Friday, September 25, 2009

POTW - Week 39

So my prayer for a Bluefish Blitz wasn't heeded.
But our customer was relaxed with the boat ride and our fishing effort. and really seemed to like dinner at the Boston Yacht Club.
The Dockmaster at the BYC graciously let me tie up at the Dock for dinner.   But after a number of the fine Dark and Stormies that the Club serves, I felt it best to leave the WhaleEye tied up for the night and retrieve it in the morning.... which I did at 7:00AM this morning.... despite a sharp wind from the Northeast and cool temperatures.
Still no blitzes in sight, even close to dawn.
Announcing.... Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 39th Week of 2009

Brian Stanton
Gail Johnson
Joanne Nestor
Rick Breed
Matt DelGaudio
Will Crawford

As yet, I haven't landed a Bluefish this season.   That's not acceptable.

Pisc said...
Dude, what is wrong with you? No bluefish? Boat fisherman, like all fisherman, need to know where the fish are. Then you have to catch them. And bluefish are like sailors in the combat zone, they whack anything. So I figure you are fishing where the fish are not. I think you need some Christ on the Sea of Galilee kind of magic. Get with God, el Jefe.

Democrats in Power

Thank heavens that the emergency is over, and we have two US Senators representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
When you are mired in bureaucracy, waitng to get basic health care services, remember the courageous acts of Gov. DP, who came to our rescue in these desperate times.  Just keep forcefeeding that Bullshit.
Do you get the feeling that the Democrats just treat us like a herd of Wilderbeest??? Meandering toward a river filled with Crocodiles???
I don't know about you, but I am really getting nervous about Obama's international affairs judgements.  He reminds me of Jimmy Carter who was spit upon by crazy assed, Iranian Mullahs.    Some wacky group will be taking a run at us soon.
Deja Vu all over again.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blitz Prayer

I'm taking out some major customers for some fishing in Marblehead Sound tomorow.  If there is a God in Heaven, He will put me into a Bluefish Blitz.  
That would insure some major business.

Get Ready

Magic happens when you least expect it.
Are you ready????

Harvey Rowe said...

Magic or Miracles.........

Harv -
Full blown miracles would be good.... I was just hoping for a little magic.
- J

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Agendas

Kate and SuperPeep, Emily Engardia are on vacation for the next 10 days in the Dominican Republic.   Not sure what the attraction is to go to a poverty stricken island, but it is their vacation, not mine.  For my money, I'm going to Rome as soon as circumstances permit, but that's not clear in the least bit.
I'll have to head out to the Pacific Northwest soon, but that is for Nanepashemet Telecom and will be pure work.
In the meantime, while the weather holds, there are projects to complete right here in Marblehead... like Kate's Adirondack chair which is nearing completion, and the Gunning Dory.  Plus I have to fit some end of the year fishing in.

Tuna Lips said...
Does ye have an address on their localized domicile? In keepin' with my spirit of servin folks, I'd like to send over some hombres to watch over they's possessions while on that mission of mercee to that God-forsaken rock.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Traumatic By-Product

The weird by-product of times like these is that you find out who really matters to you and your family.  Your friends come to the surface and the pretenders fall by the wayside.  Very valuable insight.   Too bad something traumatic has to happen for this revelation to surface.
I think that true wealth is defined by the quality of your friends and relationships.... and we are so fortunate to be extremely wealthy.
This will pass.  We will all emerge from the backside a little older, a bit better and a lot wiser.
It's easy to take a hit with friends like you.

Tuna Lips said...

I take this time to recall my pappy's wisdom, said it come from the ancients: thems that don't run you into the bog and smash yer still make yea stronger. In fittin' with yer thinkin' on by-products.

Voices in me noggin', gots to run . . .

Sunday, September 20, 2009


A nice get together last night as Ryan's friends came by to give him a little sendoff.  Tyler Gill brought over his Bags which ultimately resulted in a minor vehicle collision involving Brendt DiOrio and Gail Johnson's cars. 
Money changed hands over the Bags competition, and songs were sung as appropriate.
No other incidents were reported, and neighbors refrained from calling the police to the best of my knowledge.
We'll look forward to a grander repeat when Ryan's hiatus is complete.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

POTW Week 37

It's been such an emotionally taxing summer.  This weekend will be no different.  One of these days, it will be time to kick back and put it into neutral.... but not for the forseeable future.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th week of 2009.

Jimmy Carter
Maria Rowin
Lauren Rathbone
Parker Sides
Jill Phillips
Chip Clancy

In the meantime, we can pretend to be calm and to cope.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Shameful Politicians

When the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry (ugh!), was running for President against George Bush, and his election seemed on track, the Massachusetts Democrats successfully changed the law so that Republican Governor Mitt Romney could not select a Senate successor to Kerry.  (Kerry ultimately didn't win, and our livelyhoods were temporarily spared.)
Back then as now, the Dems had the vote in the Mass Legislature and pulled off this blatantly political move.
But....They never figured on Kennedy taking the pipe like he did.
So now the Democrats, with the endorsement of the Obama administration is advocating a return to the old law so that our Democratic Governor, Deval Patrick, can make the selection.
Does this sound hypocritical to you?   They probably have the votes and will shamelessly pull off this sad, base, maneuver.  They are just so freaking shameful.

Pisc said...
You should read the legislative history from 2004 and the calls from Dems to vote for the principles of democracy and public determination and against political patronage (an actual quote, I used it in a letter to my rep). So, by the logic used in 2004, switching is a vote for political patronage and agaist the principle of democracy. It does little good in the present instance, but they know we will be coming back, like a case of herpes.
Maria Rowen said...
House Republican Leader Bradley Jones said he will try to stall the measure, though he conceded Democrats could ultimately push it through with 81 votes(Washington Post). So with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 35 to 5 in the Senate, looks like a fill-o-bust majority win for the ‘Dums’.

Getting Back to Basics

I know that most of you who follow this Blog for its Boatbuilding theme have been severely dissappointed.  The Boats have taken a clear second position due to the politics of the day and other daily annoyances.
While my purpose is not to cater to you, I also feel that it is time for Boatbuilding to come to some sort of center stage.  The Marblehead Gunning Dory has been lying fallow for too long with the frames, stems and bottoms built and the gunnels waiting to be cedar stripped.
So I have to get Kate's Adirondack Chair assembled and out of the garage, and put finish polyurethane on the WorkBench, then the stage is set to resume the Dory..... unless I get set out on yet another tangent.

Periodic Tax Rant

Got my 3rd quarter estimated tax payments in on time yesterday.  The Federal government is my biggest creditor by far.  And I don't even get the chance to purchase the services that it provides.  The government spends what it wants, even if it doesn't have the money, and then charges us.  If we refuse to pay, they seize our assets, and we go to prison.
Am I missing something?
If I am getting this wrong.... let me know.
I always get a kick out of our Founding Fathers, who were repulsed by a tea tax, threw it into Boston Harbor and revolted against tyranny.  Those guys never got a load of the income tax that we pathetically wimp under and pay.   They would be extremist crazies if they lived today.
Definitely the Home of the Brave.   NOT the Land of the Free.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Self Loathing Paintbrush

Somehow I didn't see it coming.
In my relief that this country elected a Black President, I thought that the race issue would finally be passe.... that race as an issue would take a back seat.
But it's just the opposite.   Now the liberals are pulling out the race card every time they sneeze.
Obama couldn't possibly be unpopular because he can't pull the troops out of the Middle East.   People can't be peeved with him because he wants to convert our health care system to something akin to the United States Postal Service.  It can't be the boondoggle economic stimulus package.
No.  None other than Jimmy Carter, the biggest goofball ever to sit in the Oval Office, explains to us that the reason of our discontent with Obama is because we are racists.
When will we finally realize that the real racists are the liberals...  the Jimmy Carter types who look at themselves in the mirror and try to disguise their self loathing by painting their racist subdued thoughts on everybody else.
To dismiss the discontent with Obama as racist... is in itself racist to the core.  This country elected a Black President by popular majority.  The Liberals cannot deny this, but they can never let issues stand on their own merits.  That would be too truthful.