Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Growing Pains

So Peeps....
I think that your MOAM is all grown up now.

At least I'm old enough to know that this world is a boundless free-for-all populated by political leaders who treat others like sheep and blatantly lie to enhance their power.

And the Sheep do not care.

They are content to be lead by such obsequious leaders who actually are mirrors of themselves or who they wish themselves to be.

Truth, ethics and integrity are completely missing as the sheep lie and deceive in order to keep their individual interests feathered.

I used to think that if you gave someone all of the objective facts, they would form an honest opinion. But they assemble the facts into pre-conceived notions and distort the conclusions to fit their subjective agendas.

Is the truth unobtainable?

I'm  grown up enough now to admit that it is.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Quite a Haircut

Today, after a morning of wireless design reviews at the Boston Redevelopment Authority, I dropped by Silver Shears in Marblehead to get the haircut that Joanne has been harassing me about.  Silver Shears sounds pretty hoity toity, but it isn't.... I qualify for the senior citizens rate of fourteen bucks.

And lately, I have been getting it cut stylishly short.  Trying in vain to stay relevant with the times.

So I was waiting for the young barber who does the cool cuts, when the 75 year old guy asks me if I wanted him to give me a haircut.    I told him, to buzz me with Number 3 clippers and take a lot off the top.  He gave me a modest trim and thinned out the top a little.

But I didn't have the inclination to correct him or resist.  He was talking about what life was like when he was a kid in Lynn and Salem, and I listened to his recollections and went along with whatever haircut he came up with.

A haircut didn't seem more important than listening to his stories.

Then shortly after I got back to the office, my brother called and said that my mother had passed away 15 minutes ago.  Winifred Alberta Nestor was 90 years old last March and was not aging gracefully by any means.

She was willful, and sometimes paranoid... with no filter between her head and her mouth,  So she said some pretty screwed up things over the years.  People either loved her for it, or stayed away.

But even though she was a pain in the ass sometimes, she was my Mother, and I loved her, and have a lifetime of memories - both good and bad.  She is with my father now, who has been gone for 39 years.  She never seemed attracted to any other man as far as I know.

She wasn't a person at peace with herself.  I hope the afterlife changes that.

I love you and I will miss you Mom.

Monday, June 13, 2016

An Inconvenient Truth

Another gun massacre in a gun free zone. The inconvenient truth is that we must maintain a responsible armed citizenry.... as the 2nd Amendment acknowledges.

Gun control laws like we have in Massachusetts allow people who pass a background check to possess firearms for concealed carry.

It is not just out right to bear arms ..... it has become our obligation.

Islamic Terrorists will continue to target gun free zones to cowardly pick off their victims.  We have to responsibly eradicate these zones.

This is sad.... it is inconvenient... it shouldn't be this way.... but it is and we have to respond appropriately.   Not by denial or the enactment of laws that further endanger us.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Benghazi Still Bothers the Hell Out of Me.

Aquaponics Update

The aquaponics project is moving along. Seventeen fish are in the fishtank, pooping and adding ammonia, nitrates and bacteria that are circulating up to the grow beds.  The beds in tune are filtering out these nutrients and returning purified water back to the fishtank.

A critter got into the fish pellets a couple of nights ago, and spilled the bucket, but didn't seem to eat too much.  That was my fault for not securing the cover.

The only problem is that the bell siphons are not dependable, and only one bed seems to be really thriving.

But the whole system looks cool as hell.  A number of SuperPeeps such as Tommy O and Brendt D'Orio have dropped by for a personal tour, which your MOAM is only to happy to provide.

We have harvested a good size salad's worth of lettuce already, and the tomatoes and peppers are kicking along nicely.  But the cauliflower looks pretty bad and the parsley is a bust.  I'd like to get some kale in there soon

Settled Science

With all of the personal trials going on recently that is none of  your business, this MOAM has been blowing off steam on Facebook threads.... mostly about Presidential Politics.

But the thread yesterday with some Liberal Friends about the "Settled Science" of Global Warming (aka "Climate Change" to fit the narrative since it just doesn't seem to be too warm lately) was a vigorous exchange and a nice respite from ranting about the Evil H.

I truly believe in climate change.  The boulders in my backyard are clear indications that mile high glaciers recently scraped their way through the neighborhood.  But the mammoths and cave men didn't cause this, and neither do Republicans as my Libbie friends like to fret about.

And you can look at the Al Gore "documentary" as the fabricated political propaganda that it is and still be in favor of environmental  measures to keep our country healthy.

I like to fish in Boston Harbor, which was a polluted mess in my childhood a generation ago. Environmental legislation eliminated this pollution without people like John Kerry and BO telling us that the our biggest problem was melting ice caps, and that this was "Settled Science" so get in step and STFU.   A bit Fascist for my taste.

The Harbor was cleaned up and Stiped Bass returned.   So did Turkeys, Coyotes, Raptor Hawks, Deer and a host of other critters who never showed up in the neighborhood when I was a kid.  This was all due to RCRA clean up that happened without political fabrication of global doom.

Forty years ago, people were worried that the world couldn't add any additional human population.... the "Population Bomb" was the moniker.   And we were lectured that there was only a little petroleum left to go around.  Certainly not enough to last forty years.   Facts didn't bear these fears out.

Libbies like to call people who disagree with their position as "Deniers".   I am one of those.   I actually have heard of legislation filed in California to fine people who profess denial of Climate Change.   Too bad Fascism still exists.

I definitely will not last the next 40 years to show my fretting FB Lefty Friends that they were wrong, But then again.... they won't be around either.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Sheep Talk

Maybe I went a little too far yesterday.... with all of the Evil H lamentations and rants on Facebook the morning after she clinched her nomination from the "SuperDelegate" rigged Democrat primaries.

I know that I called one Libby a Sheep and told her to "BAA".

That probably was uncalled for.

But the early morning fawning by ABC News and H's proclamation that she has broken the "Glass Ceiling" with quite a bit of self adulation pretty much put me over the top.

But then again.....

If you are one of Hillary's supporters, I can only say this to you.


You are a mindless sheep, oblivious to the disgusting characteristics of this odious manipulator.

No Offense.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Evil H and DNA

I know that some of you are pretty good practical jokers and like nothing more than to put one over on this MOAM.

So when I was out washing my truck on this sunny Marblehead Saturday morning, I experienced a slight jolt to my system when I got the pressure washer to the back of the F-150.

There are three categories of practical jokes in my MOAM book.

1.  Category 1 - LOL... that is pretty funny.
2.  Category 2 - Who the Phuck Did THAT!
3.  Category 3 - Whoever PHUCKING DID THAT to me IS PHUCKING DEAD!!!!!

This one is kind of between Category 2 and 3.

I have carefully removed the offensive sticker and have sent it to the Crime Lab for a comprehensive DNA analysis and fingerprint examination.

I don't want to blame the wrong person for this slanderous action.

But I'm thinking.... Dale Johnson or Peter Crawford.

They are both low enough to do this and their DNA is probably easily attainable.

For those of you who get cheap chuckles from this kind of caper, please note that thousands of mentally challenged Peeps who live on every comment or gesture made by the MOAM could actually vote for the EVIL H if they saw this despicable sticker on my pristine F150.

This could tip the freaking election.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Woe to Fish

Bought my Massachusetts Fresh Water Fish License at Dick's Sporting Goods in Danvers today on the way home from some Friday afternoon permitting action at Boston ISD.

With the rows of fishing tackle and other apparatus to capture fish at that store, you would think that there wouldn't be a fish left in Massachusetts by the end of the year.   It is like an arsenal stuffed with weapons to do battle with stupid fish.

Course I stocked up a little bit.  Some drop shot hooks, regular hooks, bobbers, sinkers and other stuff designed to help me slay panfish without mercy down at Redd's Pond.

It is going to be a massacre.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Don't Disagree

Hate to use a double negative, but I don't disagree.

Gorilla Lives Matter

The mother who let her child run wild at the gorilla exhibit at the  Cincinnati Zoo is responsible for the death of a magnificent silver back gorilla.

Plain and Simple.  Take responsibility for your actions.

She should be prosecuted.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Buddy for the Buds

I know you don't care about my opinion and some of you even get pissed when I give it anyway.

Which is awesome motivation for me to keep pumping out my thoughts, preferences and truthful ideas.

So in the spirit of irritation and outright annoyance, I am compelled to let you know that I now have found my choice as the world's best beer.

This is brewed in Lynn down at the old Lynn Lumber site on the Lynnway.   Chris Crawford is one of the owners, but just because I view Chris as one of the family, that has not clouded my independent judgement.  They do a lot of IPA's which I am not particularly fond of, but the Pearl is Legit.

Bent Water Pearl American Wheat Ale has eclipsed Sam Adams and even Guinness on the MOAM's taste buds.   And those are mighty hard buds to please.