Friday, March 02, 2007


Don Imus of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning gets it. Plus he has an attitude. I fully expect him to promote my book soon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nice Evening

Salem Waterfront Hotel
Damn... if you overlook the myopic stupidity of those who insist on losing millions to save thousands... it's still all good.
I don't understand it. But I've seen it before. They declare victory.... and lose a fortune. To call them losers doesn't seem to do it justice. They are colossal, stupendous, humongous losers.
That's a better description.
Putting them in the rear view mirror.... receding fast.
Enough of that.

Peeps of the Week

Regardless of my vacation day, I have no choice but to get the POTW selections out for Week 9 of 2007. It's been a real interesting week... with a lot of annoying stuff, but also a a lot of inspiring stuff. Nobody gave me a bottle of Lagavulin like last week, so there will be no automatic selections. Maybe next week.

Announcing ...
The Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 9 of 2007.

Al Perkins
Sparky Spillane
Dave Bruett
Steve Garten
Ed Hudson
Natalie Jacobson

Winners/Losers All.
Ok, settle down, It's not all about you!!!
Let them have their glory/disgrace.


Trying to take a vacation day this Thurs. and Fri. If you check your email and your voicemail while you are on vacation.... then you are not on vacation. The vacation part has to do with your mind, not where your body is located. I don't have any admiration for workaholics.
Despite this lofty position, I always answer my cell phone. And the good stuff keeps on coming in!!!! Man, I wish I had this streak on the BlackJack tables at Vegas.
It will be good when I come back from vacation.

How True

"There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You go, Johann Wolfgang!!!

Morning Outlook

Do you believe that you create your own reality? If that is the case, then this is going to be a great day... not to mention year. I'm expecting some awesome results from the reality I'm about to create.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

GD Anniversary

Today is the anniversary of my severance from GD. As part of the terms of my relatively lucrative severance agreement, I was not supposed to say anything bad about General Dynamics, or recruit their staff, or work for some of their competitors for one year.
As if a multi-billion dollar defense contractor had anything to fear from me. But now the year is up.
I wouldn't worry if I were them. They owe me a pension and I want them to be around when I retire.

Forward Progress

Do you ever have days when everything clicks? From 8:30 this morning to 5:30 tonight, it was all good... a very powerful day.
You have to take the time to appreciate a good day like this. Reflect on why things went so well. I'm thinking that when you eliminate the negative environment, and start to think the positive thoughts, you get flooded with the good stuff.
I won't be putting up any sand bags to stop this flood.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thanks to Eric

Eric Rumpf from the Rumpf Design Group dropped by tonight with the plans for the Sundance elevator.
Eric is one of the all time good guys..... a real professional with tons of talent, who is not full of himself. He has a great sense of humor and is fun to be around. If he is working for you, then good things are going to happen. I really respect him.


To the paranoid losers out there. You know who you are.
You'll get treated the same way that you treat others..... No better, no worse. So it's up to you if you want to get your ass kicked. I'm from Lynn....
Plus I'm Irish....
It's been said that the Irish hate to fight... until they get into a fight. Then they love it. I learned a lot at the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 10, when I was a young man. My patience is getting short.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Roman Addiction

All week you look forward to Sunday night to see the next episode of Rome on HBO. Then they show repeats!!!
Damn... it's still great.

Personal Improvement

I have to confess that when people tell lies, and try to manipulate me, I tend to overreact.
That's just the way I am. It's kind of my pet peeve. Really sets me off. Gets my Irish up.
I'll try to be the bigger man, and not be so damn vindictive. Common sense says that vengeance gets you nowhere.
It's not easy.