Saturday, November 12, 2011

Joe Pa and Pedophilia

I've been trying to sort out this Penn State pedophilia situation for a while.
Consider Joe Paterno.  He coaches a major college football team for 46 years until he is 84 years old.   His heir apparent, Jerry Sandusky is deposed in 1999, at the prime of his coaching life, age 55 with allegations of child abuse.   Yet he forms a program for disadvantaged youth, with a ready supply of pedophilia victims and uses the football facilities of the Penn State Campus!
Paterno controls every facet of the program and just won't retire.  Could it be that he knew of the timebomb and wanted to control as much as he could for as long as he could?
Consider pedophilia.  A grown man despicably sodomizes a young boy, causing a lifetime of psychological harm.... all for the momentary release of the Perv.  Sandusky should be hanged by his nuts.
Like 90% of you Peeps, I'm a practicing heterosexual.   But just because I have heterosexual urges, I don't seek out little girls to rape.  That is immoral and criminal.  Why can't  these Pedophiles control their urges as well?
String up the asshole.  And string up anyone who gave him the open environment to fuck with innocent kids.

dougmaxfield said...

String up anyone who caught him in the act and didn't beat him to death.

Friday, November 11, 2011

BYC Bound

We're getting ready to head over to the Boston Yacht Club for dinner with Dale and Gail Johnson.
For you peeps outside of the area, the BYC is on Front Street in Old Town Marblehead on the Harbor.... not in Boston for whatever heritage clad reason.
It's about time that we horrified the Yankees... plus my bill from the summer is paid in full so nobody will be dunning me while I'm ordering my VO and Cranberry.
Actually, we've never received any snooty attitudes from the people at the BYC.  Always very cordial and friendly.  Course, I'm usually loading up on beer and cocktails when we're down there, so maybe I can't really tell.
But I really don't think we aggravate our fellow Clubbers too much.  And the food and the wait staff are top rate.

Perry Brain Fart

I feel bad for the  brain fart exhibited by Gov. Rick Perry in the Presidential Debate.
Been there, Done that.
It has happened to me in public speaking situations where you split into two consciousnesses.  One is trying to speak to topic and no facts are forthcoming... and the other is watching you go though this and realizing that you are totally screwed.
One time I was able to recover by just saying that I was nervous and needed time to compose myself.  The audience was surprizingly accommodating, and when I came to my senses, I actually gave a pretty good presentation.
For the most part, I have overcome my phobia of public speaking and generally do a good job.... even an inspirational one from time to time.  Once my boss at General Dyanimics said that I gave the best presentation that he ever saw at a national account pitch in Chicago.  Funny because I wasn't that impressed.  Course he turned out to be a real dildo anyway.  We won the job and he ultimately screwed it up.  Corporate Doublespeak Wunderkind.
But... to get back on topic... The insidious part of a brainfart is that you never know when it will attack.  
I probably won't be throwing the Nanepashemet Presidential endorsement to Perry.   But his brainfart has nothing to do with it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Corroborating Evidence

OK.... I'm sure a decent amount of you secretly thought that I sounded like a pussy complaining about the Patriots game last Sunday.
Well, just so you know... this Mountain of a Man is no FREAKING PUSSY!
As it turns out, Jimmy O'Shea got himself checked out by a physician, and the outcome was that he  suffered a concussion from the moron who landed on his head while I was sitting right next to him.  I thought Jimmy looked kind of out of it... now I know that he really was.

TommyO said...

I have been going to games for almost twenty years. This was the worst experience ever. From the moment we left the tailgate to go to the stadium, there were long lines, pushing and shoving, obnoxious people, drunken morons, classless chuckleheads with no sense of common courtesy. the game sucked, the traffic was brutal. Unless it is a playoff game I am going to pass on going to any game unless it is Sunday at ONE. I am glad the M of a M was there with my bro''s so it wasn't a total waste of 12 hours of my life!

Lucky Numbers

Tomorrow is November 11, 2011.  11/11/11.
It's no big deal.  Has to do when somebody set up the calendar, two thousand skaty-eight years ago or so.
There's a whole big thing about names and numbers, and while no logic is behind it, a lot of people, including your own Mountain of a Man, pays attention to it.
When my son Mike was born, we had already picked out the name Kevin to name him.  But I had a weird feeling at the last minute and we ended up naming him Michael.  Course he turned out pretty good, so maybe it was the right move.  No way to say.
And for a decent amount of time, I used to wake up and the digital clock would be all ones with 11:11 PM or 1:11 AM.  This happened night after night, and I always would say a little prayer of thanks to God for all of my blessings and would ask for certain things that I won't be disclosing to you now.
What would make me wake up at that time and check the clock night after night??? I don't know either.  Freaking Creepy.
But tomorrow, when I look at the calendar, I'll probably say a little prayer.  Can't hurt.

Blog Rank

As of February 2011 there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.
Your very own Nanepashemet Blog is ranked 18,421 by Wikio.
That puts us in the top 1%.
Which most people would be satisfied with.... but not here. We won't rest until we are ranked #1 with all the money, power and prestige that it entails.
As it is... we have plenty of power and prestige. Still working on the money part though.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Stepping Down

Peeps... I don't mean to disappoint you.... but you won't see me ever running for political office... now or forever.
Can you imagine the lines of losers who would be accusing me of all types of harassment and assault?   They would have to install turnstiles and use card readers to process them all.
First of all, let me categorically deny each and every bogus claim that they make.... before they make them.
I didn't do it... I swear.   And even if I did... I don't remember it.  
There is a vast conspiracy to sabotage my candidacy and to downgrade my status as a legitimate living Mountain of a Man legend.
So to pre-empt all of the lies, innuendoes, and finger pointing.... I'll just end my candidacy before it even starts.
Sometimes being a Mountain of a Man means that you sidestep landing on shit before everything begins to stink.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Shut Off

I predict this Herman Cain sexual assault stuff will backfire.
After seeing the first of his accusers come forward, I definitely sense some scamming going on.  And even if Cain made a pass at this bimbo, she admits that he backed off when she expressed her unwillingness.  Correct me if I'm wrong.... but unless you take the next step and force someone to act against their will... you are only behaving like a normal horny sexually active human being.
Like Clinton, Kennedy and virtually every non-eunuch that I know.
If making a pass is a crime, then there are virtually 100% criminals running around.  That's why.. unless you were just trying to sink Cain.... I doubt that you can condemn him.
He says he's been happily married for 40 years, so if he cheated on his wife, that would suck... but it isn't a crime.  All of these accusations seem to come 14 years later.  Maybe he was going through a bad patch.
For me personally, I would still vote for Kennedy.... even though he was diddling anything he could sneak into a back door.   He was still a great President and Leader.   If Cain's accusers are correct, he's going through all this and still came up short of a score because he apparently backed off and respected the wishes of  his accusers.   That's not sexual assault.  That's just being shut off.
And if these accusers are a scam... that is dangerous.   Because you can imagine what will be in store for Obama if the gloves are going to come off this way.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Dash to the Bash

Only 17 days to the Bash.  Seems hard to believe.  This one is the first in the Sundance house.
Naturally, I'd like the house to look as nice as possible, although all of the renovations since we moved in are far from complete.   I'm pushing to complete a shelving system in the dining area that will hide the elevator door which is a bit unsightly.  Then we'll try to paint and patch as much as possible.
But the Bash isn't about trying to impress people with the Sundance House.
It's about celebrating another year of being together with our friends and the special peeps who we think about, and cheer for, and worry about all year long.
We'll be ready for that.

NFL Action

When you go to an NFL football game, you expect to see hard hits and bodies flying.  There was plenty of that yesterday in Foxboro on the field as well as where we sat.  The grade of the nosebleed seats had people flipping over seats with regularity.   Fans in fullgainer mode....  catching air on the stairs and landing on both empty and occupied seats.   Jimmy O'Shea, sitting next to me, was both on the giving and receiving end in separate incidents.
There should be a Government mandated warning printed on NFL Tickets... Something like.... "The Surgeon General warns you that tailgating and attending this game may be harmful to your health."
Met some nice people though, although they had a tendency to screech "Fuck You", "You Suck", and "De-Fense" at the top of their lungs.  It was a nice part of the overall charm. 
To Mike... the guy sitting four seats down in the row behind me.....  you are a true douche bag who deserves to eat shit and die.  Shut the FUCK UP!.  And to the polite Middle Eastern guy who kept wanting us to stand so that he could pass to take a piss or get another bag of french fries for the 15th time.... you have no idea how close you came to a violent face smashing.
But, the O'Shea brothers were excellently adept at setting up a tailgate encampment and serving up an incredible array of  food in the midst of a successful Bags match.  After a refreshing four hour stop and go drive back to Marblehead, I was safely in the rocking fetal position by midnight in my own bed.
BTW. the Pats lost the game because their "DE-FENSE" couldn't stop the Giants from marching 80 yards down the field and scoring in the last 1:39 minutes of play.  So all of that screeching didn't do much.

TommyO said...
Great having you..
Sometimes things go real smooth and most of the time folks are well behaved, this was not one of those times. I've been doing this 17 years, never had so much crap happen in one day. It's been about 31 since we saw a regular season loss. TommyO

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Changing the Odds

The Betting Line is New York Giants (+9) over NEW ENGLAND for today's NFL Football game in Foxboro this afternoon.
But what the oddsmakers fail to consider is that the Mountain of a Man will personally be in attendance, accompanied by Peep of the Year Tommy O'Shea and his brothers, Jimmy and Bobby.
With our personal exhortations emanating from the seats, a betting man would have to ascertain that the odds have shifted to the Patriots side.  In fact, my prediction is NEW ENGLAND (+10) over the New York Giants.... a nineteen point swing.
We'll see who has the better insight...  the snazzy Las Vegas oddsmakers or your very own MOAM.
Tommy says the tailgate menu consists of clam chowder, Coors Light and lobster risotto.  I don't want to lube up too much, or Tom Brady might not recognize my playcalling and encouragement from the stands.

POTW Week 44

We had one of those time warp dinner parties at Dave and Debby Clarke's beautifully detailed home last Friday night.  The evening just flew by.

After a wonderful dinner of roast lamb and some nice conversation, we noticed that they were starting to fall asleep right in the middle of some of our favorite stories.  But when we checked the time it was 12:20AM so it's a 50% chance that it was fatique rather than boredom that was causing the sleeping onset.

Although as I recall, Joanne was telling a rather boring tale.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 44th week of 2011.

Nathaniel Clarke
Ethan Nestor
Tommy O' Shea`
Dale Johnson
Peter Crawford
Emily Angardia

Next time, I'll do most of the talking.