Sunday, October 02, 2016

Official Autumn Cocktail

So here we are in October.

Time to break out the Seagrams VO and Cider, which has been the official autumn drink of Nanepashemet for since even before you pathetic Peeps started asking me what cocktail you should be drinking.

This year, I have substituted the cinnamon garnish with some pumpkin pie spice which is just cinnamon with some ginger mixed in for the most part.

A most satisfying Beveridge to watch the Patriots game with.

Pats are playing the Bills who are coached by Rex Reed.... a most despicable rival.   Course the Bills are up by 10 points in the first period, and the Pats have shown no ability to even make a first down.

So I'm going to sit back and chill with the Official Autumn Cocktail.

There is always a reason to be happy.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Federal Street Firehouse.

This is where my father worked when I was growing up.

I remember it like it was yesterday.  That's how freaking old I am.

 In the back of this fire barn on Federal Street in Lynn, they built boats until the new Chief put an end to that activity.  My father built a 14' motor boat with fins that he put a 35 HP Johnson outboard on for power.   That Johnson was totally undependable.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Power of Forgiveness

I've decided that I have to make a change for my own mental welfare.

I can no longer harbor such hostile emotions towards those of you who express your support of a disgusting racketeer who will say or do anything to keep power and guide largess to her criminal family syndicate.

I want you to know that I forgive you.

I forgive you if you don't care about using a unclassified server to launder the activities designed to sell state influence through the State Department.

I forgive you if you have no sympathy for parents of Benghazi victims who were lied to their face about a phoney video and the lack of attention to the cause of their relatives senseless deaths.

I forgive you if you don't care that a disbarred corrupt person, fined numerous times for things like Whitewater, and stealing White House furniture will potentially have another run at the stuff she couldn't lift.

I forgive you if you believe that all of the  people who ran afoul of the Syndicate and ended up having accidents or committing suicide is a coincidence.

I forgive you if you can look at a person lying right to people's faces about vast right wing conspiracies and persecuting the victims of her husband's sexual attacks.

There is a ton of other shit that I forgive you for if you continue to support such a disgusting racketeer as our President of the United States.

But I doubt if your Grandkids will forgive you.

They will be dealing with a country rife with racial hatred as jobs drain away from inner cities.
They will be drowning in incredible debt from eight more years of public spending with no conscience.
They will see their rights erode through a Supreme Court packed with self serving Planned Parenthood supporters who don't blink an eye at the murder of the unborn and only care about taking away your ability to arm yourself and defend your family against a swelling crime rate.
They will be subject to the actions of Radical Islamic Terrorists entering the country openly and freely.
They will see the demise of our nation from the most powerful country in the world to a struggling economy wary of China and Russia.

I forgive you.... because I want to live the rest of my years in peace. And I can't be aggravated by the moral and economic demise of this great country because of your support for Disgusting H.  Forgiveness is the only way.

But your Grandkids are screwed if this Disgusting Racketeer has her way with our Country in the next eight years.

You are OK with me, but maybe not so much with them.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Aquaponics Update

So many of you have been asking about how the aquaponics project has been progressing....
I don't blame you.   It is freaking fascinating if I do say so myself.

The fish seem to be healthy with a steady diet of Purina Game Fish feed with some white bread balls that I toss to them as a treat from time to time.  One died early in the project, but it was the largest by far.   The other sixteen are swimming around the 250 gallon plastic juice container and seem fine.

Sometimes they greet me in a friendly manner and look for some bread balls, and other times they seem to freak out and back into the far corner of the tank.   I haven't figured out what sets off this behavior.  Predators visit the site at night, probably raccoons, and maybe they terrorize the fish.   That's just a supposition.

I have spread clay pellets over the bottom of the tank to simulate a gravel pond bed.   Hopefully this will cause them to breed and make nests.  3" PVC Pipe pieces have also be laid on the bottom of the tank to give them a place to hide and feel safe and I have witnessed the fish going in an out of the pipes.

With the 1100 GPH pump water pump that connects the fish tank to the grow beds, the water circulates out of the tank every 15 minutes or so, and the one time that I emptied the swirl filter barrell, it had an inch layer of stinky fish poo solids at the bottom, so the fertilizing nutrients of the fish tank are definitely circulating through the system.

The water flow through the PVC pipes connecting the swirl filter to the three grow beds has needed frequent tweaking.... moving the pipes to get a constant flow to each of the tanks.   If water is not agressively filling the grow beds, the bell siphons don't activate and drain all of the water from the beds.  For the most part, the siphons have worked well and after a little leveling of the beds, there has been no issue with water returning to the fish tank.

The solar power system has proved inadequate to keep the 100 watt pump powered on a 24/7 basis, and it has only been used during times of direct sunlight to the two 100 watt panels.  I have calculated that I will have to add eight additional panels to make up the balance, and it is not financially feasible to make that investment, so I have been content to power the system from my House supply.

As far as the actual plant production in the grow beds, this has been victimized by numerous attack by noctural predators.... probably raccoons or a woodchuck.  At times, they ate all of the vegetation except the tomatoes.   Zuchini, winter squash and cucumbers were annihilated.  Kale and Sweet Potatoes leaves  as well as spearmint plants rebounded well after every attack.

I think we'll have a tomato crop in a month or so, and I replanted rhubarb and kale.

But the larger response to this predator issue has been the decision to encompass the grow beds and the swirl filter with polycarbonate sheets to create a greenhouse and hopefully keep the system functional through the cold weather months.

This has been framed in pressure treated 2x4's and the sheets will be encased in cedar  and placed in the frames with an access system that I haven't figured out yet.   This will happen in October.

I still owe a striped bass fishing trip to Rich Mah, who helped me stock the tank in June.

All in all, the project has been enjoyable if not productive in terms of fresh vegetable produce.  It will be interesting to keep the fish alive and the system circulating over the winter.

Monday, September 19, 2016

An Epic Wedding

When a Peep of the Year decides to get married and put on a wedding, you always have to expect that it will be larger than life..... because that is what POTY's do.

But when POTY, Nathaniel Clarke, tied the knot with Raeleen Rourke this past weekend, they produced a wedding celebration that can only be called epic in the considered opinion of this MOAM.

Since Nate has been one of Son, Mike Nestor's, best friends, and a person held in the highest regard by the Nestor family, we were honored when he invited us to his wedding to be held in South Africa....  and when I say South Africa... I mean the whole freaking country,

Mike and I made the journey to honor Nate and Raeleen by flying to Cape Town by way of London and Johannesburg in a 17 hour flight.  Mike went immediately to a Cape Town Modern house where the Bachelor Party was in play, while I stayed on the ocean front hotel, keeping out of the line of fire that generally besets this type of gathering.   After overcoming jet lag and taking in the beautiful Camp Bay of Cape Town, we journeyed 2 1/2 hours by bus to Gansbaai to do a little Great White Shark Cage diving.
Photo of Shark Seekers

It's not too often that a Mountain of a Man like myself lets out a terrified scream, and I was particularly lucky that it happened while I was underwater as a 4 meter shark cruised right next to a fairly rickety shark cage.  Then to see the huge critter crest out of the water in the chase of a tuna head on a rope and bare his rows of teeth was a frightful thrill.  And it was pretty close to shore.
Image result for table mountain cape town
You won't see me snorkeling in these waters, and the water was very cold as well,,,, even with the wet suits that they equipped us with.

Cape Town itself has to be one of the most beautiful cities on earth.   Beautiful developed harbor, beautiful beaches, and Table Top Mountain rising in the center of the city, with spectacular views of it from all directions.

From Cape Town, we flew to Johannesburg to group up for a 5 1/2 bus trip into the Bush at Hoedspruit. The ride carried us through the majorly developed Johannesburg area, past vast farmland plains and ultimately through the Mountains to the Bush Country We went from sophisticated five star hotels to mud huts with grass roofs.

The Kapama River Lodge of South Africa Game Reserve was to be the venue for this epic wedding ceremony.

Peeps... by sundown, we were viewing a pride of lions feasting on an antelope kill in the bush.   If that isn't cool, then cool doesn't exist.

Over the course of two game drives in successive days, we ran into the Lions, Rhinos, Hippos, an Elephant devouring a Tree that it had knocked down, Giraffes, Water Buffalo, Warthogs, all kinds of Antelope, Monkeys ,a Hyena with a scorpion in its mouth, Jackals, Zebra, Vutures, and numerous other spectacular birds.  Needless to say, between the Great Whites and the Safari Big Game it was a wondrous time to view some of the most spectacular of God's Creatures.

But as cool as that experience was, the best was yet to come.

Nathaniel and Raeleen had meticulously planned an African Wedding on Friday night, replete with incredible tribal dancers and a culturally symbolic ceremony out in the bush, in front of a blazing open wood fire.  Trying to describe the magnitude and spectacle of the Dances and Drumbeats while reciting traditional Zulu, Coza and Situ chants as well as their tribal costumes is beyond the literary capabilities of your MOAM.  That's how freaking awesome it was.

The Saturday ceremony also held in the Bush, but with a traditional wedding vows protocol that included moving statements by Nathaniel and Realeen of their love, admiration and commitment to each other.   It got the MOAM pretty choked up, and I might have even squeezed out a tear or two.  Hey.....I've got a sensitive side, so STFU.

We were transported back to the Main Lodge in the Safari Drive trucks, in our wedding finery but not before a detour of an hour or two when we saw zebras, and needed to disembark to use nature's "behind a tree" urinal.  The women were not to be outdone in this endeavor either as they copped a squat for a much more relieved ride trough the dirt road back to the Lodge.  I will admit that I was nervous about snakes while I was taking a piss in the Bush.

Nate and Raeleen put together a killer live band for the reception, and they played until 11:00 PM or so, when the disc jockeys came out and took over until 6:00AM.

Your MOAM hit the sack around 2:00AM, having exhausted any dance moves still lurking in my sorry White Man's Repertoire.  At weddings like this, if the spirit doesn't move you, then you probably can't move anyway.

It has been an eventful journey trying to return home to Marblehead... which is probably grist for a future Blog post.   I also will be resuming the Peep of the Week selections, inspired by people and events of this week.

Peeps... My advice to you is to keep your eyes and ears open for the names of Nathaniel Clarke, Raeleen Rourke Clarke, and their Daughter Nyla Clarke.  There is a magical essence about this couple.... someday I will be boasting that I knew them when and I was actually at their Safari Wedding..... and it will be all true.   Even if it still seems like a dream to me now.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

The Sheep Don't Care




I confess that I am mystified why anyone would support Hillary Clinton as their President.  It seems that they just don't care about all of the lies, and immoral behavior that she exhibits.

So I have been examining a theory of why someone who probably is a good person would vote for a disgusting racketeer like H.

My current rumination is that Moonbats see Republicans as authority figures who somehow are responsible for all of the problems that Libbies face. The don't take responsibility for their own lives and want government to fill their void for security. So they vote against Republicans and will gladly support a liar and manipulator like H who panders to them rather than exposing the harsh truths that comes with taking care of yourself. 

If you are someone who will not pander, like Trump, then you are a big, meany bully or worse.   Conservatives wants them to stand on their own two feet.   Which of course, they can't.

Unfortunately, when they stand, they stand in lock step like a herd of sheep.  In our electoral system, they are effective in maintaining a majority of votes, which sweeps their shepherds into office.

That is my expert opinion given that I took Psych 101 at UMASS, which originally was an agricultural college.

But I have been getting more and more proficient in Liberal Language these days.

"BAA BAA BAAAAAA" translates as "We love Hillary.  We don't care about her corrupt, money laundering foundation and her lies about email and Benghazi."

And "BAA BAA BAA BAA BAAAAAAAA" means "Give us free stuff.  Take money from big meany millionaires and give it to us."

So that is my theory of Moonbat Libbies and their thought process.  The Sheep Don't Care.   Why they think that way is still a mystery.  I think it must be a disease.

Saturday, September 03, 2016


Saturday Checklist

  • 1 hour bike ride around Marblehead
  • Frame out Aquaponics Greenhouse
  • Plant rhubarb and kale
  • Shower
  • Buy Beer
  • Grill Something
  • Chill
  • Catch up on early "Ray Donovan" episodes
  • Play Banjo on the Deck until Joanne Complains
  • Log onto Facebook and try to lure my Libbie Friends into a debate.
  • Go to bed and listen to weird paranormal sites on YouTube
  • Cuddle with Henry the Cat
  • Sleep perchance to Dream
Give Thanks to God for the Blessings of this Day.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Salvaging the Summer

So it's Labor Day.
Freaking Already!!!!

Every Summer it's the same thing.   Slips by without any real celebration.  No fish, no vacation.... just lots of work.

And so it was this year.

I had numerous business details to tend to, and the summer walked right by.  My Mother died,  My Mother in Law went into Hospice, Daugters in Law got pregnant.... the circle of life remained in full array.

The Aquaponics project showed promise though.  Even though Critters stripped any vegetables away, I learned a lot, the fish survived, and I will build a greenhouse enclosure to thwart whatever gopher or raccoon who has treated me like his Bitch.

Mike and I will be heading to Cape Town and Johannesburg to celebrate the wedding of Nathaniel soon, and I hope that this will be a milestone to remember.  After that, I will get the Herreshoff Tender back into rowing shape and see if I can salvage some autumn fishing.

There still is September, and that will have to do this year.

Friday, August 26, 2016

A Crack in the Smashed Glass Ceilling

Pay attention to Kellyanne Conway.

She is the new Trump Campaign Manager.

She is a strong, articulate woman who will cause consternation with the Libbie narrative about Hillary's "Smashed Glass Ceiling".

Clinton Shill, George Stephanopoulos, just got manhandled by Conway on his Clinton Propaganda Yellow Journalist Good Morning America mainstream media Liberally biased show.


This is getting good.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The American Dream

Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia. His family and mentors were Marxist. His birth certificate is unobtainable. His college transcripts are unobtainable. He grew up to be President of the United States. It is an unbelievable accomplishment. Forget his Leftist Antti-American agenda, Attaining the Presidency was a remarkable unparalled achievement. Hats off to Barack Hussein Obama for pulling off the most unlikely path to the United States Presidency ever conceived.

Job Description

No Peeps.... That's not me, nor will it ever be me.

I would be too afraid to climb the step ladder that leads to the first climbing peg.  My fear of heights causes a sick feeling in my groin that no amount of cajoling can overcome.  Don't know why.... probably an unfortunate past life fall or something.

My job is to find the courageous climbers who don't have this fear and hire them to perform tower work.

drone charging

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kate and Dad


My Daughter Kate and your MOAM a number of years ago when we launched the Columbia Herreshoff Tender.   Lots  of stuff has happened since then.

Kate got married to my favorite Son-in-Law, Brady Boyle.
Then she bore our third Grandson, Connor, who has already become such an important member of the family.

Some peole that we love have died... Lisa Panakio Rowe and my Mom come to mind.... completing the circle of life.

Business has been good, bad, good, bad.... the Lord ultimately provides.

And the Columbia Herreshoff Tender is now in dire need of resanding and revarnishing.... to the extent that I will not row again until I have invested about 20 hours in refurbishment this late summer and fall.

100 years from now, this will all be unknown.... even to our direct descendents.  My hope is that Connor might be around.

Tempus Fugit.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cupcakes and Bullys

Pussyfication and Cupcakery.

It is the condition that arises when "Progressives" get their feelings hurt when the Big Meany Donald Trump says bad things about  the fragile and demure Hildebeest.

Donald is such a "Bully".   It's not fair for him to hit back when BO and H make up phoney shit about Trump to feed to their sheep.  Course the stuff that they say about Trump is ok because Trump deserves it.

The Pussyfication of America is gathering steam with each melting glacier.  It will only stop when the Big Mean Bully is stymied by the mainstream media misrepresenting his every utterance  and he stops calling poor H a scheming Crook.

"BAA, BAA, BAAAAAAA"..... which is Liberalese for "Yay Yay Hillery.  We love you so much and hate Evil Republicans".

But just for the record......  There is basically no difference between a Pussified Cupcake and a Phoney Liar.   Because anyone with a brain can see through the Cupcake Act.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Offended and Outraged

Lately there has been a lot of stuff that Donald Trump says that has offended people and caused outrage.

I don't buy it.

Nobody is "Offended" and nobody is "Outraged" and if you believe this, then you are as goofy as the Cupcakes who pretend to be "Offended".

The pandering media and Manipulative H think that we all are part of their sheep herd.

I'm counting on enough people out there who actually have a brain of their own.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Nanepashemet Memes




Day Two - Going for Gopher

It's Day Two of me trying to stay out of the Facebook Political POTUS Fray.

Day One was tough as Teddy Gautreault sucked me in with a taunt about a Harvard non-endorsement of Trump.  C'mon Ted.  Are you trying to tell me that Harvard kids are wicked smaaat or something?  I would hire a kid from UMASS or Northeastern in a heartbeat over those elitist cupcakes.

I wish I didn't succumb to Ted's trap, but I resisted  all others... including posts from the cunning Jim Lundgren who has lately been on a Trump rant.

And, It's pretty tough when I continue to watch ABC News, which is such a detrimental habit.  Is it political if I say that ABC SUCKS????  I guess I don't care if it is or not.  There is a specia lplace in Hell for the propagandists of the Main Stream Media who would rather herd sheep than accurately report the news.

But I digress.... and rather obsessively so.

Now for the original topic of this pathetic post....

There is a mystery going on outside with the Aquaponics project.  Fully fifty gallons of water continue to be missing from the system every night, with the fish tank sometimes only a quarter full.  You would think that fifty gallons would leave a trace, but no discernable leaks or drips are coming from the undersides of any of the grow beds, fish tank or swirl filter.

WTF is going on?????

Seems like the water is disappearing into thin air.... which is my only current conclusion since the summer has been so dry here on the North Shore of Boston.

And a critter has attacked the grow beds rather aggressively.... destroying the zucchini, chomping all of the kale, eating green tomatoes and devouring squash and sweet potato leaves.

My Friend, Christos Laganos has an electrified fence around his garden as well as a Kurt Schilling scare crow.   I would probably electrocute myself if I followed his lead.  Have spread coffee grounds around the perimeter of the beds but I not sure how effective this is.

I'm glad I am not depending on the success of this crop to live.  So far, we have enjoyed a couple of cucumbers, one zucchini, some tomatoes and peppers, but so bounty for sure.  Native Americans who farmed this Marblehead peninsular planted hills of corn interspersed with beans and squash.   They must have placed sentries on a 24 hour basis to keep the critters out.

By the look of the tracks on my deck stairs, the culprit is either a raccoon or the gopher that I have seen from time to time.

And I think that the critter has been terrorizing the poor fish in the tank, because some mornings, they cheerily emerge to be fed, and other times they cower in the corner of the tank.

The growbeds will have to have cold frame type polycarbonate covers constructed for the winter months anyway, so maybe I can fend this problem off in future growing seasons by covering the beds in the evening.

Anyway.....If you see me wearing a stylish fur hat around Old Town, you'll know that I have solved the problem in the short term.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Fishing.... Not Necessarily Catching


This is solid evidence that I actually know how to catch Bluefish.

Proof Positive.

And it used to be that I would hook up every time I went out.
But lately.... WTF is going on????

Same techniques, same spots.... freaking nothing.

It's starting to piss me off.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Taking a Break

I've been getting pretty riled up over the Presidential Race lately.... in case you haven't noticed.

As much as I would like to have self control, I can't help getting so pissed off at all of the stupidity, duplicity, lack of veracity and overall bullshitery that this race has produced.

Trump is an accomplished business man who has never had to act politically correct.... so he is a freaking bull in a china shop.

And Clinton.... well...don't get me started.  The way she lies with impunity and her obvious corruption is a source of great stomach unrest for me.

The worse thing is that I find myself getting really irritated when people seem oblivious to the stuff that seems to be staring me in the face.

People have a right to their opinion... even if you think that their opinion is phucking asinine.

So out of respect for my fellow man, and fellow woman.... I've decided to take a break.

Not for the duration of the political season.... but at least for a couple of weeks or so.

And it's a good time for me to focus elsewhere too,

Nanepashemet Telecom is sizzling hot and opportunities are breaking down the doors.  I owe it to the company and the great people who work there to put two hands on the steering wheel and rev up the potential of these opportunities.

Plus I'm heading to South Africa soon to attend the wedding of SuperPeep Nathaniel Clarke and his incredible betrothed, Raelene Rourke. This will require full attention to party down safari style, and I don't want to think for a minute how disgusting Clinton is, or how inappropriate Trump is while celebrating this important international event.

So there you have it.   All of my Facebook friends who cringe at my heavy handed and one-sided remarks are in for a welcome respite.

And so am I.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

A Message to Donald Trump

Donald -
Normally I only address these Blog Posts to Nanepashemet Peeps, and I'm pretty sure that you have never hit this Blog for advice, so I'm compelled to reach out to you directly.

Donald.... Big Don.... Master DT..... this is coming in the form of a plea.

Will you please, for the sake of God, get your shit together????
Stop saying stupid stuff that makes you look like an 8th Grade Goofball????
Let the Moonbats like George Stef. pass by without feeding them massive soundbites?????
Allow the Libbie Bomb tossers to launch their diatribes without stooping to add gasoline to the inappropriate rants that they make????

Don... do you know what will happen if you don't beat the Disgusting Clinton Syndicate come November????

We will be screwed.
Not for eight years..... but for thirty or more.

H will stack the Supreme Court with Moonbat Whackjobs who will form an intractable majority for the next thirty years... raining down a storm of Liberal Jurisprudence that will affect us for several generations.

H will open the immigration door to pad the Democratic sheep herd for decades.... not to mention the Jihadists who will slip in with the happy parade of welfare recipients.

H will run up the tab like Obama did... writing checks that we can't cash and harnessing our hapless grandchildren with massive federal debt.

And it will all be because you, Don, couldn't stop saying stupid shit off of the top of your head.

I have faith that you are a competent manager who will hire the best and the brightest to run our country and fix the corruption and largess that eight years of BO waffling has produced.

I have faith that international thugs will think twice with your finger on the trigger, making National Defense decisions that are forthright and effective.

And I have faith that you can bring real economic prosperity to our country, creating jobs and lessening the tensions that have caused the worse racial disharmony in the last thirty years.

But none of this will happen if you don't clean up your act.  You have a lifetime of accomplishment that is about to go into the shit chute if you allow a disgusting criminal like Hillary to beat you in this election.

We are depending on you Donald.
Pull it together.
Win this Freaking Election.

It's important.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016

D and H

So now we have the Race for POTUS in full focus.

A Corrupt Liar v. An Egotistical Business Icon

Libs are up in arms because Trump in his ackward, buffoon style opined that the Russians should try to see what is in Hillary's 30,000 erased emails.  They say he is guilty of Treason.

Not for Nothing, but if the deleted emails were all about Yoga Pants and Wedding Plans...... who cares if the Russians see them???

H says that nothing in those emails was government business.  They were all personal.

Unless they weren't.

And if you believe that those emails were about yoga pants, then stop by my office because I have a selection of Bridges that I can sell you for cheap money.

I agree that it is a tougher than usual choice in this POTUS election go around.   But it is a choice that you and I have to make.

Clinton's have already made millions fleecing this country.
If you don't think that they will be selling us out and lying to us about it.... well that is something that you should really work on.

Maybe it is time to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe his actions and management will not be as awkward as his rhetoric.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Liberals and Conservatives

Last night of the Democratic National Convention.

It's not just that I disagree with Liberals.....  I basically have no idea how anyone with a brain can possibly think the way they do.   It must be a distinct way that the neurons and synapses are wired.

I'm sure that they think the same way about Conservatives.

It is a wide chasm with no discernible bridges.

I trust that God made both kinds for a reason.   Damned if I can figure it out though.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Bent Water and the DNC

My friend, Christos Laganos, remarked the other day that it seems like the Democrats and the Republicans have switched their positions over the last twenty years.  It used to be that the Dems were the cool guys and the GOB were odd balls.  Now the Republicans seem to have their shit together and the Democrats show up like freaking whack jobs.

Course, twenty years ago I was a Democrat and now I am close to being a declared Republican.   So maybe that is the prism that projects this view.

I can't imagine the "Lion of the Democratic Party" Ted Kennedy appearing anywhere close to being defined as a Socialist... but it's easy to see how Sanders has lured the pandering Hillary into that far Left position.


I have a couple of cans of Bent Water Pearl this evening that will last me through the opening night of the Democratic National Convention.  The theme tonight is "Unity".... so far, they have kept the obnoxious Debbie Wasserman Shultze off of the stage due to the latest email scandal, and Bernie supporters are wicked pissed that H. has rigged this election like she does everything else.

The whole Super Delegate system of the Democrats is an elitist method to rig the election and make sure that the people's choice is in line with the choice of the Party elites.... while the GOP goes with the vote of the people.    

And the media stands by and lets the corruption stand.

I don't get it.

Blessed to have Attended

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Jameson and the Republicans

A nice pour of Jameson over ice, and watching the Republican National Convention is a good combination.


So far, the RNC has been very interesting with the controversial speech by Melania Trump with passages pulled from Michelle Obama's previous address, the strong appearances of the Trump offspring, the gloves off remarks by Guiliani, Christi, and Gingrich.  And of course the self centered speech by Ted  Cruz who has shown his colors and would rather have H win and appoint three Supreme Court Justices, than overcome a bruised ego.

Trump scares people.

I think it is because they see that he can stir the emotions of people and is not easily controlled.

He sees through the phoniness of the Left and will take decisive international action which scares mushy Liberals to no end.

And he is not affected by contrived narratives that are designed to deflect and subtefuge the real issues of racism, debt, and security threats that affect our country.

OK Peeps... I'm close to giving the nod to Trump..... and not just because Hilary is so disgusting.

Almost time for one more pour.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Perfect Plagiarism

PHOTO: Melania Trump speaks to the Republican National Convention on July 18, 2016 in Cleveland and Michelle Obama speaks to the Democratic National Convention in 2008 in Denver.

Melania Trump apparently copied a few lines of Michele Obama's speech last night in the talk she gave at the Republican National Convention.

The lines were not memorable,  Something about your word being your bond.... which would have been a lie anyway coming from M OB........ but Libbies are all shook up and well they should be.

The controversy has caused the media to squarely compare Melania and Michele.

Not a fair fight.

Whichever Republican speech writer pulled this off knew what he or she is doing.   Now the intelligent and well spoken Melania is front and center.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Secret to Happiness

I'm feeling generous and magnanimous this Mid-July Saturday morning.

And because this emotion is a rarity for your MOAM, I have decided to mark the occasion by giving you hapless Peeps an important lesson for attracting happiness into your life.

A lot of affirmations are really good, but way too long and I can never remember them so that I can live by their advice and solace.

The mantra that I use is a lot simpler.

This is it Peeps.  Remember it because it freaking works.

"Live in the Present. Think Good Thoughts."

Whenever I find myself spinning out to a mentally stressful state, I notice that I am not concentrating on whatever is happening in my immediate present.  I am letting my imagination soar with scenarios that have not happened.... or I am regretting things in the past that I have absolutely no control over.

If I then revert to attend to whatever my current senses are experiencing..... driving my truck, spreadsheet number crunching, blogging, cutting wood..... whatever..... the stress  diminishes.  And if I then fill the void with a positive good thought about the present situation, I actually feel at ease and a content feeling engulfs my body.

Screw you if you think I am weird.... this shit really happens.

But there is a catch.

The catch is that it is hard to maintain yourself constantly "Living in the Present, and Thinking Good Thoughts."   Your ego always kicks in to skew your thoughts with emotions geared to self preservation and self aggrandizement.

I mean, if you could constantly stay in the present and think good thoughts you would transform into a Christian Saint or Hindu Guru.   And there are not a lot of those types out there in my humble experience.

The key is to counter your negativity whenever you notice it and resolve again to "Live in the Present. Think Good Thoughts."

Try it Peeps.   It works.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Getting a Gun

An old friend of mine from High School, who is an articulate voice for the Liberal position (i.e. a rarity) recently put a tongue in cheek FB posting were he said he wants to get a gun and name it "Old Ironsides".

I don't know the depth of Jim's position as an anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment advocate, but I decided to take the Danvers, Massachusetts resident at his word.

If you decide to get a gun, and you are from Danvers, MASS.......

First you have to take the Massachusetts Gun Safety Class and get a certificate.  That takes an eight hour day and costs money.

Then you have to apply for a concealed weapon carry permit at the Danvers Police Department. The PD will do a detailed background check and take your fingerprints. The wait is one month minimum on this. 

Then the decision to grant the permit is at the personal discretion of the Police Chief.  in some cities and towns, this discretion means that you will have no chance to get a permit based upon the Chief's personal beliefs.  

But  if the Chief grants you your permit, it costs $200 and is mailed after a few weeks from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Then you can go to a licensed gun store. The store clerk will run an FBI check right there in the store check  before you can make a purchase. 

Then you can only purchase a weapon with a magazine "Legal in Massachusetts" capacity of seven rounds and it cannot be an automatic weapon. 

Then you can buy ammo if they have any because the Federal Department of Homeland Security massive purchases has created a shortage and many dealers cannot find ammo to sell. Good luck on that. 

Then and only then, Jim, you can call your gun "Old Ironsides" and protect your family.

Our Prez BO recently inappropriately stated at the memorial service of five slain Dallas police officers that it is easier for a kid to obtain a Glock than to find a book.

Not sure where he gets his facts (other than pulling them out of his Liberal ASS) but it's way easier to get books in Massachusetts.  As a matter of fact, you can't buy a Glock in Massachusetts.... even after going through the extensive process.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tufted Titmouse Tabulature

There has been a Tufted Titmouse at the feeder today, along with a number of other Titmice.

Probably not my favorite bird, but definitely my favorite Bird Name.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Say No to Chicago.


Many of you may recall that I had supported Seth Moulton as our Congressman in the 6th Essex District of Massachusetts.

Naturally, the Nanepashemet Nod secured the election for Seth.  My hope was that even with his Liberal leanings, he would not be a typical Democratic Kool Aide Drinker and would have the ability to cross the aisle and compromise with Conservatives to end Congressional gridlock.

But it seems that I may have misjudged.

  • He doesn't like Trump, which is fine, but he calls him Hitler.... a stupid, immature and bad move by Seth.
  • He not only aligns with the Evil H, but campaigns in NH for the disgusting, immoral candidate.
  • He walks out of a moment of silence on the House Floor.
  • And he joins the 2nd Amendment issue by misrepresenting assault rifles in a move that divides rather than unites us on the issue of gun control.

I'm disappointed.... but not yet willing to completely give up on the young promising leader.

He now is calling for Federal Background checks and removing the right to purchase firearms by people listed on the Federal no-fly list.

On it's face, I agree with Seth W. Moulton.

Background checks cannot be disputed, but If bureaucrats like FBI Director Comey can erase your 2nd Amendment right by simply adding you to a "no-fly" list, you better have a trustworthy system of due process to enable you to dispute and resolve your "listing" and restore your rights. People don't trust Liberals to incorporate this, and it seems to be a slippery slope for eliminating our essential right for self-protection.

Evil H has already made clear that she wants to take our handguns. And this loophole to eliminate our rights would fall right into manipulating hands like hers.

The inaccuracies that Liberals put Assault Rifle debate is a smokescreen.

Democrats have ignored instances where total gun control is in effect..... like in in Chicago where guns are banned.
But the stats by the Chicago Tribune below illustrate that this is a foolish and faulty policy in eliminating our right to self protection granted to Americans by the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution

Chicago YEARLY TOTALS JAN. 1, 2016 - JULY 10, 2016 - 2,0541 shooting victims. JAN. 1, 2015 - DEC. 31, 2015 - 2,988 shooting victims.

Don't make the whole country like Chicago.

Friday, July 08, 2016

A Missed Opportunity

Once again race relations is in the news as the tragedy in Dallas unfolds.

Police apprehended a Black suspect and in an ensuing struggle, he was shot four times and died.

Some believe that the Police felt that he was trying to draw a pistol.

Others believe that he was murdered by the police brutally for no reason.

Then snipers killed five, opening fire on police in Dallas.

In the meantime, the carnage continues in Chicago where a person is shot every two hours.... living in a City where guns are outlawed.

When Obama was elected some 7 1/2 years ago, I distinctly remember the feeling that even if I did not agree with his Liberal politics, that race relations would finally cease to be an issue in this country.

Not by a long shot.  His leadership, or lack thereof, has exacerbated any improvements in this area, and we so much worse off than when he was elected.  The phrase "Black Lives Matter" has been invented during his tenure.  Such a travesty that people legitimately feel that they have to express their feelings on race in this matter.  

Obama hasn't drawn people and races together.   He has pushed them apart with a one sided ingrained ideology.

Electing the first Black President should have been a healing event.

Seems like we missed a great opportunity.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Eight Year Motto

It's Latin for "Don't Let the Bastards Get you Down."

Probably will come in handy for the next eight years or so.