Tuesday, April 01, 2008

V for Victory

Sometimes you just have to let your guard down.
Sometimes it's okay just to feel good about things.
Victories are not all encompassing events. Most of the time, they are just momentary events, and they should be captured and celebrated, or you won't even realize that they occurred.
Ultimately, we are all headed for ignominious defeat... i.e., the perpetual dirt nap.
So.... if you don't mark the victories before your ultimate defeat, you are really cheating yourself.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Serious Training

I'm starting to feel a big bout of seriousness kicking in.
With one week of cycling left, we're preparing the area in the basement for the treadmill to be set up. Plus I ate right today.... no MacDonald's or Pasta. It will be 5 weeks on the treadmill before I even take one stride on the payment sometime in May.
Today I went 17.3 miles on the Cybex in 50 Minutes.
I've detected a bit of doubt on the part of the Peeps who ask me how the marathon training is going. I little bit of old fashioned, eye rolling, sarcasm. That's because they see my voluminous bulk and don't realize that I am gradually progressing on a carefully prepared program that will peak on October 26, 2008.
This is not for the faint of heart seeking instant gratification. And it's no beauty contest.... that's for sure.
Hope Bobby Brown and the Insidious Wojcik have a great time in Vegas. I seem to remember some fast times and heavy drinking at those Wireless Conventions. Too bad they are in training for the Marine Corps Marathon and will miss out on all the late night entertainment, boozing and fancy dinners. Too bad...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Staying on Plan

One more week of training on the Cybex bike and then I move to the treadmill phase of low impact running. I'm continuing to stay on the plan despite taunting by Bobby Brown and the Insidious Wojcik who say that running a marathon has nothing to do with a Bike.
Big talk from the young up-and-comers.
I know what I'm doing, and a little smack or trash talk from the likes of those future has-beens doesn't bother me at all. Their March brashness will deteriorate to anquished cries of defeat in October. A little patience is all that is required.

Toy Chest Advice Corner

Lauren Rathbone said....

See if you can make a toychest, that does not let the top come slamming down when it is open. Ethan has a antique toy chest and when he opens it the top rarely stays up, and he has been hit so many times. Now he does not go near the thing. It is very nice, real wood, but a accident waiting to happen. Any advice??
I do have advice for Lauren.
First. Thank the Lord that Ethan is obviously bright and doesn't continue to get slammed by the toy chest lid over and over again.
Second. There are mechanical hinges at Rockler Hardware in Danvers that prevent lids from coming forcefully down. I haven't decided if I'm going to use one of these for Will's chest. There ought to be a way to construct some type of wooden stop like they use in cheap auto hoods.
Third. As soon as possible, teach Ethan how to play video games so he's glued to the TV set and avoids the dangerous toy chest altogether.

Tuna Lips said...

Small taters there, missy, but your concern is a mammy's one and I tip my doff to yous. Catchin' his Willy Wonka in his zipper, when that goes down, yer boy is gonna knows pain. Aint nothin' in the hardware store fer that one.

Motor Well

This is an example of the Marblehead Gunning Dory with an outboard engine in the motor well.
I was talking to Mark Ryan of Ryan Marine the other day, and asked him to quote a price on an 8HP Honda Four Stroke.
It seems like you could get them around the web for less than $2K. Let's see what Mark comes back with.
I would still equip the Dory with Piandetosi Sliding Seat Rowing Rigs.... the motor would be used to get out to the fishing grounds quickly and trolling. No waterskiing or wake boarding.
You have to admit... it's going to be the coolest thing in Marblehead Harbor.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Macaroni Regret

Just made the obligatory weekend kettle of macaroni and cheese.
I'm just so freaking weak.

Weekend Wonder

It's a crystal clear Saturday, but only in the thirties. You want to be out in the yard and the garage, but it's just not comfortable enough. This would have been a good weekend to head up north and catch the last of the XC ski season, but no.... Joanne has a chance to babysit grandson, Will, and that takes freaking precedence over everything.
She's even started to nag me about the toy chest that I said I would build for Will's birthday in June.
Maybe I'll brave the cold in the garage and pick out the stock for the chest. I have some 3/4" oak and mahoghany, and the contrasting colors of those two woods can accent the piece nicely.
And I have some serious weekend work to do for Nanepashemet Telecom invoicing.
When we get the first warm weekend, I have to get the power washer out and hit the deck and the Tender. The Tender needs a resanding and another coat of varnish, then I'll launch it for a spring row and test the battery operated fish finder.
Plus I have to get some serious miles in on the Cybex Bike for my preliminary Marine Corps Marathon training. The insidious Wojcik and my Archrival Collins have sent emails this week gloating in their training progress. Granted.... they're ahead of me.... but I have time and deep inner strength on my side.
I'm starting to overload.

Friday, March 28, 2008


We had a nice visit tonight with Dale/Buck and his wife Gail. It was an inpromptu dinner party that Joanne expertly put together at the last minute.
Naturally, there was a pulchritude of ribald speech and off color remarks.
What else would you expect?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

POTW - Week 13 - 2008

Thursdays roll by fast, don't they?
Before you know it, you're confronted with the insidious, yet awesome and always ridiculous process of selecting the Peeps of the Week.
Contrary to popular belief, the process does not drain me of all my energy.... I'd be up for anything if only I had the opportunity.
It does seem to decay my mental abilities though.... this post is testament to that.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 13 of 2008
  • Stacy Butler
  • Bob Cronin
  • John Williamson
  • Mike Sullivan
  • Jill Phillips
  • Bobby Brown

BTW, is it me or has Tuna Lips seemed a bit over the top lately? If I'm decadent, I can't imagine the machinations of that putrid pocket of perverted pulsation.

Tuna Lips said...

Slow up son. I calls it likes I sees it. Plain talk for simple folk like yerself, 'ceptin you want to take on airs around ole TL, now doesnt ya? Better than the workaday feller, with your fancy sippin' whiskey and name droppin', philosifizing and never takin' a stand for nothin', oh Dummy Lama of the Church of the Universe.

Its natcherall fer youse to get all ascared of some of the thoughts I am bring to the public; what is uncalled fer is yer defamating my appelation, accusin' me of purient cogitations that are only so when poisoned by yer less than accepting world view. Closed minded, thass what you is. Yet you are the grand wizard of the universal church of whatever gets you through the night. Please indeedy.

Hear me, and heed my words. There is a man comin' round for takin' names, and he will decide who to free and who to blame. You best get right with that, Free Bird. One quick way is to send a tithe of your earnings to: The One True TL, P.O. Box 141, Murfreesburo, TN.

Cash is preferred.


When God closes one door, he opens another.
I'm pretty sure that quote never came from the Bible, and I have nobody to attribute it to, but it seems to have a decent amount of veracity.
Seems like a revolving door these days though. Lots of closing and opening.


I know.
I missed a whole day without a post on the blog. Actually, that's not true because I posted my workout result (14 mi. on the Cybex bike).
Do you want me to post something when I have nothing to say???? Like this freaking post for instance????
You Peeps are insatiable.

Tuna Lips said...

Son, seems to me you post plenty od drivel, having nothin' to say, but barkin' like a bluetick at the moon anyways. Its white noise, I often use it to put myself to sleep at night, or to ease my IBS. Ise come to relies on it, like a fat bastard rely on twinkies, to get me through the day.

On another front, I still contend that Marilyn Chambers was robbed of a richly deserved statue award for her role in "Insatiable". Being the film officiador that I is.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blarney from Collins

So now we get a marathon training report from my Archrival Joe Collins.

I'll be doing my talking from the streets of DC

Collins Said....

It is with pride, sweat, and inspiration that I file this workout progress NMM (Napashement Marine Marathon) report ! BTW - the inspiration came from seeing the 17 and 21 mile workouts on the Blog !!

Today's achiemement, besides watching a great opening day - as my first "marathon" ! Biked 26 miles 285 yds ! !

Please - do not hurt yourself trying to keep up with my regimen !

Since last report:

  • date workout situps
  • 3/17 11.2 mi bike 100 s wts jr
  • 3/18 10 bike wts
  • 3/20 elliptical 80
  • 3/21 3 mi walk/run 75
  • 3/22 golf - walked 18 holes ! ! ;)
  • 3/23 14.1 bike jr
  • 3/24 13.5 bike 80 jr
  • 3/25 MARATHON 80 jr

Semper Fi
