Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tsunami Warning

Tomorrow, I have to pull out the HVLP sprayer and spray paint the fourteen 1'x8' cubbies that I made for Sundance between eight and six years ago. They've held up pretty well but are really dirty and stained from usage. I'd love to get two good coats of white gloss enamel on before the end of the day. It's amazing how much faster spray painting is than brushing. I love to spray and hate to brush.
While they are drying, I'll put some 1x12 shelves in the closets.
I hope that most of the new Sundance work will be done tomorrow, so that I can turn my Saturday attention to cleaning up the old Sundance building for a good transfer to Eyk Van Otterloo. Somehow, I don't see this push being complete until Sunday, but I'd love to get some Tender or tiling work in too.
I know what's going to happen. As soon as the Sundance work is done, the Nanepashemet Telecom tsunami is going to strike. I can feel it. Rest will have to wait.

Peep of the Week Day

And you thought I forgot!
Oh ye of little faith!!
Normally I'd have to give that Korean psycho the nod for the ultimate annoying act. But screw him... he gets nothing.... not even POTW.

Plus NBC is such a whore for publishing his "manifesto". You give a mass murderer his ya yas. That's such bullshit. Somebody's media executive head should roll, but it won't.

Now back to business.

Nanepashemet Peep of the Week for Week 16 of 2007

Amy Mann
Mike DeLia
Mike Elsier
Bobby Brown
Ryan Nestor
Robert K Cheruiyot

All for good reasons. I couldn't bring myself to choose some annoying candidates because they were way off the charts.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Armed and Dangerous

This Virginia Tech stuff is getting more and more bizarre. At first I thought that the problem was gun control... just keep the guns out of the hands of insane people. And that is the central focus.
But toss in the effect of violent video games as well as shoot em up, body count movies on the criminally insane and you have a mass murderers merit badge training program. I heard an expert on the radio saying that you can't control society to eliminate this risk. It is the price of freedom.
I don't buy that.
I would never keep a gun in my house. You never know when you might flip out over some non-sensical event, and five seconds of insane passion buys you a lifetime of grief. Even when I thought we had an intruder in the house a dozen years ago, I relied on my pal, Louisville Slugger, as my weapon of choice.
Unfortunately, it was a false alarm.

Right to Bear Arms

The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms. But not automatic weapons that can wreck mass havoc.
At the time of the 2nd Amendment, we were talking flintlock rifles that shot one round at a time.
I'm willing to let the rifle lobby and libertarians keep the right to carry flintlocks, but not Glock Automatic Pistols.

More Marathon Disgrace

Robert Cheruiyot claimed another victim Monday in Tom McMahon, 2006 Nanepashemet Peep of the Year, who covered the Boston Marathon course in 3:08:12.
Excellent time Tom... but you still lost to the Kenyan. Better luck next year.


I did a run to Costco yesterday after my lunch with DiMatteo and before I went to the Salem Waterfront hotel. Picked up the essentials....

Cat Litter
Cat Food
Cheddar Cheese
Poland Springs Water
Dress Pants
Swiffer Pads

Happy Birthday today to Dave Bruett. You will love the Gerry Club. A very thoughtful present.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sore Legs

I didn't get any tiling in today, but I needed the day off. My inside thighs and gluteus muscles were screaming. If the Crawford Brothers wanted a real workout, they would have foregone the Boston Marathon and did some basement tiling with me.

Spanning the Generations

This is a picture of Ryan Nestor, and a photo of his great great granduncle, Darby Nestor.
Picture Ryan with a Derby, Clay Pipe and Beard, and the family
resemblance is uncanny.
I wonder if Darby was a financial planner.

A Bitter Loss

Chris and Will Crawford gave it their all, but they still lost to Kenyan runner Robert K. Cheruiyot, who claimed his third Boston victory, with an unofficial time of 2:14:12.
Cheruiyot said shortly after his hard won victory," I knew that the Crawford Brothers were in the race and had been training since December. It weighed heavily on my mind and I thank God that I was able to defeat these formidable competitors."
The Crawfords were uncharacteristically bitter in their remarks.
"Cheruiyot had a big head start over us, and that was our major impediment to running him down", said Chris. "
"Yeah, He sucks! If we started when he did, we would have kicked his Ass", Will added.
Some bystanders were appalled at the lack of sportsmanship exhibited by the talented siblings, but this reporter disagrees.
They have a right to be bitter.
The laurel wreath should have been theirs.

Unfortunate Luck

BTW.... I'm glad that the shooter was not a Muslim. Can you believe the hysteria that would have been compounded if this was a terrorist act and not some kind of deranged idiot with an unknown purpose?


The Virginia Tech shooting is something out of Hollywood. One guy kills 32 kids. There are all sorts of issues here.
Gun control. When our Constitution gave citizens the right to bear arms, the technology was such that an expert marksman could fire two rounds in one minute... and accuracy of the firearm was not at issue. The cheapest Saturday night special outperforms this exponentially. You don't need an automatic weapon for protection.
Time for gun control. Even in the Wild West, the Sheriff used to tell the bad guys to leave their guns out of town.
Anyone who murders anyone is insane. There are many forms of insanity, and it is unlikely that we will ever be able to prevent insane acts from occuring. Anyone who is intent upon killing himself in the course of killing others is virtually unstoppable.
Keep access to firearms away from these people by barring them from society. Screw the NRA and the Hunting lobbies. Give them fishing rods and bows and arrows. I'll take an overpopulation of deer over 31 dead Virginia Tech Hokies.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Smokin Server

An incredible amounts of hits on the Blog today.
What the Hell is going on???
It was Stacey's bridal shower.... not the latest video of "Girls Gone Wild"!!!