Sunday, October 19, 2008

The flock of Tufted Titmice along with a pair of Cardinals and a White Breasted Nuthatch were among the ubiquitous sparrows on the feeder this morning .
I'm totally stoked!

Tuna Lips said...

I notes fer the record that Brady boy up there lookin' to hitch up on that Brazilian tall drink of limeade, who dud he talks to? My friend, the incomparinable Joe Willie Namath.

Like I said, I walks with kings.

The Pit and the Pendulum

Many of you have expressed concern and despair because of my dire prediction that Barack Obama is due to be elected to the Presidency despite any logical rationale.
For God's sake, calm down.
Let the pendulum swing! Don't be such control freaks!!!
After all.... once we finish all of the brouhaha over being Democrats or Republicans.... in the end we are all Americans. Regardless of what we think is best for the country, there are checks and balances that guarantee that the pendulum can't swing too far in any direction.
So even if you're a misguided liberal trying to tell us how to live our lives... at least you are an American. And I can endure you until the pendulum swings back.
I mean.... how bad can it be???? The Red Sox tied the ALCS tonight.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feeder Finding

Just because the work is piling up, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't stop and smell the roses. Trouble is, we don't have any roses... But I do have a bird feeder.
No, I'm not about to smell it, but it is attracting a nice flock of tufted titmice, a mourning dove, some sparrows, and a chickadee here and there.

Tuna Lips said...

In the afro negro parlance, I gives a shout out to my home toast Mister Joe Namath. I believes he and I share the same notions about being men of action. Ole TL does not hesistate to take up the challenge when the gold ring is there and there aint a soul leapin for it. Like Joe on the side line, asking that Jewess to give him a kiss, I myself am a carpet dim entrepreneurialisin' type.

Case in point. Shoo Fly's ole lady, gotta go three bills, and will eat the grass off the lawn if need be. Add a fifth of Old Crow, and she is plain ornery.

What to do?

Well, what i does is nock out the cable to the trailer park, set up a corral o' sorts, and announce a man of strength challenge. This being 4 pm, the region is loaded on my moonshine and lookin' fer something stupid to watch. No cable. what to do?

"Comes one, comes all, chillin' of all ages, see the great Yeti of the South, nothin as ill disposed to humankind trods this good earth. Residin in a nearby cave, just defrosted from her pre-history ice coffin, the Monstrosity challenges any fool to come ride her mole filled back and stay on board fer better than 7 seconds. Bring yer mammy and pappy, and fill the littl'uns up with snow cones and cotton candy. We challenge any fool to come on out and donate $13 and disclamin' all damages and losin' some teeth, ride this here beast. Is you man enough?"

And them bitches line up, and for $2 to get inside the rope
No ordinary bronc, this Gutter Beast. I am peddlin' shine and skunk weed at the only show in town. And Shoo is the head of security, fondlin' all the jail bait comin through the gate, and, aside from a meek wine from a momma or three, he is scotch free and gettin' some good leads fer later.

Everyone is havin a celebratory time, Shoo Fly is not gonna take a beatin' tonite as his lassy is beatin' the snot outta the best the south has to offer, and we are sellin' pappy's special hooch, no chloroform, and some mind eraser bud. Whatsmore, fer you peasants, I got Bitty (my sisters) youngest, workin' the anteriors, liftin wallets from heartless johns.

Tuna Enterprises, Limatitated!

I meander, but the point bein, Broadway Joe wudda enjoyed it. We played some ball back when, in case you did not know.

Friday, October 17, 2008


This is not the weekend. I can't even think of it that way. This workweek isn't ending until Oct. 31. Normally I wouldn't buy into this type of crazy talk, but it should be worth it on a number of levels.
I'll try to sneak in a couple of respites, like maybe a little bluefishing tomorrow morning, but other than that, it will be keeping the pedal to the metal. When I come up for air in November, there should be a whole new landscape out there.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 40 - Peep of the Week

When Wojcik showed up in North Conway with a bottle of Lagavulin, the automatic POTW selection was on. Then Brown brought a bottle of Talisker, which, as you know, runs a close second to the King of Scotch. A truly inspirational, if not automatic, gesture.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 40th week of 2008

Bob Wojcik (automatic)
Bob Brown (semi-automatic)
Doug Maxfield
Tom McMahon
Pat Piscatelli
Susan Gallegher

BTW, it wouldn't hurt for the rest of you pathetic peep pretenders to come up with a bottle of Lagavulin once in awhile. If Wojcik can do it, so can you. Do you expect me to buy my own???? In these economic times???? You self centered Bastards!!!

Didn't Make This Up

The measure of a person's true character is truly determined by what that person would do if no one ever found out.


If that's true then I am in biiiiiiiig trouble.


Tuna Lips said...

I agrees. I often gets all tinglish, pondificating such notions. Them things I could perpetrates, coo coo!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Election Formula

Like many of you, I'm watching the Presidential candidates debate tonight, smirking at each other, and looking to discredit each other. Lots of pandering... lots of false emotions.... lots of gotchas.
I suppose that you have to be an egotistical asshole to run for the office in the first place.... so it's not surprising that these debates can be so tedious.
The great Harvard political scientist, V.O. Key, Jr., pointed out thirty some odd years ago that these elections are settled almost solely on the economic state of the nation. This bodes poorly for the Republicans, so I am resolved to see Obama win the "prize".
I am fearful of going soft on the war on terrorism, and a tax policy that stifles investment and entrepreneurship.
But we survived Carter, even though Iran treated us like their Bitches.
We survived Clinton, even though he got impeached and lost his law license for lying under oath.
We'll survive Obama too. And for God's sake..... there is no truth to the rumor that he is the Anti-Christ. I don't buy that bullshit for a second. He is just a politician, and we'll see how fate treats the country under his watch.
If he is elected and asks me to serve in his Cabinet, I'll have to refuse. Nanepashemet Telecom is just too freaking hot to leave. I'll just have to evolve into one of these high income fat cats that will get their taxes raised.
BTW, Katie Couric is instant nausea. Her interviews with "real voters" after the debate were so transparently slanted to Obama.... saying "Oh Good" when somebody said they had committed to Obama and coming out with her bullshit instant poll with Obama crushing McCain as the "winner" of the debate. That certainly wasn't the consensus in the studio. I can't believe what a tool she is. Now she cut off "Joe the Plumber" because he wasn't expressing doubt about McCain.
Sorry Katie. You are an Idiot. Bona Fide Capital "I".

Digital TV


Can't believe it's Wed. already. I know I had a little lapse, but Nanepashemet Telecom is sizzling hot and I've been burning the oil all over New England in the last two days.
Thanks to Doug Maxfield and the borderline comments of Tuna Lips for keeping the Blog above water.
I will think of something intriguing to say later but now, the grindstone is waiting.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dory Fit Out Ideas

This is an interesting interior concept for the Gunning Dory.
I'm thinking of ways that the interior could be modfied to accomodate lobstering on a recreational basis.
It would need a motor well and some sort of pulley rig like the Red Riser Davit System to lift the traps.

Doug Maxfield said...

Our political views aside...if you put a red riser davit system on that pretty boat I'm gonna have to cut you loose. Mountain of a man should be able to lift a sissy little rec. trap over the side. Or better yet, go buy your lobsters and help a guy out.

Tough talk from Democrat Doug. A few problems with your comment.

1. I didn't buy no sissy rec traps. Mine are 100% big boy commercial.
2. Have to use the leverage. Brains over Brawn. Get on the Technology wave. Wheels are good.
3. You can't cut me loose. You are hopelessly addicted to Nanepashemet and can never escape.

Pisc said...

How bad did the Patriots defense look last night.

And Francona running Josh "Waiting for Godot" Beckett out there for another round of pummeling lost that game as well.

Talent versus management debate open for comments.

Doug Maxfield said...

Stupid sexy blog.

Tuna Lips said...

you got some odd trolls diggin in the dirt around this here socializin' board. This Pisc character strikes me a shiftless guinea that needs to get the spaghetti out betwixt his teeth and then do us all a favor and shut his wop gob. And this Maxipad feller, well, he should let his wife do his palaverin fer him.

I think yer little dinghy is doing just fine, and claps my hands fer you taking the initiation to liberate them lobsters.

Move the Manatee

So they rescued the Manatee from Cape Cod waters and shipped him/her back to Florida.
Sounds like a typical liberal ploy.... "we know what is better for you" type of thing. The Manatee goes through all of the time and trouble to freaking swim to the Cape, and these do-gooders decide that they know best.
Maybe the Manatee checked in with all of the warnings on global warming and was seeking out a better deal. Finally, someone takes Al Gore seriously... then gets hi-jacked because of it.
Speaking of slow, heavy, and confused mammals, I had a very enjoyable round of golf at the Wentworth Country Club in Jackson, NH with los Dos Robertos, Brown and Wojcik. As could be expected, the competition was intense and came down to the 18th hole when Brown and I went Mano a Mano. it doesn't matter who won.... that's not important.
The important thing is that Wojcik came equipped with the King of Scotch, Lagavulin, and Brown chipped in with a bottle of the Prince, Talisker. Those boys are dripping with class.

Tuna Lips said...

I am perflexed by these fellers youse spending a "weekend away" with, the two Bobs, what is it that thems do? I am sensin' some unnatural acts, I dirnt want to cast you aside like a whore with crabs, but what is it you feller does up there in the woods asides chase balls and drink? I am shaken inside, as I afear fer the mortalized souls of someone who showed such promise.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Golf Outlook

Word is that Wojcik and Brown will be tearing it up at the North Conway Country Club tomorrow around noon time. I'll be there to document all the action.