The workload at Nanepashemet Telecom is showing no signs of slowdown.... but so many of you have been peppering me with pesky and persistent inquiries on who to vote for in the upcoming Massachusetts Senate race between the 37 year Democratic Congressman, Edward Markey, and the former Navy Seal and now successful Hispanic American businessman, Republican Gabriel Gomez.
I still can't get over that she was swept by the non-thinking herd of sheep into defeating a class act like Scott Brown.
So I have laid low in the current race.
But you insist on gaining my flawed opinion on who to vote for in this race.... and you know that in the end, I can't let you pathetic Peeps be left out there thinking on your own.
So here comes another reasoned Nanepashemet Nod... coming off of the last dismal Scott loss.
Markey is a card carrying, Obama voting, smarter than the rest of us, Liberal Democrat. He is the type of Liberal who can't conceive that anyone could ever be Pro-Life, or against ObamaCare, or thinks that Al Gore is an idiot. His ads are replete with boasts that he is endorsed by Planned Parenthood and that he is somehow responsible for creating the information age by voting for the Telecom Act of 1996. He is a lockstep, Obama, party line Dem.
I respect the fact that he is a straight foward, ideological Liberal.... and puts it right out there. At least he doesn't pull shit out of his ass like Warren.
Gomez seems to be an independent thinker, who hasn't been tainted by years of politically correct, inner Beltway lock step ideology. His views - personally pro-life, looking to make Obamacare outside of the purview of the IRS, seeking ways to deal with the social security crisis are ridiculed in Markey ads... yet the Markey ads have been most effective in making me more in step with the Gomez position.
Plus Markey ridicules that Gomez is a millionaire.
Last time I checked, being a millionaire... coming from a minority background and being a former Navy Seal.... should be a freaking source of praise and pride.
Markey's time is over. Nanepashemet Nod goes to Gabriel Gomez.
He's charging back in the polls. I hope this doesn't jinx him