Tuesday, June 23, 2009
You Can Bank On It
Mountain of a Man historians will note that I used to deal with the banks all of the time in the 80's before the savings and loan crisis brought everything to a crash. I always felt comfortable with bank talk. Business finance holds a lot less mystery to me than a cellular antenna installation. Although there's really not a heck of a lot of mystery to installing antennas.
Anyway, I always vowed that if I got on my feet again after the 80's collapse, I would never again leverage business through financing.
But here we go again.
Maybe this time, I won't get that "Nothing Can Go Wrong" bullshit attitude that characterized my last go around.
This time, I'm really sure of what can go wrong. And there's no way I'm going to go through that crap again.
Further evidence that there is a God.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Weather for the Week
A reprieve for the lobsters.
Now it looks like we're in for a whole week of this. Which is probably not at bad thing for the grass seed that we put on the dirt patch called our front lawn. But it doesn't bode well for all of the grounding cadwelds that we have to accomplish for Nanepashemet Telecom.
This is a big week - lots of moving parts in lots of areas - both personal and business. It will be interesting to see what Blog entry goes in next Sunday night.
Tuna Lips said...
One part I hope gets movin' is my bowuls. Criminiy sakes, Ise bound up like a treed pole cat.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Bound for Bait
Despite the threat of rain, tomorrow I have to get out early and catch bait to tend to the lobster traps.
My plan is to take the WhaleEye straight out to Halfway rock and jig for mackerel and pollack, then head down Bluefish Alley by the ledges to see if some early Bluefish might want to give it up for the traps.
Tide should be high enough and I should be back by 10:30 AM or so.
POTW Week 24
More rain.
The wet weather kills our efforts to finish some telecom work, because you can't CADweld safely around moisture, and CADwelding to support the extensive grounding systems at wireless telecom facilities is a daily, essential task.
There is only so much ditch digging that we can do.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 24th Week of 2009
Pat Piscatelli
Bill Hillegas
Chris D'Orio
Kelsey O'Shea
Courtney Cox
Ben Wallace
The rain delays won't kill us, but they are really annoying.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
No More Snore
In the spirit of total honesty and open disclosure, I have to admit to you that I snore.
Really Bad.
Each and every time I doze off.
And incredibly loud... like an old moose with a head cold.
I know that it bugs the shit out of Joanne, but there was nothing I could do about it.... until now.
Being sensitive to all of Joanne's needs, I decided that it was time after 36 years to take on this snoring problem. Plus it seems to have worsened over the last 2 1/2 years or so.
So I extensively researched the problem, and after 10 minutes of browsing, I came across a product called "SnoreMeds". Amazon sold it for about $39 bucks.
This is a plastic mouthpiece that you put into boiling water and then mold it to your mouth, causing the lower jaw to jut about a bit and create an open air passage past the offending palate.
It's the palate which vibrates when relaxed as you are sleeping, and that is the source of the gutteral snoring noise which Joanne loathes so much, but I don't even hear.
Tested SnoreMeds on a catnap today for about 1/2 hour and it is the first snorefree slumber that I can remember. So now I will be even better in the bedroom.
- Pisco said...
It puts a strain on your heart as well. I would not hesitate to mention it to your doctor. You might end up wearing one of those vacuum thingamajigs that make you look like you are ready to shoot down a MIG, but it could save your life. Plus, you can act like you are shooting down MIGs. - Lauren Rathbone, reigning Peep of the Year, said...
My mom has this problem with my dad, she wears industrial ear plugs every night. So much so, that my brother orders her them from some industrial safety catalog he gets at work.
Bunker Hill Day
The crux of the issue is that we have economic problems and can't afford this holiday, or the other Boston only holiday - Evacuation Day.
If people knew the history behind these days, the hue and cry should be why the whole country doesn't have these days off. Apparently the effects of a foreign occupation and the loss of American lives to throw tyranny off of American soil aren't very important any more.
Naturally, our Governor, Deval Patrick, has his finger in the wind and is making statements that he and his staff will be working.
Bunker Hill Day has nothing to do with the present economy and everything to do with remembering who we are and what our forefathers did to create this country for us. We are losing our true identity when we are so callous with our history.
I think that Deval caught the wrong wind on his finger.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tuna Bite
But if they hook into a Bluefin, it will seem like tropical skies and summer breezes.
I told those guys that I didn't think they had enough gas in the WhaleEye to make a Stellwagen run. Apparently, nine miles out, they found that I was correct.
Pretty happy that I renewed my SeaTow membership.
One of these days they will find out that.... while I am not always right, I'm seldom wrong.
Score 1 for the Bluefin.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Out of the Box
Not so.
I paced myself accordingly, knowing that there was business at hand. As it is, at the end of the evening, I ran into two prospects that I had been targeting for some time. They were as surprized to see me as I was them, when we bumped into each other at the Indigo Bar in Newton, just off of the Mass Pike.
Sometimes you just have to get lucky. I had been trying to contact these two for some time now. Who would have thought that I would meet them both in the same setting!
The lesson here is obviously to get out and drink in bars more often. The way I left Elsier.... I know he would agree.
POTW Week 23
As Joe Collins often said in our formative undergraduate years at UMASS....
"Life is a Weird Boogie."
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 23rd week of 2009
Lisa Panakio Rowe
Kevin Ouellette
David Cheney
Tom Raich
Stacey Butler
Tommy O'Shea
No Shit, Joe.
- Tuna Lips said...
I hear ya hummin' there, Kemosabe. The other mornin', I wakes in a David Carradine Kung Fu contraption in the storage shed over yonder, havin' not the slightest clue about how I ended up with a rope around my neck, wearin' Dorothy's ruby slippers and mint julep spilled all over my sister Bitty's prom dress. Surreal.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ornery Remark
I guess it is an accomplishment.... definitely beats the statistics.
Although..... Joanne gave me some lip because I characterized her as "ornery". Isn't that ironic! Her getting ornery about me calling her ornery!
I came so close to dumping her over that. She'll be damn lucky to make it to year 37.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Lobstermen Molt
We've got eight traps baited with mackerel around Salem and Marblehead Harbors. Can't tell you exactly where they are, or I'd have to kill you.
Of the eight traps, we pulled out six keeper lobsters and about an equal number of shorts. Plus about 5 skates, and numerous fairly large crabs which we didn't keep.
So not a bad haul for eight traps that were baited only three days ago.
By 6:00 PM the lobsters were dispatched and beginning to be digested. Two went over to Tommy O and Linda's house.
Ise, too, am wisened for havin' kept my moneys with so called bank & "trusts", only to have the whole thing go south just acause of somethin' I said, or dun, or maybe I exposed my weddin' tackle, and then find the bank & trust feller run off with his wife's cousin, all the while usin' my cash to bankroll a stag film starring the before menshoned cousin, who I comes to find out was with child due to fornicatin' with the boys in her sophomore english class. And that movie was my idea. John Ford was a major influence in my creative uprearin,' as was John Holmes. That banker screwed me.
We discuss such matters, and the unduly influencin' of internationalized bankers on the US of A every now and agin, like minded folk, down the holler, burn us a fire now and again. Real hush hush stuff. Sorta.