Thursday, June 21, 2007

POTW Selections

I'm wicked tired from priming the deck railings, but it's POTW day, and I know that I have obligations.
Many are impressed with my dedication to this massive obligation. I don't blame them. Even I have great admiration for my ability to select worthy or annoying Peeps for their contributions for inspiration or irritation over the past week.
Often I'm asked "How do you do it? How do you muster the intestinal fortitude to make these important selections?" Excellent questions, the answers of which we may never know.... like the mysteries of faith.
Had enough of this Monkey Dung? Me Too.
Let's get on with it.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for 2007 Week 25

Tyler Gill
The Incredibly Screwed up Indian Women in the Unitied Frequent Flyers Call Center.
Kevin Grimes
Eyk Van Otterloo
Amanda Houghton
Kat LoConte

Are you satisfied??? Now maybe I can get some rest.

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