Friday, October 16, 2009

POTW Week 42

Chris Crawford, his great wife Sarah, and their beautiful twin girls, Pheobe and Charlotte, are taking in some fresh Ayer this weekend.  I know the Boy will be happy and grateful to see them.  We'll be there in the morning. 

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 42nd Week of 2009

Lindsay Lohan
Bill Quirk
Harvey Rowe
Dick Gardner
Eric Johnson
Rich Ellis

Tons of Nanepashemet Telecom paperwork to get done when we get back.

Jill Phillips said...
Lindsay Lohan...really? You're  getting into risky territory Jill.

Lunatic Whackjobs

If you followed this "news" story and think that this whackjob family is anything but publicity scammers, then contact me ASAP.
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale that you may be interested in.
They name their kid "Falcon" and sit complacently while he pukes his guts out on national TV.
Freaking Lunatics.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A New Outlook

I'm always amazed how business can turn on the drop of a dime.
One day's bleakness changes with a brightness ripe with opportunity.
Makes me think of that biblical Jesus quote about how a person with faith can move a mountain.
"I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."
(Matthew 17:14-21 NKJV)
I'm not trying to convert you or anything, nor am I interested in changing the view from my White Mountain condo, but it certainly seems that the landscape of my business outlook has changed for the better.

Pisc said...

The mustard seed is very small, from which something massive grows.

Pisc said...
Well put. One without faith to something greater than himself ofte has no goals and no principle. No loyalty to himself. And thus, none to others. Meet a person who can not tell a story about a pal from their youth and the same friend from their middle age and you know there is something sketchy. It could be a brother or sister, just something that they have from being a person until now. Otherwise, see ya. Jesus is my homeboy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Mistral Advantage

We brought our business prospects to Mistral in Boston's Back Bay last night for dinner.
I'm not saying that it sealed the deal, but our guests left very happy.
So now we have to price this project correctly, but I think we're there.
We were recommended by Ryan to order the filet mignon pizza as an appetizer for the table, and the boy knew what he was talking about.
I'd go back there, even if a multi-million dollar deal wasn't at stake.

Tuna Lips said...
Bets there was a lot of top dollar hookers hangin' about the place. I likes hookers. They has feelins, too.

Sue Sue Raiche said...
Seeing you're such a "Mountain of a Man", I'm not surprised you were able to make this important dinner with the cold and all. It sounds like the filet pizza apps may have been the clincher! -  Susan
Maria Rowen said...

When you close the deal maybe you can celebrate at Sorelina...a close second to Mistral...Try the truffled French the hook...but no hookers... *_*

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sniffle Endurance

I'm a little down with a cold that has lasted for a few days.  But you don't see me complaining, do you???
Sniffles, coughing, a sneeze or two.... when you're a Mountain of a Man, you can't let these things affect you.  Even if they would shut down a lesser man.

Maria Rowen said.....
Umcka Cold Care......Whole(Paycheck)Foods ...will put the Mountain right back in the Man...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

POTW Week 41

 Got a lot of work done today, but nothing that I planned.  I was too impatient to wait, so I finished the Work Breakdown Structure for the big deal that I was telling you about.   It came out even better than expected.
Also got two coats of Interior Semi-Gloss MinWax Polyurethane on the top of the Workbench.   That project has to move out of the garage as soon as possible to make space.

Nanepasehemet Peeps of the Week for the 41st Week of 2009

Holly Hunter
Bill Hillegas
Jill Phillips
Michael Murphy
Allison Peabody
Peter Crawford

Tomorrow we will get two more coats on and hopefully get it into the basement.

Happy Columbus Day

Normally, Columbus Day weekend is a great time to kick back and leisurely enjoy the three days.   But this year is different with a ton of obligations that won't let me relax.    Nanepashemet Telecom has a hell of an opportunity that we are pitching next Tuesday.... could be the deal that makes our next two years here in New England.
So I'll probably be spending this Saturday taking care of some flapping loose ends at Nanepashmet to clear the decks in anticipation of landing this deal.  Kate is coming to Marblehead to hang with the Grandkids, Will and Ethan.   That will be fun.  We'll take some time for some Fresh Ayer on Sunday morning, and I'd really like to get Kate's Adirondack chair out of the garage and into the finishing stages, but this is not optimistic.
Won't be able to relax at all on Monday's day off, what with the presentation due the next day.    So I'll be doing some Work Breakdown Structures, and Organizational Projections for the anticipated project.
I'm not a big fan of Columbus anyway... what with the way that he brutalized the Carribean Indians and stuff.

Piscatelli said...
You dizzy Mic, it is your anti-Italian racism that shapes your opinion of our man Cristofero Columbo. You and Skip Gates are too peas in a pod. Viva Italia. ~   ~  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   
J. said....
Whatssamatta Goomba Pat???  
Haven't I shared my macaroni and cheese recipe with all of the Peeps?  Skip never did that!   Proof positive that I love the Itai's.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Worthy Prize

Normally I'd be thrilled to see an American President win the Nobel Peace Prize.
But this is perplexing.   11 days after winning the Presidency, Obama is nominated.  Obviously he couldn't have done anything by this time, and shouldn't be expected to.
This "Cult of Personality" that seems to surround this guy is quite a bit unsettling.  It leads people to follow what they think should be, and not what is.
Obama obviously has made an impact on the five Norwegians that award the peace prize,  But then again, they are the same characters that awarded the honor to Al Gore for his pitiful environmental "documentary", which was clearly political pap.   So the five Norwegians are moonbats.   Who knew?
In Obama's defense, he is as startled as everybody else,and has said that he is humbled and undeserving.  It's not his fault that the Norwegian Moonbats run fast and loose with their Peace Prize.
Maybe Obama will eventually be worthy of his Prize.....  I hope so.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


I was uncontrollable with my snoring. Really, really bad. I mean really.
So,  I bought this mouthpiece called "SnoreMeds" from Amazon and that has helped quite a bit.
It was getting extremely aggravating with my wife, Joanne, when she kicks me and wakes me up when I'm snoring, because you have absolutely no control......  plus you can't even hear it. The only reason that I know that I'm bad is that my throat is dry and sore when I wake up.
Plus once when I was on a plane, I woke up and everybody was giving me dirty looks. I asked the guy next to me if I was snoring or anything, and he looked at me incredulously and said "You've got to be kidding."
He was an Asshole anyway.

Maria Rowen said...
I take this post very seriously... but I just wonder if a tuna with lips snores...*_*
Tuna Lips said...
Why, I would blush if I was not red in the face already from chickery coffee and White Lightnin'. Missy Rowen, you fancy a dance with old TL, does ye, to test yer hypothesizin about my nocturnal vociferocity? Great Ceasar's ghost, theys kaint resist me!

Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

I just can't seem to shake the shock of the Cates Murder in Mont Vernon, NH out of my system.   The "Human Sub Species" Blog post that was entered has been the most heavily hit topic since the beginning of this pathetic Blog.
I also was accused of rushing to judgement, assuming that the four miscreants who are now apprehended are guilty as charged.   Maybe it was because Kimberly Cates, a 40 year old Mom and Nurse,  was hacked to death with a machete and her daughter's throat was slashed with the same implement.
That type of thing tends to piss me off.  All four of the "innocent until proven guilty" are alleged to have taken a whack with the machete.   They have not pleaded "not guilty", a Mom has been horribly murdered, and her 11 year old daughter is scared for life.  Not to mention the ruined lives of her husband, extended family and friends.

CNN notes....
On Tuesday, the state Department of Justice announced the arrests of the four teenagers accused of taking part in the crimes.
Steven Spader, 17, and Christopher Gribble, 19, were charged with first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.
William Marks, 18, and Quinn Glover, 17, were charged with burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary and armed robbery.

Personally, I don't care what their backgrounds are.... I don't care if they are mentally impaired... I don't care what their philosophy, religion, or state of mind is.   I don't care why they did it.
If I were the King of the World, here is how I'd  deal with these Mongrel Bastards.....  I would put each in solitary confinement  and feed them feces and maggots for a month, all the while with the knowledge that they would be hacked to death by a maniac with a machete at any time during the month.   Then I'd pull the most heinous asshole on death row, give him a machete, and tell him that he gets an extra month of life for each time he hacks these mongrels.  Send the Maniac into the cell at an unannouced random time, and send the Mongrels to Hell.   Then I'd wish that these useless sub-humans survived, so that we could repeat it again and again.
But that's just me.  Probably a good thing that I'm not King of the World.

Maria Rowen said...

It is hard to shake the mental image of this crime. Harder even to imagine someone will defend these machete-wielding-monsters. But that is our justice system. Perhaps in the 'Kingdom' of New Hampshire where there is a death penalty, justice will be served...

Tuna Lips said...

Youse can learn to prosper offa feces and maggots, been down that path myself. Those West Virginny growers of mary jane did not cotton to Shoo Fly and me takin' an interest in botanically analizin they crop. Looked like slavery and, if things went downhill fast, some Deliverance like buggery was in stoh fo us. Needed to keep our strength up in the mean times. Twasn't my cup o' tea, but neither is buggery. It will gets ye by in a pinch. Find myself a free man this day, on account of feces and maggots. The breakfast of survivors.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Best Buds

Ethan Nestor and Grady Butler have that Best Buds thing going for them.
Someday when they are on the same Hockey Line, we can embarrass the hell out of them with these.
Maria Rowen said...

With all the stress and bad news heaped on us daily...isn't it nice to (if only briefly) look into a child's eyes and see the world. Let's have a day where we celebrate life like Ethan and Grady. Power to the pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Capping Tuesday

I have decided to celebrate this Tuesday Evening by pouring a shot or so of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch, over four ice cubes in a dedicated Scotch glass that Mikey gave me as a Christmas present.
Damn Good Decision.
Can't wait until tomorrow night, when I might do the same thing.