Saturday, September 05, 2009

Keynesian Economics

It's beautiful weather up here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire for the McBurney Wedding.
We are staying at the Mount Washington Hotel in the same room occupied by John Maynard Keynes, the legendary economist,  durring the 1944 International Bretton Woods Monetary Conference.  I have no idea if they booked is into that room because they knew of the importance of the Nanepashemet Blog, or not.
Probably Not.
This is a beautifully restored, turn of the century Victorian hotel.  Lisa Rowe and Maria Rowen are among the invited guests that add to the beauty of the location.

I have to head down to the pool and get some laps in.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Manhood Challenge.

Tomorrow, on the Field of Honor, I challenge Will Murray at the North Conway Country Club for 18 holes  of golfing competion.
If Will is like anyone that I have ever played, he'll mercilessly kick my golfing ass.  But I am still gong to challenge his manhood tommorow.
BTW,  I continue to suck at golf.   As in brutally freaking bad.

Great Responsibility

I realize that this Blog is powerful.... that it has the ability to completely derail the lives of some of you Peeps.
That's why I'm so careful with my Posts.
With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Phreaking Plagiarist

So I made the mistake of telling my friend Harvey Rowe, that those who have seen me play golf know me as "the Crusher".  And that frequently, I use this moniker, "Crusher", to sign up for various internet sites.
You can imagine what happened next.
As Harvey was searching for a name for his fantasy football team that he and Sweet Lou Panakio are collaborating on, the only name he could come up with was "The Crushers".
It's a clear cut case of plagiarism.... hands down.
And this isn't the first time that I've caught Harvey stealing my intellectual  property.  Just take a look at his Blog, Harvey's Thoughts, and see if you see anything familiar. 
Look at his smug, insidious demeanor.  I would sue, but Harvey is one of the best lawyers that I know, and I'm already knee deep in legal fees these days.  So the best I can do is to point my index finger right at him, and call him a Phreaking Plagiarist.
No matter what your Phreaking Phantasy Phootball team says.... I'm still the only  "Crusher."

Harvey Rowe said...
Tuna Lips said...
Ise reckon from that grin on his face, somewheres there is a village missin' its idjut. Amazin to me the number of goobers you comes across.
Tuna has it right this time.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tragic Summer

My corporate lawyer, Rick Breed, lost his 30 year old daughter, Lindsay,  to a sudden death this week.   The rumor is that it was a brain aneurysm, but it really doesn't matter.
The Breed family are wonderful people, and they've just been beset by the worst tragedy imaginable.
Our thoughts and  prayers go out to them.
It's been a summer that I am happy to leave this September.  Sometimes the challenges of life come at you a little too fast.  Let's hope for brighter days.
Be with God Lindsay.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wedding Party

Trying to cram three days of work into the whole week because on Thurs, we are heading to North Conway for the McBurney wedding and won't be back until the following Tues.  It will be a nice getaway... the only one we've had this summer.
Mike is in the wedding party and a lot of super peeps will be there.   We'll take pictures and make a full report. 
I'd like to get a haircut in before but am not sure how I can pull this off with the schedule the next few days.   Toying with the idea of getting a buzz.   How bad can it be?  It will all grow back if it doesn't look good.  If it grows half as fast as nostril and ear hair, then it will be back in a week or so.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Paper or Plastic

Politics in Massachusetts will be interesting again with the rush to fill Ted's seat.  Whoever gets it will have the Senior Senator John Kerry as a mentor.   So they will have to have a strong stomach.
No, I'm not going to run.... Too much baggage.... way too much.   We're not talking paper or plastic here.... these bags are extra mil contractor quality.
But you are right to suggest that I'd make a hell of a Senator.  What with my ability to compromise and get along with people of all persuasions, as well as my rapier like tendency to understand the complexity of any issue.   
The only problem would be picking my administrative staff.  All of you Peeps would be clamoring for the jobs and it would be a real Donnybrook.  And I'd hate to see you all clawing and scratching  all over each other.
My agenda would be the standard Neo-Conservative Taoist Pagan party line.  Nothing out of the mainstream.

Pisc said...
I've already worked for you once. I am still recovering! Keep the pressure on, do not relent in stating your case and position, in line with right thinking or not. Rage against the machine!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thinking of You

We're driving back from the Kittery, Maine Outlets, and Joanne asked me the always controversial question.... "What are you thinking about?"
In my younger, less experienced days, I might have been sucked into telling the truth... something like " I was thinking of how good a couple of grilled snap dogs with a Sam Adams might taste about now." ......Or....... "I was thinking about getting whether the Bluefish might be blitzing outside of the Harbor this weekend."
But now I am older and wiser.
Now, my stock answer to this murky question that is often riddled with bobbytraps, is how I responded this afternoon.
As in.... "I was just thinking about the richness of our relationship together, and how each passing moment sees my love grow deeper and stronger." Sometimes, I'll hit her with something like... "I was just thinking of you, you, and nothing but my love and appreciation of you."
Usually this little exchange results in a retort of "Bullshit" from her, but allows me to think in peace for awhile longer. And that is pretty much how it worked out today.

Rain Day Adjustment

It's a rainy Saturday morning.
I had hoped to get Kate's Adirondack Chair in full swing but Joanne wants to go to the shopping outlets at Kittery, Maine to buy some school clothes.
So I guess I'm going to Kittery.
Even though it has been established that I am the quintessential Mountain of a Man, I still tend to wimp under now and then.
That's OK.... as long as it doesn't happen too often.
Ryan is working on building some custom fishing rods for his kids before he goes away, and Kate and Mike are on the way to Beverly Ave. to hang with Ethan and Will. We'll chill until they show, then head up to Maine for a couple of hours.
Maybe the rain will let up by the time we return.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Tomorrow, it is out by 6:45AM, over to the tool rental store in Salem to pick up a trailer, then out to Brimfield, MA to pick up a spool of coax cable, left at the job.
From there, I have to be in Burlington at our storage facility to pick up the 7' in diameter, spool of of 1 5/8" coax that is super heavy. This will be transported to the Tewksbury Water Tank job, then I'm hoping to be back in Peabody at the Nanepashemet warehouse to drop off the material by 1:00 in the afternoon.
Then I'll deadhead back to Salem, drop off the trailer, get back to Marblehead, check email and the mail, and maybe the weekend can start.
My brother, Jim, is up from Florida with a Blues Band that he is managing with gigs in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and New York. So maybe I'll get the chance to see him.

POTW Week 34

Last week I missed the Peep of the Week selection.
Didn't even think of it.
It shouldn't be such a big deal. So why is everyone so freaking irate!
If you're expecting me to come up with some momentous reason for neglecting this thing, I suppose that I could.
If you think that I might come out with some diatribe about the evil effects of lies and lying and how it will eventually destroy any vestiges of character that you can salvage, I suppose that I could.
But I won't because I am conducting a slightly more expensive approach.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 34th Week of 2009.

Sarah McCormack
Brian Butler
Phoebe Crawford
Tom Raiche
Charlotte Murphy
Carol Kenner

I'm pretty sure that I won't forget the selection next week, because I don't want to put up with all the whining and lamentation.

"This above all. To thine own self be True" - Shakespeare

Peep of the Year, Lauren Rathbone said....
My guess is Brian Butler was the one to complain that you missed a week.!!

There were many, Lauren, but I'm not inclined to make any specific disclosures.

Voting for Ted Kennedy

The Kennedy tributes continue to flow. You get the feeling that the liberal media has to continue to lay it on thick so that the underbelly never shows.
But there is a undeniable resentment to Kennedy that the media is pushing past.
I remember years ago, when I was skiing at Attitash in New Hampshire and going up the ski lift with a talkative New York guy. We introduced ourselves after getting on the lift and I told him that I was from Massachusetts. The guy immediately went on a diatribe regarding Ted.... Chappaquidick.... yada, yada, yada.... then asked how we in Massachusetts voted for him over and over again.
A lot of what he said was pure logic. But I told him that I had voted for Kennedy on any occasion that I saw him on the ballot.... even though I substantially agreed with the points that this New York skier made.
Though I had never examined the reason before, I told him that I voted for Ted Kennedy, not because of him, but because of the promise that the Kennedy's brought. For his brothers John and Bobby, for my Irish Catholic parents who sat at the kitchen table crying as I came home from school in the sixth grade during November and found out that President John Kennedy had been shot that day. For the incredible speech that Ted Kennedy made at St. Patrick's Cathedral at the occasion of Bobby's funeral. These are the reasons I voted for Ted Kennedy.
Like a liberal, I voted for Ted because of emotions and feelings of what could have been.... not because of the facts.
But despite the dark mistakes, the tragedy that beset this man and his ability to remold, and rebuild, and help people on an individual level has made his life a tough loss.