Monday, December 11, 2006

Blue Egg Baking

Wait until your try this stuff!

Fortier is going to make a million Bucks!!!

View from Monday Morning

Number crunch, NJ trip, Moonshadow closing, Amazon gifts, Boston Xmas Party.
It will all get done. We'll see another Saturday.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Nanepashemet's Deed to Marblehead

On September 16, 1684 his (Nanepashemet's) heirs gave Marblehead a deed to their town, it was signed by

Joane Ahawayet, Squaw, relict, Widdow of George Saggamore, alais Wenepauweekinwwekin or George No Nose;

Joane Quanapohkownat, the widow of John Quanapohkownat of Natick:

James Quanapohkownat, alais James Rumneymarsh,

Isreal Quanapohkownat, Sarah Quanapohkownat all of Natick;

Susannah Wenepawweekin, Sarah Wanapawequen daughters of Sagamore George;

Joseph Quanophkonatt, alais Joe English, son of old John ( Essex Reg. Deeds, 11,132 )

( 1.) ( 2.) (3.) ( 4.) ( 5.) ( 6.) ( 7.) ( 8.) ( 9.)

The Marks of: 1.David Nonnuphanohow, 2.Sam Wuttaannoh, 3.John Tontohqunne, 4.Cicely Petaghuncksq, 5.Thomas Vsqueakussennum, 6.Isreal Quanophkownatt, 7.Jane Quanophkownat, 8.Yawata, 9.Wattawtinnusk*. James Rumneymarsh signed the deed in English. From the Salem Deed 1686
* Wife of Peter Ephraim - all signers give their home as Natick

Woodworking Secrets

The secret to woodworking is that wood has only a little to do with it. A good woodworker is really an accomplished metal worker.
As I get more experienced, especially in building boats and projects with curved surfaces, I've had to understand how to use chisels, planes and scrapers. ~
The essence of these tools is a sharp blade edge.
I've found that Japanese waterstones progressively up to 6000 grit can put a razor sharp, polished edge on a chisel or plane iron. But it is tedious business to do it by hand. Last year, I bought the Makita Sharpener that uses a powered rotating waterstone. It works quickly and with great results.
For my scrapers, I use the Veritas burnisher to get the right hook and sharpness to the blade.
Understanding your saws and other power tool and tuning them correctly is the other secret, involving a good mechanical feel for the machinery and what it is designed to do. This woodworking technique involves wrenches and screwdrivers and has nothing to do with wood.
Basically, to become a good woodworker, you have to be very good with metal. Seems wierd.

Heartburn and Hangovers

I reccommend Gaviscon Extra Strength Antacid.
BTW, Hangovers suck.
I used to be good to go by 12 noon the next day, no matter how bad the morning was. You would think that over your lifetime, the recovery period would improve, but no, I still feel like crap at 4:45 PM.
It gets worse as you get older.
Mike just ordered two pizzas from Vesuvius. Tom McMahon is over and we're having a pizza party. This wil be the Gaviscon test.

Senor Balzac....

... is either Mike Nestor or Tyler Gill. Until I figure it out, I think I'll blame them both.

Not Looking Good

12 minutes to go in the 4th period. Patriots down 13-0 to Miami.
2 possessions needed and some big plays.
Now 10 minutes. Pats have the ball but not showing any luck. Just fumbled. I hate to do it, but I'm going to concede this to the Dolphins.
This is all Jay Turner's fault. If he hadn't flown down to Miami to watch this game, everything would have been fine.
My brother in Ft. Laud. should be happy. Thanks Jay.

Stapleless Planking System

In my next boat, I'm going to utilize the stapleless method of clamping the strips together using a plywood clamping system as illustrated here.
Not because of aesthetics. I doubt that any untrained eye can spot a staple hole in the hull.
I'm using it because it should align the planking strips together better, thus saving time against the horrendous amount of sanding that these projects entail.

Thinking Ahead

Shimano Thunnus 16000 Reel/Fisherman's Outfitter 7' Custom 20-50# Rod Combo.

We have two of these babies, just waiting for fishing season to begin. Maybe Vona won't be the only one catching tuna next summer.

Rockett's Party

Nice time.
Mike and Trish have great style and have created a beautiful home - multiple textures, beautiful moulding and paneling, stepped down levels, really tasteful enlarged phots of their family, and an interesting floor plan.
Great food and cocktails - I definitely had too much of both by the way I feel this morning.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Lifetime Cable Channel

Channel for women. Chick Flick heaven.
Kill me now.
Every freaking movie is the same.
The woman is neglected by her husband, meets a sexy guy and has an affair, sexy guy turns out to be a psycho and terrorizes the women's family, the women ends up killing the sexy guy.
If you've ever seen one that's different let me know, but I won't be waiting.

Melting Lead

So many of you have asked the same question recently.... How are you going to melt the lead for the centerboard and rudder weights?
It's a harmless question, although somewhat tedious when you ask it over and over again. So please take note here and stop emailing me.
A circle was cut in the stock, and a slot routed in the center of the circle to secure the poured lead in the plywood.
Then very small lead shot pellets were melted in a cast iron pot using the turkey propane fryer. The pellets melted within 10 minutes or so to a shiny melted liquid with some solid impurities. The impurities were scooped from the pot using a wooden scrap.
A piece of sheet metal was clamped to the bottom of the stock, and the molten lead poured into the void until it exceeded the top. The lead cooled within twenty minutes, and when cool to the touch was planed and sanded until smooth with the plywood surface.
Then the lead insert was coated with fiberglass cloth and epoxy.
Now that you know, go melt lead for your own rudder!!