But our customer was relaxed with the boat ride and our fishing effort. and really seemed to like dinner at the Boston Yacht Club.
The Dockmaster at the BYC graciously let me tie up at the Dock for dinner. But after a number of the fine Dark and Stormies that the Club serves, I felt it best to leave the WhaleEye tied up for the night and retrieve it in the morning.... which I did at 7:00AM this morning.... despite a sharp wind from the Northeast and cool temperatures.
Still no blitzes in sight, even close to dawn.
Announcing.... Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 39th Week of 2009
Brian Stanton
Gail Johnson
Joanne Nestor
Rick Breed
Matt DelGaudio
Will Crawford
As yet, I haven't landed a Bluefish this season. That's not acceptable.
- Dude, what is wrong with you? No bluefish? Boat fisherman, like all fisherman, need to know where the fish are. Then you have to catch them. And bluefish are like sailors in the combat zone, they whack anything. So I figure you are fishing where the fish are not. I think you need some Christ on the Sea of Galilee kind of magic. Get with God, el Jefe.