Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Work on the 3rd

High tide is at 2:15 PM EDT. That's probably when I'm going to put a wrap on Nanepashemet Telecom work to get ready for the 4th. Until then, petal to the metal with a lot of stuff that I have to get out.
I'll start the holiday by taking a row around Marblehead Harbor in the Tender. Then the grill on the WhaleEye has to be checked out and made ready for rafting in the Harbor for the fireworks Wed. Night.
The 4th of July is special in Marblehead.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Another Gem from Peter Crawford

101 Old Time Bostonianisms!

>1. The Red Sox World Series win was the greatest moments in your life.
>2. The guy driving in front of you is going 70 mph and you're swearing at
>3. When ordering a tonic, you say a Coke.
>4. You went to Canobie Lake Park or Water Country as a kid
>5. You actually enjoy driving around rotaries.
>6. You do not recognize the letter "R" as a part of the English language.
>7. Your social security number starts with a 0
>8. You can actually find your way around Boston.
>9. You know what a "regular" coffee is.
>10. You keep an ice scraper in your car year-round.
>11. You can tell the difference between a Revere accent and a Dorchester accent.
>12. Springfield is located "way out west."
>13. You almost feel disappointed if someone doesn't flip you the bird when you cut them off.
>14. You know how to pronounce names like Worcester, Billerica, Gloucester, and Haverhill.
>15. Anyone you don't know is a potential idiot until proven otherwise. (heheheh)
>16. Paranoia sets in if you can't see a Dunkin Donuts or a CVS Pharmacy at all times.
>17. You have driven to New Hampshire on a Sunday just to buy alcohol.
>18. You know how to pronounce Yastrzemski.
>19. You know there's a trophy at the end of the Bean Pot.
>20. You order iced coffee in January
>21. You know that the Purple Line will take you anywhere
>22. You love scorpion bowls.
>23. You know what they sell at a Packie.
>24. Sorry Manny, but number 24 means DEWEY EVANS.
>25. You know what First Night is.
>26. You know at least one guy named Sean, Pat, Whitey, Red, Bud or Seamus.
>27. McLobster = McCrap!
>28. You know at least 2 cops because they were your high school drinking
>29. Sure there are 6 New England states, but Connecticut & R.I. really
don't count.
>30. You intentionally give wrong directions to tourists, then say to
yourself ,"Ah, screw them."
31. You know at least one bar where you can get something to drink after
last call.
32. You're sick of the Kennedy's, but you vote for them anyway.
>33. You know holding onto the railing when riding the Green Line is not
>34. The numbers '78 and '86 make you cringe.
>35. You've been to Goodtimes before
>36. You think the rest of the country owes you for Thanksgiving and
Independence Day.
37. You have never been to "Cheers."
>38. The words 'WICKED' and 'GOOD' go together.
>39. You've been to Fenway Park several times.
>40. You've gone to at least one party at U Mass.
>41. You own a "Yankees Suck" shirt or hat.
>42. You know what a Frappe is.
>43. You've been to Hempfest.
>44. You know who Frank Averuch is.
>45. ADVANCED: You know Frank Averuch was once Bozo the Clown
>46. You can complete the following: "Lynn,Lynn......"
>47. You get pissed off when a restaurant serves clam chowder, and it turns
out to be Snows.
>48. You actually know how to merge from six lanes of traffic down to one.
>49. The TV weatherman is damn good if he's right 25% of the time.
>50. You never go to Cape Cod," you go "down the Cape".
>51. You think that Roger Clemens and Johnny Damon are more evil than Whitey Bulger.
>52. You know who Whitey Bulger is.
>53. You went to the Swan Boats, Seven Gables, or Plymouth Plantation on a
field trip.
>54. Bobby Orr is loved as much as Larry Bird, Tom Brady, and Ted Williams.
>55. You remember Major Mudd.
>56. You know what candlepin bowling is.
>57. You can drive to the mountains and the ocean all in one day.
>58. You know Scollay Square once stood where Government Center is.
>59. When you were a kid, Rex Trailer was the coolest guy around. Speaking
of which...
>60. You can still hum the song from the end of Boom Town
>61. Calling Carrabba's an "Italian" restaurant is sacrilege.
>62. You still have your old Flexible Flyer somewhere in your parents'attic.
>63. You know that the Mass Pike is some sort of strange weather dividing
64. The only time you've been on the Freedom Trail is when relatives are in
>65. The Big Dig tunnel disaster wasn't really that much of a surprise.
>66. You call guys you've just met "Chief" or "Boss."
>67. 4:15 pm and pitch black out means there's just 3 more shopping days until Christmas
>68. You know more than one person with the last name Murphy
>69. You refer to Savin Hill as "Stab 'n Kill."
>70. You've never eaten at Durgin Park, but recommend it to tourists.
>71. You can't look at the zip code 02134 without singing it.
>72. You voted for a Republican Mormon as Governor just to screw with the
rest of the country.
>73. 11 pm? Drunk? It means one thing: Kowloon!
>74. 2 am? Drunk? It means one thing: Kelly's Roast Beef!
>75. 5 am? Drunk? It means one thing: You wish you had a blanket in your
back seat
>76. You know that P-Town isn't the name of a new rap group.
>77. People you don't like are all "Bastids."
>78. You took school or work off for the Patriots first Super Bowl Win
>79. You've called something "wicked pissa."
>80. You'll always get razzed for Dukakis.
>81. Saturday afternoons meant Creature Double Feature with Dale Dorman
>82. Sunday mornings meant the Three Stooges on Channel 38
>83. You've slammed on your brakes to deter a tailgater.
>84. No, you don't trust the Gorton's Fisherman.
>85. You know that Papa Gino's usually has a jukebox.
>86. You think Aerosmith is the greatest rock band of all time!!!!!!!!!
>87. Your town has at least 6 sub shops, and none of them are a Subway.
>88. You know at least three Tony's, one Vinnie and a Frankie.
>89. 20 degrees isn't that bad as long as there ain't no
wind- then it gets wicked cold.
>90. You werrevery sad when saying goodbye to the Boston Garden.
>91. Thanksgiving means family, turkey, High School football, and Alice's
>92. You know the guy who founded the Boston Pops was Athah Feedlah.
>93. You know what the Combat Zone is.
>94. You actually drive 45 minutes to New Hampshire to save $5 in sales tax
>95. You pull out of a side street and use your car to block oncoming
traffic to make a left.
>96. You've bragged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop.
>97. You've been to Hampton Beach on a Saturday night.
>98. Playing street hockey was a daily after school ritual.
>99. Hearing an old lady shout "Numbah 96 for Sioux City!" means it's time
for steak.
>100. You remember Jordan Marsh, Filene's, Grants, Bradlees, Caldor, Zayres,
or Ann & Hope.
>101. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from

Left Coast Prospects

This company is providing the type of content through its MediaFlo product that will drive the iPhone acceptance. Plus they are headquartered in San Diego. Could be a flight to the West Coast looming forth. The CellNet seeds are still bearing fruit.

Planning for the 4th

Peeps -
Thanks for all of the 4th of July cookout invites. Joanne and I have decided that we will attend as many as we can based upon the following criteria.
  • The Hosts are cooler than we are.
  • None of the other guests are Al Queda.
  • No air travel is required.
  • The cookout is primarily based in the New England region.
That cuts out a couple hundred of the invitations.
Even with this filter, we'll be pretty busy.
See you around the 4th!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bird Like

Larry Bird made everyone around him a better basketball player. Instead of playing to his teammates level, they rose to his.
It's always amazed me that greatness can be reduced to mediocity by being influenced by mediocre people. You would think that the Great can inspire those around to be elevated, but instead of rising to greatest, the descent to mediocrity has prevailed.
I think you should play like Bird. Don't let the others around you drag you to their level of foolish pride and petty mediocrity.
I don't exactly know how to do this, but it is worth trying.
You should start by playing your own game. It is far superior to the others' level of play. Ask your friends how they think that the game has been going. Maybe that will help.

A Weird Week

Since the 4th of July is on a Wednesday, both ends of this week qualify for celebration. Plus the weather is mint. I wonder how much work will get done this week. It will be hard to reach customers.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Killing that BlueFin Tuna was bad karma. Lots of bad stuff happened right after, and the loss is as permanent as the life of that valiant fish.
Maybe we had lost it a while ago, without realizing or acknowledging it. The Taoist Masters warned me not to care so much.... but I didn't listen.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Tuna Wars

Order - Perciformes
Family - Scombridae
Genus - Thunnus
Species - thynnus

Obviously, we were successful this morning in our quest to rid our waters of the BlueFin Tuna. ~
We might have to grill and eat this one to drive our point home.
I'll give you more details, but I'm too damn tired from getting up at 3:00AM to meet this 150+ lb. behemoth out on the NorthWest Corner of Stellwagen Bank.
Ryan Nestor and Chris Crawford did the heavy lifting. Mike Nestor drove the boat, and I stayed out of the way. A true team effort.
We initially caught a respectable stripped bass, who rost to the trolling squid spread. Federal regs require that stripers be released on Stellwagen and we unhooked him as soon as possible. By 6:30AM, Ryan's trolling rod bent violently and unmistakenly.
After about 1/2, the fish was close to the boat, and Ryan tried to muscle him over the gunwale. Mike grabbed him before he was pulled overboard, and Chris got a gaff into the tuna. We all humped him in, bled it, then deadheaded for Salem Harbor, arriving at the Richard Rockett Landing around 8:15.
By 3:00PM, 12 hours later, the adrenalin was completely gone and I was completely spent. Couldn't even rally to Blog until now!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 26 - 2007 Peeps of the Week

I tried to get the new bench installed on the WhaleEye in anticipation of the run out to Stellwagen tomorrow morning with Ryan, Chris and Mike. But the existing helm seats seem to be welded to their pedestals, so I backed off and concentrated on powerwashing the deck and installing the new deck caps.

The POTW selections are all female. That's just the way that it goes. It's not like I can control it or anything. So back off on the gender thing!!! Stupid Jerks.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 26th week of 2007

Stacey Butler
Katelyn Nestor
Jill Phillips
Emily Ingardia
Laren Rathbone
Mary Endres

Now I can concentrate on the tuna trip tomorrow.


I've got a lot of stuff to do today.
Mike is flying home from Charlestown, SC and Ryan wants to go tuna fishing tomorrow morning.
The cleaning of the deck was begun yesterday afternoon, but the powerwasher ran out of gas, so I have to go the the station, grap some gas and finish this job. Also the leaning post was delivered from Boater's World and I have to frabricate a wooden knob for the sawed off railing on the WhaleEye. The installation of these on the boat will take some time.
Plus, the Nanepashemet Project balls have to be kept in the air.
And you expect me to select the Peeps of the Week by this evening???? Shouldn't be too tough with the great candidates this week. I'm open for nominations as long as you don't nominate yourself. Although that would be annoying.... which is a valid category for selection.
My temples are throbing. I can feel my head starting to explode.
A lesser man would wilt.

Killer Ap

The Apple iPhone is going to give Nanepashemet Telecom more work that we can dream of. It is the killer application that will cause people to demand more bandwidth from their wireless network providers.
To provide the level of video and data proposed by the iPhone, you need more antennas, more equipment, more services by Nanepashemet Project Management, Inc.
Thank you Steve Jobs.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ebbs and Flows

We had a nice harbor cruise with Lynda and Will Murray this evening. Very relaxing. The Murray's are fun and great company.
Note to Self: Never ask Lynda Murray to help tie up your boat.
I took care of a sizable financial obligation today and was treated very fairly. It's weird how making a payment can almost be as satisfying as receiving one, in the right situation. Money itself - how it comes and goes, ebbs and flows - is also mystical at times.
Although I need to get more of the flow and less of the ebb pretty soon.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Diverse Accomplishments

We got up in North Conway early, cleaned the condo and were back in Marblehead by 9:30AM. The lawn was a mess so I cut it immediately, but by 10:00 AM it was over 80 Degrees and getting hotter. I knew that I had to get a coat of paint on the deck railings, so I went into overdrive while fielding calls from the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission and Sprint.
By 2:00 PM , the deck railings were painted and I was showered and ready for my pricing call with Tom and MIke. We covered a lot of ground with three potential customers by 5:00 PM and I also got some interesting calls from Wild Bill.
At 5:30, before dinner, I went down to the Salem Harbor Mooring to check on the WhaleEye electronics, that Ryan had said blew a fuse. They were fine. Don't really understand what happened. I want the WhaleEye ship shape for when Mike Nestor is home with us for the next ten days or so.
After dinner, I toured Marblehead Harbor in the Tender... a three mile row that basically qualified as a workout.. The leak issue is very minimal, but I have to tune a lot of stuff in the trailering process.
Got the usual oohs and ahhs from people watching me row from their sailboats. The tender does cut a pretty figure... even with me rowing it.
Tomorrow, I have meetings with Mike Rockett in the morning. Mike got some great press in the Salem Evening News today for the Salem Waterfront Hotel expansion. His photo, in a very visionary pose, was featured on the front page of the paper, and the Salem Mayor and State Rep went on record with supportive comments for the project.
Nice Job Mike!!! I'm really proud to be associated with him and this project.
Time for some Dark and Stormies.

Monday, June 25, 2007


So I'm sitting here thinking about writing a series of books.
At least five, maybe seven.
The first will be about building boats - specifically, the trials and tribulations of building the Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory.
The second will be about fishing - documenting a season of chasing stripers and tuna around the the North Shore of Boston.
The third will be about a fascination with maps and GPS.
The fourth will be about the experience of running a business.
The fifth will be a character study on someone who interests me.... like Donald Trump.
Not sure about the sixth and seventh.
Don't worry. I won't forget the Peeps who supported me when I was just a Blogger. BTW, if you find me a publisher, I will be sure to mention you in the acknowledgements.

Nice Office

The day in North Conway was a great success, with the sunset capping a fine 24 hours on Earth.
Joanne and I went to the outlets then had a nice lunch at the Thompson Eatery in Jackson.
After lunch, we took a ride to Conway Lake and checked out the boat launch ramp and the trailer parking facilities.
When I got back to the condo, I took a couple of business calls and fired off some emails, which really got me pumped, because it is apparent that this virtual office gig is very feasible.
I'll take the Tender for its first lake run in Conway, then later make the trek up north to Lake Umbagog.


I know that most of you envision me as a vigorous, mountain of a man, oblivious to the physical frailties that plague the majority of lesser men.
Not So!!!
Even I can be stricken by the afflictions that plague common people.
Today the problem is the freaking Gout in my right foot, specifically the outside joint of my big toe.
I could feel it coming on up in Burlington at the Wedding, but I viewed it as a byproduct of my aggressive dance moves. Luckily, I packed my Allopurinol and a green pain killer just in case the Gout made an appearance.
So I'm thinking that the pain will soon fade into light headed euphoria.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Take Precautions

I can't believe the sympathy e-mails that I have received due to the insidious prank pulled on me by the devious Jill Phillips.
Thank you for the kind sentiments.
Trying to counterfeit a Dark and Stormy is about as low as you can go. At least she didn't try to pass a fake Lagavulin!!!!
That would have been a capital offense.
I took a mug shot of the culprit so that you can protect yourself from being victimized like I was.
The good looking guy, Eric, has been posing as Jill's boyfriend for some time now. I'm not sure of his complicity in this plot.
Kate and Emily may also have played a role.

Time to Regroup

We haven't been to the Northbrook condominium in North Conway for a while. Building the new Sundance school, the work on the Tender, and not wanting to go far while Will was getting ready to be born were the major reasons.
In fact, the last time I came, I got some X-C skiing in.
Everything was fine, except a couple of hornets decided to build a nest in our grill on the deck. Bad choice.
We'll regroup here for a day or so, then get back to business at Nanepashemet Project Management.

Road Trip News

We left Essex Junction this morning and cut across Vermont to No. Conway. I'd seen dead deer along the highway in California and Pennsylvania, but never once in New England.
But on this trip, we saw two - one on Route in Vermont and one in NH, both on Route 302.
During the ride, both Mike and Ryan called. Mike was getting ready for his trip home from DC, and Ryan had just returned from a morning fishing outing at Stellwagen Bank. He said he was out on the Bank by 5:00AM, and ten minutes later, hooked onto a giant Bluefin which stripped the line.
The fish must have been well over 400lbs. to do that to our Olkume tuna rigs, and Ryan said that he was powerless to halt the line stripping. WOW!!!! I would have loved to have seen that.

A Happy Day

Brian and Stacey's wedding was really fun... until Jill Phillips did the unthinkable.
It's hard to articulate this, so I'll just blurt it out. She put a lightly tanned liquid in a wine glass in front of me, and told me it was a Dark and Stormy.

Naturally, my defenses went right up. I could tell that something sinister was in process. I think that Jill felt that she could take advantage of me because of the sweat pouring from my forehead as I tried to regroup for the next dance set.
She must think that I'm a big, fat, idiot.
Even in my reduced physical state, I could tell that the mislabeled drink sitting in front of me was Ginger Ale and Myer's Black Rum..... certainly not a Dark and Stormy.
Nice try Jill. Joanne and I still had a great time, despite your evil plot.