Friday, October 26, 2007

Ambitious Plans

Stuff to do on Saturday.
  • Assemble my Manny disguise for the Crawford's "M" Halloween party.
  • Attach the Dory frames to the Dory bottom and Strongback.
  • Get a Rowing workout in around Marblehead Harbor in the Tender. (High Tide tomorrow is around noon time.)
  • Rake the leaves at the house and Sundance School.
  • Have beers at the Gerry.
I'm thinking that I'll pull off two, maybe three of these. Chances are, there will still be leaves at the house and the school.

Tempus Fugit

Did it seem to you like this week flew by? It's seems like yesterday when we were watching the Pats on the Peabody's deck. No running, no boating, no fishing, no dory work. Just the Project Management business and the World Series made the Time pass quickly.

Staying Put

Sox are 2-0 in the Series. You have to admit, they look really good. I'm sticking with my original Sox in six prediction though.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Peep of the Week - 43

Thursday came super quick this week. What with the World Series and all of the action at the bird feeder, it was damn busy.... not to mention that Nanepashemet Telecom is getting hot as a pistol. The Dory is suffering and my Running training is definitely on the back burner.
But enough about me. What about you and your life?? Ok..... I'll admit I could care less.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 43rd week of 2007

Nathaniel Clarke
Tommy O'Shea
Jonathan Papelbon
Jay Ohanian
Carol Andrade
Bob Towne

It's not that I'm indifferent to your plight, it's just that my life is just so much more interesting to me.

Series Opener

Did I mention that the Red Sox won the first World Series game 13-1 last night over a flat Colorado Rockies team??? The Rockies can't be that bad. Tonight's game should be more interesting.

Nuthatch Update

I know that you're as excited as I am, but please stop emailing me about the White Breasted Nuthatch!!!!
Yes... it was back this morning, but I don't have the time to report every sighting.
Why don't you get your own damn bird feeder????

Prim and Proper

But everyone thinks you are rude and mean. Kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Game On

First game of the World Series is on for 8:30 tonight. It will be good to get acquainted with the Colorado Rockies, and even better if the Sox beat them in the process.
The official Nanepashemet projection is Boston in Six. You heard it here.

Fierce Feeder Action

A great morning for the feeder. Despite the usual gorging by the squirrels and a flock of about a dozen Common Sparrows, the following species made an appearance.

Male Cardinal
Downy Woodpeckers - Both male and female
Eastern Kingbird
Tufted Titmice
White Breasted Nuthatch

This is my first confirmed siting of a White Breasted Nuthatch, although it is reasonable to assume there will be more of them around. They nest in woodpecker holes and dead wood, and are frequently found in the company of Titmice and Chickadees.
At first I thought that the Nuthatch was a female Downy Woodpecker, but the blue feathers gave it away. A reasonable mistake that even accomplished Birders like you Peeps would make.
An exciting morning.

Stupid Good Morning

Fires in California.
Drought in Atlanta.
Other good reasons to come from Boston.
I'll admit that I've been getting a lot of my information on these unfortunate situations from Good Morning America. Such Sclock journalism. You would think that the entire state was ablaze and that every person in Cal. was in Qualcomm Stadium. They interview individuals who lost their homes until they make them cry. They ask the obvious questions.... "Is there anything that you forgot to bring with you?".... all to elicit an emotional reaction.
I'm sure they dream of the day when they can "report" on the Apocalypse. But they are too egotistical to note that they also would be doomed.
In the meantime, we have little info on the true scope of the issue. From what I can make out, these fires and winds are blowing ambers and sparks that are randomly causing house fires. 1500 homes are lost. No other technical coverage regarding spread or duration of the fires, or overall impact. Of course, it's my own fault for trying to get the facts from Good Morning America. I suppose that I could get off my ass and actually research and read something.
Red Sox start the World Series tonight against the Colorado Rockies, and I don't feel guilty. I actually feel guilty about not feeling guilty.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Legend is Born

International Affairs

I grew up during the Cold War. We fought Communism in Korea, the Cuban Missle Crisis, Vietnam, Granada, Panama, etc. It was all so simple... the Communists, like the Nazis before them, wanted to conquer the world, and we were bent on stopping them.
Military strategy seemed to be very simple. How many warheads did the Soviets have??? We'll make more. How many nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, tanks, etc.?? We'll get more.
Then the Reagan administration committed to Star Wars, and the Russians threw in the towel.. They couldn't compete with our technology or economic ability to outproduce them.
The current situation is way too complex. Al Queda doesn't want to conquer us. They want to annihilate us. They are not a government and they hide behind the Islamic religion, which has been perverted and sacrificed to their twisted aims.
I'll admit that I don't get it. It seems to be a throughback to a medieval way of thinking emanating from a deep pyscholgical sense of self worth and self esteem. But that is just my amateur conjecture. I haven't figured it out yet.
My Middle Eastern friends always point to Israel and the support of the West for that Jewish state as the cause of all of the issues. But then why did Sadam invade Kuwait, and make vicious war on the Kurds and Iranians?
See what I mean??? It's wicked confusing and illogical. I yearn for the good ole Cold War Days.