Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nanepashemet Nod to Gomez

The workload  at Nanepashemet Telecom is showing no signs of slowdown.... but so many of you have been peppering me with pesky and persistent inquiries on who to vote for in the upcoming Massachusetts Senate race between the 37 year Democratic Congressman, Edward Markey, and the former Navy Seal and now successful Hispanic American businessman, Republican Gabriel Gomez.
You will recall that I had given the Nanepashemet Nod in the primaries to the South Boston Democrat Stephen Lynch, and had vowed not to become emotionally involved in this race because of the unhealed wounds caused in the rediculous victory by the Phoney Fauxcohontas, Elizabeth "I have high cheekbones so I'm a Cherokee" Warren.  
I still can't get over that she was swept by the non-thinking herd of sheep into defeating a class act like Scott Brown.
So I have laid low in the current race.
But you insist on gaining my flawed opinion on who to vote for in this race.... and you know that in the end, I can't let you pathetic Peeps be left out there thinking on your own.
So here comes another reasoned Nanepashemet Nod... coming off of the last dismal Scott loss.
Markey is a card carrying, Obama voting, smarter than the rest of us, Liberal Democrat.   He is the type of Liberal who can't conceive that anyone could ever be Pro-Life, or against ObamaCare, or thinks that Al Gore is an idiot.  His ads are replete with boasts that he is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and that he is somehow responsible for creating the information age by voting for the Telecom Act of 1996.  He is a lockstep, Obama, party line Dem.
I respect the fact that he is a straight foward, ideological Liberal.... and puts it right out there.   At least he doesn't pull shit out of his ass like Warren.
Gomez seems to be an independent thinker, who hasn't been tainted by years of politically correct, inner Beltway lock step ideology.   His views - personally pro-life, looking to make Obamacare outside of the purview of the IRS, seeking ways to deal with the social security crisis are ridiculed in Markey ads... yet the Markey ads have been most effective in making me more in step with the Gomez position. 
Plus Markey ridicules that Gomez is a millionaire.
Last time I checked, being a millionaire... coming from a minority background and being a former Navy Seal.... should be a freaking source of praise and pride.
Markey's time is over.   Nanepashemet Nod goes to Gabriel Gomez.
He's charging back in the polls.    I hope this doesn't jinx him

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I'm no journalist.
Sure... A lot of the stuff that I write on this Blog definitely has Pulitzer Prize potential, but that Is beside the point.
And I try to stay relatively consistent in posting entries that illustrate truth and enlightenment.
but lately I have been engrossed in processing the ginormous contract that Nanepashemet Telecom has been awarded, so you'll have to hang in there and wait until the smoke clears before you get some really  potent entries.
maybe by next week....


Friday, June 07, 2013

Bunk Bed Bonanza

Ryan and I whipped together this set of bunkbeds for the grandkids from construction grade lumber and a lot of heavy grit sanding.   I won't be submitting this project for inclusion in Fine Woodworking, but it came out good and sturdy with nice lines and will be very satisfactory for the use intended.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Saga Score

So many of you Peeps have inquired about my Washingon sales meeting, that I an actually inclined to tell you how it went.
Pretty Good actually.
Or as Larry David would say, "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good."
Let's just say that this MOAM hasn't lost his touch... especially with the setting on the Charm-O-Meter is "HIGH".
No, it's not a life changing score... but it's still a score, and the Nanepashemet Telecom saga rolls forward.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Welcome Carlos

My New GrandDog, Carlos!
I'm so Proud.

Retirement Plan

Sometime towards the end of next week, we'll be heading down to Washington, DC to make a sales pitch to a major tier one wireless carrier.
Those of you who have seen the MOAM in Sales Mode know that I can make a powerful, persuasive, and some say "irresistable" presentation.  Naturally it takes the right vibe, but I'm mighty motivated for this one.
Suffice it to say that the MOAM Charm Meter will be set on HIGH.
Because that's what the stakes are.
If we land this account, Nanepashemet Telecom will be laying paving stones to the future comfortable retirement of yours truly.
Course... you know me.... I'm not one to count my chickens before they hatch.  But on this one, I have them hatched, grown, butchered, fried and topped with Franks Louisiana Hot Sauce.
Retirement will be nice.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rat Race Re-Entry

The lapse in posts this week has a good excuse as I was flat on my back in bed for two days with some flu-like virus.
Normally, when a Mountain of a Man like myself gets sick, the average person can't see any difference, but a sequence of extreme shivering chills followed by hot sweats gave it away for me this week.
Joanne wanted me to see the Doctor, but I'm not sure if I'd be covered under Obamacare and didn't want to take the chance.
No matter.  I'm back and ready to re-enter the rat race to catch up with anything that I missed.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Staring at Infinity

It's time to contemplate the concept of infinity.
The Ancient Seers tell us that we are one with the Universe and that time does not exist..... everything that ever happened, and everything to come is all here in the present moment.
The time thing is a bit hard to comprehend, but the unity of the Universe is fairly easy.   We are all composed of various combinations of charged particles, that interact with all that exists in a humming carcophany.  The universe, and infinity is found wherever we look.   No matter how small a particle is, it can be split in two. 
There is never an instance where the division of a particle would yield nothing.  So we stare into infinity wherever we look.

Memorial Day Observance

I think I must have munched on a bad Sushi Roll at one of those Las Vegas cocktail parties, because it's been unsettling since then.
Not that I'm complaining.... it's hard to bitch about stuff on Memorial Day... when we observe the sacrifices made by our veterans so that Blogs like this can be written freely.
We are lucky to have the freedoms that we have in this country... the Nazi's would have enslaved us, and the Commies would have subjugated us, but these challenges to our way of life were met by common people who were asked to stand at the front and defeat these aggressions.
Course, the challenges to our freedom never goes away, both from within and without the country.  We have to continually guard... and remember those who stood at the post for us in the past.
So today, as I deal with intestinal distress, while getting the pram ready for launch, I will keep a little mental vigil intact.... for those who sacrificed so much so that we could endure our daily foibles in an environment of freedom.