Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2nd Adirondack

I haven't made a big deal out of it, but in between the important stuff, I have been assembling Joanne's Adirondack chair from the duplicate parts that I cut when I made Kate's last fall.
Have the third coat of Marine Varnish on and it is starting to look pretty good.
My ulterior motive is to get the space in the garage to try to get serious about working on the Marblehead Gunning Dory again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Persuasive Pints

I had a wicked urge for some Ben and Jerry's after dinner tonight, so I headed up to the Marblehead Community Store  and bought a pint of Cherry Garcia.... and a pint of Chocolate Fudge Brownie... and a pint of Chocolate Mint Cookie.
I would have bought more, but I was worried about hitting the top of the credit line on my Visa card.
The Chocolate Fudge Brownie got the nod, and it was wildly satisfying.  The other pints are still in the freezer.  Calling me..... Taunting Me.....

Big Week Feeling

I have the "this is going to be a big week" feeling going on this morning.
Which is not surprising given the stuff that Nanepashemet Telecom has on its plate.  It will be interesting to be sitting here on Saturday morning, six days from now, recounting the events of this week.

Maria Rowen said... 
Ben & Jerry…’Taunt’me. Tempt me. Tantalize me with your gooey goodness and your fanciful flavors… Today the peep preference points to Pistachio Pistachio...but tomorrow this peep plans to get her Banana Buzz on… 

Tuna Lips said...
Why, Missy Rowen, you speaks real perty. I likes gooey goodness . . .shucks, Ise blushin' red.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yacht Yarn

I was shocked to hear about Senator John Kerry's new custom built yacht......A $7million dollar beauty, built in New Zealand and moored in Newport, RI.
If nothing in that first sentence irks you a bit, then please read no further.   In fact.... get the hell off of my Blog!!!!
I don't care about Kerry's wealth.  I'm trying to get some myself and would never berate anyone for their possessions.
But if you are in the market for a product or investment, and you ignore the needs of your surrounding community who could benefit by your purchase, that shows a lack of loyalty and class.
If I have a friend who owns a restaurant, or sells insurance, or brokers mortgages.... that's who I buy from when its time to spend my money.   As long as the cost and the quality is reasonably the same, it is an act of disloyalty to ignore the economic offering of my friend or associate.
So now Kerry decides to drop $7m of the Heinz ketchup fortune into a sailing yacht.   So who does he buy from???  Not a New England Boat yard, where such a job would keep a town in employment for a year.  No.   He shops it around and has it made in New Zealand.   Probably saved a little cash.
At least he doesn't moor it there.... not that he chose his home state of Massachusetts.   Seems that if he moored it in MA, he may be subject to taxation in the state that he represents, so he chose Rhode Island.  He obviously has no intention of ever spending a mooring dollar in Massachusetts since the name of his yacht, as painted on the transom is "Isabel ~ Newport".
I used to like Kerry, but lost it for him when he misrepresented his war record during his Presidential run.  He seems like he is really out for himself, and this yacht yarn exemplifies this.
Seems like it's time to retire to Newport for the senior senator from Massachusetts.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Abbie's Keeper

The row never happened because Brady and Katelyn  wanted to help me pull the traps.
So we headed out to Halfway Rock and hit the bait pollack pretty good, landing about twenty in an hour or so.  Then we pulled all of the traps with six keeper lobsters... a pretty good haul.
The fog was a challenge and we headed into the Boston Yacht Club to grab a cocktail or three with something from the grill.  Joanne came down for a couple of chardonnays and then Nancy Bruett, Abbie Bruett and My Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog showed up on the porch with tales of Abby's landing of a 42", 26 lb. Striped Bass outside of Brown's Island.
That inspired Brady, Katelyn and I to live line the pollack slowly around Browns and Naugus Head, then over to the Power Plant on the way back to the Salem Harbor Mooring.
The day belongs to Abbie.

Pisc said... 
What did she catch it on? Not pollock?
Live lined pogeys this morning in Hull Gut. Boated three keepers. Lots of fish out there.
Take your Lobster while you can, that industry in MA is shut down.


MFWDWHNMITB says that he and daughter Abby caught 4 mackerel and, minutes after live lining with one, hooked onto the keeper down by Brown's Island.

POTW Week 28

It's a perfect day for a row in the Tender.   But I have to wait for my Blackberry to charge because I'll need to field some Nanepashemet Telecom calls while I'm on the water.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 28th week of 2010

Brady Boyle
Tom Raiche
Bill Hillegas
Tina Rhodes
Amanda Johnson
Kristen Champagne

Such plans are always subject to change.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cosmic Chess

They say that timing is everything.
Timing is probably another word for luck.
And I don't believe in Luck... good or bad.
So when all the slots started to fall in place today, I didn't attribute it to timing.   It seemed like it was the culmination of facts and events that built deliberately into the opportunity that coalesced today.
It wasn't that we were lucky to be in the right place at the right time.... there was a series of events that extended back years that led to precisely the situation that presented itself today.  Once again, judging whether the individual events were good or bad now seems almost foolish.
So now, the deal that is in front of Nanepashemet Telecom is another step in this incredibly complicated cosmic chess game.... and it's our move.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting to the Good Stuff

As much as I really like working, I could do without it.
If economic necessity wasn't in the mix, I'd be pretty busy boatbuilding, blogging, writing, fishing, touring, and maybe even working out.  But working to make a living, really puts a crimp in my lifestyle.  To the point where I hardly ever get the chance to do the other stuff.
I suppose that if I never had to hustle to make ends meet, then I wouldn't cherish the stuff that I really want to do.  Maybe it wouldn't be important.  So work might just be the glue that sets priorities straight.
Does this make sense?
So I'll continue to work and hope to make a score so that I can quit someday, and get to the good stuff.

PIsc said...
Get after Tierney and stop daydreaming. 102 days. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Detour from Arkansas

Hat's off to Tuna Lips for setting me straight on the big Clinton shun.   Do you ever wonder why the Clinton clan went straight to New York after Washington DC and never seem to show up in Arkansas?
I once had the occasion to have lunch in Little Rock and got a pretty good dose of the distain that the locals there have for the Clinton's.   There was a burger on the menu at the pub that was touted as the "Best Burger West of the Mississippi".  The undercaption read..."And unlike Clinton, we ain't lying."
When I asked my local guests, who were project managers at Alltel that we were doing a network upgrade for, what that might signify.....they went on a tirade about Clinton that had me a bit taken back.   I had expected a bit of local loyalty.... especially towards an outsider like me from New England.
I'll bet that the contingent from Arkansas will be pretty small at the upcoming nuptials.

Monday, July 19, 2010

No Invitation

So far, Joanne and I have not been invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
Naturally, we are shocked, perplexed, and not a little hurt.
Why Chelsea?  Why are we being left out and shunned????
Is it because of all of the bad things that we've said about your Dad and Mom?   Is it because you've invited the Obamas and are afraid we might do something embarassing?  Is it because Nanepashemet and Oprah in the same reception room might steal all of the attention?????

I can't believe this.  Can't believe that you would would be so shallow.

Tuna Lips said...
Hek, its festival seatin' at most of these back country nupshals, I always finds me a bridesmaid who is preggers and get my funky chicken goin', in case we can reach agreement, i gots no worries, she being all ruint and such. And alway keep a clean nose fer casin' the joint, it gets nutty enough thems fergets the jugs o' shine and balless chickens (the frenchies call 'em cape ons) that folk brung along. You stock yerself a party whilst partying. Good times. Hooooey!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Farewell to Jack

We lost a great friend last week when Jack Dog, Katelyn's Pug, passed away.
The problem with having pets is that their lifespan is so much shorter than ours.   And when they go downhill, it's usually very rapidly.  It's so heartbreaking to see them deteriorate and suffer.
During their short life you love and care for them so completely.  When they leave, they leave you with a huge hole of grief to fill.
So it is with Jack.  It seems like just a day ago when he would sit on one knee with Ronick the cat on the other, and both would be resting perfectly content.  Now they are memories.
In a little while, the grief that Katelyn and we have about Jack will be replaced with happy thoughts of the joy that he gave us.
We'll miss you Jack Dog.

Pisc said...
Sorry for your loss. Good pooch, that Jack.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

POTW Week 27

So they apparently have capped the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.  I never had a lot of interest in geology, but the fact that the earth's crust holds back such enormous pressures, makes me think that our foothold on the surface is tenuous at best.  That just below the surface is a seething, oily mess that could blow anytime.   Kind of like a Mel Gibson telephone conversation.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 27th Week of 2010

Kelly Light
Art Krieger
Mel Gibson
Earl Scruggs
Tyler Gill
Russell Archer
Heading to FreshAyer and hope to get a nice Harbor Row in today in the middle of another weekend heatwave.