Friday, September 25, 2009

Democrats in Power

Thank heavens that the emergency is over, and we have two US Senators representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
When you are mired in bureaucracy, waitng to get basic health care services, remember the courageous acts of Gov. DP, who came to our rescue in these desperate times.  Just keep forcefeeding that Bullshit.
Do you get the feeling that the Democrats just treat us like a herd of Wilderbeest??? Meandering toward a river filled with Crocodiles???
I don't know about you, but I am really getting nervous about Obama's international affairs judgements.  He reminds me of Jimmy Carter who was spit upon by crazy assed, Iranian Mullahs.    Some wacky group will be taking a run at us soon.
Deja Vu all over again.

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