Thursday, June 07, 2007

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - Week 23-07

Another POTW day.
I had a number of people this week committing a cardinal sin in the Nanepashemet doctrine.... asking to be a POTW. You would think that people wouldn't be so foolish and crass!!
I even had Steve Lewis questioning the "no animals" rule. He almost had me though when he asked if his puppy could be Peep of the Week if it came up to me with a bottle of Lagavulin strapped to it.
I have to admit, that was a conundrum.
Luckily, it didn't actually happen, so I don't have to adjudicate what could have been a loophole in the Peep Body of Rules and Regulations. It's not a good thing to try to trip me up.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 23rd week of 2007

Tom Chagnon
Jill Tufts
Ray Bates
Steve Lewis
Lauren Rathbone
Mike Chandler

Better luck next time.


It must be frustrating for you having to wait until the evening before finding out who the honor/disgrace went to.
But you must be used to frustration.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Electoral Responsibility

Seems like the Presidential campaign is well underway.
Who do you support?
As I get older, and debateably wiser, it seems that anyone who wants to run for President is suffering from a serious character flaw - extreme vanity. So, right off of the bat, it's hard to warm up to someone like that.
In time, I will throw the full impact of the Nanepashemet Blog into supporting one of these obsequious candidates. As you know, it will probably have a major impact on the outcome of the election.
So, I can't take this responsibility lightly. Naturally, the input of the Peeps will be carefully considered. Right!!!

Nice Try

Quite a few of you decided to take the opportunity to ridicule me because of my confusion with the kill switch on the boat.
Do you think that bothers me???? Some word missiles from misguided Peeps with bad aim??? HA, Je creche a vous!!
I've freaked out far worse, on far less, in the past.
If you want to get under my skin, you'll have to do your homework. For example, I'll be heading to the Gerry tonight to sponsor Dave Bruett's membership, and I suppose you naysayers will have some wimpy editorial comments on that.
It will take a lot more torpedoes to sink this battleship.

Can't Touch That

We just picked up a ton of business from a major carrier. All of the prep work has kicked in. Hammer Time.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Opening the Season

Those who know me well, know that I'm not a complainer. No whining here. Bitches and Gripes can find another dude.
But I hate the first time out on the boat every season. There's always some stuff that you forget and you have to get used to a big 3000 lb vehicle bounding up and down in the swells. Usually you get your sea legs after the first time out or so. But you have to go through the first time.
So tonight, I take the WhaleEye out of the harbor to open it up in Salem Sound. Just getting used to the feel again. I attached the emergency shut off cord and brought the speed up to 25 kts or so. Coming back into Salem Harbor, the battery hatch flapped open, so I put the engine into neutral and then went to close the hatch.
Naturally I forgot to detach the emergency switch off cord and the engine went off. When the motor wouldn't turn back on, and I was being swept out of the Harbor, I contacted the launch service and asked them to get the Salem Harbormaster out to tow me. After a little negotiation, and trying to contact SeaTow, he reluctantly agreed to tow me to the mooring.
After a couple of minutes of being towed, I realized that I hadn't reattached the emergency shut off cord. Sure enough, when I reinstalled the cord, the engine turned over. By that time, I realized that my navigational lights were not operational, and when the Harbormaster asked me my name and address, I was sure that I was being written up for non-compliance with the running lights regulation.
I brought the boat back to the mooring with no further incidents.
Can you see now why I'm downsizing to oars and sails???

Good Looking Kid

One of Katelyn's best friends, Lauren Rathbone, gave birth to a handsome bruiser, Ethan.
He's a toughie, But you may have to invest in a more manly hat, Lauren.

Monday, June 04, 2007

A Name for the Tender

I've received a number of questions regarding a choice of names for the Herreshoff Columbia Tender lately.
Fair enough.
It's been tempting to name it "Nanepashemet" after the famous blog and equally renowned project management company.
Unless somebody suggests a better name in the next week and a half, then that's the way it will go. But I'm open to advise from the Peeps.
I've already disclosed to Tyler Gill that we will be foregoing the christening with champagne for a quality bottle of Samuel Adams Summer Ale.

Fair Warning to Fish

The WhaleEye hit the water today, sealing the fate of hapless tuna, stripers, and bluefish who are now in the twilight weeks of their short fish lives. Unless another mechanical mishap occurs, we will be mercilessly pursuing our finned prey by the weekend.

Close Call

I know that most of you Peeps are awestruck by my engineering prowness. Being able to construct the Boat finishing shelter in only one weekend has leveraged literally hundreds of emails - all expressing admiration, shock and awe.
Well I almost let you down.
With a steady rainfall all last night, I couldn't believe the amount of water that had collected on the top of the tarp. I literally couldn't push it up from below, and had to get a ladder and bail the collected rainfall from the top of the hut.
If the shelter had collapsed, it would have been a public relations disaster!!! Maybe the end of the Blog as we know it!!!
As I continue to advise you, I am only a man... not a Greek God, or Marvel Comics Superhero. Even I can have failings and frailties.

Good Morning Asshole

Can't Good Morning America find another story other than a selfish personal injury lawyer, Andrew Speaker, who has no problem screwing other people? Like that's never happened before.
This one has a new twist though. Sneaking on a commercial airliner with Tuberculosis.... he didn't mean to put other people at risk. What an asshole.
I hope every passenger on that plane gets their own personal injury vulture/lawyer, and sues poor Andrew for pain and suffering.
Now his Mommy and Daddy are fighting his battles for him. If one other person gets TB transmitted by him, the whole family, as well as Diane Sawyer, should swing.
We need some real news.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Launch Date

Finished the temporary spray painting hut by 2:00PM today.
The hut was made entirely from tarps and strapping that was causing clutter under the deck in the backyard. It's made in seven foot sections that are primarily clamped together and can be disassembled and stored for the next boat.
Now the weather excuse is over. All I need now is time to complete the sanding and varnishing. I'm thinking two weeks to the rowing launch.
That would be Sunday, June 16.