Thursday, June 08, 2017

Comey Hysteria

Libbies are in high hysteria mode this morning about the testimony of Former FBI Director James Comey.

People like Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts are saying that Comey's contemporaneous notes regarding his meeting the the President are the equivalent of Nixon's Watergate Tapes.  

I don't think so.    Wishful thinking by Snowflake leaders.

Does anyone believe that President Trump telling Comey that he needs loyalty and hoped that the Flynn investigation should be dropped is unlawful in any way? The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President. Yet no "Demands" were made to Comey as evidenced by Comey's own written notes. Time to get back to the OBAMAGATE issue, but the MSM focus continues on the RUSSIAN INFLUENCE HOAX. 

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton remains at large despite her illegal server, destruction of subpoenaed emails and State Department Pimping. 

Monday, June 05, 2017

Optimal Outlook

The actor, Anthony Hopkins, once said....."Accept Everything, Expect Nothing.... things are so much easier that way."

It is a zen-like outlook that his hard to attain.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hat's Off for Melania

Image result for martha raddatz headscarf

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I'm so sick of Liberals who refuse to acknowledge the disgusting way that women are treated in Islamic countries.     It is a philosophy that says that women take a secondary position to men, and it has no place in ethical standards of contemporary global life.

Martha Radatz, Michelle Obama and (of course) H. Clinton dismiss the efforts of women's equality with their disgusting headscarf pandering and acceptance of the secondary position of women in Islamic life.

Thank you Donald and Melania Trump for forging a new standard of equality.

Bent Water Blast Off

So your MOAM went to the


last evening at the Bent Water Brewery just offthe Lynnway in Lynn.

I was Impressed!

Great Beer, Tremendous live music including an appearance by SuperPeep Brendan Ahern's Band, American Thread, and food that sold out quickly.

Bent Water Pearl is already the favorite MOAM beer, and even though I am not an IPA kind of guy, I really enjoy the ThunderFunk as well.

The Brewery itself is interesting with huge stainless steel tanks where fresh and new beers are constantly in the brewing process, and there is a nice tap room for sampling.

It is a must see for serious Nanepashemet Peeps.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Impact of Independent Counsel and Russians

I know that I swore off political commentary for awhile....

But... Screw THAT!

Too much is happening....   the Peeps need my counsel and guidance, and I can't let them down.

So many of you have asked me what it means to have a Special Independent Counsel, Robert Moeller, investigating the Russian Influence into the American Presidential Election.  Moeller is supposed to be the real deal.   Not inclined to do anything but professionally expose the facts.

So here is the MOAM's take.

Since Trump had absolutely no Russian connection, he is in the clear.
Freaking Ironical... Isn't it?

If I was John Podesta, I'd be worried.   If I was Susan Rice, I'd be worried.   If I was Hillary Clinton, I'd be imagining that Noose around her neck that she warned her sycophants about.   And If I was Bill Clinton... I'd just dial up  my favorite hookers and have a Red Neck Holiday.

I don't think the Dems really imagined that a valid independent Counsel would investigate this shill.....  They must be shitting their pants.

And... BTW.... if I was the spirit of the murdered Seth Rich..... I would be pleasantly satisfied.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dumb Blondes and Freedom of Speech

So I find out today that Phil Cash, the Liberal who slams Trump all the time and trolls my Facebook posts while frequently issuing unsolicited diatribes to me about why Trump is so bad.... just defriended me.

This is the guy who enraged my conservative friends, called me an idiot, and made fun of Conservative women who are blonde.

Apparently I have offended him and I'm no longer his Facebook friend.

Trust me.... I'm not upset by this..... but I legitimately don't understand how Liberals think.

You assail my positions...... I respond,....... you deFriend me.

Why did you take the time to post anything to me anyway?

Did you think that you could make me adopt your emotionally based, non factual, ranting diatribes?  Did you think that your epithets are so thoroughly truthful and logical that there is no possible retort with an opposing viewpoint?

Thank God we have freedom of speech in this country.... because I believe Liberals are very uncomfortable with it.... which makes me love it all the more.

BTW Phil.... those blondes that you insulted are not dumb.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Back Burner

I am frequently compelled to post on Facebook when I see incidents of hypocrisy on TV mainstream media news programs.  It is really aggravating to see journalists who are supposed to be objective.....pandering, fabricating, and propagandizing their bias onto current events.

For me, a Facebook retort is a little therapy.  It calms me down a bit.  But like all actions that we take, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and a little give and take ensues on the Facebook platform.  I like this, and the conflicting viewpoints are a source of entertainment for me.

But not for a lot of other people.

Many of my friends and acquaintances are offended when they see opposing viewpoints.  Instead of engaging in a discussion of why their opinion is different, they simply get angry and lash out.  I admit that this behavior is a mystery to me.

Does the opposing viewpoint uncover psychological self feelings that are intolerable?  Could that be why people shy away from a civil discussion?   I don't know.  I was a PoliSci major.   The depth of my expertise was getting a "B" in Psych101 at UMASS Amherst.

But it is becoming increasingly clear to me that the practice of me coping with what I perceive as irritating hypocrisy by posting my viewpoints on Facebook is a source of consternation to many.

So as I have done in the past, it is time to give it a rest.  Time to step away from the silliness of politics.

Your MOAM has a boat to build in Peabody, a house to finish on Marblehead Neck, an Aquaponics garden to maintain, Grandkids to boast about , and a few Wireless projects to attend to.  Time to put politics in Facebook on the back burner

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Jefferson and Facebook

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, or in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

-  Thomas Jefferson


Happy Mothers Day.
Recently I was de-friended on FACEBOOK by a Mom who disagreed with my stance on Planned Parenthood.

She said that as a man, I had no idea what it is like to have an unwanted pregnancy.

Which is absolutely true.

Then she said that Planned Parenthood provided many health services for women.  I told her that they didn't perform mammograms, which she disputed.

I asked her what she thought about PP selling body parts of aborted babies.  No opinion on that.

I told her that I supported her right to have an abortion, but not as a form of birth control or convenience, and unless performed under the most extreme circumstances, it is immoral.

She made a sour face. 

She said she still likes me even though she defriended me.

I told her that I had no problem with being defriended, because she is a Whack Job Liberal.

It was a lovely conversation.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Redd's Pond Gunning Dory

This beautiful reproduction of a Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory was found sitting at the opening of the Redd's Pond Boatyard in Marblehead this morning.   It looks like it it was faithfully constructed according to the plans that John Gardner published about fifty years ago.

It is hard chine planking on permanent frames with oak tems and railings, with  cedar seats.  The flooring was a wood that I am not familiar with.... possibly hickory or ash.

A finely crafted boat and very inspirational to me.

The one that I am building in Peabody is built along the same lines, but mine will be planked with 1/4" cedar strips, covered with fiberglass and epoxy, and finished bright with marine varnish.  I have also rounded the chines to accommodate the change in planking.

The 70 Nanepashemet project has my boat completion schedule pushed way off though.

Saturday, May 06, 2017

State of Grace

This is my Grandson, Ethan Nestor at his First Holy Communion.  Proud of him.

Angst and Consternation

So a few days ago, a Liberal Classmate from Lynn English High School in the early 70's expressed dismay and frustration on a Facebook post.... pondering why anyone from Lynn could support Donald Trump.

Rather than analyse the pretentiousness and pomposity of that remark, I decided to assess the political leanings of my FB friends from that period.... albeit completely subjectively.

Many people who use discretion do not disclose their Political Leanings on Facebook.  That is probably a good policy, but one that I obviously do not adhere to.   I generally don't discuss religion, but politics is something that I'm happy to be out front on.

Of those Lynn friends who have made political statements, about 30 are Conservative and 20 are Liberal by my subjective assessment.  So right there, my Libbie Classmate seems to be behind the curve and fails to ascertain that people with a background from Lynn might logically harbor a Conservative viewpoint.

Of the twenty Liberals that I mentioned, about five have either DeFriended the MOAM, or Blocked me.  Which is OK with me.   If I irritate you, please defriend me.  Life is too short to be irritated by someone on Facebook.  I happily defriend others on this basis.  No harm, No foul.

But none of my Conserveative Friends have apparently given me the DeFriend Boot.

So my conclusions from this unscientific analysis is that my contemporary friends from Lynn are in the Conservative majority, and those Conservatives express tolerance a little better than my current or former Liberal friends.

Which will probably cause more angst and consternation for my Liberal Classmate.


Thursday, May 04, 2017

Tolerance and Respect

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Today I witnessed a little Liberal intolerance on FaceBook.  I was enjoying a little back and forth posts from two friends,both of whom I grew up knowing in Lynn, Liberal and One Conservative.  The argument was crisp and robust.... but also respectful.

Out of the Blue, another guy from our High School chimed in with name calling and a Trump bashing rant, concluding with why anyone from Lynn could ever side with Trump.  Pointed and insulting stuff.  Lots of anger and angst.

Peeps.  I hate to burst your bubble, but there is an infinite amount of reality in the universe.  Your version is just that.   Your viewpoint.... if it is an honest representation of reality as you see it..... is as true as the next guy's.

I know that Trump scares a lot of people.  They take literally every bit of smack that he throws out, and project massive generalizations about him.  They never fathomed that he would ever become President and rail against the inappropriateness that he appears to be to them.  Having followed his business career since the eighties, I have always admired him and trust his professional acumen.  But that's me.  I don't condemn others because they don't share my enthusiasm with Trump.

I feel their pain.  After initially being thrilled that America had elected its first Black President, I felt that President Obama transfixed into a Leftist ideologue with and deep seated resentment of America.   I became disillusioned and disappointed with Obama,  But that's me.  I don't condemn those who found solace and consolation with Obama in the White House.

Extoll your viewpoints.  I am happy to agree or disagree.  I will enjoy engaging in a heated discussion to enhance my positions, and trying to expose the shortcomings of viewpoints that I oppose.   But call me or my friends names just because our political viewpoint is different from you.... and show intolerance or disrespect....... That's when you get cast adrift.    That's when the MOAM pulls the plug.   But not without issuing a zinger or two just as a parting gift.

Come back when you grow up and can respect others opinions and tolerate different viewpoints in a free and pluralistic society.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Happy Earth Day

So I guess today was Earth Day.

I saw on the news that Liberals marched against Trump.

I saw people looking to pick up trash very conspicuously on a public property.

I read about some of my Marblehead Selectman candidates talking about some solar panels that were installed somewhere in the Town.

Peeps.... In case you haven't picked up on this by now, I am a solid Denier of Global Warming..... and pretty well damn proud of that fact.

That doesn't make me anti-science.

And it doesn't make me against the environment.

What it DOES make me is ANTI-    Liberal Self Absorbed Phoney Bullshit.

For the entire Obama administration... eight years.... we heard how critical global warming was. Obama said it was our most important issue.  When it seemed that the warming part started not to make sense, Lib thought police changed the name to "Climate Change".  Which is Bullshit.  Every moderately educated person has been taught that the climate is always in flux.   10,000 years ago, I would have been sitting under a Mile High Glacier, while writing this pathetic blog.

I am asking you to examine the last years personally very closely.   Have you seen even one instance of global warming in your own life?  I'm not talking about conjured up statistics that the MSM feeds us as scientific fact.   I'm talking about your own personal experience.  Be honest with yourself.

What has happened to you to think that the Earth is warming and headed for global catastrophe????
Obviously, if we were on the precipice of the abyss, don't you think there would be tangible signs that the weather and environment was starting to get freaky????

SO if you believe in global warming..... give me one freaking example from your own experience.

Just ONE.

Otherwise, honestly admit to yourself, that Global Warming is Liberal Bullshit designed to deter attention away from real problems.... like the national debt and urban decay....  the stuff they don't want you to think about.

Oh, and BTW... Happy Earth Day.

Friday, April 28, 2017

LIVING Room Renovation Products.

The living room area of the 70 Nanepashemet Renovation is one of the focal points of the project.  Because the area basically a 600 sf rectangle, we are looking for ways to make the area comfortable and interesting.   One way is to install a  coffered ceiling system to break up the visual space and add character.

Ekena Millwork CC08ICI02X20X20TR 20"W x 2"P x 20"L Inner Cross Intersection for 8" Traditional Coffered Ceiling System:

20-Inch W x 2-Inch P x 20-Inch L Inner Cross Intersection for 8-Inch Traditional Coffered Ceiling System.

Combined with the raised panel system that I am using for the fireplace mantle, it should give a warm and traditional look to the extensive 20x30 living room area.

Course the brick fireplace has to be refurbished.  I am planning to use this product....
to clean the soot in lieu of the regulare muriatic acid treatment.   I hope this works because the acid is nasty stuff to work with.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Blog Lapse

Superpeep Matt Lyons reminded me that the MOAM has lapsed on this Blog for about three weeks.


Then when I tried to log in, I had a lot of trouble, putting me in somewhat of a MOAM Panic (if that is Possible).  I started to think of the possibility that the wisdom/absurdity of the Nanepashemet Blog may be lost forever.....

Holy SHIT!!!!  Can't even conceptualize the chaos that would cause.

So I am very sorry.... with no real excuses for the lapse.

Yes, Nanepashemet Telecom is in a real slow period with Carriers in a funk about network buildouts.

Yes. the Braintrust of  Nanepashemet has moved to put our resources into high end residential renovation... and have been doing a lot of physical labor lately.

And yes, the MOAM has been focusing alot on Facebook posts.... to the detriment of this pathetic blog.

But these are not excuses.

Peeps..... I have let millions, or thousands.... ok probably tens of you like Matt swing in the breeze.... hoping against Hope that this Blog will provide guidance.  I admit the atrocity of this, and will not let you down..... ever again..... until the next time.



Monday, April 03, 2017

Public Debt Trend

During the Obama Administration, the national debt increased steadily.   It is nice to see that trend has halted since Trump has taken office.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Rigging for Russians

Were the emails false?Image may contain: 1 person, text

This whole "Russia and Putin collaborated with Trump to rig the election" outrage is troubling.  My Libbie friends buy into the generalized comments made by MSM outlets like ABC News as a fait accompli.

But nobody that I have asked.... and your MOAM has asked a shitload of Peeps.... can tell me ONE SPECIFIC EXAMPLE of what the Russians did to make people vote against H.   They say that the Russians hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee, then leaked them to WikiLeaks.

How does that influence the election?
Did they spead FAKE NEWS?

Can you give be ONE SPECIFIC EXAMPLE???????

My problem, as some of you Peeps might have picked up on, is that the MSM spread Fake Polls and Fake News daily against Donald Trump in an effort to derail his election.

The MSM tried to rig it, and it is there in full daily video to document it.

But the Russian investigation is going on in Congress.......
Time to dust off my old copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Watch This to Cheer UP

Needed a little Pick-me-up this morning.
Watching Liberals in utter defeat is always a good prescription for this.

Pink P Hats for PP


Abortion Factory subsidized by us with our federal tax dollars.

Maintains abortion quotas to drive their business.

Sells body parts.

Takes our tax money and donates millions to Democratic candidates who in turn vote to continue to subsidize this organization.

Can't make this stuff up.

And for my intolerant Libbie friends who like to tell me that it is okay because abortion is legal, let me remind you that owning slaves used to be legal in this country as well.    Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral.

However, I have to qualify that despite my firm opinion that abortion in close to all circumstances is immoral, my position on abortion is that I am PRO-CHOICE.

And my reasoning is this.....

The state has the legal ability to take a person's life for just cause.  It is called capital punishment.

The state has given women the legal right to enact capital punishment on the life of a fetus growing within their body.

My prayer is that this ability to enact capital punishment is only exercised in the most egregious circumstances in both cases..... the instance of the state killing a criminal, or a women killing a fetus.

Abortion for convenience is murder.  Aborting a fetus because it doesn't fit your lifestyle, or is at odds with your financial plans, or comes at a time that doesn't meet your schedule..... is MURDER.  It may be legal, but it is still MURDER.    And Planned Parenthood has office quotas to process their business of facilitating murder.

Don't tell me that women who have a legitimate need to go through with this extreme procedure do not have any alternative other  than resorting to this disgusting Planning Parenthood Liberal bastion funded with our tax dollars.

SO if you want to wear your Pink P Hat in support of PP,  go march your ass off.  That is your legal right too.  You are making your point known,,,, that you support this moral decay and the marginalization of life in our society.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017


My Mother-in-Law, Mary LeBlanc passed into the other dimension today.

She suffered a brain aneurysm 14 months ago, had a massive operation and fought her way back to a communicative state for many months.

Nine years ago, she was committed to a nursing home with fluid on the brain.   After a successful procedure, she made a complete recovery and enjoyed quality time with her beloved husband Joe, and her many grandchildren.

We counted her out back then, but she fought back and fooled us.

Then we counted her out 14 months ago, but she fought back and fooled us.

She ended the fight this afternoon.

Like all of us, she was no saint.  Over the years that I knew her... close to 50.... there were ups and downs in my perception of her.   But she ended the last stages of her life in a solid up.

After a long career at Lynn English High School where she was a Business Teacher and a Vice Principal, many knew her as a personable and helpful resource and she was widely accepted and loved

She enjoyed many strong relationships as a Communicant at St. Pius Church in Lynn as well as her neighbors at her apartment building on Victory Road.

But her greatest identity was being "Bam".,,, the grandmother of seven grandchildren and six great grandchildren.  Her grandchildren truly loved her and developed a familial bond that was totally evident to all who witnessed it.

She was a wonderful wife to her husband Joe... the devoted "Bampy" who was such a loyal husband and life companion.

I will miss Bam.  I am glad to have shared this much of the ride with her.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Arts and Crafts Style

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Example of James Hardie Cement Fiber Siding that we are considering for 70 Nanepashemet Street.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Gansbaai, South Africa - Shark Diving

Last September, Mike and I attended Nathaniel and Raelene's Wedding in South Africa.  Fond memories of Great White Shark Cage Diving in Gansbaai, which is a hundred or so miles east of Cape Town.

shark bite

Shark cage-diving

Having experienced this on a controlled basis from within a steel cage, I would not put my big toe in a salt water beach in South Africa.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Bruins Twitter

Grandson Will and his Uncle Mike at the Bruins Philadelpia game today.   Made it to the Bruins Twitter page too!

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Improving Marblehead Neck

Who hasn't dreamed of living on Marblehead Neck?  This North Shore neighborhood, situated on a penisula that borders Marblehead Harbor and Salem Sound,  contains some of the finest ocean front homes in the country as well as the prestigious Eastern Yacht Club and the Corinthian Yacht Club.

Our house renovation on Marblehead Neck has a month of construction work completed after our closing at the end of January.  Our Architect, Jai Singh Khalsa, has proposed an innovative design to open it up with a two story entrance vista and vaulted cathedral ceilings in the Kitchen/ Dining area.

And it doesn't hurt that the 19,000 square foot lot is nestled around a scenic pond replete with peaceful mallard ducks.

Last month was dedicated to permitting and demolition to envision the plan.  This should be accomplished by mid month, and we can start to install the HVAC, and Electricity.   The walls and ceilings will be insulated sometime at the beginning of April, and then the Drywall and Exterior Finishes will commence.

This is a high end renovation in a neighborhood surrounded by two million dollar homes.  We would sell this in its current, ready to develop situation for $1.35 Million.  If you wait for completion, the price will jump to $1.8 million.

A bargain for this incredible area.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Facebook Infatuation and Pluralism

My infatuation with Facebook continues unabated.... which is both entertaining and annoying.

But I am starting to notice trends.

Facebook used to be a status site.   "I'm at Dairy Queen in Everett eating Ice Cream with Henry".

Now it has morphed to extensive political debates and rancorous discourse.

I don't condemn this..... in fact I admit that I really enjoy it.

But I've started to develop some protocols for posting.

I'll respect you, no matter how much I disagree, and no matter how heated our threads get.... as long as the conversation doesn't deteriorate into a personal insult, or you whip out the Racist or Nazi card in your disdain for President Trump.   When that happens, I will do my best to aggravate the crap out of you in the thread,and  afterwards I'll defriend and block you from seeing any more of my posts..... and insuring that I don't see yours.

The reason is that after you show your character by getting underhanded, every time I see you after that, I get a negative feeling.   Life is too freaking short to get aggravated just by seeing your name at that point.  So Buh Bye.

Don't get me wrong.   I don't condemn you to everlasting Hell fire.  I just don't need a negative thought emanating from me just because I see your posts.

And I hope my Facebook experience doesn't get homogenized.... I actually really cherish the exchanges I have with people who I disagree with, but with whom the line of mutual respect for different opinions is not crossed.

 Liberals take Trump literally and don't take him ðŸ˜’ seriously. Conservatives take Trump seriously and don't take him literally. I suppose something in you DNA determines how you react to him. 

I didn't make this up, Saw it somewhere on line, but this explains a lot for me.

After a number of years doing this, it is apparent that "facts" will never change people's opinion... so that is never my expectation to make you change your mind.   My goal in a Facebook political tread is to articulate my position (often so that I solidify it for myself), and have a little fun sparring with those who think differently than I do.

So if you want to be defriended, call me an Asshole, or call our POTUS a Racist.  You will get your wish, and I will move on with people who can respect others in a pluralistic society.

Friday, February 17, 2017

You Might Be A Snowflake

Political Correctness on the Run

For seventy minutes yesterday, President Trump took on the biased left wing media yesterday in a refreshing and open press conference.

Image result for trump news conference

It was incredible how he frankly and openly confronted the bloated and disgusting lazyness of a press that has lost its way after the fawning and phoniness of the Obama last eight years.

On ABC Good Morning America today, your MOAM was pleasantly surprised that George Steffy and his Liberal Syncophants were set on their heals by the President.s frank demeanor.   Their assertions that the White House is in Chaos were echoing with the insidious din of Fake News.

And BTW, don't you love it that the moniker FAKE NEWS is being pinned on the biased Main Stream Media to their utter dismay?   They are trying to make the term socially unacceptable like the "N"word.... it scares them so much.   And it scares them because it defines them.

No longer can they propagandize to the Sheep without consequence.

President Trump's openness is sometimes ackward, but political correctness is now off the table.

This is incredibly refreshing.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Documenting Illegal

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So this event will be covered in the Main Stream Media as far reaching with an overwhelming impact.  Another opportunity for FAKE NEWS.

BTW  "Undocumented" is Libbie Speak for Illegal.

The effort to smear Republicans as being against Immigration only works if they leave out the "Illegal" part.

Immigrants make our country strong.  What is so wrong with requiring that they legally enter our country?

Monday, February 06, 2017


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This is the guy, Tom Brady, that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell tried to restrict by saying that he cheated by  deflating  footballs.  Like Brady ever, ever EVAH had to tamper with footballs.

Brady is an inspiration by his dedication to his career and his family.

Goodell on the other hand, looked like a cur with its tail between its legs as he handed the Lombardi Trophy to Patriots Owner, Robert Kraft, who put the disgusting bureaucrat in his place.

Roger that, Roger.  Karma is a Bitch.

Tom Brady is the Greatest Quarterback of all Time, and all of the Haters like Goodell have come up short.. ONE MORE TIME.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Best SuperBowl Ad

RogerThat_30.43_5th_Ring_WIP02_ProRes from Shields Health Care on Vimeo.

Love is a Never Empty Vessel.

Last Monday, Mike and Pam Nestor saw this guy make his debut on the Earthly Plane.

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We welcome Drew Joseph Nestor with open arms.  Glad that you chose us to be part of your life in this sojourn.   We are expecting no less than great things from Drew and will strive to help you make them happen.

Uncle Ryan and Auntie Kim gave Jack and Emmy Nestor a three month head start.  But you will catch up with your cousins in no time.

The sixth Grandchild for the MOAM.   This never gets old.  Love is a never empty vessel.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Flooring and Planking.

So today, a frigid Saturday in February, my mission is to put down the Maple Hardwood Floor in the guest bathroom and Nanepashemet World Headquarters.

I've had the 3/4 stock piled in my office for a while now, and today is the day that it all gets pneumatically nailed in place.

No Facebook political battles will deter me.   I don't care if you call me a Nazi, Racist, KKK Member, or that Sexist M word that I can never spell..... you won't lure me away from my appointed task.

By the end of the day, I will be looking at a slab of maple hardwood, sparkling in the Bathroom.

The floor will be finished with multiple coats of high gloss Poly over the next week, then baseboards will be installed and the toilet and sink can go in.

Tomorrow, on Superbowl Sunday, my goal is to get some time in the Peabody Shop routing the cove portion of  the cedar strip planking for the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory.    I set up the router table with the specialty 1/4" cove bit last week and the test run was perfect.  So there is a chance that I can finish all of the planks in a couple of hours if I can get on a roll.

Course, everything halts in the afternoon as I prepare rituals to insure that the Patriots win their fifth Super Bowl.  Brady and Belichick deserve it... and not just because they are loyal Trump Supporters.

Integrated into all of this high level activity is the need to check in with Drew Joseph Nestor.... the first born of Mike and Pam Nestor and my sixth Grandchild, who made his entry onto the earthly plane last week, on Monday, January 30.  I'm expecting great things of Drew.... and will definitely teach him how to lay down a hardwood floor and plank a Dory.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Facebook and Politics

Over the last few days, as the reality is setting in that Donald Trump is indeed our President, the level of political discourse seems to have markedly intensified.

Facebook exchanges have become increasing polarized and hostile.  The name calling, insults and epithets have been flying in all directions, making many people very uncomfortable and uneasy.   If you do not endure confrontation well, it is not a place to hang your hat in for any amount of time.

Some people have opted to give Facebook a rest for awhile... but they often are back in the fray momentarily.

Others have lamented the mean spirited turn that posts seem to have taken, and are exhorting to stop posting on political issues.

And some have reveled in the atmosphere of conflict, seeking to aggravate and exasperate with provocative posts.

Those of you who are friends with the MOAM know that I don't mind mixing things up with people.  If you say President Trump is a Nazi, or a Racist, or some other label, I generally will challenge you.  Everyone has a right to their opinion.   But Everyone's opinion isn't always right.

And if you study my posts (which BTW is not a particularly productive time for anyone), you will see that I NEVER stoop to calling people names.   And I consciously strive not to insult people, although this is always hard.   Yet, I have run into instances where people have assailed me saying that I insult them by "presenting opposing opinions" to their posts....  Or say that if I support Trump then somehow I must be threatening my own daughters.... Or say that I must somehow have Republican Friends who are members of the KKK.

These unfounded and incendiary comments portend a scary notion.

This nation is based upon free speech, and the ability for people to express themselves in a quest for happiness and the truth.  If you stifle opposing opinions, you enclose yourself in an intellectual hovel that bans reason and creativity.  It is the path to totalitarianism and ultimately to the loss of liberty.

In a pluralistic, democratic society, political discourse should be a cherished right..... Not a feared and vilified activity.   I will continue to express my political opinions on Facebook and elsewhere in this amazing electronic Internet forum.

The world has become a small village.  And in the American small villages like Marblehead, MA where I live, our ancestors would congregate at the markets, public houses, docks and workshops and exchange political discourse.  There was a face to face civility then that is lost now....where people can speak so freely behind electrons and computer screens.

I hope we can find our civility again, but if not, so be it.  You have a huge flaw in character if everyone likes you.... it means you haven't taken a stand and have no standards.

The beauty of Facebook is the ability to Block those that offend you.   Numerous people have blocked me and I, in turn, rarely suffer someone who continually aggravates me before using the Blocking feature.   I have never been insulted about being blocked. It increases the quality of relationships who appreciate your level of discourse.

So don't give up on Facebook.  It is an incredible resource for a Democracy.   And please block me if I offend you, because I will be doing the same.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Adults in Charge.

I have a Facebook Friend who called President Trump an "Orange Nazi" this morning in a post.

The problem with this juvenile and non-intellectual approach is that it negates the merits of any points presented in the argument.

I've seen my own Congressman, Seth Moulton, who has the potential to be an incredible leader, use this approach.

Grow Up.

In a Free Society, we must have a free exchange of ideas.   Calling people wild and inappropriate names negates the dynamic of this, and is completely ineffective.  Present your argument... that is fine.  But respecting the fact that others have differences of opinion is the only way to make your own judgments gain acceptance.

More and more, it seems like the adults are in charge again, and the bratty kids are whining and throwing stones. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Resolution Review

So far, I've kept to my Resolution to lose at least a pound per week and have shed 10 lbs. or so.  Twenty minutes on the Cybex before any shower and watching my Carb intake has been the ticket.  The exercise by itself only maintains my current weight.... adding the Low Carb diet has been crucial.

Most days, I roll out of bed and hop right on the Cybex after morning coffee.  As my friend, Lisa, used to say, it's better to get it out of the way early in the morning.  Agree Lisa.

But I feel a lot better with this small start.  Lots of miscellaneous aches and pains that I had taken to be a sign of age have diminished or even disappeared.

Joanne and I have gotten into a pattern of eating meat and salad at dinner, and I usually have three scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast.  Juice, Coffee and raw nuts fill the need to snack.  I'm not going overboard though.... Bent Water Pearl Beer, the Nanepashemet Classic Winter Cocktail, and Jameson's Irish have not been banned.

And If I have pizza or pasta, I'm not vilifying myself.  I don't want this to be obsessive.... just want to incorporate a basic low Carb habit into my eating patterns.

But this path has been tread before.  And I have veered off.  Just have to keep it up day by day.

A big plus has been that work at Nanepashemet has gotten back to the physical construction mode as we prepare to flip the property at 70 Nanepashemet Street.  It's nice to get out from behind a computer, and probably a lot more healthy.  This morning though I will be concentrating on the bathroom remodel at Nanepashemet World Headquarters.

Joanne doesn't want to invite any dinner guests over until the remodel is done... and I really don't blame her.  The bathroom is ugly and gross.   So I ripped out the toilet and sink yesterday, will be working in the walls today and hopefully install the maple hardwood floor tomorrow.

That may have to take the place of the Cybex this weekend.

No work on the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory at the shop today, but I'm ahead of schedule on that project.

Have a nice weekend..... next week..... PATRIOTS SUPERBOWL!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day

Today marks the end of political doublespeak in Washington. It is the end of political correctness. It is honesty with the human flaws that honesty exposes. To those who like to have soothing lullaby's from their POTUS, you will be sorely disappointed, But your whining is not reaching the ears of the American Heartland who restored the train of progress on the Trump Train Track.

There is an undertow of joy and celebration that out of touch Libbie Elitists and the Main Stream Media can't admit and won't admit.

God Bless our new President Donald Trump. May you keep tweeting your honest emotions directly to the Heartland that swept you to office. May your God Given management skills restore common sense policy, economic prosperity and true fairness to our great country!

Go Trump!

Go Tom Brady!

Go New England Patriots!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Grandkids Four and Five

Emmy and Jack Nestor.
They are three months old, and I am their Grandfather.
Lord hope they become Republicans.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Narrative Killer.

Sorry for the biased authors of the Liberal Narrative.

I know Trump is supposed to be racist, but unfortunately he received the Ellis Island Award contemporaneously with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali.

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and suit

Moonbat heads set to EXPLODE in 3....2....1.!!!!!

Time for Bean

I've been putting off the purchase of a pair of those cool LL Bean Boots with the rubber soles now for a couple of years. But now that the Liberal Moonbats are howling for a boycott of Bean because one member of the Board contributed to Trump's campaign..... time to put in my order.

Monday, January 09, 2017

Peep of the Year - 2017

So in the last day or so, both wife, Joanne and Daughter-in-Law Kim have asked about the POTY selection for the year 2017.

I admit that I am a little tardy in making this annual momentous announcement, but it is for a good reason and falls appropriately in the Cosmic Plan that the Nanepashemet Blog chronicles from time to time.

Tom McMahon ~ 2007
Lauren Rathbone ~ 2008
Michael "Murph" Murphy ~ 2009
Jeremy Johnson ~ 2010
Tommy O'Shea ~ 2011
Kerry D'Orio ~ 2012
Brady Boyle ~ 2013
Kim Nestor ~ 2014
Pam Nestor ~ 2015
Nathaniel Clarke ~ 2016

These ten individuals all wear the Nanepashemet Peep of the Year (POTY) crown.

Each has had his or her life profoundly changed over the course of their reign.

Some will argue that the Peep of the Year designation has metaphysical power of cosmic proportions.  This  view is pretentious, preposterous, and prone to extreme exaggeration.  And I wouldn't even mention it here if it wasn't for the unfortunate circumstance that I, as your MOAM, harbor the exact same conviction.

How else can you explain the powerful undertow that propels these POTY's in confronting their Karmic Challenges..... each and every freaking day since attaining the ultimate Peep of the Year Plateau?

And now... in 2017.... we come to number Eleven.

Eleven is a very important number to those who dabble in Numerology.   It signifies an awakening of awareness in our true potential.  This Eleventh POTY is a designation that has required a great deal of thought, meditation, and solemn deliberation.

So don't be giving me a lot of WTF style backtalk about the how and the why.... For the last ten years, I have been explaining that the ritual of the choice methodology can never be revealed.... and this stipulation will not be pierced this year.... even if it is the Eleventh POTY.

NANEPASHEMET PEEP OF THE YEAR 2017 .... Christopher Crawford.

Congratulations/Condolences Chris.  For better or for worse, your life has forever changed.


Did you ever notice that Dems like to change the names of stuff ?  Kind of like Propagandists used to do in the Cold War?

So Illegal Aliens now becomes  " Undocumented Immigrants".
Global Warming becomes "Climate Change".

I even remember when Gov. Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts started to call Taxation,  "Revenue Enhancement".

It is a form of thought control when the facts don't seem to fit the Liberal Narrative.

Now Dems prefer to be called "Progressives".

There is a word for all of this....   It is called "Bullshit".

Sunday, January 08, 2017

Medical Insurance Denial

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Wright, Not Wrong

Per my Chiropractor, Dr. Ralph Palombo who has relieved many potential hours of back pain for me.....

The Quotes of Steven Wright:
1 - I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
2 - Borrow money from pessimists -- they don't expect it back.
3 - Half the people you know are below average.
4 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
5 - 82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
6 - A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.
7 - A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
8 - If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
9 - All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
10 - The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
11 - I almost had a psychic girlfriend, ..... But she left me before we met.
12 - OK, so what's the speed of dark?
13 - How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
14 - If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
15 - Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
16 - When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
17 - Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
18 - Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now.
19 - I intend to live forever ... So far, so good.
20 - If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
21 - Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
22 - What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
23 - My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
24 - Why do psychics have to ask you for your name
25 - If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
26 - A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
27 - Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
28 - The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
29 - To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
30 - The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
31 - The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.
32 - The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
33 - Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film.
34 - If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
35 - If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Solvable Ripping Problem

This is a very general schedule for building the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory.


I think it is doable, but I have been experiencing a little trouble ripping the twenty foot 5/4 red cedar planks into 1/4" inch strips.  The board seems to drift from the table saw fence after about 15 feet or so.  And if I clamp feather boards too tight, the board binds the blade and the saw blows a fuse.

A little perplexing, but nothing a MOAM can't solve.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

2017 Resolutions

2017 is finally here.

My intuition says that it will be an epic year.  Lots of stuff that I have been planning seem to be manifesting this year.

So there is nothing like New Year's Day to kick the new year off right.

And after numerous requests by Pesky Peeps to reveal my Resolutions, I have reluctantly decided to comply.

1.  Lose 1 pound a week for the next 52 weeks.

How will this occur, you may skeptically ask?  Especially since I have made such claims before and failed miserably?

This year, I will get on the Cybex and pedal a burn everyday for at least 20 minutes.   Yes, 20 Minutes to work up a sweat and raise my metabolism before I take my daily shower.   This is not impressive, but it is a lot better than letting the Cybex sit not pedaled for months at a whack.

And I will also get into a pattern of lifting the Olympic weights with the 5x5 routine three times a week.

And finally, I plan to do a juice fast two day cleanse at least once every month.

So, when I sit here 52 weeks from now posting into this pathetic Blog, I will be 52 lbs lighter.  How much will I weigh?  Not for full disclosure, but it will still be over 200 lbs, and the process will have to continue into 2018.  But I'll be able to wear all of the pants in my closet.

Which brings me to my next Resolution.

2.  Get rid of the clutter.

Yes, Peeps.  I admit that I can lapse into a bit of a hoarder.  Holding onto stuff and claiming it will be useful to the point where a lot of junk starts to pile up.  This year will be the year to file or box everything away.... clothes, tools, and records.   And it it doesn't fit, or I don't use it , I am tossing it.   What the Hell.... I live less than a quarter mile from the Marblehead Dump anyway.

And the Next Resolution.

3. Finish the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory in time to get some serious Blues and Striper fishing in this summer.

Tempus Fugit Peeps.   The MOAM is running out of summers and it is time to make the most of each one.

And the Final Resolution,

4.  Lay off of arguments with people on social media.

It may surprise you to know that I realize that I am a thick skinned Irishman who doesn't know to how to call it quits sometimes.... especially when I think I am in the right,  And as my old Boss, Ed Calnan, used to say...."I hate to fight until I get into a fight.... then I love it."   Growing up in Lynn and being used to verbal abuse makes me always ready to enjoy a good argument.  But not everybody does and I resolve to back off more often because words can hurt, especially on Facebook where people can't see that you are not as crazy as your posts indicate.

So those are my resolutions this year.
They all seem attainable.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to Nanepashemet Peeps of all religions, races, nationalities, and sexes.

Have I covered it all?

I Hope So.

To all my Liberal Friends who think that 2016 was such a terrible year.... well.... just turn that frown upside down.   Donald Trump will someday be hailed as one of the truly great American Presidents.... able to pull all groups together as one American Nation.

I know that many of you will call me names, and raise some incantations against me regarding this, but it is my true belief, and I'm not going to get all Phucking Politically Correct as you get carried kicking and screaming to the Promised Land.

Face it.  BO was a narcissist divider ideologue.   H was a self serving manipulator.   The Donald is a Billionaire who has put it all on the line to lead this country to a better situation.

I know that he scares a lot of you, because he doesn't pander to your whims and petty outrages.   But in time, you will benefit regardless.  His economic policies will raise all boats, and his truthful outlook will press our country forward rather than prattle from side to side.  The US will stop the slide to mediocrity under his watch.

So, you don't have a panderer, telling you what you want to hear.   You will be better for it.

Hopefully, Liberals will come back from the level of intolerance and close mindedness that we see today.  Maybe they will allow people to actually disagree with them without calling them racists, Nazi's, sexists and worse.    But sticks and stones Baby.  Insult people and name names all you want.  Their intolerance is their loss as they become more and more irrelevant in their perceived outrages and manufactured issues

The country elected Trump because the Heartland is done with the elitist Bullshit.

But I'm getting away from my Main Point.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Freud Ripping Blade.

Earlier this year, I bought this Freud 10 In. 30 Tooth Thin Kerf Glue Line Rip Saw Blade with 5/8 In. Arbor from Amazon in anticipation of ripping the 5/4 Red Cedar planks into planking strips for the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory.   But I haven't installed it in the table saw until today when I bought the 20' x 6" cedar stock from Moynihan Lumber in Beverly.

Man, this thing really rips cuts beautifully. I did some test cuts on 2x6 pine and it made the lumber look like finished stock. It cost over fifty bucks on Amazon, but will be worth it for the finish cuts and thin kerf that it provides

 I estimate that it will take three hours of concerted sawing to rip the six twenty foot planks into 1/4" inch strips.  I will count this as a bona fide workout.

Then I will set up the bead and cove router table operation to finalize these strips for planking. 

As an added incentive to get this project done, the Marblehead Harbormaster called today and confirmed that he is moving my mooring to the Stramski Beach area.    So I've decided to put the Herreshoff Tender on the #16 ring and put the Dory on the new mooring location.

This is getting good.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory - Planning a Launch

So today was a breakthrough for the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory.  All of the frames and stems have been attached to the bottom panel, and I priced cedar planking at Moynihan Lumber in Beverly where I bought the stock for the Herreshoff ColumbiaTender that I built nine years ago.

We are talking $3.47 per Linear Foot for 5/4" x 6" wide cedar.   They have a number of boards at a twenty foot length, and that is the size that I will need without any scarf joints.   So it looks like the Planking lumber will run about $540.00 for six planks from which I will rip eleven 1/4" strips from each.

Each twenty foot strip will then be routed with a bead on one end and a cove on the other.  The strips will be put in a steam box made from twenty feet of PVC Pipe so that it can curve around the frames,  Each frame will be planed at the junction of the plank so that the plank rests flush with the frame and glue will be added in each cove so that each plank will meld with the corresponding one.

All of this should take place in January and February, In March, the fiberglass and epoxy will be applied to the entire exterior and interior of the hull and the seats, decking and scantlings will be installed.   I have some nice olkume marine 8 mm plywood that I bought from Boulter Plywood some time ago for the decking and seating.

At this point, I do not intend to install a centerboard and sail port but I am definately going to construct  a motor well and install a 10 HP motor..... probably a 4 stroke Yamaha that will be rigged to a unit that can raise and lower the outboard in the well.

The boat maintains the Chamberlain lines that John Gardner drew, but I am exaggerating the bow and transom stems so that it will give a hint of a Viking Long Boat vessel.  That should cause a little stir around the Marblehead and Salem harbors. At least I won't be mounting shields on the gunnels.   Although how cool would that be?????

 Also, Gardner has  standard six inch planking with hard chines on the frames, and this will not be the case, as I have rounded the chines and will be going with the cedar strip planking with the aid of steaming to make the tight planking curves.

The Marblehead Harbormaster left me word today that I am able to transfer my float ring from the Village Street Wharf to the new Patterson Wharf which is at the end of Stramski Way.  So being able to walk to the tender on the ring and locating the Dory off of Stramski will be really convenient.

Nothing left to do but to finish this dory by May.... then fish will DIE!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Thank You Steffy


A couple of notes.

1.  I'm done doing Facebook battle with Libs who are afraid of Trump and think that the world, as these Snowflakes know it, is coming to an end.

2.  No matter how much they goad me, I will not respond.... thus making me the better man, and also causing the MOAM to automatically win the argument.

3.  I will admit to myself that the Libbie pattern of thought comes from a completely different set of wires that cannot be uncrossed with truth, facts or persuasion, and I will now show compassion rather than aggravation.

And to demonstrate my new set of convictions, I will only watch ABC Good Morning America with the Dem Shill Steffy when I am pedaling on my Cybex Stationary Bike.

Image result for stephanopoulosThis way.... if I emerge in a couple of months as a svelt, sleek chick magnet, by channeling aggravation and disgust into fat melting activity,,,, I will have my Libbie antagonists to praise rather than to chastise.

Please.... don't make a big thing out the brilliance of this plan.
I don't think it was mine.... seems to have been divinely inspired.

Image result for GMAImage result for GMA

Thank you Steffy.

In the pursuit of learning,
every day something is acquired.
In the pursuit of Tao,
every day something is dropped.
Less and less is done
until non-action is achieved.
When nothing is done,
nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by
letting things take their course.
It cannot be ruled by interfering.

~ Lao Tsu ~
Tao Te Ching

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Snowflake Melt Down


Poor Snowflakes.

Are they sad because all of their whimsy won't be catered to as Trump confronts the real world on their behalf?

This whole idea about feeling unsafe...... we need to have all of these self-absorbed ego maniacs read a little Emerson.    You. Know... Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Author of  "Self Reliance".

Hillary lost the election.  She can't help you.... and had no FREAKING plans to help you.   Trump will show you reality.  And thus make yours a hell of a lot better.

Buckle up Buttercups.  Trump will help you stand on your own two feet..... rather than be bound by Bullshit Liberal Promises.


This is the Herreshoff Columbia Tender that I built nine years ago.  Needs to be thoroughly restored today.    I hope to get it in condition by June 2017.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks rode this bus in a front row seat 61 years ago today.

God Bless Rosa Parks.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Popular Vote

My Libbie friends like to point out with apparent correctness that H  won the popular vote.
Here is how that was accomplished.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.

Credit Allen West with this, and fact check to your Leftist Hearts Content.

God Bless the wisdom of our Founding Fathers who established the Fairness and Logic of the Electoral College system.   Now, should we talk about the death threats made to the Electoral College members?  Why is this not surprising? 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

First Pass at a Water Heater

So I bought this Finnex Digital Heater Controller with Deluxe Titanium Tube heater for the Fish Tank and it seems to be doing the trick of keeping the water at 50 degrees and the temperature in the greenhouse at about 5 degrees cooler as it filters through the system.

The unit sits on the the bottom of the tank and must be immersed in water to work safely.  I think the fish will like it.

It's way too soon to draw conclusions, but I'm optimistic.