Thursday, March 12, 2009

Moral Judgement

Someday, when this is all over, I'll tell you the story about the guy who married his cousin and fathered a number of morons. Now he spends his time making moral judgment of others, while being obese and on the public dole.
I'll tell you the story, but it's not really funny.
Nobody's perfect. Which is why a lot of people are intrigued with the imperfection of others. It makes them more comfortable with their own imperfection. Or at least draws attention away from it.
There are a lot of Bible quotes to turn to.... "Judge not lest ye be judged." "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
I vastly prefer the less civil.... "Why don't you kiss my royal Irish Ass? You pompous, moral high ground, Hypocrite!"

Tuna Lips said...

I find "eat the peanuts on my feces" especially effective at displayin' my effrontery sentimentality. A bit too far, somes would say, but it breaks er down to the bottom line. You knowds where you stands with ole TL when I suggest where you can get some corn niblets to snack on.

I suggest you don't publicate this here thinkin, it might break down the last remainin' strands of the yacht club community you palavers with. I mean, can you see Mrs. Wilhemina Wasp tellin' Candice Throttlesnot to snif her smelly briefs? The bar would dry up and not another glass of non-fortified wine would be poured, spilled, or, later on, end up in a pile of sick next to a marcedes bens.

But what they heck, plain speakin' folks is my cup o' tea.

I'm gone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Katelyn Party Post Mortem.

I never gave you the post mortem of Katelyn's 30th Birthday Party.
By all accounts, it was a clear success with no incidents at all.
Except for that little Table Dancing episode by Emily Engardia. But we were long gone by then.


I have to get up early tomorrow.
Heading down to Cape Cod to pull a permit for the Coast Guard.
The Cape is one of my favorite places - I really like the quaintness.
Quaint is cool.
I am cool.
Ergo, I like quaint.

Toning it Down.

Did I sound a little harsh in that last post?
Like I wanted to smash somebody's head like a cantalope melon with a sledge hammer?
Yeah.... I guess that was a little harsh.
I'll tone it down a bit.
Just a little.

Tuna Lips said...

Ise finds that bomastin' is good fer the sole, like takin' a dump on yer neighbor's porch and ringin' the doorbell. All American style, that's how we roll.


The Haters and the Cowards have made their appearance.
They absolutely know that when they look into the mirror, that they are scumbags and cowards, so they are constantly looking for someone else to blame.
Have your day, Bitches. You've never gone out of your way to help anyone else in your pathetic, self-absorbed life. You say that you've never done any evil, but you've never done any good either. A waste of freaking protoplasm.
I'll take one mistake in a lifetime of good over your putrid, one-way existence anyday.
So take your judgemental, fat assed, self righteous bullshit, and kiss my ass.
Wouldn't trade our tainted life for your pathetic, hypocritical, shill of a life in a million years.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bucking the Trend

It's been awhile since I've boasted to you about how well Nanepashemet Telecom is doing.
How we are Kicking Ass and Taking Names.
It's come to the point that if we take on more work. we will be bucking the economic trend and hiring people.
This week, we will have been down to Richmond, RI, over to Concord, MA, down to to the Cape in Orleans and then over the Ferry to Block Island. Plus processing the hell out of our current backlog.
So despite all of the other Bullshit, Nanepashemet is firing on all cylinders.

Choked Up

I'll admit it.
Even a Mountain of a Man like me can get choked up once in awhile.
The calls and messages we got today, expressing so much support will never be forgotten. They are engraved in the Akashic Record. And we appreciate it deeply.
Mistakes that were made will fade, but your outpouring will always live with us.
So there it is.... you've got me where you always wanted me..... misty and emotional.
Soak it up. It won't freaking last!

Tuna Lips said...

That's which don't kill ya makes fer bein'stronger, that is what my mammy would say. Her bein' all loopy on cough syrup, notwithstanding, she was visionary.

Face forward.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Juicy Tidbits

The emails are streaming in.
We definitely know who our friends are, and gradually over the next few weeks it will become apparent who are not our friends. Some will come as no surprise, but others will shock the hell out of us.
That is valuable, but I've already been through something similar, so I don't wish this process on anyone. Even those of you who are enjoying this juicy tidbit.
That's basically the end of this topic.... so don't be hitting this Blog to see if you can get a juicy tidbit, because that will just be a waste of good internet browsing.

Taking the Hits

Tons of hits on the Blog today.
You probably know why.
All I can tell you is that it is not what it seems. Stupid mistakes were made and already paid for.
The reports leave out some crucial facts.
And when all is resolved, there will be no reports at all.

Cosmic Wink

I was really getting depressed about something, then I came upon this entry into my own Blog from a couple of years ago.

What's your Great Grandfather's first name? That's your father's or mother's grandfather. I don't know either!
That is a whole life that went by, directly related to your existance, and you don't know jack about him - even his first name.
How important can our life's issues be if in less than 100 years, nobody will know if you even lived?
Makes you wonder about sweating the small stuff, or taking life too seriously.

So there it is.... the "present me" gaining solace from the "past me".
In a short wink of a cosmic eye, all of this stuff won't matter, and will seem not to have even existed. This is getting too weird.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Katelyn

As many of you know, Peeps will be gathering at Dillons on Boylston Street to celebrate the 30th birthday of my daughter Katelyn. We'll be having a light repast at Stephanies on Newbury Street, and then make the eight minute stroll over to the festivities.
Many former Peeps of the Week will be there, and we may even have some POTY's.
Should make for the perfect Nanepashemet evening.... inspirational, yet annoying.
The occasion of your kid's 30th birthday signifies much....
She is getting old... and you are getting wicked freaking old.

  • Old beyond repair.
  • Memory loss Old.
  • Short of breath Old.
  • Snoring at night Old.
  • Hair growing out of your nostrils Old.
  • Forgetting your friends names Old.
  • Playing Golf is a workout Old.
  • Almost bought some Grecian Formula Old.
  • Never stray far away from a bottle of Tums Old.
  • Pee three times as much Old.
  • Considering Rogaine Old.
  • All your pants are too tight Old.
  • Letting the Bastards get away with it Old.

I would say, that one really good thing about getting old is that you've seen a lot of things before. Now, its not that "Here's the way something should happen"... it's more like... "I've seen this shit before, and here is what's GOING to happen".
Experience has its virtue. The problem is that nobody listens to you, so all that experience gets a kind and polite nod as they proceed to stumble into the same outcome. People have to learn on their own. They have to make their own mistakes. Can't really leverage off of yours.
So Happy Birthday Katelyn... it's not so bad to be getting old. Especially after having a daughter like you.
Tuna Lips said...

Judging by the mugs on yer lads there, the young miss got the better side of the gene pool. Big wheel, spinnin' round, hoo ha!

Goin' contra dancin' with Miss Pudding's sister, Candy, this evenin'. Miss Pudding is working the 7:02 train from Lowenwich (wees calls it Scrotum Itch, what with all the harlot's them turns out), lift a few wallets, roll a few drunk johns, in general keep the undersirables on theys guard. Multi-taskin, I calls it. Entrepreneurishness abounds in ole TL!


I know...
Another week of Blog neglect.
It's not because I was sitting on the couch, eating corn curls, and watching Days of Our Lives like the rest of you losers.
I was out freaking working.
And if I wasn't working, I was trying to maintain a light but fitful sleeping pattern.
Speaking of Light but Fitful....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 9 of 2008

Sam Khairi
Chris Crawford
Beth Murphy
Rob Wise
Steve Lewis
Tommy O'Shea

Now I can rest easier.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Uncanny Comparison

This keen observation was passed on to Nanepashemet by Atty. Harvey Rowe.

Lincoln and Obama are very much alike:

1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible.
2. Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.
3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his
6. Lincoln was a skinny lawyer. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
7. Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
8. Lincoln was highly respected. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
9. Lincoln was born in the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
10. Lincoln was called Honest Abe. Obama is a skinny lawyer.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Jack and Will

We had the grandkids, Jack and Will up to North Conway with us.
Ethan couldn't make it.

Challenge Met

We skied Cranmore Mountain in North Conway yesterday, which is considered by knowledgeable afficiados to be the most challenging mountain in the East.
It's well known that the Bunny slopes there can be quite terrifying, and we spent a considerable bit of time mastering those.
There were no significant incidents.... even on the chairlifts.
My legs are sore.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Alpine Warning

Tomorrow we will be challenging the mountain again. Not sure which one. If Katelyn comes, maybe Bretton Woods, because she is not too confident to ski. But if it is just me, Ryan and Mike, then we will bring Wildcat to its knees.
As long as I don't let some Black Diamond trail turn me into a sissy boy, it should be a great day.

Peep of the Year Lauren said...

WE have been in North Conway since Wednesday, the skiing is good. Jason and my dad will be at Attitash tommorow. Ethan and I are hitting up Kahuna Laguna the indoor water park at the red jacket.
Have fun..Lauren Rathbone

Tuna Lips said...

Ooh, well look at this, peep of the year Miss Lauren Rathbone chimes in about winter frolicking and playing water sports. Goolleee! What next, a new mock apple pie recipe? Hows about a way to loose some stains from yer briefs?

I swear the fix was in on this one, I does I tells ya.

Peep of the Week - Week 8

Is there anythng more painful than having to take a wicked piss while you are driving a half hour away from your destination???
A couple more details ....
You have to take a wicked piss, your're driving a half hour from your destination, on a winding New Hampshire road with frost heaves every 10 yards or so, and your wife is sitting in the passenger seat complaining that she also has to take a wicked piss and would I please watch out for the bumps.
Freaking Torture.
Speaking of torture....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 8th Week of 2009

Michael Murphy
Gail Johnson
Steve Harvey
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Claudio Alvarez
Isam Halwani

I suppose that you could wet your draws, but that is such a social taboo. Plus it really fouls the interior of your Ford F150.

Mayan Economics

Everybody is so focused on the down economy.
What will happen?
Will Obama and his stimulus package of spending money that we don't have, help or hurt the whole mess???
My recommendation is to keep Nancy Pelosi the hell out of the way. She really scares me.
I don't know what the fuss is about anyway. Didn't the Mayans predict that everything will be cashed out in 2012? If that's the case, we only have to hang for another three years or so. After that, everybody will be dead, so what do we care??
With my luck, the Mayans will have blown this prediction. They can't be that damn smart if they let a few dozen Hispanics kick their ass and bring down their whole freaking civilization.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conflagration Proof

The Morso fireplace inserts were installed today and they are damn buff looking. Naturally I loaded it up with wood impatiently and neglected to build the first fire properly.
But we're back in business again.
Burning wood. Living the natural life of a natural born man.
I'm hopeful that this time the insulated chimney and encapsulated stove will eliminate the chances of a house conflagration.

Tuna Lips said...

I recommend walkin' about the place with the fire ablaze and yer don johnson hangin' out whilst singin' "I am the walrus" by thems Fab Four. Get's folks attention, and I reckon it feels perty good, too, all that warmth on yer man gear. 'Chestnut roastin' on an open fire! Jake Frost nippin' on yer nose!"

Ise, too, heat the place with a stove. I find invigeration walkin' about Casa Tuna with my man tackle hangin' out, lettin' my vitals breath in the warm air from the stove. Granted, its a gas oven, with the door left open, hitched into my neighbors propane tank for economizin.' Nevertheless, real folk like us revel in the call of the wild, good feel of walkin about a place, singin' "My Way", and not bein' hauled in fer some trumped up charge. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nice Bosch

I've bought a few jig saws in my life, and always found them to be one of the most useful tools.
So since I could easily live without it.... when I bought this Bosch 1591EVSK 6.4 Amp Barrel Grip Jigsaw during one of my late night Amazon buying sprees, I thought it was extravagant and stupid as usual.
But this baby is the winner hands down. I used it today to cut through the 2 1/2" fir plank that was the mantle for the fireplace that nearly burned the house down.
It went right through the wood with as straight and clean a cut as if I cut it with a table saw. There was little vibration and virtually no creep or wander.
So not so stupid after all!!