Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Happy Day

Brian and Stacey's wedding was really fun... until Jill Phillips did the unthinkable.
It's hard to articulate this, so I'll just blurt it out. She put a lightly tanned liquid in a wine glass in front of me, and told me it was a Dark and Stormy.

Naturally, my defenses went right up. I could tell that something sinister was in process. I think that Jill felt that she could take advantage of me because of the sweat pouring from my forehead as I tried to regroup for the next dance set.
She must think that I'm a big, fat, idiot.
Even in my reduced physical state, I could tell that the mislabeled drink sitting in front of me was Ginger Ale and Myer's Black Rum..... certainly not a Dark and Stormy.
Nice try Jill. Joanne and I still had a great time, despite your evil plot.

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