Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arnold Phucked UP

The indiscretion by Arnold Schwarzenegger, in fathering an illegitimate child ten years ago, has struck a resonate chord with my wife Joanne and a lot of my female Facebook friends.
As in... they are really pissed off and are calling him names that normally would emanate from the mouths of truckdrivers and bricklayers.
As much as I like Arnold... and I do admire the way he has mastered so many areas that he has entered... bodybuilding, acting, business and politics.... it seems that he has crossed a big time taboo line. 
Knocking someone up, other than your wife, just isn't cool.   It stirs a reaction deep within the psyche of females that is freaking frightening.
I'm positive that I never knocked up anybody but Joanne... three times.
But  Arnold is truly fucked.

Pisc said...

And think about the kid. His life forming event is referred to as an "indiscretion". A little better than being called a mistake, but not much.

Tuna Lips said...

Speakin' fer thems that feels an extraordunary need to sires some offsprouts, some of us gots that primal itchin to spreads our seeds and water it were the ground lay tilled for plantin. Its a burden, havin' to bring pleasure to as many as I does, and to see that my pleasurizin' is available fer thems that come after me, should that cryo freezin' thing not work out. And the insensitive among yiz, bein' the simple stump-trained filth of the lower breeds of folk, well yiz might take a minute to considerate that Arny might very wella been compassating for his poor English verbalating. somes gets theys point across best via the gentle whisper of the ole hickery love stick. Plain and simple.


Donald Trump pulled out of the President's race.
Arnold Swarzenegger fathered a child with his staffer ten years ago.
The Queen of England is visiting Ireland.
Are you as bored as I am?   I guess we could all key in on that French Politician who jumped a room maid in a New York luxury hotel.
They say that no news is good news. 
So maybe I'll have to focus on my favorite subject.... which would be me.  What am I doing?  How am I feeling?  Why am I saddled with the burdens of a Mountain of a Man?
Actually, even those intriguing topics offer no real interest this morning.
That's how bored I am.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

MOAM Agenda

Lots of stuff on the agenda for next week.
Back on the lose weight regime.
Our Pennsylvania Nanepashemet Telecom initiative.
Splitting stone for the dry stack stone wall.
Builidng a wood stacking shed and a trash barrell shed.
And just the run of the mill Mountain of a Man stuff that us MOAM's do. 
The weather outlook is rainy, it but most of the stuff will get done. 

More FreshAyer

Heading out to FreshAyer this rainy Sunday morning with the GrandKids.
We're on the back nine  now, and in some ways, it is harder to take.because this is the time that didn't have to happen.   It would be over now if it wasn't for a bit of lying and deceit on the part of those whose karmic reward is yet evolving. 
If you think that I'm talking about you, then I probably am.

When we got to the Camp, Craig :LoConte was already thete with Ryan.    I had forgotten what a class act Craig is, since he's been living in New Rochelle for so long, but after two seconds, it was all back to me... just a hell of a human being.
Even with a little depressing news, it was a great visit.

Friday, May 13, 2011


For some reason, I've become fascinated with stone walls lately... specifically dry fitted fieldstone walls.  Maybe it's because of all of the ledge that is found around the Sundance house.  Somehow, I want to stay even.
Anyway... it is far easier to split fieldstone than I had previously imagined.   You just drill a couple of 5/8 inch holes with a hammer drill and a masonry bit, insert a steel wedge with a widening wedges on both sides called feathers (feather and wedge technique) and tap these contraptions in place until the stone cracks and then splits.
A few blows with the masonry hammer to dress up the stone, then it is ready to be fitted into a wall.
A slow, painstaking process.
But just my speed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Please Give Me a Break


The League of Women Voters just ran an ad on WCVB, Boston Channel 5 intimating that Republican Senator Scott Brown was voting to hurt a little Black girl by voting to help the Polluters.
Cut the shit Scott.
Leave that little girl alone.
You should be ashamed.
Thank god for the League of Women Voters for objectively pointing out to me what a bad person you are.  Keep of the good work, Women.   Let me know if any other politicians are harassing the little Black kids.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Stranger Than Fiction

I'm writing this post because I want to remember something that happened to me today, on Mother's Day, that is stranger than fiction.   You couldn't make this shit up.   And I'm not even going to tell you what happened.  It's  for me to remember when I finally  write my overdue book
Holding back on the book until I have enough money to hire the legal help that I will need to fend off all of the libel and slander lawsuits.

Saturday, May 07, 2011


I did what I do everytime I start running again.... overextended myself and pulled a calf muscle.  So it's back to the Bike for a while.   Maybe I'll go up to North Conway and get on the Mountain Bike.  That wouldn't be overextending would it?
Nice visit at FreshAyer yesterday.   Interesting prospects.   Ryan continues to glean the best from every situation.   Not once have I ever seen him wallowing in self-pity, or whining about his situation. 
He has a forward looking outlook and has taken some very positive insights from FreshAyer.
When this is over, it will seem like it never happened.  We have all been changed... but maybe in a good way.   Scatch that.... Undoubtably in a good way.  Ryan will take his energy, drive and positive outlook and rebuild a stronger and thriving life for himself and his kids.  It will be a good restart, in the right direction.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Slab Foundation for the WorkShed

Village Idiots

I guess that it is President Barach Obama's prerogative not to release the photos of Bin Laden.   I can see both sides of the issue, and compelling arguments exist for both.
But I'm not surprised at BO's decision.  A year ago, he was teaching us how to sneeze on our sleeve.  The Democrats know what's best for us.  It takes a village, and apparently, we are the village idiots.
Can't wait for the next "Teaching Moment".

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Murderer's Backlash

There is a chance of a backlash from people who think that bin Laden did a noble thing when he ordered the murder of 3,000 people in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.  Despite this, we should show his death photo, no matter how gruesome.
There is a lack of closure if we don't see the holes in his head.
And the conspiracy mongers will have a field day.
I don't think that the threat will ever go away anyway, so I don't mind it if some medieval whackjobs, who still think we are fighting the crusades, get more pissed off.  We always have to be vigilant about murderers, and it is appropriate to show them what happened to their leader.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Good Job BO

Even though I've been critical of President Barach Obama in the past, a tip of the hat goes out to the way this Osama Bid Laden hit went down.
Damn good job.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Don't Mess With the US

Don't mess with the US.
The snide, snickering, dispicable mastermind of 9-11 has been taken with two bullets  to his ugly head issued by Navy Seals last night.
He is now fish food.
Apparently the Ultra Scum Bag was living in comfort in a Pakistani city just steps from their Military Academy.  That will be another chapter to deal with any who gave hime aid and comfort.
Tap Tap.  Bye Bye.   Don't mess with the United States of America.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

B-ALERT April Evaluation

At the beginning of April, I mentioned that I'd let you know about how the B-ALERT system worked at the end of the month.   That's the technique detailed in "The Power of Focus" by Jack Canfield et. al.
The technique worked well.... actually really freaking good!  Without getting into stuff that's none of your business, suffice it to say that my business and finances improved, my weight dropped, I consistently started running again, and there is not one nagging "to do" item left on my desk, when last month.... it was covered with them.  I even improved my guitar playing.
And there was no additional stress on my time, or regular Mountain of a Man routine.  
Basically... the success confirmed the Power of Focus.   All of the tools to make personal improvements are readily at hand... they just have to be aligned and focused upon.

You will recall that B-ALERT is an acronym that stants for....

B - Blueprint - create a daily plan that links to your short and long term goals.
A - Act - overcome inertia and take action on your Blueprint
L - Learn - take time everyday to read and study in your fields of endeavor.
E - Exercise - You can't afford to neglect the health and strength of your body.
R - Relax - If you need a power nap to recharge in the day... take it.  Your productivity will soar later.
T - Think - Evaluate the events of your Blueprint at the end of the day.

So you Peeps should really stop centering your lives on this pathetic Blog every day.  You can emerge from the hopeless rut that has become your existence.  
There is more to life than panting for daily tidbits from this Mountain of a Man.  

Saturday, April 30, 2011


About a year ago, some misguided POS stole my Garmin Forerunner 305.  At the time, I had bigger fish to fry, and I wasn't exactly in an exercise mode, so I didn't move to replace it immediately and just got around to it this week.
I forgot what a dynamite piece of equipment that it is.  Plus I never got the original heart monitor to work, but it works perfectly with this replacement.
I now know that even during the stress of composing this Blog post, my Mountain of a Man heart pumps happily along at 75 to 81 beats per minute.
It also seems to pick up the satellite signals faster.  It will be interesting to see how it performs in the 3 mile run/jog (slog) that I'm planning on doing later on this morning.
Metrics and measuring for goals is an important part of my B-ALERT regime.  This baby should help me keep on track.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Technically Cheating

Day 5 on the Dukan was a little hazardous.
After the euphoria of watching the Royal Nuptials in the norming, and then kicking ass with a vengence at Nanepashemet Telecom to mid afternoon, I brought Joanne down to the Boston Yacht Club for a glass of wine.  After three of those, and some nice conversation, we headed home and had another diet dinner... but the wine was technically cheating.
I'll make it up with some running this weekend.  I also owe you an update on my B-ALERT program before the weekend is through.

God Save the Queen

So I'm taking in the Royal Nuptials this morning before starting my hectic day at Nanepashemet Telecom.
Does that make me less of a man????
Probably.  But it's important for me to see what all of these women on Facebook will be fawning over all day.
Even though we have evolved a democracy here in the Western Hemisphere, there still seems to be a need for us to have a King and Queen, ordained by God to lead us.   We in America have never broken the ties with Britain in this regard.
There is a niche in our collective psyche that a King or Queen needs to fill.  It covers a host of things to fantasize about.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tornado Outbreak

This latest outbreak of tornadoes in the American South is unsettling.
Much loss of life, which doesn't ordinarily occur in this country.
Is this more than usual? or is the news coverage via the Internet Age giving us national news that would have only been local before?
Or are the freaking Mayans right? 
If they are... then we only have about 600 days left.
So we should really cherish each day.   Because you never know when a tornado might hit.

Tuna Lips said...

they aint makin' 'em like that mayor of muchin city anymore. Back in the day,we'd a got at least a couple o' show tunes and some midget dancing troupe out of this sort of cyclone related caterwalling.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dukan Digestion

Day Three of Dukan was a challenge because I was in my truck from 6:30AM to 6:30PM on a roadtrip to numerous sites in New Haven County.   Stopped at a Stop and Shop in Waterbury, CT and ate a package of processed turkey slices... and consumed a 2 liter bottle of Coke Zero throughout the day.
Roadtrips always screw up my natural rythyms so to speak, and I had to stop at a rest area to take care of business, which I hate.   But I think that I would have had lower tract issues regardless today.
So far, there has been absolutely no cheating on this diet, and I think that I have a good chance to go the distance.  Tomorrow morning, I have a light workload, so will get another run in, then check my weight.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shut Out Shocker

It's official.
Joanne and I have NOT been invited to the nuptials of William and Kate.
I have no idea what we did to offend the Royals.  Never trashed them, and I've kept all of their confidences.
But this shun will not be ignored.  I will have my say.
Regardless.....Being shut out is a shocker.

Dukan Day Two

Day 2 of the Dukan Diet.
So far, so good.  I was sore from running on the roads from Sunday and got a sluggish workout in on the Cybex.  Had the oat bran for breakfast with non fat milk and had a can of tuna with cottage cheese for lunch, with a few slices of ham and fat free American cheese in between.  For dinner, Joanne roasted a chicken which I had with cottage cheese, some scallions and Coke Zero.
Instead of a wine or scotch in the evening, it was a glass of non-fat milk.
Got up this morning at 6:00 AM feeling fine and ready to face the day.  No big road trips today, but tomorrow I head to New Haven and cravings on the road have always been a challenge.
Everything I eat is recorded on Loseit.com and I have been keeping track of workouts on LogYourRun.com.     I'll weigh myself today after my workout.  Dukan says I should be 2 lbs. lighter.

Tuna Lips said...

and dont ferget that dumping permit you needs from the town offices. I reckon youse might considering making a go of it in the night soil bizness.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dukan Deliverance

This is the first day of the Dukan Dient Attack Phase for Joanne and I.
That means we will be consuming all protein in the form of meat, eggs, and fish, and tying to strictly prohibit any fats or cahbohydrates.  The only exception is a tablespoon and a half of oat bran which we will eat as hot cereal or as a galette in the morning.  You have to work in a quart and a half of water, and diet soda can substitute.  And you should get a 20 minute walk in. 
Also.... no alcohol.  Last night, I had a Jameson or two after some white wine at dinner.  Then put the bottles way back in the kitchen cabinet.
Coffee and fat free skim milk is ok, as is Splenda, so our morning starts off like any other.  Yesterday, I ran down to Grace Oliver Beach and back for a two mile loop and my legs are sore after taking such a hiatus from running, so I'll so some cross training on the Cybex stationary bike.
My goal is to stay on this regime for the next ten days and lose 20 lbs as a jump start to getting down to my going forward weight.  I'll be weighing myself daily and telling you the result.  Not disclosing how much I weigh now, but suffice to say that I'm starting out at 14 lbs less than my all time high and will be looking to end up weighing more than 50 lbs less than here.
I can sense you snickering, and will not deny that I too have my doubts.... but I'm out there now, and this is the start.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Horoscope

"Nothing, ultimately, makes any sense. You can be as purposeful as you like, as efficient as possible. It doesn't matter how much you achieve. One day, the game will be over. Then, only one question will be asked. It won't be, 'How much did you earn?' Or, 'Did you pay your rent?' Nor will it be, 'Did you obey all the rules?' Or, 'Did you understand what was going on?' It will be, 'Did you appreciate the magic and then do what you could to help others appreciate it too?' "

-   Jonathan Cainer, British Astrologist

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moving to Stud

Check this out Peeps.
It's called an Oat Bran Galette, and I'll be eating these bad boys for breakfast everyday after Easter.
Basically, it is 1 1/2 tablespoons of oat bran, 1 1/2 tablespoons of non fat yogurt, and an egg.... fried up like a pancake.

Took delivery of six boxes of Oat Bran from Amazon today.
You thought I was kidding about the Dukan Diet, didn't you.   But I'm one serious Buckaroo.
This Oat Bran is going to be central in the irreversible campaign to move from Fat Shit to Stud Muffin.
You'll see.

Tuna Lips said...

I reckon you forgot ta menshun them sixty rolls of terlet paper you conjured up from the river god "Amazon" (I respects that hoo doo, sure does) down way south of ole Mexico. Like peas and carrots, best to have one with the other, arse parchment along with them bran flakes. Arse ammo is what we calls it. Happy spacklin! Stay out the splash area, gentlefolk.

Tax the Fat Cats

President Obama is taking dead aim at the "Fatcats" who make over $250K to increase their tax rate.
I'm not saying that I make over $250, but I'm not saying that I don't.
But suppose I did.....
In order to get that $250K every year, I have to work 50 to 60 hours a week.... and think about work in the meantimes... and that's no bullshit.

In order to get that $250K every year, I have to maintain a business that directly provides jobs and income for four other people...... not to mention the money that I shell out to subcontractors, suppliers and other vendors.

If I don't get off my ass everyday, no money... not a cent.   And I have no paid vacations, or job benefits.   I pay full price for everything.   And you don't want to know how big my tax bite is, because I have to perform financial miracles to get up the scratch for that bill every year.

So.... bring it on BO.  I'm probably one of those Fat Cats that you're aiming for.   But if you push me too far, maybe I'll just quit... get on the dole... those people who look for me for their jobs will be on their own, my subs can look for other business, and you can kiss the money that I currently generate for taxes good bye.

That's if I did make over $250k per year.  And I'm not saying that I do.

Tuna Lips said...
Now yer talkin' son. Why, generations of my folk has done well scamming under the table while making the once a month trek, pecker in hand to the local people who are paid to pay thems that works money to thems of us who gots better things to chase after. Perty simple, if you ax me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

dedicating to Dukan

After Easter Sunday, Joanne and I are jumping on the Dukan Diet.
I'm going to try to stay on this high protein, no carb phase for 10 days.
Here's what you can eat.....

  •  Beef Steak
  • Filet of beef
  • Sirloin Steak
  • Roast Beef
  • Rump Steak
  • Veal Chop
  • Cooked ham slices (no fat, no rind)
  • Cooked chicken and turkey slices (no fat, no rind)
  • Fat reduced bacon
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Haddock
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Sea Bass
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Clams
  • Calamari/Squid
  • Lobster
  • Mussels
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Hen's eggs
  • Skim milk
  • Virtually fat-free cottage cheese
  • Fat-free greek yogurt
  • Fat Free natural yoghurt (plain or no-sugar sweetener only)
  • Scallops
Plus no alcohol or salt and you have to drink 1 1/2 qts. of water each day
You're also supposed to walk 20 Min. a day, but I'll stick to my 30 min sessions on the Cybex

I swear to all that is pure and holy, that I'm going to stick to this plan.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Marathon Day

It's another Boston Marathon Day.
I remember when local guys like Amby Burfoot or Bill Rodgers used to win it.
Now for the past few dozen years, East Africans from Kenya and Ethiopa have dominated the event.  Last year, the guy ran it in 2 hours, 5 minutes.   That's running 26 miles at 4:46 per mile.
When the average person sprints acoss the street, he or she is not running faster than a 4:46 pace.  The average person who has trained and in shape to run the marathon couldn't keep this pace up for a quarter of a mile.   Think of it.   That is a 72 second quarter.   Maybe if you were working out every day at FreshAyer it could be done, but otherwise.... no freaking way.
The people who can run that fast for so long are really other worldly.   You can't even fantasize being able to win the Boston Marathon.

Good luck to Peeps Tommy McMahon and Jill Phillips.  If you see a Kenyan, get out of the way.

Geoffrey Mutai of Kenya won in a world record time of 2:03:02... an unbelieveable world record.  With temps in the 50's and a tailwind he clicked off 26 successive miles at a 4:41 per mile clip.  To understand this accomplishment, it takes a good high school athlete to break 5:00 minutes in just one mile and you are exceptional if you can break 10 minutes for two miles.   This guy just ran 13+ of them in a row.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

No Beer

What's with all of your super annoying questions asking about how the Chicken Pie was last night?
If you had dropped by with the beer, you would have known.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Will Barach Obama be a one termer?
As Donald Trump gets more involved, I'm starting to think that he could be a major challenger.
Certainly when you add up the life's experiences between the two, Trump wins hands down.  He is an accomplished producer who has overcome downtimes with incredible perseverence and ingenuity.  He is forthright and outspoken, and it will be interesting to see how he articulates policy positions.
Plus, there are no wacky associates in his past like Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright.   Still can't figure how Obama gave people like that so much room in his life.
Who cares about the hair.

Maria Rowen said...

The Don...Bye-Bye BO...Buy-Buy Mitt's hair..winning!...

POTUS Process

The Nanepashemet Blog endorsement for President of the United States will be out shortly.
As you know, the endorsement virtually assures victory for the endorsed, so this can't be taken lightly.
Please feel free to send me your recommendations, although I probably will neither read, nor consider them.
And that definitely includes you, Tuna Lips.

Maria Rowen said...
Bring on the Dawn of the Don…tenacious, veracious and perspicacious…Trump, trumps them all… (TL should cogitate on that)...tla

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chicken Pie

On my way home from doing some permitting this afternoon, I stopped by Ken's Kickin Chickin tucked behind the Hess Station on  Franklin Street. in Salem, MA.  Five pounds of chicken pie and $20 bucks later, I was barrellassing home, hopeing that Joanne hadn't started dinner yet.
Unfortunately she had another masterful meal in the oven, so the chicken pie will wait in the refridgerator until tomorrow, Friday Night.
If you want to drop by for some pie, bring beer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Papist PR

CatholicsComeHome.org is a public relations campaign by the Catholic Church to attract non-practicing Catholics back to the Church.
Can't blame the effort.
But as one of those who this message is ostensibly directed to, I think that it substantially misses the mark.  People like myself stopped practicing because of the corruption, bureaucracy, and coldness of the Church.  However, the campaign basically says that we have "strayed" and should now return because of the ultimate goodness of the institution.
Historically speaking, this is holy bullshit.
The Catholic Church has been a method of social control and the accumulation of wealth, and is notoriously unresponsive to it's "flock".   Women have a second position, and celebracy is a crock, conjured up so that Church property would not be subject to claims by offspring of Church clericals.  
And the infallibility of the Pope is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can observe rational fact.  The outright corruption and political deceit by many who have sat on the throne of St. Peter is a historical record. 
Showtime on cable is featuring a series entitled, "The Borgias" which details the exploits of a pontiff in 1500.  Probably bad timing for CatholicsComeHome.org.

The Church should seriously consider changing some of its basic premises if it wants to attract a strayed flock......   rather than reaffirm its claim to the moral high ground.

Tuna Lips said...

a pox on them pope lovin' queerbaits. I likes them high school girls plenty fine though, they plaid skirts inchin' up to naughty levels, that's right, tell Uncle TL about yer troubles and them strange feelins' yiz get. . .

B-ALERT Progress.

You would think that a Mountain of a Man like myself has his act completely together.
And you would be right......
They don't call me "Rough, Tough, Hard to Bluff and Damn Good Looking" for nothing!!!!
But that doesn't mean that there isn't any room for improvement.  Even I concede that things could be better in some areas.  So I have to admit that the B-ALERT system that I told you about a few posts ago has been working pretty well, and you will get at full report at the end of the month.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I've been reminded recently that the Dory project is behind, which I know full well.  But I have to get the workshed built at the Sundance House first, and probably the deck as well.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 14th Week of 2011.

Sarah Maxfield
Brendt D'Orio
Albert Puljos
Jill Lewis
Brady Boyle
Gail Johnson

Maybe I'll pull a Building Permit this week and get this on the front burner.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Exploding Head

So the Federal Government will still be cutting checks today.   The House of Representatives compromised on a bill to keep funds flowing today.
At the bottom of this is a screaming hypocrisy that everyone seems to ignore.
The Federal budget is based upon money that we do not have.
If American families don't balance our finances and pay our taxes, we are subject to bankruptcy, foreclosure and incarceration.
But the Federal Govermnent just keeps printing money and IOU's.   With impunity and no repercussion.  If you did as our government does, you would quickly go down like a lead balloon, with the prosecution being the Federal Internal Revenue Sevice.
Does this hypocritical system seem fair or even ethical to you? 
Are we just Lemmings???... following our lack of political leadership over a cliff into the sea?
I have to stop asking these questions or my head will explode.  And I can't afford that to happen because the kids are coming over this morning.
But, you have to wonder when this bubble is going to break.

dougmaxfield said...

ANARCHY! M.O.A.M., if you lead them, they WILL follow. They can take away our land, money, and freedom, but they will never take our FREEDOM!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

You, You and Only You

Once again, I am reminded of the power of this blog.

Threatening, Intimidating, Exasperating, Biting, and naturally all about you.   Yes every innuendo, every vague comment, every off colored statement, every POTW selection is expressly directed to take a shot precisely at you.
Once again, I have to remind you.
Virtually none of it is about you... and virtually all of it is about me.
Which, of course, you will take as a reference that is pertaining to you.
If this Blog had a sixteenth of the power that is attributed to it, I would kick your ass with it.   And yes... that one was about you.

Tuna Lips said...

This here is some weird expustatings, even for an open-minded non-hatin' type such as myself

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Makers and Takers

So I'm listening to the early morning local news and the attractive yet irritating newsanchor says that the last time that the federal government shut down, it cost us $1.6Billion in salaries by federal employees not working. 
Seems like if we didn't spend the money, we saved it.
Sure... I feel bad for those non-essential Federal employees who weren't paid.  Some of them are so incompetent, that if they didn't have those public jobs, they would be on welfare.   And for you politically correct types, I spent nine years on public payrolls and I said "SOME" employees.  
A.   I know what I'm talking about,  and....
B.   There are exceptions to the rules.
But, having worked in both the public and private sector, there are fundamental differences.
In the private sector, you have to produce sales at some level in order to keep your job.
In the public sector, you have to cover your ass to keep your job.
Again, there are exceptions to the rules,   And this doesn't apply as much to big corporations, where I also spent an inordinate amount of time, and found that those who cover their ass to be much more attuned to the public sector.
The basic problem is that we need government services and government regulations.   And we need people to carry these out.  But the system gets out of control and bloated as those empowered find they can spend money that they have not earned with impunity and little consequences.  That's why public buildings are so overbuilt and grandiose.
Enough of this.   You are either a maker or a taker, and you know in your hearts what your are.  There are culprits in both sectors.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

On the Road Again

New Haven is a lot farther from Marblehead than it should be.... a long drive.   But the bonus for getting there and parking at the side of the ocean to get my bearings was the sight of a huge swan cruising along the shore at the Nathan Hale Park.   I've seem a few of these in the last two weeks while driving around New England.  Very Cool. 
Then I ended up looking at stuff in West Haven, Meriden and Cromwell as well before deadheading home.....back in Marblehead by 5:30 PM.
Lots of time on the road for one day. 
I used to deal with driving fatigue by drinking a can or so of Red Bull, but have been avoiding that recently because of the bad publicity and health concern that seems to be following these energy drinks.  Now coffee and Coca Cola with bathroom breaks at McDonald's give me the the road warrior edge. 
Travel is such a necessary evil.  And it doesn't matter if it is trains, planes or automobiles.    Always tiring and stressful.  I so prefer to stay home.  I've seen swans down at the Rockett Landing in Salem Harbor.  Don't necessarily need to drive to New Haven for that.
There was an underpinning of excitement down in Connecticut about the UCONN game for the national NCAA Basketball Championship.  I'm happy for their win.

Monday, April 04, 2011

No Plan to Go Public

Big week for Nanepashemet Telecom.
New Haven, CT today, Springfield, MA tomorrow.  Lots of other venues in between and after.
Lots of you have asked me when we are going public.   Even if we were, I wouldn't disclose it, but I'm pretty sure we are keeping it all for ourself.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

POTW Week 13

So I finally changed the pattern and got a workout on the Cybex this morning.  It's the best that I've felt with this head cold in three weeks, and I broke a nice sweat during the thirty minute session.
I won't be weighing myself during this regime until my pants get easier to button.  Otherwise, it doesn't matter what the scale says.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 13th Week of 2011

Tom Raiche
Brian Harrington
Denise Kearns
Kate Middleton
John Kerry
Robert Towne

But once I feel comfortable in my trousers, I will be interested in seeing the scale come up short of 200 lbs.  Even though I am rough, tough, hard to bluff and damn good looking right now, a little improvement couldn't hurt.

ReAlignment and ReAjustment

The author's of this book claim that if you read and implement, you will be healthier, your relationships will improve, and you will be financially successful.
I bought it anyway.
Had the electronic version downloaded from Amazon to Joanne's Kindle and then synched it to my Ipod and read half yesterday.
So far, it had been quite an inspirational read.  I especially like the B-ALERT technique.
B - Make a Blueprint for each day.  Link to your goals.
A - Take Action.
L - Learn - Read about your industry 30 min./day.
E - Exercise - 30 min. per day. 
R - Relax - When fatique hits in the afternoon, Nap if possible for 25 Min.  Take a full day off per week.
T - Think -  Take the time at the end of the day to replect and evaluate what happened, and how to improve.
Naturally this habit has to be set over a well thought out series of balanced goals which cover your personal, career, financial and other areas of your life.  The goals have to be your honest evaluation of what you desire, and what action you will take to achieve your goals.
And it all has to be habitual.  There are no magic buttons to push  You have to do this stuff every day until you do it automatically.
What I like about this program is that it is doable and attainable.  It means that you have to reallign some of your behavior patterns, but not drastically.   The key is in the title... "Focus."
And even if some things don't improve, at least I'll lose some weight by junping on the Cybex every morning.
It's the first full week in April.  I'll check back with you on May 2 or so and let you know how this is working out.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Denis Leary Doesn't Suck

In the new house on West Shore Drive, I have my own bathroom.  And Joanne has hers.   She gets pretty pissed off if I use hers, even though hers is bigger and I have to walk past it to get to mine. 
But in general, I'm pretty happy to be confined to my very own shitter.   I can't be blamed for misses or drips, because I never freaking use her toilet.
And I'm free to have my own reading material in my own bathroom.  Don't have to put up with Lady's Home Journal or Martha Stewart Living because she sees fit to toss my woodworking or sports mags.
But the bathroom is small with a small sink and stand up shower sqeezed into it.  Not much room for non-bath related paraphenalia.  I have room for one book at a time to be rested between visits on the window sill.
Of late, the book has been "Why We Suck" by Denis Leary.   Dave and Meghan Bruett bought the book for Ryan early in his stay at Fort Devins, and he shipped it our way as his collection has grown in his limited bunk space. 
Leary is an edgy comedian who grew up Irish Catholic in a Worcester, MA working class neighborhood.  He likes Hockey, the Red Sox, and has a kinship with firefighters.  All stuff that I can personally relate to.  He has a no nonsense outlook and doesn't suffer fools easily, which I like as well.
Plus, you can read a chapter of his book in one sitting.... so to speak.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Getting Older

It was a nice birthday party for Joanne at the BYC with Harvey and Lisa Rowe and Maria Rowen.
Always good conversation, insight and laughs with this group.
At our age, birthdays seem to come pretty fast.  We've been cruising through the fifties in record speed.  But screw. it... it is what it is.  You can't do anything about getting older.  I used to think that people in their fifties were old, but now I'm way down that road, and I really don't feel that way.
Sure.. I can't do some things that I used to do... namely run and play basketball.    But I'm certain that I think and reason better and my short term strength is as good or better than it ever was. 
So far, no memory loss or anything like that.  And I'm a much better woodworker and boatbuilder  now.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Haven Bound

Nanepashemet has picked up quite a few work orders for services in the New Haven, CT area.
Although I am proud to have done my undergrad work at UMASS Amherst, it would have been nice to have gone to Yale.   I remember from my days on the track team, that they had great food there, and the Skull and Bones Club seems pretty cool.
I could probably hang out there for lunch if I was an Alum.    But I guess I'll be finding a McDonalds.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sperm Whale Sighting

Got a lot of grief with my Turkey in the Tree sighting yesterday.
But it doesn't compare to the time I was out rowing and caught a glimpse of that sperm whale.

When I was a kid, we just didn't see too many sperm whales around these parts. 
Now it seems like they're everywhere.

Sure beats the hell out of Dougie's Cod.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Gaffe

One month until the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Joanne and I are still checking the mailbox for our invitation.
You would think that we would have received it by now.
We're not bitter people, but will be scaling down the value of our wedding gift based upon this oversight.
I had originally in mind a nice blender, but now they'll probably get a set of tupperware.
Even tupperware seems too good for them if this goes on for much longer.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

POTW Week 12 of 2011

I've been reminded that I've been lax on selecting the Peep of the Week.  Not sure why I've let this go, because it's obviously crucial to the health and well being of such a wide swath of society.  It's a good thing that you can translate this blog into other languages using Google.  Otherwise, it would be impossible to cover the international demand.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 12th Week of 2011

Ethan Nestor
Kerry D'Orio
Phoebe Crawford
Charlotte Crawford
Emily Mountford
Craig LoConte

That should get the program back on the right track.
BTW, a huge tip of the hat goes out to Superpeeps Chris and Sarah Crawford who brought their beautiful twin girls, Charlotte and Phoebe, out for some FreshAyer this weekend.
A class act from a class couple, and Ryan really appreciated it.

Talking Turkey

You can click on this Pic for a better look.
Woke up this morning to see two turkeys roosting in the trees across West Shore Drive, about thrity feet up from the ground.   Just yesterday, Joanne was asking me where the turkeys spend the night. 
Now we know.
I stopped watching them for a second, and next thing I knew, they were pecking away in the front lawn.  Big huge birds.
It's incredible that turkeys are found in such abundance in this area.   It's the same instance with Canada Geese.  Neither of these species could be found here when I was a kid.... now they are commonplace.
In 1950, there were an estimated 300,000 turkeys in the United States... now the number is 5.4 million.  Two of them have been hanging around our house.  Nice comeback.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Great Ad

Kia Presents: A New Way to Roll 2010. - Click here for the funniest movie of the week

dougmaxfield said...
Why did I just picture you with a hat on sideways doing the running man, Salt 'N' peppa style?

Lying About Libya

I'm not in favor of putting American kids in harm's way over this Libyan civil war.  The threat to our country is minimal, despite the fact that the Libyan Dictator Gadhafi has openly supported terrorist attacks that have lead to the loss of American lives.
The case with Saddam Hussein in Iraq was different in that he was gassing Kurds in his country and had given all impressions that he was developing weapons of mass destruction.  It was a definite threat, even though we found out that he was bluffing after we kicked his ass.
Although it would be nice for Gadhafi to reach the same fate as Hussein, that can't be the motivation for our foreign policy.
There are repressive regimes throughout the world, that persecute their people.  If that is our rationale for intervention in Libya, where do we draw the line?
In reality, we are intervening in Libya because of the importance of Libyan oil to France and Britain, and the US is nervous about controlling the leadership position.  Funny how France is leading the way on this one, but turned their nose at the Iraq effort.  It's all about the money.  This repressive regime reason is bullshit.
Obama already has the Nobel Peace Prize, and the lefties will give him a big pass on this action... although there is far less reason to attack Libya than Iraq.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Orlando Ordeal

Got back from the CTIA Wireless convention in Orlando, Florida today.
I had a brutal chest cold and a hacking cough which made the whole thing an ordeal.  Plus there were other physical issues that I'm not going to tell you about, but it all added up to a great deal of discomfort.  The temperature down there was in the 80's which felt oppressive in my Boston end of winter mode, and there was a lot of walking from venue to venue
Despite it all, I relied on my Mountain of a Man powers to catch up and renew some old relationships.  Got some good industry rumors and a few sales leads.
It was worth suffering through.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kharmic Storm

There are now 365 days left on the official FreshAyer countdown.   Anything happening earlier  is always possible
If you feel guilty reading this because you know that you had something to do with it..... go easy on yourself.
You will need all of your strength to withstand the shitstorm that is coming your way courtesy of the Law of Kharma.   For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.   As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Think of it.   How bad can it be????   Oh. Baby, you are screwed.   And nobody will feel guilty for you.

TommyO said...   Just wanted to let you know that I heard Celtics Number 5 Kevin Garnett on the radio today discussing his leisure time with the host.

Love to watch "Spartacus", can't get enough said the big man. The dudes alright in my book.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Into the Closet

Katelyn was pretty happy at the closet that we built on Saturday.
So was I.
Nothing fancy.  Just some 1x12 white laminate joined with Kreg Jig Joints and screws.  We bought all of the stock at the Home Depot, and cut the pieces on her back porch.
The whole thing took about seven hours including design and stock plan,  the stock  pickup run, tools set up and breakdown, and a stop in the action for an Italian Sub sandwich.  The Kreg joints made it wicked solid.
I suppose that if I worked in efficiencies, I could build two of these a day.
Could be a fallback if the Telecom Biz tanks.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time to Lay Low

On Friday, I deadheaded home from East Greenwich, RI, jumped into the shower, then went right down to the Boston Yacht Club for dinner with friends.
On Saturday, I deadheaded home from South Boston, jumped into the shower, then went right down to Hungry Betty's for dinner with friends.
Not a clear pattern for success.
In each case, I was really tired after doing physical construction work, which isn't my everyday gig.
And in both cases, my physical fatique caused my rapier sharp wit and verbal comeback abilities to be a bit delayed and dull.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to suck it up and carry the Peeps on your back every once in awhile.... even when you are not 100% up for the task.
I'm pretty sure I carried it off, but today, I'm laying low.  Dale Johnson wanted to go into the Boston Garden this morning to see the Marblehead Boys Hockey team in the state tournament, but I think I'll pass.

TommyO, Reigning POTY,  said...

Marblehead 6 - Westfield 3
Marblehead Division III State Champs.
A great time, great bunch of kids.
They worked hard and their efforts were rewarded.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shelving not Shelved

This morning, I'm trying to wipe off the cobwebs from last night's libations, because I promised Katelyn that I'd build her custom closet at her condo in South Boston.
I had told her that I would be there at 8:00AM, but that't not going to happen.  Probably will show by 9:30AM, take measurements and make a rough plan and stock list.    We will  be going with 1x12 pine shelving, held together with Kreg Screws and supported by base 1x4's and pre-made brackets.

By 10:30, we'll be at the Home Depot picking up the stuff and the saws won't cut their first board until noon.
Mike wants to grab lunch at a Southie Pub which could seriously threaten the project schedule.
But Katelyn will be driving me hard to see this project reach completion.  That means that the finish will not be a final coat of paint, but just the carpentry.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Celebrate the Green

We had a nice time at the Boston Yacht Club St. Patrick's Day celebration.
Lots of of banging the bar at the "No, Nay, Never, No More" verses of Wild Rover.
Then  Maria Rowen stepped up to the mike wirh a sweet rendition of "When Irish Eyes are Smiling."  She brought the house down with her soulful arpeggio stylings.
Filling out our group was Harvey Rowe, with whom we artfully substituted the Phrase "Oh Harvey Boy" instead of the commonplace "Danny Boy" in the classic ballad., his lovely wife Lisa Panakio Rowe, who expressed her disinterest in attending a viewing of the "Spartacus" finale at our house, and Lynda Murray our special friend.
I don't want to say that we carried the bar at the BYC, but we pretty much did.
A fine celebration.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Erin Go Bragh

Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Erin Go Bragh.
We celebrate this day to commemorate St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who converted the pagan Celts to Christianity and reportedly drove the snakes from Ireland.
When I was a young upstart in the City of Lynn, MA, it was a day for exessive beers at the Porthole Pub after lunch and stopping off at the Commodore Restaurant in Beverly where politicians from all over the state would gather to throw good natured barbs at each other and show their singing prowness, bellowing out "When Irish Eyes are Smiling".
One of my fondess memories of the day was having a corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 10 in Lynn and listening to Senate President Billy Bulger immitate James Michael Curley as he promised to take the Golden Dome of the Statehouse and turn it upside down, and fill it with water to use as a swimming pool for the children of Boston, if elected Governor.  Bulger's rendition made you feel that it was really Mayor Curley on the podium.
When I was a little kid, I remember my father taking me and my brother to the parade in South Boston where we froze to death on the sidewalk until he took us into a neighborhood pub to warm up.  I can still feel that cold in my bones.  Later, my father told us the story about how he got into a ruckus in South Boston in his younger days, and that the Judge had told him stay out of South Boston.   I never got anymore details than that.
I think he liked the fact that he was returning to South Boston to watch the parade with his kids.  He'd probably get a kick out of the fact that two of his grandkids live in Southie today.
I can't deny that I've always been proud to be of Irish descent.  Sometime around the turn of the century, some Crowleys, Kelly's and Nestor's left County Cork and County Sligo and made their way to Pennsylvania to work in the coal mines, and finally landed in Lynn.  They aren't even memories now, just historical fact.   The only tie I have is this photograph of Darby Nestor taken in West Lynn, who bears a slight resemblance to my son Ryan.
I'm proud to be Irish, because somehow, their blood flowing though my veins has made it easier to live in my own skin.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shit Happens

What a nightmare for the Japanese with this Nuclear emergency! 
It looks like a meltdown is imminent so the question is whether the containment vessels will hold and prevent a massive outpouring of poisonous radiation.  Aftershocks continue to pummel the country and the devastation from tsunamis has yet to be measured.  There are reports of whole towns with no survivors.
Could it happen here?
Absolutely.  Which will create a huge debate over whether nuclear power is necessary and if the safeguards that are in place are enough..
Our standard of living demands a high supply of electrical energy, but there are costs.... and shit happens.   I suppose that we could shut down the laptops, lights and TV's and huddle around the fireplace knitting and whittling wood.
Or we can live with the danger and try to mitigate the risk that our high energy level way of life requires.
I'm a pretty good whittler, so can go either way.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Antidote for Aggravation

OK....I've been watching the coverage of the Japan Disaster on ABC News against my better judgement. 
I actually like David Muir and Martha Radatz.... both former Boston protoges, but Diane Sawyer officially makes my teeth hurt.   Her feigned compassion and efforts to compell emotional response.... just tell us the freaking news, Diane.   It's not about how bad you feel, it's about what's happening to them.
Gag me with the proverbial spoon.

BTW, this is what came up when I googled for an image of Diane Sawyer.  It's most definitely not her, but I'm going with it anyway.
 Somehow I feel a lot less aggravated now.

TommyO said...
Hi Jay,
How about some local sports news.

Marblehead 3 vs Pembroke 2

Marblehead wins the D3 East Title and will play at TD Garden for the first time in many years on Sunday at 11:15. Let's bang the place out. This Blog has the power.


Fragility of Life

The Japanese have a penchant for photography.   So there is no shortage of tsunami photos.   Such devastation.
And since Japan is so advanced technologically, the concern right now is if their nuclear power reactors will be damaged and spew radiation poisoning.
The resourcefulness of the Japanese people will ultimately prevail here, after a huge effort and cost. 
This is such a graphic example of the fragility of our human existance on the thin geological crust of this moving molten planet

Sunday, March 13, 2011

London Loser

You know how I tend to stick my tongue in my cheek and call you Peeps "Losers" from time to time???
Well, some geek from London, England took it serious and sought to chastise me  for my arrogance.
Seriously.... how can anyone take this Blog serious.  
What a Loser.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Disaster Precaution

Now a Nuke is threatening to meltdown in Japan.  As a highly accomplished and competent nation, Japan will deal with this trauma, but it's still very heart rendering to see what is going on there.
This type of thing always makes people wonder how they would cope if it hit them at home.   Around Boston, even with stringent building codes, there are a lot of old dwellings that would be hard pressed to withstand an earthquake. 
But what worries me more, living near the harbor is the Tsunami.   We are pretty close to sea level here, and that would be a mess.
So, just in case, I'm going to unstrap the Herreshoff Columbia Tender on the trailer in the backyard.   That way, at least we can hop in and stay on top of the flow.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blame for Tsunami

Japan has absorbed a massive earthquake and tsunami this morning.  The entire Pacific Rim, "Ring of Fire" has been behaving badly as this quake follows the recent ones in Chile and New Zealand. 
 With network coverage and extensive videos, the effects are readily observable, with the tsunami dramatically moving tons of water and debris on a march inland.
The only redeeming value regarding earthquakes is that the Democrats can't blame the Republicans for it.  Unlike the global warming debate, their seems to be no hook to hang the blame on for this.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Naming the Ax

Not to make a big thing out of it, but I got my Epiphone Les Paul Standard Electric Guitar delivered by UPS this week.  After a quick tuning, I was pounding out the Pentatonic Minor Scale in the key of E like it was yesterday.
I'm thinking of calling the guitar "Lucille".... but I don't want to piss off BB King.

Done with Sheen

OK, I've been sticking up for Charlie Sheen, but now he's starting to get on my nerves.  For one thing, put out the butt, Charlie.  Smoking is so passe.  Totally uncool.
I guess that's the main reason.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Philadelphia Freedom

I appreciate all of the emails and text messages asking how the Philadelphia meeting went today.
Really.... I do.
And that is said with no hint of sacasm.
Not even a little bit.
It's all part of the new, kinder, more tolerant me..... Regardless of the annoying, irritating and slightly neurotic attempts by some of you Peeps to track my every move, I've resolved myself to respond with a gentle retort to such inconveniences.
No more will I rant that you are freaking losers and need to seriously consider getting a semblance of a life of your own.   No... I now appreciate your freaking, assinine concern.
So if you want to know how good we did because you have nothing better to point the aimless direction of
your seemingly pointless life to.... I can simple tell you this....
We kicked ASS!  Scored BIGTIME!  Rocked the CASPAR!
I'm pretty sure that we nailed this deal.   
So we'll show a great deal of attention to the Phillies and the Eagles for the next year or so.

dougmaxfield said...

I'm pretty sure you mean gasbar.

Tuna Lips said...

If ise know my ole amigo Boomer, he was rockin' the azzzzbah, and you know that, you most certainly do. Azzz-bah. Sounds perty, don't it?!

Brian Butler said...

... or Casbah
Clash "Rock the Casbah" lyrics:

Anonymous said...

Why write a blog, why put yourself out there in the pubic domain, if you are then going to have the arrogance to call anyone who actually reads it a "freaking loser"? Seems like there's only one real loser on this site...

Hey Anon.  -
Now that you've given your stiff ass opinion, you are right, there is only one real loser on this site... so keep the hell off.
With Kind Regards,
- John Nestor, aka Master J, Crusher, JJ

Monday, March 07, 2011

Telecom Success Mold

Tomorrow it's down to Philadelphia to profess the virtues of Nanepashemet Telecom to a very promising prospect..   If all goes well, we will crack a nice regional market of one of our biggest current customers.  Business development and capabilities briefings have always been one of my strong points, so I'm never nervous at these activities... but mainly curious as to the magnitude of the opportunity.
Since Nanepashemet Telecom is such a strong performer in this field, success usually revolves around the strength and staying power of the customer.  In this high tech, corporately financed environment, companies are constantly hitting the gas pedal, then slamming on the brakes when it comes to capital spending for infrastructure development.    You have to literally be at the right place at the right time, so if we are fortunate enough to have a relationship in place at the beginning of a capital project, we are usually highly successful in the implementation.
I'm hoping that the Philadelphia opportunity fits the mold.

FreshAyer and North End

Ryan was in high form, explaining the in's and out's of life at FreshAyer to Gail and Dale.   The day will come when we don't have to make the pilgimage to see him, but until then, his attitude and outlook makes the ordeal highly tolerable, even enjoyable.
Afterward, we detoured into the North End and had an early dinner at L'Osteria on Salem Street.  http://www.losteria.com/,
Dining Room at L'Osteria
The proprietor pull us in from the street, and the menu looked good, so we gave it a try.  An excellent happenstance as the food was as fine as can be found in one of Boston's North End Italian restaurants.  A stop over at Mike's Pasty  on Hanover Street capped a very satisfying afternoon.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Fresh Start

Heading out for some FreshAyer with Dale and Gail Johnson this morning.  Ryan will be fired up to see them.   Before that though, I hope to finish purging my files and throwing away the irrelevant ones.
Finished sorting through my books and clothes yesterday, and a fair amount went to the Book Bin or to the Salvation Army clothes container at the dump.   I can easily now fit my books into the bookcase, and my clothes into my closet.
With the essential files neatly filed in the file cabinets, we can easily organize the family room and the last bedroom, and then I can resume the wainscotting and trimwork for this house.  Then we can attack the backyard, which has been transformed into Appalachia during this move.
As soon as the weather improves, the deck and tool shed will start.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Alternative to Dumping

We've moved a number of times in my adult life, and everytime, all of the stuff from the old place doesn't fit into the new place.  In the past, we would end up junking stuff and we did a lot of that this time, but I also found an interesting phenomenon.  If I put unwanted furniture or TV sets out on the curb in the morning, they were gone by the afternoon.
Saving me the trouble and cost of bringing that stuff to the dump.  Today, before it starts to rain, I'm going to put a chest of drawers out there and see what happens.
Feels pretty good that some of my stuff will be of good use to others who need it.