Sunday, May 06, 2007

An Irritating Solution

So Joanne's strategy for scaring the squirrel off of the birdfeeder is to slam the deck door.... which is about fourteen times more irritating than the squirrel. Then the squirrel comes back anyway.... hogging the feeder and eating his weight in seeds.
I'd much rather have the squirrel squander the birdseed than deal with the door slamming.
I'm being tortured.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Seeing the Finish Line

Big progress today on the Tender. The seats were sanded and epoxied, and the centerboard swivel hardware was fitted. Also, it appears that the interior epoxy mess can be overcome with extensive sanding and foam brushing the last coat of epoxy.
With the weather report set for mainly sunny over the next week, the Tender should be really shaping up soon. Then I'll have to assemble that damn trailer.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Tomorrow, May 5, a lot of you are going to hoist a few margaritas, chug some tequila and down some nachos in a salute to Cinco de Mayo. I wonder how many of you really know what you are celebrating? Nonetheless, like St. Patrick's Day, a holiday centered around drinking has a certain attraction to it.
You should take the time to find out what Cinco de Mayo signifies. It's pretty interesting... and worth celebrating. Cinco de Mayo

Back Off

So I'm cruising along today, minding my own business, taking a day off from work for the most part to grout basement tiles and attend to the tender seats. No aggressiveness, no anxiety, just keeping rhythm with the Universe.
When POW!!! I get blindsided right when I didn't expect it.
First - a voicemail from one of my most trusted Peeps saying that the Blog has been "lame" lately.
Then - an email from one of the most loyal Nanepashemet Bloggers and a recent POTW asking me where I "buy my birdseed".
How would you react? It naturally jolted me out of my state of cosmic harmony, just as I was started to get really mellow.
But rather than shy away from the controversy, I'm taking them on, in order, and setting them damn straight.
As for the Blog being lame lately... it has always been lame, and it is not my fault if you are just now noticing. And where I buy my birdseed is personal and confidential. Find your own sources. What do you think this is??? A repository for birdseed junkies???
Think twice before you try to derail me the next time!

Freaking Little Pig Squirrels

Remember how I told you that the grey squirrels at the bird feeder didn't bother me? Well, I changed my mind.
The freaking little pig squirrels have already emptied the feeder that I filled for the weekend. Pigs!!! They look at me with impunity and come back as soon as I leave the deck. The birds fly over, land on the feeder, have a few seeds, and fly away. But the pig squirrels just hang on the feeder, gorging themselves, probably getting squirrel saliva all over the perches and stuff.
Looks like I'll have to teach Ronick to savor a little squirrel meat once in awhile.
Freaking Squirrels. They don't know it, but they are getting over their head. Biting off more than they can chew. Going way too deep. Out on a Limb. Get my Drift??? Those Peckerheads are in for a little Payback.

Lock and Load

The Bird feeder is loaded and ready for weekend action.
Anytime now, springtime song birds of the Northeast will perch.
I'm on it.

Peeps of the Week - No Fear

I know. It's Friday morning and I still haven't posted the Peeps of the Week. I know they are due on Thursday evening and thousands of you base your whole week of pathetic hopes and aspirations on the selections. And Thursday came and went with you panting in anticipation. I know that I have hurt you.
Yes... it's a little disappointing.
Yes... it's a letdown.
Yes... I screwed up.
So you've never made a mistake before??? Then BACK OFF!!!

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 17 for 2007

Peter Caruso
Ed Rubbico
Brian Butler
Mike Rockett
Courtney Nestor
Janet Doyle

Nobody annoying this week because you have me on the defensive. I told you earlier in the week that there was a lot going on. Did you think I was exaggerating???
So... I'm not apologizing.
And you can stop the threatening emails also because you don't scare me.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tender Progress

Believe it or not, I have been able to sneak in a little bit of work on the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender.
The cedar seats are fitted and ready to be removed for sanding and epoxy coating. The centerboard case has to be secured and fitted with the centerboard attached to a lowering hardware rig, and the sailing mast cleats have to be attached.
I still have to sand and re-epoxy the interior sides. And of course, the whole thing has to be varnished with about five interior coats and two exterior.
Come to think of it, there is a ton of work to do......
But it's getting there.
Don't start in on me for a launch date. I've lost all credibility by saying that it would be in by last Thanksgiving. Plus the basement tile job is screaming for attention... and the deck in the back of the house is a mess.
So, I can't guarantee that the Tender will hit the water anytime soon. Keep the dream alive.

Home Depot Contractors

I get a kick out of the recent news showing homeowners outraged by shoddy work at their house performed by Home Depot Contractors.
Anybody who uses Home Depot to do their home renovations deserves to get screwed. If you are a half decent craftsman, you don't have to work for Home Depot to get your jobs. Ergo, anybody who works for Home Depot really isn't at the top of the renovation business.
I buy a lot of stuff at Home Depot because I know what I'm shopping for and they have a great shelf inventory. The pricing is good also.
But if you have to ask a question, or need help in any way, you are in the wrong store. The staff is really bottom barrel in my opinion. The picture at right is purportedly a load of plywood that Home Depot employees helpfully loaded on a customers car.
The idiot who bought this deserves to be screwed. No lack of stupidity here from everybody involved.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rare Feline Behavior

You remember our cat Ronick?
Lately he has been sleeping in a wine crate.
I'm not sure if this is catalogued in the archives of feline behavior.... this could be another first.... capturing the sedentary habits of house cats in wooden Merlot boxes.
Regardless... these photos won't be submitted to the Discovery Channel.
They don't deserve it.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Accepting Change

I was right. The tsunami is hitting.
It's weird how diverse things seem to converge on your life at the same time. But I'm up for it.... ready to tap the deep reserves of strength and resilience that I have stored for these times of challenge and opportunity. Nanepashemet Telecom is shaping up to be one of my more successful ventures. My goal is to keep it controlled and manageable.
Plus, I don't want success to change me. I want to be able to relate to you just as if I was still at the same level as you. Don't worry.... my success and economic dominance won't affect my basic humility. I'll still be the same old down to earth guy, despite my obvious superiority.
I know what you are thinking.... a lesser man would wilt under the stress and pressure. Thanks for the confidence. Now make sure that your subscription to the Wall Street Journal doesn't expire.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Colonial Pine Furniture

Peeps. I put this furniture up for sale on Craig's List, but would much rather convey it to a deserving Nanepashemet Peep. Let me know if you are interested.