Did you ever feel like you were at a vortex.... a turning point..... that everything from here on in will be different?
That's the inspirational and somewhat creepy feeling that I have now.
It's definitely positive, but also challenging.
Tuna Lips said...
Sure have. Why, just last week I had such a feeling. I had just taken a dose of Cialis in anticipation of the wife swap soiree at the condo function hall. I was also tinkering with the stocks we had voted to implement at the last condo board meeting. See, some people don't follow the association rules, and we have no way to punish, shame and humiliate them. Until I harkened back to the treatment my pappy got back is Hecubus, Missoura. Pappy was found to be in violation of the local blue laws. The town leaders threw him into the stocks in the town square for all to see. Sweating like a whore in church in the noonday sun, pappy was a stoic feller, even whilst retching blood and bile.
So, we voted on implementing such a device so for as to stop such miscreant behavior as parking in the handicapped slot when you have a perfectly functioning walker, not offering likker at a house warming, or getting yer pet spade or neutralixed. So, I had used the mitre saw I found in Mr. Twatzinsky's locker to fashion a stock. I was varnishing the stock to give it that well-worn look, having recently taken what I call my "rocket launcher" with a gulp of chardonnay from the box. Vortexed the shiznit out of me. I got to trying out that huffin' like the way Shoo Fly did afore we had to have him institutionalized. That varnish packs a kick. Straight to the outer spaceosphere. So I know of what you speak.
It was cross country, JAY!!! ANd yes I wiped out and couldn't get up, but not as much as your precious little Katelyn who would disappear for minutes on end, no where to be seen, having fallen with no way to get up!