Friday, November 26, 2010

100,000 Hit Milestone

Sometime this weekend, one of you hapless Peeps will hit this Blog for the one hundred thousandth time.  That's 100,000 occasions when you have sought the solace, knowledge, wisdom, and aggravation that flows freely from this little anchor in cyberspace.
And yet, I have not received dollar one for this immense contribution to humankind's body of knowledge.
Granted.  I've picked up a couple dozen bottles of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch.... and maybe that is compensation enough.   And for those of you who think that the Nanepashemet Blog is just a big scam so that I can score Lagavulin from you.... maybe you're on to something. 
But a bottle of the King of Scotch from time to time seems fair trade for the psychological benefit/trama that this Blog exudes to the clamoring masses.  Plus, the donors get the ultimate recognition.... automatic selection as Peeps of the Week. 
So, I think that you are really getting the better deal in this scam.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bash Aftermath

If you want to know what happened at the Bash last night, you won't be finding it in the Marblehead Police Log.... because there were no reported incidents whatsoever!
That's always a big accomplishment, and an annual source of pride.
But it's not to say things didn't get loud, obnoxious and a bit over the top.
For starters, there were THREE AUTOMATICS!!!  That's three Peeps who were courageous and audacious enough to show up with a bottle of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch, and will be enshrined in perpetuity as Automatic Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week when the selections are made later this weekend.
For the record, the enlightened and high class peeps were Maria Rowen, Bob Wojcik, and Brendt D'Orio.  They deserve  the vast amount of recognition and praise that undoubtably will be coming their way during this holiday weekend.
Mark Vona claimed that he searched three liquor stores for the King, and came up short.  Normally, I would dismiss this like a pile of horse manure, but since it was Vona, he gets a pass.  I believe you Mark.
I really can't name anymore names and events, not because I don't remember, but the details are fuzzy.   However....Firepits, Scotch, Dark and Stormies, and Macaroni and cheese come to mind.  Plus, if you weren't there, it's none of your business, and if you were, you know what happened anyway.  So there is no need for me to memorialize any of the frivolity.
I did get a chance to play my banjo riff that always sets Steve Lewis off though.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bash Rules

The frenzy has begun.
It's like a huge drum is beating louder and louder.
I don't get it.
Every year for the last twenty years or so, the night before Thanksgiving Day Bash at Nestor's has been a ritual event with the same rules.
1.  There are no invitations, but if you don't come, we will be insulted, and talk about you behind your back.
2.  The Cuisine is classic American Trailer Park-  lots of stuff deep fried in the Turkey fryer.
3.  Be prepared to drink with moderation - the beer will flow like wine.  Plus, we have wine.
4.  Clothes are mandatory.  Commando will not be tolerated.
5.  Bad jokes and loud, obnoxious behavior is encouraged.
6.  And, what should go without saying, the gift of the King of Scotch, Lagavulin Single Malt, will win you an automatic selection as a Nanepashemet Peep of the Week.
So that's it.   Six pathetic rules.  You would think that it could be easy enough for people to remember. 
This is the last year for the Bash to be held at Beverly Ave.  Next year, we will be up at the West Shore Drive house that borders Gerry Playground......  which may require the promulgation of additional rules.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bash Preview

It's only two nights to go before the biggest event of the year... the Thanksgiving Eve BlowOut Bash at the Nestor's replete with Buffalo wings, White Trash Balls, Macaroni and Cheese, and of course... the King of Scotch, Lagavulin Single Malt.
For those insidious Wussys among you who complain that drinking Lagavulin is like drinking terpentine (BLASPHEMY!) there will be Sams and Guinness flowing like wine.   And there will also be wine.
This year, like every other in the pathetic series, we have not issued invitations... but if you don't come, you will be talked about incessantly concerning all of your earthly foibles and weaknesses.... so I'd come if I were you.
This year, as a special treat, we've asked Prince William and his newly betrothed, Kate to attend and they've graciously accepted.   The word is that the Prince is a big fan of my Wings and White Trash Balls, so come early in case he decides to make a pig of himself and eat the whole platter.
Judiciously, I've decided not to invite Sarah Palin.   Joanne knows how she turns me on, and I don't want to make everyone uncomfortable.  So as a Mountain of a Man, I've taken the high road once again.
Most of the usual suspects will be here though, and I'm pretty sure that Tuna Lips will make his annual appearance, even though his identity can never be revealed.
For those of you who continue to ask me the annoying question of dress code, my answer is the same now as it's always been.  Clothes are mandatory.  Anybody showing up in full commando will be turned away.
This is a classy affair... for Cripes Sakes.
See you there.... or feel your ears burn.

Maria Rowen said...
I am looking forward to many white trash balls...Prince Harry is much more interesting and...Will there be full body scanners or pat downs by any chance...? 

Maria -
We will provide as many white trash balls as you can handle.  Didn't invite HarryToo much red tape, plus he doesn't have a hot fiancee.   And yes.....  There will be a lot of full body scans, especially in your case.   Good luck with the pat downs.

Security Measures

I don't get the beef over the new airline safety procedures.
The TSA is just there for our safety. And even though every single airline terrorist has been a Muslim, let's not profile. Let's feel up everyone.   Let the minimum wage TSA professional morons grope away. 
And... while they have the rubber gloves on, might as well go with a full body cavity search. 
Can't be too careful!  The government is there to help us.
Tuna Lips said...
I has no problem, filosifizin wise, about pullin my man tackle out fer thems to check. "Shock and Awe" and just some Gulf War jingoism.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cornhusker Ass

Texas A&M had a nice 9-6 victory this weekend over eighth ranked Nebraska.
No surprize to me.
The Aggies are the Official Nanepashemet Division 1 NCAA College Football Team, anchored by our own Benny Martin, who is an offensive line coach.
So it just goes without saying that they would manhandle a wussy team like the Nebraska Cornhuskers.
Ben had a small contingent of Marblehead Peeps help him with this one though.   Not sure what help Scott McBurney could bring, but SuperPeeps Nate Clarke and Mike Nestor obviously added some value to the win.
I hope the post game festivities didn't get out of hand.
Way to go Ben.   Kicking Cornhusker ASS!!!

(just kidding, Scotty Boy.)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

No Comparison

89 year old Geneva Sozanski was outside of the Lynn Eastern Ave. two family  home where she has lived for fifty years or so.  
At one o'clock in the afternoon,  a 30 year old punk, named Nicholas Christian, made it his business to jump out of his car, slam her to the ground with such force that she was bleeding and unconscious so that he could steal her purse.
Christian is 30 years old.
Mrs. Sozanski is a greatgrandmother with two sons... both Dentists.
She has lived a long life of grace and dignity... and you can even now see the goodness in her beaten face.
I first met Mrs. Sozanski when I was in the 7th grade, hanging out with her son, Stephen.  She was instrumental in my decision to attend graduate school at Boston University.  I ran into her outside of a bakery on Lewis Street in Lynn in the summer, shortly after I had graduated from UMASS and taken a job as a Planner for the City of Lynn.
Mrs. Sozanski was happy to see me and we exchanged greetings, then she asked me where I was going to graduate school.  I explained to her that I had a job now and probably wouldn't be going back to school.  The look on her face was of shock and concern.  "Oh, you shouldn't stop now, John,  You have to get your Master's Degree,"  she said in a firm voice that I thought was uncharacteristic of her.  We exchanged a few more niceties, then went our separate ways down the street.
Later on that week, I looked into the Master's Program of Urban Affairs at Boston University and enrolled in night school for the fall semester.  The firm nudge from Mrs. Sozanski was the catalyst.
She is a warm and kind lady, and her comments to the media about the incident characterize her perfectly.
So Christian... back to you.  If you have to knock old ladies senseless so that you can steal the paltry contents of their purses for your addictive fix, then, the worth of you as a human being speaks for itself.  Sadly, there will always be slime at the bottom of the barrel like you.  
But what makes me high on life is the Geneva Sozanski's that I have run into.  People like Mrs. Sozanski make our lives so much richer, that we can afford to dismiss the depravity that you have made of your worthless life.   She makes us able to endure the likes of you.
Good luck in the future, Christian.  People like you rarely make it to age 89 like Mrs. Sozanski ... odds are, you won't be seeing 39.

Friday, November 19, 2010

POTW Week 47

Tommy McMahon, former POTY took the time to remind me that I missed the Peep of the Week selections last week.
No shit Tom.
Maybe I didn't miss it though... maybe I chose to ignore it.... and maybe I had a real good reason to do so.
Or... Maybe not.
Anyway, I'm going through the pathetic process today, so that I don't get any annoying reminders in a day or so.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 47th week of 2010

Barbara Kessel
Tommy McMahon
Sam Khairi
Bill Hillegas
Susan Raiche
Eugene Noel

On to the Weekend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breaking News

Prince Will is getting married to Kate Middleton.
I know this.... because that's the only thing that the "Newscasters" on ABC can talk about for the last few mornings. It's even bigger news than Bristol Palin making the finals in Dancing With the Stars.
Neither issue concerns me.  When you're a Mountain of a Man, you can't be detered by trivial voyeurism... even though Kate seems pretty hot.
Jim L. said...
It will be a great irony if Queen 'Liz outlives Charlie Boy. He has been the man who would be king for four decades since his playboy days in the early '60's. And now, the Brits are rooting for Liz to hang on. The crowd favorite for the king job is Will. And, of course, they are falling in love with Kate just like they did with Di.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bank of America Scam

So I bring the check that I received from the United States Treasury to the pleasant teller in the Bank  of America, Vinnin Square, Swampscott office and make the deposit.  She politely informs me that there will be a hold on the check until it clears.
Honey.... I don't mean to sound condescending, but if that check doesn't clear, then you and your big bureaucratic, faceless bank can kiss your ass good-bye.   If a check from the US Treasury bounces, then we all better buy a 22 caliper rifle from LL Bean and head to the woods to kill rabbits, because we won't be eating otherwise.
Let's face it.  Bank of America is holding my money because they are scammers.   They just want the free use of it. I put up with this Bullshit because I have so much time and information invested in their on-line Internet payment system to my vendors and creditors.... and that's it.
One of these days, I'll stop being so lazy, pull my money out, and find a better deal. 
Stupid, big, bureaucratic bank.  I feel bad for the people who work there, because they are eunuchs, with absolutely no decision making power whatsoever.

Alex Ferrier said...

With interest rates where their at your better off just keeping your money in your house hidden in a safe.

dougmaxfield said...
Personally, I like small, local community banks that care. Anyone know where I can find one?

Tuna Lips said...

In the great American tradishuns of our forebears, Ise will be stuffing myself a bird and giving thanks fer such. Henrietta Thistletwat is Ole TL's latest muse.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Panel Cutting Rack

This week is crucial to getting things done.  Next week is Thanksgiving which will be full of nice disruptions and distractions.  Got  a ton done on the Sundance building this weekend, but this week will be key to meeting the deadline of carpet in the first week of December.
Yesterday I got the system down for transporting sheets of MDF.  Have some Home Depot guys help in the loading at the store, and when I get to Sundance, slide it off to a cutting rack of 2x4's that are mounted onto portable work benches set up at pickup gate height.  The MDF slides off of the back of the F150 and onto the rack with literally no heaving lifting, where they are cut to sizel using a 7 1/2" circutlar saw with a straight cut jig.
Pictures to follow.

Tommy McMahon, former POTY said.....
You realize you didn't do a peep of the week for last week when probably the most deserving peep, Shalane Flanagan, should have been named?

You're better than that J, come on now.
You're right, Tom.... I'm so ashamed.  Flanagan did deserve it.... with her second place in the NY Marathon.  But then again... she let that African beat her, which was hard to overlook.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

No Doubt on Deadline

We're half way through November and the deadline to complete the ground floor of the Sundance building is starting to loom large.  Plus we have Thanksgiving and the Annual Night Before Bash within that timeframe.
I've got a ton of stuff to finish, including drywall mud, raised panel wainscotting, crown moulding, baseboards, and finally painting all of it.  The carpet is due in the first week of December.
There's no way that I won't be ready.  As I Mountain of a Man, there can be no question that the work will be done, and at the highest quality by the time the carpet is delivered.
Pictures to follow.
That's how I roll.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Stupid Costco Run

 Remember when I told you how stupid it was to have a couple of beers at lunch on a Friday afternoon, then stop in a Costco on the way home?
And how you end up buying $300 bucks worth of bulk goods????
Like 16 sticks of salted butter, 40 packets of microwave popcorn, three pairs of boxer shorts, two gallons of margarita mix (naturally a liter of tequila... and I don't even drink tequila), and 2 lbs. each of slice provolone, cheddar and harvarti cheese.
Because when you have two beers and a scotch chaser in you, money is no object.  You can afford anything because nothing can stop you.   
But by the time you pull up in front of your house, reality sets in. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran Service

Today is Veteran's Day.  I'm not a Veteran.
My Grandfather, my Father and my Father-in- Law served in World War I, World War II and the Korean War respectively, and all three were disabled American Veterans.   I'm so proud of them and thankful for their service.
My turn was Vietnam.  A decent amount of guys who graduated ahead of me at Lynn English did tours there.  In those days, the draft was in place, and you had a number placed on yorur birthday based upon a drawing.
I was at UMass, Amherst, and had gone through the first two years of a very unpopular Army ROTC program where I had attained the rank of Corporal by the end of my sophomore year.  I actually enjoyed it.  We learned about military strategy in wars from the ancient Greeks to World War II.  We learned how to march and conducted drills in the athletic field.
It was tough in the dorms, because we had to wear full military dress uniforms and had to keep our hair short, which was a problem in the early 70's.  We were open targets to anti-war hippy types.  That never bothered me though.  I think I intimidated the Hippy's a lot more than they did me.
Those of you who know me can probably picture that.
Aaron Boykin and I were the only kids in the James House dorm who dressed up in uniforms twice a week to go to ROTC Class.  Aaron was a black kid from Springfield, MA in the 70's with a full 70's afro that went way past the ROTC dress code.  He played lead guitar in a rock band, and most of the time, really looked the part.
The morning before each ROTC class, Aaron would grease down his afro so that his hair would fit under his military dress cap.  Since we never took those hats off in class, he got over every week.
The morning came when Aaron didn't have the time to go through the greased down hair routine.  He lived across the hall from me, and we got dressed in our uniforms and headed for the half mile walk to the ROTC building.  The whole way, Aaron kept trying to stuff his Afro hair into his Cap.  When he stuffed it in one way, it stuck out the opposite site.   It was freaking hilarious.
By the time we got to the ROTC building, we were running a little late, and the Captain in charge of the program was standing outside the door.  I forget this guy's name, but he was bit of a Psycho, had a bad temper, and there were a lot of wild stories circulating around about what a crazy bastard he was.   Plus he had a huge scar on the side of his head.
Right away, the Captain started in on us.  "Gentlemen, you are running late... don't you know what time class starts?"
Aaron and I tried to shuffle by quickly , but then the Captain zeroed in.  "You... Corporal Nestor... fix Boykin's hat."
I positioned myself behind Aaron's head so that the Captain couldn't see my face. Aaron had his back to the angry Captain.  So there we were face to face positioned so that the Captain couldn't see either of our expressions.  Every time I tugged one way, that freaking cap popped up the other way.
Boykin and I were killing ourselves with suppressed laughter.  I was summoning every ounce of my then developing Mountain of a Man power to keep from breaking out into an unrestrained howl.  Finally the Captain ended our predicament by bellowing for us to "Get the Hell into class".
After that Sophomore year, my draft number came up at 354.  There was no way that I would be drafted.  I folded up my uniform, took it to the ROTC building and handed to the officer there, telling him what my number was.  We both understood that Reserve Officer Training Corps had ended at UMASS for me and I would not be signing a contract in my Junior year.
Vietnam ended anyway a short time later, and I never would have gone.
So I never served.   Which I regret today.
But there is a deep resevoir of gratitude that I hold for those who did.  It is incomprehensible how different our life would be today, if those in our direct families hadn't made such sacrifices for us.
For starters... we don't talk German, Japanese or Russian.  English is still the official language here.... although that is probably the topic for a different post.

Thank you American Veterans.  For preserving our way of life in the greatest country in the world.

Pisc said...
Good story, good thought. Thanks.

Addiction Fix

Even though Nanepashemet Telecom is crushing it with the normal end of the year  business crunch, I've still found a way diversify our site acquisition offering with our highly touted Buyer's Brokers services.  It's important to remember that the final output of any business is not just a product, service or a sale.
It's customer satisfaction.... or dissatisfaction as the case may be.
So when I found out that some Peeps had been screwed around with in the market and needed some real estate service to purchase a home.... what choice did I have????  We had to rectify the situation... creating some satisfaction.
But the funny thing about making people happy, is that it's a two way street.  The happiness comes back to you exponentially.  To the point where it can be addictive.  Given my experience, strengths and weaknesses... the Buyer's Broker service that so many of you are asking for, is the perfect fix for me.


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The Real Estate Opportunity

Ever since I've offered a $2,000 American Express Gift Card to anyone who closed on a real estate purchase using our Buyer's Brokers Services... It's been havoc.
Peeps... if you think that you are putting me to the test.... you're fighting out of your weight class.
I don't care how many of you sign up.... I said it and I'll do it.  The more of you that sign up, just means that I have to dig deeply into my Mountain of a Man reserves.....
It's a Buyer's market now, and you have to make hay while the sun shines.   With prices remaining stable and mortgage rates at an all time low, you'll be happy in a short time that you decided to buy a new home. 
If you're willing to make the move, I'll be there to see this through with you.
Many of you don't know that former Peep of the Year, Michael "Murph" Murphy was one of the first to jump on this offer, and ended up with the home of his dreams.
Murph said....

"The best thing that I did was to hire J. Nestor to represent me and Beth as our Buyer's Broker. There are so many sharks looking to take advantage of you in the real estate business and we met our share of them until Nanepashemet stepped in and paved the way for us to fnd and purchase the house of our dreams.. I would recommend J and his company to anyone."
Contact for details. Or call 781-727-6516 anytime.
Just don't wait to buy Real Estate.... Buy Real Estate and wait.
Click for More information

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Checking the Polls

So many of you Peeps have emailed me, called me, or stopped me on the street to ask me what went wrong.... Why did the Democrats carry the day so completely in Massachusetts????
What the hell do you think I am?.... some sort of poltitcal pundit prophet???  I don't have any freaking  definititive answers.   I do have a theory though.
In Massachusetts, the Democrats had a huge wake up call with the victory of Scott Brown over Martha Coakley for "Ted Kennedy's" Senate Seat.   The lesson learned was... nothing is given, and you have to work for things.
The Dems in this state may seem stupid and naive at times... but they are not lazy.  And when it comes to elections, they know that, regardless of the issues, a political organization that is organized at the precinct level can guarantee election if the effort is sustained.
This involves the initiation and organization of precinct captains, poll checkers, telephone callers and drivers to the polls to a minute detail.
In the City of Lynn for example, there are seven wards and twenty eight precincts.  With a separate precinct captain in each, and a small cadre of poll checkers and telephoners, it used to be a simple process to determine who had voted on Election day, and who had not.   By the end of the day, with a little motivation like picking up people and driving them to the polls, we were able to guanrantee that all of the people who were in favor of our candidate had voted.
Every time we worked this system, our candidate won.... without fail.   And I'm talking about some guys that were elected, who the pundits had ruled out without a doubt.  It was a mechanical process... make sure that your supporters made it to the polls, and ignore anyone who was neutral or against your candidate.
By virtue of the fact that the majority of the voters in a community don't vote in elections, this process was highly successful.
Last Tuesday, as I went to my polling place in the Marblehead Senior Center, I noticed poll checkers sitting behind the ballot workers for the first time since I moved to Marblehead over 25 years ago.  When I asked the checker who he was working for, he said, "the Democratic Party".
In Massachusetts, Democrats carried every Congressional seat as well as the Governor.  The Democratic sweep here completely bucked the trend as nationally, Republicans picked up over 70 seats to capture the majority of the House of Representatives.
Did Scott Brown wake up the Democrats in Massachusetts?  Maybe he did.

Tool Shop Owner said...
Time to get to the bottom line. We need to stand for something.

Offers Open for Heaven in Marblehead

Maybe I'm naive, but my expectation was that minutes after announcing that 32 Beverly Ave. was for sale, that you would be flooding me with offers.
Even if the Nanepashemet Blog had not started here, and even if boats that are works of art had not been crafted in the hallowed garage... 32 Beverly Ave. would still be a great place to live.
Tommy O lives across the street.  That fact alone should spur you to make this life changing investment.  Plus, I've thrown in the American Express Gift Card.   Maybe I'll include a kayak or two.
C'mon.... I'm getting sick of waiting.  Time to move on to West Shore Drive.

POTW Week 45

I know that I've let a couple of weeks lapse in this weekly duty.   Not sure why.  October was the slowest month in the 5 year history of this pathetic blog.
I'll try to be a better person.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 45th week of 2010

Brian Donovan
Pat Piscatelli
Stacey Butler
Charlie Baker
Emily Engardia
Tommy O'Shea

There.... now we are back to abnormal.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Raised Panels

I've been busy this week making raised panel wainscotting out of medium density fiberboard plywood (MDF) for the family room at the former Sundance Pre-School on West Shore Drive.  Still don't know if this is a good idea.
On the one hand....
MDF is a stable material, with no voids like other plywood, and it routs and cuts very cleanly and crisply.  It doesn't chip like #2 pine,  requires virtually no sanding and you have the option of unlimited panel size.
On the other hand....
It is heavy as hell.  Even a Mountain of a Man like myself has a hard time lugging the 97 lb. 4'x8' sheets around the work area.   And the sawdust that it exudes is fine and irritating.  A dusk mask and vacuum is crucial, but the sawdust still gets out of control.
I haven't gotten to the point where I can evaluate the ability of the stuff to accept coats of primer and paint.  That will come soon though because I have all of the stock cut to rails, stiles and panels and hope to have all of the wainscotting assembled by the end of the weekend.
I'm convinced that the raised paneling is a good idea though.  It lends a lot of character to a room and is worth the effort.   I had initially wanted to go with bead board throughout, but my daughter Kate thought that it looked cheesy compared to the raised panels.  I agree, but the raised panels are super labor intensive.
Even with the router tables, and raised panel bit set that I invested in years ago, it is a time sucking activity.
Ultimately, since raised panel wainscotting is so expensive, or such a pain in the ass to do from scratch as I am doing. it generally adds value to the property.
That is my ulterior motive, but if I'm going to live there, I might as well be surroundied by the fine woodworking detail that I have become accustomed to.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Election Results

Interesting Election.
From what I saw, Barney Frank is a pompous idiot, but kept his job and Nancy Pelosi, that out of touch Facist, lost her job.  So that was a wash.
I was happy for reasons that I won't be sharing with you that Deval Patrick and John Tierney kept their seats in Massachusetts.

Tuna Lips said...

Ise thinks Nan is one good pleasuring from behind by ole TL from seein' the light. Not so many is such a way. My work is never done.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Sexual Preference

So today when I grabbed a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich and glass of juice during a break in the action at Nanepashemet Telecom, I sat down and caught a little of the Oprah Show.   Ricky Martin was proclaiming to the world that he was a Homosexual.
What a shocker!
Lucky me that I picked that particular moment in time to randomly sit in front of the TV.  Otherwise I might have missed this momentous occasion.
I probably don't have to remind you that this is one freaking phucked up world that we live in.  I mean.... who gives a greasy fart which side of the green that you putt from.    But just when we thought it couldn't get any weirder, I have this revelation to give to all of you.
I am a Heterosexual.  A practicing Heterosexual.  In fact.... I try to practice as much as possible.
All of these years, I've kept it pent up inside of me, busting to come out.... so to speak.
I've kept it from my family.... didn't think that they would accept my affinity for women.
I feel so free now.

TommyO said...

Holy Cow,
Pardon the pun,,,,
But Juice with Peanut Butter and Jelly. Come on Man... Milk is the only way to wash that baby down.... TommyO

American Express Gift Card

The experience of helping Michael "Murph" Murphy and his wife Beth find their home in Southborough was really satisfying.  Regardless of some glitches in the process and a couple of hurdles to overcome, the result and good feelings in the end have made me decide to increase my activity as a Buyer's Broker, representing Peeps find homes and investment properties.
Even though there is no direct cost for this service, I've decided to sweeten the pot by giving a $2,000 American Express Gift Card to any Peep who purchases a property through my help.  This will set them straight buying furnishings or appliances, and add to my overall good feelings.
And feeling good is what's important... Right???  Plus, if anyone of you decides to buy 32 Beverly Ave.  in Marblehead, the Gift Card will follow as well.

32 Beverly Ave.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

For Sale

32 Beverly Ave. is for Sale - Buy the birthplace of this Blog and Seal your Spot in History.

Official Has-Been Hockey Team of Nanepashemet

Most of you probably know this already, but the Official Has-Been Hockey Team of Nanepashemet - MooseKnuckles, has a spin off team known as the Knucks.  Mike Nestor, Dave Bruett and Scott Marcus spearheaded the split.
Normally, this could create quite a dilemma.  These are mighty Peeps who have left the officially endorsed team.
But being a Mountain of a Man for so long has given me King Solomon like, razor sharp judgement skills.  I mean, if I had a bad fried clam from Hooked... would I take back the endorsement???
If my "ORDA FO NESTA" from Feng Yang came back with a little too much MSG.... would I immediately be searching for some different Chinese????
Course we'll be rooting for the Knucks, but the MooseKnuckles still have the official endorsement.  How could it be any other way?
Mike Nestor said...
From Brian Donovan, Captain of the Mooseknuckles(Not your ordinary Nuck)

-As a long time listener, no time caller, I have become avid consumer of all things Nanepashemet. It is with great pride and humility that I accept the honor of “Official Has-Been Hockey Team of Nanepashemet”. Although I loathe diluting the distinction, it is worth mentioning that a small sliver of my satisfaction is due to the bitter pill that Mike “ORDA FOR NESTA” is digesting having lost the endorsement face-off. I do share some gratitude to Dave, Scott and ORDA for making the changes that needed to be made. I am a fan and wish nothing but success to the Baby Nucks; unless of course they are playing the real Nucks.

Far be it from me to correct a purveyor of such fine cuisine, but as a gentle reminder, there is no K in Nucks.
Kut the Krap on the K Korrection.

RIP - Attorney John N. Nestor

This guy saved my life.
When I was under economic attack in the early nineties, John beat back all of my attackers.  Without his help, my career, and my life would never have recovered.
He had a life filled with remarkable experiences, from his childhood in the thirties as a scruffy Irish neighborhood kid in West Lynn, to the unwritten fact that during World War II, he flew 125 missions over Germany in a B-29 Flying Fortress and survived.....when the average pilot died within 25 missions.
When I asked him why he volunteered for all of those extra missions when he only was required to fly 25, he said that he never thought that he could die.
I once bought him a framed print from Kennedy Studios showing a couple of B-29's under attack by German Messerschmidt fighter planes.  When I presented it to him, John stared at it for awhile silently.   I was afraid that I made a mistake by stirring up some bad memories, and finally broke the silence by asking him if anything was wrong.

"There certainly is something wrong," John said in a measured reply......  And I started to think that he would say that the gun turrents were in the wrong place or that the planes were painted inaccurately in some way.  After another brief silence, he said, "The problem with this picture is that those fucking Messerschmidt's would have never gotten in that close to us."
But he never hung that print in his office for whatever reason.  He also never forgave the Germans or the Japanese.
As a District Attorney, John tried many murder cases and once said that he didn't believe in the insanity defense, because if you saw the atrocities at crime sites that he had seen, then you would agree that everyone who murdered somebody else was at least temporarily insane.
Unlike many lawyers, John never made a big score.  He certainly didn't score when he helped me climb out of bankruptcy while I was dead on my ass financially.  But, he always helped people regardless of their ability to pay.
He had almost a childlike interest in things, and you could always see how some stuff shocked the hell out of him.
Yet he was tough as nails and had a compelling presence as a litigator in court.   I saw him wade through deposition after deposition with major Boston law firms, patiently waiting for court trial where he shredded those high priced bastards with his adherence to honesty and the truth and his ability to convey that to the judge and jury.  He didn't need a small army of paralegals carrying boxes of exhibits.  Everything was all laid out in his head and exited in Court with a powerful voice.
I have to admit that when my own court appearance with him was beginning, I thought I was doomed since he didn't seem close to being as prepared as the three Boston lawyers with their boxes of exhibits sitting across the aisle.  Then, when they gave their opening arguments, replete with twisted facts that seemed backed up by piles of documentation, I conceded that my life was over.
John handed me a yellow legal pad, and said, "Take Notes."   My first note was "WTF!"
But when it was his turn to respond, he kicked the shit out of their arguments, off the top of his head.  He annihilated their witnesses, and made their case look like what it was..... contrived, greedy and manipulated.  I can still hear the words of Judge Carol Kenner when she announced her dicision... "I find the defendant not guilt of any wrongdoing WHATSOEVER."  John and I put the yellow pad in my briefcase and were out of the courtroom in seconds.
When I asked John how he did it, he said that he didn't spend a lot of time on all of that out of court stuff.  He said that he always let the opposition make the opening argument, and observed what they were saying and how the judge and jury were responding.  Then he would craft his response.
On two social occasions I have spoken to sitting judges who knew John, and their admiration for him was genuine and complete.
Over the years, since we shared the same name, a lot of people would ask me if I was John Nestor the lawyer, and I would tell them that he was a distant cousin.  The truth is that I'm not even close to being worthy of being confused of being him.
I just found out this morning that he died and feel really bad that I hadn't seen him for the last few years.
If there is a heaven, then John is sitting there now, surrounded by a huge crowd of people that he helped while he roamed this earth.
Thank you, John.

John N. Nestor, 89
Retired attorney

LYNN - Attorney John N. Nestor, 89, of Lynn died Thursday in a local nursing home after a lengthy illness. He was the beloved husband to Loretta (Lundgren) Nestor with whom he shared 39 years of marriage.

John was born in Johnstown, Pa., son of the late Thomas and Mary (Murray) Nestor. He was a resident of Lynn for most of his life. He was a graduate of St. Mary's Boy's High School Class of 1938 and then went on to receive his undergraduate degree at Tufts University and then went on to Boston College where he received his Law degree.

John was a member of the Army Air Corps. He flew planes during WWII, was stationed in England and held the rank of First Lieutenant.

Attorney John Nestor was a well-known lawyer in Lynn for 50 years. He had an incredible reputation and was known for his honesty and integrity as a lawyer and prosecutor. He was a straight shooter who always treated everybody with dignity and respect. He also worked at the Essex County District Attorney's Office. Attorney Nestor retired in 2000.

He was a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Lynn Bar Association. He was also an active communicant at St. Mary's Parish where he was an usher and served on several Church committees.
In addition to his wife he is survived by two sons, David N. Hunter of Syracuse, N.Y. and Dr. Michael J. Hunter and his wife Lina of No. Andover; one daughter, Mary Beth Ouanes of West Peabody and two brothers, Hugh Nestor and his wife Sheila of Lynn and James Nestor and his wife Judy of Amesbury. Also survived by his loving grandchildren Adam and Michael Ouanes, Ilana and Sebastian Hunter and many nieces and nephews. He was the father in law of the late Abel Ouanes and brother of the late Patrick and Thomas Nestor.

Service information: Attorney Nestor's funeral will be held from the CUFFE-MCGINN Funeral Home, 157 Maple St., Lynn, Tuesday at 9 a.m. followed by a funeral Mass in St. Mary's Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours will be Monday from 3-7 p.m. Gifts in his memory may be made to St. Mary's Church Restoration Fund, 8 So. Common St., Lynn, MA 01902. Interment will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. For online register book please visit

Making the Move

We've pretty much decided to move to the Sundance School Building at West Shore Drive.
With the new homes being built next door, and the Town investing in a new wharf and playgound complex in the adjacent park, the value of the site is increasing.
There is more space there and greater opportunities for the Grandkids.  And renovating that building will be a fun project.
The downside is that I won't be able to keep tabs on Tommy O simply by sitting on my living room couch and watching his front and side door.     But we can keep in close touch with the old neighborhood, and we'll still be sneaking over to Tommy's pool when it gets too hot.
In the meantime, both Beverly Ave and Sundance will remain on the market until one is sold, but the odds are that Beverly Ave. will go first given the level of interest that has been occuring.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Frankly Speaking

Not that you asked for my opinion, but Barney Frank and John Kerry have got to go.
They are the epitomy of out-of- touch, self absorbed, power corrupted, egotistical politicians.
There is an arrogance of power that exudes from these guys.
Add Ed Markey to that list.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Hype

Halloween is so big now.  Especially up here right next to Salem, Massachusetts.
Since there are only two ways out of Marblehead.... through Salem or through Lynn.... I've been seeing a lot of Lynn lately.   Salem is completely gridlocked with people from all over the country gripped in Halloween hype.
This Saturday, Joanne and I are supposed to go to Sarah and Chris Crawford's house for a Halloween party.   You're supposed to dress up as something that begins with an "S".  It's a fun concept and bound to bring out some great creativity... but to me, it basically adds up to a lot of  "S"tress.
I don't like to wear costumes because I usually feel goofy enough in regular clothes, without dressing weird on purpose.   But since Sarah and Chris are such Super Peeps, we'll piece together something S like and get into the spirit. 
I'd love to find a nice Scotch Bottle costume before Saturday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blown Chance

When President Obama was elected, it wasn't by an outstanding plurality.  It's not like a groundswell of support embraced a radical turn to a new agenda of government spending.
The Stimulus Program with it's seemingly aimless spending, along with a railroaded nationalization of health care.... and the outright obnoxious audacity of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, combined with an underlying anti-American self critical sentiment in international affairs has characterized his administration.
I thought it then, and continue to think now that the election of a Black President was a bellweather change for this country.  It was a great thing that showed our maturity and growth as a society.
But now the Democrats, and the Big Government agenda is on the run.  Maybe they tried to do too much, too fast.  But the Republicans are in line to recapture the House and the Senate.
I'll be watching the clock to hear the first pundit say that this is a racist reaction.  The Democrats will never admit that they have blown their chance.... all by themselves.

Jim L. said...

The big problem is the Dems never had much of a chance. This recession was deep. And, let's not forget that the big spending started before the Big "O" walked through the front door at 1600. The bail outs started with Bush because he knew what kind of a mess he had on his hands.

That's why I don't think the GOP was all that upset that they lost to Obama. Then they pick up the strategy of sitting on their hands for 2 years and let the Dems grab the blame for an economic downturn that started under W's watch.

Oh, and, it may not get said but anyone would be a fool not to think that a little bit of racism isn't to blame for some of the hatred towards this administration.

So there we have it..... 
It's George Bush's fault and we are still racists after all.
Don't mean to sound trite, but I think that Jim L has capsulized the Democrats response perfectly. 
Looks like the debate will be vigorous.
Staytuned for Election Day.

Early AM Email

Last night, when I woke up at 3:00AM, I noticed that I had left the lights on in my office, so went down to turn them off, and checked email.
Big Mistake.
3:00am is a time for sleeping and dreaming... not being aggravated by freaking customers who keep coming up with internal processes in a thinly veiled effort to stretch out payments to you in order to help their cash flow.  This national company has owed Nanepashemet Telecom for services rendered last spring.  It's common knowledge that they are slow payers, but at this point, I don't even care about the money.   I'm just on a mission to see that this low class, unethical company doesn't stiff me.
So I sat there, processing their latest bullshit request for documentation.   You want more information??? You got it.  Anything you want.  You pathetic lowlifes.   I'm not going away until you have no more bogus excuses and send us the money that you've owed us for six months.
And when I finally get the paltry amount that you owe us, please take us off of your vendor list, because I won't be working for you again in this lifetime.

Pisc said...

Well done.
Put the tension in their organization, as they have put it in yours.
That is PMP stuff. Cost, Schedule and Quality. They are focusing on cost. Make the schedule and quality legs of the triple constraint work for you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Long Haul

Finally pulled the traps yesterday despite temps in the thirties and a stiff breeze.  Even though I brought in five lobsters in the haul, it is a messy, arduous and sometimes stressful process.   But by the time next spring rolls around, I'm sure that I will have forgotten the bother, plus there will be renewed promises from well wishing Peeps to help throughout the season.
And I'll set the traps again.
I lost four from my original ten this year, which seems like a significant percentage of loss.  If I did this for a business, it would be unacceptable.
A nice byproduct of lobstering is the nice workout that get pulling the traps by hand.  I had purchased a pulley system a couple of years ago, but have never got around to using it.... mainly because Dougie Maxfield questioned my manhood regarding the process.
Doug, are you against wheels or something?  What do you think... should we still be living in caves??? Jeez.
The pram was mutilated in the recent wind and rain storms down on the Village Wharf rings, and Mike and I pulled that out as well.  We will need a complete refurbishment and design changes for the next season.

dougmaxfield said...

I'm all for the davit system that you had proposed...I just couldn't bear the though of you putting it on that beautiful boat that you built. Kind of like putting a trailer home on beach front property.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Not Going

This weekend, they are celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Lynn English High School Class of 1970 at the Kowloon Restaurant in Saugus.  Mai Tai's and Crab Rangoon' all around.
I'm not going.
It's not that I don't want to see the people who attend, or that I don't want them to see me.   Granted, I weighed about 100 lbs less, when I last graced the halls of LEHS, but I'm still damn good looking.... So that's not it.
And I've recently made some connections with old friends from that era on Facebook.
But, I have some other stuff to do, and have a host of emotions and issues that I'm currently tending to.  I really can't afford to relive a time when I just wasn't as cool as I am now.
So I'm not going.

Jim L. said...
You missed a good time, Jay. We all sort of marveled at how cool we've all become. 
Denise Kearns said...
Yeah we have become lots cooler ... and you would've ranked up there in coolness.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

National Public Radio Lefties

National Public Radio is at it again.  Showing that their lefty leanings harbor actions of racism, sexism and heavy handedness, while they regale the  rest of the world for these shortcomings.

Witness the firing of NPR contributor Juan Williams for comments about Muslims.   He said what we all feel.... that when he sees Muslims getting onto an airline flight with him, then he gets nervous.   That doesn't mean that all Muslims are suicidal maniacs.... but the FACTS are that some have been in the recent past.  So it is natural to be wary.
The Liberals at NPR exhibit a self loathing liberal principle.... if you sense racism or sexism in yourself, then accuse everyone else of the shortcoming.  The fact is that there are far more claims of sex discrimination at NPR than at any other network.
Go Figure.
I hope we can get the government subsidy away from these phony leftist ideologues.
But I have to admit.... there are times when I listen to NPR dribble.... just to hear their elitist remarks and pseudo intellectual speaking tones.  It can be entertaining if you keep it in perspective.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Under Renovation

This is the first time in the five year history of the Nanepashemet Blog that I have fallen off from my daily upkeep.   It's not that I have run out of stuff to tell you.   In fact, it's harder to decide what not to tell you than what to tell you.  The factor is time.
Nanepashemet Telecom is cruising along and demanding administrative attention, the Grandkids and FreshAyer need time allotted, and the renovations of the Sundance Pre-School building into what is probably shaping us as our next move have taken the majority of my time to the demise of the much required daily Blog postings.
So far, the bulk of you have not been complaining or whining much, which leaves me to believe that you are probably also pretty busy with your normally pathetic daily lives.
If the Sundance renovation schedule stays in place, I should be maintaining a brisk pace until the end of November.   By that time, the kitchen will be done along with the bedrooms, family room and laundry.
I still would like to stay at Beverly Ave., but if that sells first, then we will make the move to Sundance.

Maria Rowen said...
With all those balls in the air…thank God you are a Mountain of a Man who can manage the building of the business and the bedrooms! More than likely, peeps of all persuasions and this p. a. p. will be happy to party at either p(a)lace…

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Last Haul

Mike and I are pulling the traps this morning, and hauling out all of the gear.
Like most summers, we started out with high hopes and energy, and then life kicked in and threw us off from diligently tending the traps.
So there are quite a few lobsters that have escaped the kettle at Beverly Ave. this summer.  I'm starting to think that the fish and lobsters in Salem Sound with not see my full wrath until I can rid myself of this pesky working for a living habit.


When we got down to the harbor at 9:00 AM, there were whitecaps with a stiff breeze, so we bagged it for another day.   Which was good because I got Mike to help me pick up a stack of 16' crown moulding at the Peabody Building Supply for the Sundance Pre-School building renovation.   At 65 cents per linear foot for for 3 3/8" pre-primed crown, it is the best deal around by far.
Crown moulding can be tricky, but if I can install it tightly, it will add a ton of character to the house.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dream Job

Today I was out early to drive the 250+/- miles from Marblehead to Bangor, Maine for a Nanepashemet Telecom job.  I've never been to Bangor before, and didn't get to see much of the community.
But it kind of reminded me of Cranston, RI.   And like Cranston, we'll probably be building this site around Christmastime.
The high point of the day was the 250 mile drive back home.
Living the Dream.

Correct Chilean Pronunciation.

Does it piss you off when those phoney newscasters try to put a foreign sounding spin on international names???
They're clueless on pronoucing "China" or "Japan" with a foreign sounding spin, but give them a name like "Bosnia" or any Hispanic name,  and it's off to the land of obnoxious, presumptuous intellectualism.
I don't care how the Chileans say the name of their country.  We pronounce it as "CHILLY"...
So if you hear one of those dipshits pronoucing it as "CHEE-LAY",  just try not to get too riled up.   We have to make room for pretentious assholes in our tolerant society.
And just rounding them up and dumping them into Cambridge coffeehouses is no solution.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Columbus Day

So it's Columbus Day.
Maybe the Vikings got here first. But the Spaniards were the first to make it stick. 
Sure the Indians were already here... but they hadn't invented the wheel, didn't have written records for the most part and were vastly inferior technologically, and biologically in terms of reacting to killer microbes.
Those of you who know me best, know that I have a mysterious sensitivity to American Indians... hence the name of this Blog.   But I also pride myself on adherence to the truth, regardless of political correctness.
For whatever reason, White Europeans have dominated every race that they have encountered.  I'm not saying that this is good or bad.... but I am stating this fact. 
After Columbus, Europeans and their microbes virtually eliminated the Native American culture.  In case you are not aware, the Indians were incredibly savage.   Scalping was commonplace and the torture and burning of captives was an accepted practice.  So any initiative to place them on the moral highground is a bit distasteful to me.
And the brutality of the White Europeans has been well documented.
Happy Columbus Day.

Jim L. said...
It wasn't the microbes as much as those little lead projectiles.

Shaping Up

Things are shaping up for a big week.
A lot of stuff will happen this week.
Good Stuff.
Wish I could share with you, but it's none of your business, so don't make a big deal out of it.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Karmic Politics

The Governor's race in Massachusetts is shaping up nicely with the liberal incumbent Democrat, Deval Patrick, opposed by the conservative Republican challenger, Charlie Baker, who has a strong business background in the medical insurance agency.
The now sitting State Treasurer, Tim Cahill, defected from the Democrats and is taking a spoiler role as an Independent.
It is the Cahill run that holds the irony.   He's not offering anything significant that would set him out from the normal singular ambitions of a political candidate.  Seems like he went Independent because he couldn't get the Democratic nomination.
Now he's suing members of his paid campaign staff who defected from him to support Baker, ostensibly because they felt that he couldn't win.   Looks pretty awkward and unGovernor-like for Tim.
Cahill now seems to be guilty of a number of things....   Lack of loyalty, questionable leadership, and poor management skill in the choice of his staff  lead the list.
He defects from the Democrats.... and his people defect from him.    Another case for the Law of Karma.  Seems like you just can't escape.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

4th Qtr Outlook

So for all of you Peeps who have been emailing me and leaving VM's asking about how business is at Nanepashemet Telecom these days, I appreciate your concern.  But even though there is a lot of uncertainty in this poor economy, Nanepashemet Telecom is doing the Ultra Freaking Balls.  Cruising along while firing on all cylinders.  Kicking Ass and Taking Names.
Let's just say that we are looking at a shitload of work down the Cape, our Washington  DC business is in the flow, we are staring down a nice job in Indiana, and will be traveling up to Maine next week to spread our unique brand of quality and service.
Traditionally, the fourth quarter is crazy time in Wireless as these huge corporations strive to meet their year end numbers.
Bring it On.

Benjamin said...


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

More Tax Ranting

It's sad in this country that everybody's largest creditor is the Federal Government.
When you are a small business owner, and have to come up with mental magic to generate outrageous tax payments.... it gets quite easy to develop a conservative political outlook.
In fact, I really don't know anyone who has to write large tax checks to the government while still maintaining a liberal outlook.  Think about the small business owners that you know.... what is their political leaning?
It seems that the majority of liberals are those who have withholding in their paychecks, and the conservatives are the ones who have to write out their own tax checks.   
People on payroll have lost the concept regarding earnings.  They think that their take home pay is what they earn, and ignore the huge bite that the government takes from them... right off the top.  They can't conceive that they actually earn their gross pay and don't look at the government's take as their own.
They ignore the outrageous government waste and largess that occurs when bureaucrats spend our money with no sense of responsibility or economy.
At any rate, I have a tax payment due, and I'm pretty aggravated about it.

Monday, October 04, 2010

POTW Week 37

I know that this is a late entry, but I had yet another automatic Peep of the Week selection, so I can't let this pass by, no matter how tardy.
After their real estate passing, where I was the Buyer's Broker, Michael "Murph" Murphy and Beth Capobianco Murphy showed their appreciation with a gift of the King of Scotch.
Not only is this a class move, it also assures a life of happiness and prosperity for the Murphy family at their new Southboro home.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th Week of 2010.

Michael "Murph" Murphy (Automatic)
Beth Capobianco Murphy (Automatic)
Michael Nestor
Susan Frary
Jennefer Grey
Eric Johnson

If I thought that I would get a bottle of Lagavulin every time I was a Buyer's Broker, then I probably would redirect my entire career.  But not everyone is as thoughtful and sensitive as Murph.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Ups and Downs

It's been an eventful couple of days.
Filled with ups and downs.
Started with the startling loss of our zoning petition in western Mass on Wednesday night.  A new first for me as the adversaries in the audience decided to get personal,  and claimed that I was only involved with the petition in order to make money....  No shit Sherlock... It's my freaking job.
I can't remember when the last time was that I've  lost a petition, but this loss really pisses me off.  I've recommended to the client that they appeal in Superior Court, and I sure hope that they do, because I want to see the look in the faces of those condo commandos when we put that beautiful monopole up in full view of their back decks.
Everything changed the next morning when we had the closing for former Peep of the Year, Michael Murphy and his beautiful wife Beth.  They bought their dream home in Southboro, with a pool that will undoubtably receive some laps at my expense next summer.  Mike and Beth were thrilled and I was so happy to be their Buyer's Broker.
Then things changed again as I ended the day in Nashua, NH at a wireless outing where I ran into a Douche Bag client who owes me money.   Said Douche Bag was a little taken back when I asked him where my money was when he was filling his plate at the buffet table...  He mentioned something like... "This is entirely inappropriate."   Well here is what's inappropriate, Douche Bag.... Harrassing people and treating them like assholes for their product, then not paying them after the invoice is 90 days over due.
Douche Bag.
The things changed again at the Happy Clam in Rockland, Me., where we met the Johnson's and the Frary's for clams and Wiener Schneitzel.
So.... we left things on the up trend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

IPod Replacement

Somebody stole my IPod a while ago.
I didn't make a big thing out of it, because if some loser has to steal an IPod, then he needs it a lot more than I do.
Plus, I was resolved to get an IPad anyway.
But then I broke down on one of my late night spending sprees and bought a new IPod Touch, Generation 4.
Huge upgrade over the Gen 2 IPod that was stolen, in terms of a camera and wifi Skype abilities.  And I got all of my Banjo music back from Itunes.
So the IPad will have to wait.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Aggie Test

Now that the Patriots game is over for the week, the attention of most deserving Nanepashemet Peeps will be riveted to Thursday night when the official Division 1 NCAA Nanepashemet Football Team, Assistant Coach Ben Martin's Texas A&M Aggies will be playing against Oklahoma.
The Aggies are 3 and OH, but I can't say that I've been impressed by the competition (since I basiscally never heard of the schools before).
But the Oklahoma Sooners should be a better test of whether our boy, Superpeep Martin, has a true winner on his hands.

Mike N said...
Oklahoma State is who they're playing. The Oklahoma State University Cowboys. Pay attention.

Thanks Mike, but Oklahoma is Oklahoma.  Can't see much difference from here.

Change of Season

To celebrate the Patriots victory over Buffalo this afternoon, I made myself the first Nanepashemet Classic Fall Cocktail of the season... Seagrams 7 Canadian Whiskey and Apple Cider.   The cider has a bit more carbs in it than I would wish, but a Nanepashemet Official Cocktail has to eclipse dietary considerations.
BTW.... It doesn't matter whether you use Seven or VO, or even Canadian Club.  So you might as well go with the more economical blend.... it's all good.
So even though it was a pretty warm weekend, autumn has officially begun for Nanepashemet Nation.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

POTW Week 36

So it's well known by most of you that I view myself as a Mountain of a Man.   And I could give numerous examples that would back up this perception.  But this is boring to me, and I really don't care whether you agree or not.
But what is not so well known is that before I became a Mountain of a Man, Bobby Brown had already attained that coveted position.  Again, no explanation of why will be offered.  
Suffice it to say, that Bobby reaffirmed his status with the gift of a bottle of the King of Scotch, Lagavulin Single Malt yesterday, which made a fruitless fishing expedition ultimately worthwhile.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 36th Week of 2010

Bobby Brown (Automatic Lagavulin)
Bob Wojcik
Jessica Rincon
Alex Watts
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Gail Johnson

Lagavulin makes everything seem better.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crimson Quid Pro Quo

So Harvard University has this quid pro quo going on that is basically this...
If the US Military stops it's "don't ask, don't tell" policy about homosexuals serving in the military... then Harvard will allow an ROTC presense on campus after a forty year hiatus.
Oh Man..... they really have us over a barrell.   How can we exist without a Harvard ROTC program???
But..... do we really need Harvard future venture capitalists taking a detour into military service after a stint with the Reserve Officer Training Corps???   Maybe not.     Come to think of it......
Hey Harvard.... Stick it up your Crimson Ass.... so to speak.  (With no disrespect to my Gay brothers and sisters).
We don't need a bunch of your namby pamby liberal ivy leagers coming out as second lieutenants anyway.
So keep your bullshit ban on ROTC.  And we won't ask, and won't tell.

Murph's Peep of the Month Initiative

Michael Murphy, Former Nanepashemet Peep of the Year writes....
I am about to do something that goes against everything this blog stands for. It's illegal, unethical, unconstitutional, it might even anger some people. It goes over the head of the CEO of Nanepashemet but I have no choice. As a former POTY I will take my chances. I am officially creating a category and a nomination for a peep. This is beyond POTW and POTY. This is a lifelong commitment. This is a nomination for a National Peep of the Month. The same Month, Every Year, it doesn't matter. The Peep of the Month takes precedence over any other POTW that has been nominated that month and remember, there are only 12 months so only 12 lucky peeps will enter this Shrine…..EVER. Once you are nominated, unlike POTW or POTY where your time soon will expire, The monthly Peep Reigns for life. Every time you think of that month you will know who the peep is and realize just how big this is. Your name will be associated for life with the month. The nomination is rare, it's special, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and quite frankly it’s a Goddamn honor. so without Further ado, I Murph, former POTY, Hereby declare The man himself, Mr. John J Nestor as September's Peep of the Month. Every September whether this Blog exists or not Jay will be a reigning Peep. He cannot be dethroned, overshadowed, questioned, challenged, or confronted. From this point forward The month of September belongs to Jay people. This nomination is final, non-negotiable, and binding. Jay Congratulations, you are now the official Peep of the Month for September for life. Enjoy this title you certainly have earned it. I herby leave you in charge of appointing 11 more peeps for this honor. It will take time but I know you will choose wisely.
NOG NOG NOG NOG NOG NOG NOG NOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael T. Murphy
AVP - Corporate Accounting
Financial Analysis & Reporting
State Street Corporation
Copley Place
100 Huntington Avenue, CHP2/T2
Boston, MA 02116

Phone: 617.664.8320
Fax: 617.664.4666


What the hell do they have in the water cooler at State Street?????

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The bad thing about liars is that they lie so much that they forget their lies.   Then they deny that they said the lie in the first place.    This inconsistency doesn't really bother them.
Because they're liars.
In the end they hurt themselves.... and complain to everybody who will listen about how hard, unfair and bad their lives are.  
Another Lie.
Here's a little word of advice from the Bard... you pathetic losers.
This above all: to thine own self be true,
Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–82

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fishing Plans

Its' the last real week of the summer.  Eighty Degree temps are predicted for Friday, so I think that I will be taking the WhaleEye out for a last ditch chance to find some Striper or Bluefish Blitzes.
They'll be some fine Peeps on board and plenty of libation, so it really won't matter if we catch fish.  But catching fish would go so well with friends and drinks.

Mike N said...
Find some cod.

The Cod is a species of fish that has been a proven commodity in trade markets internationally. Its great population off the shores of Massachusetts in the 17th and 18th centuries enabled the idea of economic stabilization and independence for the early settlers.

Now, hippies try to protect them....Vona's try to catch them...I like to stick them in my pants

Monday, September 20, 2010

Super Salmon

There is a big furor on the news tonight about genetically engineered salmon.  Seems like science has introduced some Pacific Salmon genes as well as those from other fish into Atlantic Salmon that causes it to grow three times as fast and bigger than its wild counterpart.
Protesters are calling it "Franken Fish" and urging the FDA  to ban it.
I hope they don't stop at a KFC on the way home from the protest.   Because the chicken that they eat have been genetically engineered for centuries.   Have you seen a white feathered chicken pecking around in the field and woods lately?
If you don't want to eat some beefed up Salmon, then freaking don't eat it.   But don't tell me what to eat.  In fact, I'm kind of in the mood for a Kentucky Fried Chicken Double Down right about now.

dougmaxfield said...
Just remember, modified chickens can't escape and wipe out the wild population of, oh, say partridge. Generally when we (the smart ones?) introduce a non-native life form, some unforeseen disaster follows. I'd hate to see some freak salmon that shouldn't exist eat all of the lobsters in Marblehead harbor. And yes, this particular scenario is far-fetched; but not that far-fetched.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aggies Scare

Florida International University gave the Nanepashemet Official Division I NCAA Football Team, the Texas A&M Agggies whose assistant Offensive Line Coach is our own SuperPeep, Benny Martin, quite a scare, as the Aggies had to come from behind in the 4th quarter to salvage a win, 27 to 20.
A win is a win.  The Martin Dynasty contines.

Off the Wagon

Tommy O and Linda dropped by for an innocent cocktail last evening, and after my third Mount Gay and Coke Zero, I lost all of my self control and ordered Chinese from Feng Wah.
Completely off of the no carb wagon - especially with the garlic noodles and the pork fried rice.
Normally there would be extensive remorse and self loathing over this act of dietary weakness, but I had a very physically active morning yesterday... shoveling and spreading two yard of loam into the backyard and Beverly Ave. and doing four property showings.
Our Beverly Ave. property showed very well, and we have a hot prospect for the Sundance School site, so optimism prevails.   Since we got Beverly Ave so spiffy clean and organized, I think that it might be our preference to stay here, but I'm sure that when Khalsa Design architects have finished the plans for Sundance, that will be an exciting option too.
Crunch time will be when the offers start to appear, which might not be too long.
But it's back on the no carb regimen today.  I'll get my exercise in by pulling the lobster traps before the Patriots Game.

Friday, September 17, 2010

POTW Week 35

I was just talking to Kevin Rockett up at the Gerry about how unbelieveable it is that people stiff you in business.  They ask you to do the work and then they just don't pay you.

Nanepashemet Peeps pf the Week for the 35th Week of 2010,

Kevin Rockett
Dave Bruett
Leonardo DiCaprio
Jane Curtain
Maria Rowen
Mike Murphy

We don't have that problem at Nanepashemet Telecom.  Because we are such pricks to you if you don't pay us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Smooth Sailing

Our Nanepashemet Telecom work in Washington and Baltimore is going well.  So is the project in Richmond, VA.  The New England work continues to cook away.  The Oregon work is on hold, but I'm pretty optimistic that it can kick in.
So what is the problem???
I was just saying.

Deck Chair Arrangement

So the Spindoctor ABC Newscasters are saying that the Tea Party victories in Tuesday's primary elections represent a split and challenge to the Republican Party.
It can't be that they just don't get it.
They are trying to build a breakwater in front of a tsunami.
Pelosi and Obama and their advocacy for the incursion of Big Government into our private lives.... these are the targets of this movement.  The Republican primaries were just the first indication of this wave.
Any efforts by the thought police to deflect this tsumani are counter productive....  Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  
Let's see how they spin things in November.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Professional Sports Reporting

My heart goes out for Inez Sainz, the Mexican Sports reporter who was harassed by the New York Jets by catcalls and footballs thrown her way during practice.
The marrried, mother of three was just trying to do her job.
Imagine the depravity of someone who would catcall her!!!  Sexcrazed, perverted Jets players.
It's just another reason why I'm a Patriots fan.
There's just no justice for a smoking hot Reporter who has to hang around in professional football player's locker rooms in skin tight every day attire.
When can we finally learn to treat people with the respect that they deserve?

Tuna Lips said...
I would eat me a mile of droppings to kiss her behind, I would I tells ya.

Bonus Kayak

You too can own this Mecca of Nanepashemet Devotees.
If you meet our reasonable asking price, I may even throw in a kayak or two.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Eat to Live

A side benefit of my low carb diet has been increased energy.  You don't get that heavy fatigue in the late afternoon, and you can get a lot more done.
As much as I like pizza, bread, pasta and potatoes.... it's easy to give them up in exchange for losing weight and feeling more energetic throughout the day.
So when I get to my ideal weight around the end of this year, it will be interesting to see if I can integrate the foods that I love, while maintaining the energy level.   I'm starting to see the logic in "Eating to Live" rather than "Living to Eat".

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aggies Roll

Texas A&M romped over Louisiana Tech yesterday by a lopsided score of 48 to 16.
Our boy Benny is undefeated.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Real Estate for Sale

I got a lot done today.   I was disappointed with the Nanepashemet Real Estate For Sale signs that I had ordered, and had to trim them with some wood that I had in the garage.  With a mahoghany cap, they came out looking a little cool if I say so myself, and they are now sitting outside the Sundance School and Beverly Ave.
Our strategy is to sell the first property that goes and either move to West Shore Drive or stay put at Beverly Ave.   Each alternative has its good points and both would be acceptable for different reasons, which I won't get into here... plus it's none of your damn business anyway.
I mean... it doesn't matter where I live as far as this Blog is concerned.... the timeliness, intelligence, decadence, poignancy, and overall coolness will be there wherever I sit down to write it.   So I don't need all sorts of drama coming from you just because we might be moving.
Deal with it.

Kelsey O said... 
If I wasn't at school I would be recreating the scene from Step Brothers where they take extreme measures for their house not to be sold, Katy would be wrapped up in a shower curtain on the front lawn. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Burning Books

This Koran burning Pastor Jones in Florida is a whack job.
He shouldn't be burning Scripture of any religion, but since he is a whack job.... what the hell can you do?...... and why should anyone be taking him seriously???
If he wants to burn Korans, Bibles, or Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat books.... we really shouldn't give a shit.
He's a whack job.
Burning a Bible can't hurt a Christian.
And burning a Koran can't hurt a Muslim.
Faith is not a piece of paper.

Jim L. said... 
Also, flag burning doesn't hurt Americans. We've seen a lot of it and it doesn't lessen our resolve. 

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Weight Loss Trend

In response to the incessant inquiries regarding my weight loss program.... I'm now on day 35 of my specialized low carb, but have a beer once in awhile regimen, and have been losing weight averaging a little less than 1/2 a pound a day.
I cheated outright only once when I had some spaghetti and meatballs with the GrandKids.
It's important to weigh yourself and record the data every day, and I've constructed a chart in Excel which shows the fluctuations.   Rather than a steady weight loss, it seems like there is a five pound range that decreases as a whole about a 1/2 pound per day.   So I vary up and down over this loss trendline either 2.5 lbs above or 2.5 lbs. below.
It's no use being depressed when you are at the top of the range or elated when at the bottom.  The daily weight is not the indication.... the average trendline is.
Exercise is crucial in addition to the carb intake.   I've had some very active weekends working on property maintenance projects that have taken the place of sessions on the Cybex, but have lacked the consistency of exercise that could make a much greater pace.
But the key is patience.   It took a while for me to become "Big Guy" (aka "Fat Shit").  Can't expect to get back into shape right away.   What has taken a gradual thirty years to attain can't be turned around in a month.
But my current trend indicates that it can be turned around in about five months.  And I'm only a little over the first month in.

Two Wrongs

Two wrongs don't make a right.
You don't build a mosque at ground zero to ingratiate radical Islamists and you don't burn Korans to insult them.
Once again, in the name of religion, people will be hurt and killed by these wrongs.  Radical Imams' and Crazy Christian Ministers' - hard to tell the difference.  Hate is the common factor

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Lucky Dog.

President Obama says he gets treated like a dog.
What the hell does that mean?
He gets to live for free in a a big Southern Mansion, takes vacations anytime he wants, plays a lot of golf, sneaks in a smoke once in awhile.
Where does the dog part come in?  C'mon Prez.  Ease off of the whining.   Stay with the Hope and Change theme and cut the dog talk.
Lucky dog!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Shrine for Sale

It was a nice cool weekend and I took advantage of it by getting our Beverly Ave. house ready to be put on the market.   That mean't taking care of a few long term projects like trimming out the front door, shingling and painting the side of the garage, and repairing the cupola.  Joanne put a great dent in the work that we have to finish in the basement
I installed a really cool tuna copper weathervane on the garage that I bought last year in Bar Harbor.  I was waiting to install it when Ryan came home as some sort of a symbolic welcoming, but I thought that it could be a good selling point.... so up it went.
The Marblehead residential market is brisk, despite the national real estate doldrums, so I'm hopeful that this property sells reasonably fast.
There are some additional details to take care of, but I'll probably list the property next week.
I know that Beverly Ave. is a sacred Nanepashemet shrine, and I'm not a price gouger, so if you Peeps are of a mind to make me an offer, rest assured that I will give you a good deal.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Honest and Hardworking.

So I let this Stupid POS Real Estate Broker get under my skin the other day and I looked him up on his web page.
Naturally the page starts up with some Bullshit music which is always super irritating.   Anybody who puts music on their home page is a Loser from the get go.
Then I get to the part where he describes himself as "Honest and Hardworking".
There you go......
Anybody who has to describe himself as "honest" never misses the chance to screw anybody.... including his sisters and first cousins.   And if he has to say he is "hard working" then you know that he is a lazy shit who always takes the easy way out.
What an Asshole.