Sunday, January 13, 2008


Did you ever feel like you were at a vortex.... a turning point..... that everything from here on in will be different?
That's the inspirational and somewhat creepy feeling that I have now.
It's definitely positive, but also challenging.

Tuna Lips said...

Sure have. Why, just last week I had such a feeling. I had just taken a dose of Cialis in anticipation of the wife swap soiree at the condo function hall. I was also tinkering with the stocks we had voted to implement at the last condo board meeting. See, some people don't follow the association rules, and we have no way to punish, shame and humiliate them. Until I harkened back to the treatment my pappy got back is Hecubus, Missoura. Pappy was found to be in violation of the local blue laws. The town leaders threw him into the stocks in the town square for all to see. Sweating like a whore in church in the noonday sun, pappy was a stoic feller, even whilst retching blood and bile.

So, we voted on implementing such a device so for as to stop such miscreant behavior as parking in the handicapped slot when you have a perfectly functioning walker, not offering likker at a house warming, or getting yer pet spade or neutralixed. So, I had used the mitre saw I found in Mr. Twatzinsky's locker to fashion a stock. I was varnishing the stock to give it that well-worn look, having recently taken what I call my "rocket launcher" with a gulp of chardonnay from the box. Vortexed the shiznit out of me. I got to trying out that huffin' like the way Shoo Fly did afore we had to have him institutionalized. That varnish packs a kick. Straight to the outer spaceosphere. So I know of what you speak.

Ticking Them Off

Remarkably, I ticked off every item in the to do list today.
Doesn't happen often.
With the big Nor'easter snow storm predicted for tomorrow, the schedule for the week is undergoing substantial revisions, which is not too bad, because a snow-in will allow me to get alot of the bookkeeping and other housekeeping chores that I have been neglecting in Nanepashemet Telecom.
That's right..... even I have some loose ends to tie down every so often.

Sunday Fun

Peeps -
I can't deny that I am somewhat flattered by your concern, but why all the emails asking me what my plans are for this Sunday????
Don't you have your own stuff to do? You shouldn't be so obsessed with my paltry, unpunctual plans.
But just so you don't flip out and pull a nutty, here's what's in store for me today....
  • Put seed in the feeder.
  • Check on the Lynn property offer that I'm brokering as a favor.
  • Build doors for the trash bin at the side of the house.
  • Make a visit to the Nursing Home.
  • Clean up some Nanepashemet Telecom bookkeeping.
Happy????. Maybe now you can make your own damn list.

Perfect Role Models

Last night the Patriots did what the Patriots do.
They won the football game with a 31-20 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars at Gillette Stadium.
Next week they play in the AFC Championship game.
17 Wins - 0 Losses. Against football teams whose players are all elite professional athletes.
Tom Brady completed a record 26 or 28 passees, and said it was easy when the receivers all get open and the linemen keep the opponents away from him. I'm sure that his contribution wasn't easy, but he clearly understands and appreciates the interlocking contributions that produce this type of performance. He is certainly the type of leader that warrants a winning organization.
The Patriots' focus and preparation on the present task at hand, and their resulting patient execution is a prescription for success in most all endeavors.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I was never a big "joiner".
Yet in the past year, I've joined the UMass Club, the Gerry 5 Volunteer Fireman's Association, and the Boston Yacht Club.
Clearly something is going on here, and I'm not exactly sure what it is.
I'm definitely not looking to make new friends, nor am I a social climber, but here I am joining these diverse groups and incurring charges for dues.
In the case of the Gerry, a decent monthly bar bill as well. Somebody must have really banged my number that last time I was there.
I did meet up with Greg at the Gerry this afternoon, and I guess it's cool to grab a beer in a place that you can claim for yourself outside of your home from time to time.
The BYC and the UMASS Club also have great potential for entertaining Business clients.

Binnacle Definition

  1. (nautical) The wooden housing for a ship's compass, its corrector magnets and illuminating arrangements; the log and other equipment for measuring the ships speed is also stowed there.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Belated Peeps of the Week

Yesterday was Thursday wasn't it?
I completely forgot about the POTW selection.
What a FREAKING MORON I am!!!!!
Now you have me exactly where you want me..... wrong, vulnerable, a sniffling mass of mucus and protoplasm.
What the hell, it's only a day late.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 2 of 2008

Peter Crawford
Lauren Rathbone
Brian Butler
Emily Ingardia
Tommy O'Shea
Patrick Piscatelli

I promise I will never be late again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bird Bonanza

Weird scene at the feeder today.
At first there were a few Chickadees, Sparrows, and Dark Eyed Juncos.... the usual suspects.
Then there was a couple of Cardinals and Bluejays... a colorful combination.
But in the early afternoon, sitting right out there on a willow branch was a big Red Tailed Hawk. Probably the same one that had a bird meal on Tommy O' Shea's front lawn.
The afternoon was capped when I saw a Robin in the same stand of willow branches. That's the first Robin in January that I ever saw here.
All of this cool bird action, tearing me away from my crucial work at Nanepashemet Telecom.

More California Kate

Kate -
I see that you were in beautiful Napa Valley during your visit to California to see the Provocative Peep, Emily Ingardia.
BTW... it's called wine-tasting... not wine-get-completely-pie-faced.


Burning up the Western Slopes

Just when you thought this Blog was getting dull, I get these killer pics from Katelyn and Emily in Lake Tahoe! Careful on the black diamonds.
Emily skied alot and at the end of the day, her ass was dragging.

Emily said...

It was cross country, JAY!!! ANd yes I wiped out and couldn't get up, but not as much as your precious little Katelyn who would disappear for minutes on end, no where to be seen, having fallen with no way to get up!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Dentist as Artist

I forgot to mention.... popped over to Dr. Danny's Dental House of Pain in Peabody yesterday afternoon to get the final version of my left canine bridgework installed. You should see it... it looks AWESOME!!!!
I've fallen in love with myself all over again. Rough, Tough, Hard to Bluff, and even Better Looking than before! I didn't think it was possible. Even Joanne noticed the improvement.
Dr. Danny Levy is a maestro with a high speed drill.

Triple V Gut Check

OK.... I know, I know.
I've been really neglecting the Blog lately... the content has had no zing, no zip, no zap.
The Marblehead Chamberlain Gunning Dory project has also suffered.
But I have an excellent excuse, which I can't tell you about because it's personal. Don't worry soon as I get time a little more time, this Nanepashemet Blog will virtually vibrate with vitality once more.
As it is, it's still on the cutting edge of cyber-journalism, what with Tuna Lips, Nancy and McMahon making cogent contributions over the last few days. It's still vastly superior to most anything else that you can pathetically surf to.
So quit your freaking whining. It's not so bad.