Tuesday, October 06, 2009

President "I"

"I like Gerneral McCrystal, but at the end of the day, I am the Commander in Chief."

- President Barack Obama

Inspirational words from a Harvard guy who gives his major experience as being a community activist for ACORN in Chicago.
This guy is really starting to weird me out.
Yes, we elected the President, but we also put big money into training the leadership of our armed forces.
If you don't trust the General, by all means, fire him.   That is your role as Commander in Chief.   But until you do, he should be making military decisions..... not President First Person Singular.
Trust your Peeps, Prez.... It's not all about you.
The Krauts lost the Big One because they couldn't do anything without the OK from their Fearless Leader.... the leadership paralysis in the field was ultimately their downfall.  Their American opponents were empowered down to a man.... an Army of One.  This leadership leverage carried the day.  Probably didn't study that stuff at Harvard.  I learned it in an ROTC  class at UMASS where my highest rank obtained was Corporal. 
You get the feeling that President "I" is way over his head.

Human Sub Species

Mont Vernon, NH was the scene of a brutal, senseless serial murder of a mother at home yesterday by four remorseless bastards.

The Nashua Telegraph reported..... 

Four youths - two from Brookline, NH, two from Amherst,NH - were arraigned in Milford District Court on charges stemming fr o m murder of Kimberly Cates and the attempted murder of her 11-year-old daughter in their home on a dirt road in Mont Vernon.

Senior Asst Attorney General Will Delker said the four young men “entered this home knowing the participants (and) intended to kill the occupants of the home if anyone was present.”

"They targeted this home essentially randomly because it was on an isolated road”, Delker said.

Steven Spader, 17, and Christopher Gribble, 19, of Brookline, and William Marks, 18, and Quinn Glover, 18, of Amherst were charged. 

They entered the home at 4:00AM to carry out their murderous plot.  
It is beyond comprehension to ask why, because no answer could ever be acceptable or understandable.
We just have to recognize and protect against such mongrels of the human species.   It's hard to conceptualize that we are still subject to random attacks within our evolved society.   Take care.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Flu Season

Remember the Bird Flu last year?  We were all afraid of Chickens.   Now we have the Swine Flu, aka H1N1 Flu.
My prediction is that it will play out like the Bird Flu did.  Not a pandemic, but something to prepare against.
We used to just get the Flu every year.  Now we get a special one named after animals.  I think the Flu has always been pretty much the same.....  we just know more about it now and go into a lot more detail and paranoia.
Twice in my life, I've spent a week in the hospital with the flu with IV's and the whole nine yards... miserable episodes...., so I don't make light of it, but there is no reason to freak out either.

Tuna Lips said...

I agreeify. Folks start whisperin' about my proclivity with the portly gals, and suggestin' I is a prime candidate for this so called hog flu. I remain undetterant. Nothin' gonna stop TL from spreadin' the good word and my seed upon this here green earth. Hog flu be damned! I cast thee to part unknown, Satan and your swine flu!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Steve and Jill Lewis Got Married

Struggling to recuperate from the Lewis-Tufts Wedding this morning.   Dana and Merry Tufts had the Moraine Farm in Beverly rocking for about 300 close friends. 
Mikey was a Best Man of Stevie and Jill looked fantastic. 
(Maybe that last statement was a little Gay, but she really looked good.)
It was a rainy, humid night in a tent, and even in my portly, middle aged manner of Shaking my Booty, I was riddled with sweat. 
Now I'm a little sore from the intensive boogying.
Have to take the ride to Ayer now, but when we return, pictures will be posted.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Objective Review

Will I buy and read this book?
You bet your sweet ass I will.
Sarah Palin has been screwed by the Liberal Elite more than anybody I know of in my increasingly long lifetime.  I'll take her over that self important manipulator, Katie Couric, any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Plus, she is sizzling HOTTTT!!!

POTW Week 40

Well... At least I scared the shit out of him.
In fhe first hole I shot a Par 4, despite an errand tee shot that required a pitch out.
Archrival Joe Collins for a moment felt that he might have been snookered.  But then my real game emerged, and the Sinister Joe gained his composure.  Yes, he was as good as the Club Champion Plaques indicated, and proceeded to demonstrate his despicable 5 handicap in shot after shot.
There clearly is no God.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 40th Week of 2008

Joe Collins
Abby Bruett
Katelyn Nestor
Jill Tufts
Steve Apostolides
Bobby Brown

I will have my revenge.

Karma for Letterman

My heart goes out to David Letterman. 
The self-righteous, Bush/Palin hating, funnyman getting caught in a sex scandal just doesn't seem fair. 
But the Law of Karma is the ultimate judge.
Sorry Dave, but you are one of the top ten Assholes in my book.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tsunami Precaution

The Tsunami in Samoa is unsettling to say the least.   With the body count cresting over 100 victims, it had to be a horrific situation.  So far, the tsunami's have occurred in far away places - the Indian and South Pacific Oceans.  But an earthquake off of the Eastern Seaboard is just as likely.
I've actually seen what happens when the ocean washes into a home over on Marblehead Neck during one of the October storms that have hit the New England Area in the last twenty years.  In that case, about $100K worth of antiques were ruined.  But that was just a storm surge... A tsunami is a whole other wave, with its own energy.

I suppose that it is only a matter of time when any coastal area gets hit.  Maybe I'll keep the Herreshoff Columbia Tender loose on the trailer in the driveway for now on.  Just in case.

Maria Rowen said...
It seems in the aftermath of a tsunami, scientists flood us with tidal waves of predictions. And though ‘they’ are unable to forecast a specific date, an article “Atlantic Tsunamis” written in 2005 (grandchronicles.com) outlines what we can expect when the big one hits. The Atlantic Ridge, will be devastated. The good news is there will be many events leading to the main event so we have a good chance of enough advance notice to be ready. I prefer to see the glass half full and all that good stuff. I know absolutely nothing about boats or ships or sloops but I would opt for the driveway.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~
Maria -
If you can tell us when the Tsunami is going to hit, we'll save you a seat in the Tender.
- J.
Tuna Lips said...

I had me a tsunami of sorts in the rest room of the Route 55 Big Boy burger joint. Had a bad crawdad po' boy and nearly blew out the bottom of my colonoscopy. They had to post warning signs, some of the yellow murder scene tape was afixed to the scene of the great storm. The locals that knows of it call to mind the Chickesaw River floodin' of '55.

Sinister Golf Plot

Just as I was starting to get into a good work groove this week, I get an invitation to play in a member guest golf tournament at the Oakley Country Club this Friday.from my Archrival, Joe Collins.  It definitely threw my thought processes off track.
Collins knows how much I suck at golf, so I have no choice but to believe that this is a sinister plot designed to throw some indignity my way.   I'm sure that he thought that I would decline, so I called his bluff and accepted his insidious invitation.
So we will be scarring the fairway turf and looking for out of bounds balls this Friday afternoon over in Watertown.  Being a Mountain of a Man means having the fortitude to fight through the plots and traps that your Archrivals plant before you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Murph Birth

In all of the confusion, depression, and egotisical self-absorption, I neglected to inform you that former Peep of the Year, Michael Murphy and his beautiful wife, Beth, brought two new Peeps into the world.

Steven Michael & Justin Thomas Murphy

Born: Sep 17, 2009
At 5:27 PM & 5:37 PM

5 lbs 8 oz & 5 lbs 1 oz

18.5 inches & 18 inches

Delivered by: Dr. Elizabeth Konig

Way to go Beth!  Congratulations.  Can't wait to meet them and tell them stories of their illustrious POTY Dad.

Tuna Lips said...
Now I knows why lions eat they young. Them poor chilluns have not a chance, right out the gate.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Orders Uptake

The 4th Quarter starts this week.   In the corporate Telecom world, that is when the orders start to pile up because carriers want to get their capital budgets allocated, and managers rev up their numbers so that they receive their incentive bonuses.
Nanepashemet Telecom will be ready for the uptake, and we intend to open our West Coast office in the midst of it all.  Being a Mountain of a Man means that you can't be intimidated by a little extra work.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Unconditional Relationship

Joanne and I took a nice drive to FMC Devens this morning.  Mike was right.  It seemed like a low end prep school, very clean and green with nice athletic facilities - only with no curriculum and a dorm full of men of all ages wearing the same clothes.
Seems to be tolerable with the lack of freedom and constant supervision being the primary factors used for punishment.  If you step out of line, they put you into a "hole" in solitary confinement with terrible food for an indeterminate amount of time.  Our boy spent four days in this environment, under the auspices of seeing the results of a TB test.   But it is really a taste of how hard a time this could be.... and a terrific deterrent.   The threat of this guarantees an overall culture of good behavior.
So we'll make this trip for as many times as it takes.... because that is what we do.