually change our feelings and eliminate the issues.
How can you know what others think, if you can't even be honest with yourself and understand your own thoughts? People are far more engaged in their own problems and generally have neither the time nor the interest to invest in screwing with you.
So the blame game exaggerates and perpetuates the problems. If we would look within and forgive ourselves, that's always a good beginning.

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