Monday, November 20, 2006

Short Workweek

Should be relatively quiet in telecom due to Thanksgiving. A good time to flesh out work breakdown structures and similar pricing analysis to compare customer needs and service delivery requirements.
Also have to develop a project schedule for the Sundance move, finalize the P&S, and make the additional deposit.
Not to mention planning and provisioning the Thanksgiving Eve Bash.
Short workweek, but it should be hectic.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

An Optimistic Assessment

No. This is not my tender. It is a picture of what I intended it to look like by now. Actually, I'm not too far behind.
After 4 to 6 more hours of sanding, the entire interior will be coated with epoxy twice. Then these coats will be sanded smooth - another 4 hours.
It will take another six hours for the seats, oar locks, and mast supports to be cut, coated with epoxy, and installed. 6 to 8 hours. Final coat of epoxy, then a light 220 grit sanding.
Then we start the marine varnish routine. Sand, Spray 5 days in a row.
With the holidays and the Sundance move, we might have to settle for a New Year's Day launch. The sailing rig won't happen until the spring.

Looking to Row Soon

Nice Postcards of dories in Marblehead Harbor in the early 1900's.

Steve's Chili

Awesome chili from Steve Lewis for the Pats Games. More vindication for the talents of POTW. Plus the Pats dominated 35-0. They either look great or horrible. It was great today.

Time to Get Back on Track

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Lambeau Field (72,922)
1:00 p.m. EST

Im going to see how much I can get done on the Tender this morning before kickoff.

New Light

Braeden Turner made an appearance yesterday. What a cutie! She is a fine addition and the first 2 year old to crack into the Inner Peeps Clique.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Saturday Morning

There are about one dozen common sparrows all over the Bird feeder on a crisp November morning in the 30 degree range. As soon as I finish watching them, I have to attack the list.
  • Sand Tender
  • Finish Cut and Assemble Flooring
  • Do bank errands and pick up disposable gloves.
  • Coat Interior and Floor boards with Epoxy Resin.
  • Clean up Office.

There is the rumor that we may have a Kate sighting this morning as well. That could change everything.

Rev Up

Scenes from Last year's Thanksgiving Eve Blowout.


Let's get this party started!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Planning for the next Boat

After the Herreshoff Yacht Tender is finished, I'm thinking that my next project will be a 14' Maine Matinicus Peabod. These were lobster boats at the turn of the century and popularized at Matinicus Island. They seem to have taken some inspiration from Indian canoes. The version that I'm contemplating would also be equiped with a centerboard and Sprit Sail rig.
The issue is whether to go with a cedar strip technique such as I used on the Tender, or to try a glued lapstrake planking method using scarfed 3/8" Olkume mahogany marine plywood.
I really like the lines on these double enders.
Realistically, I have to remodel the basement first, before I begin the next boat. This may make the remodeling go faster though.

Sexual Content

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Can't access the Nanepashemet Blog on the Darwin Server because of its strong sexual content.
Sorry, I've been accused of a lot of stuff in my career, but never strong sexual content. You can be the judge of the validity of that determination.
Nonetheless, I do feel a bit flattered.

Worth the Lagavulin

Remember how I told you that Jay and Katelyn owed me a bottle of Lagavulin? I have a deal with them to remove her IM Pei Pyramid pic, and they will pony up the Scotch at the Thanksgiving Eve bash. Seems like a suitable risk.
If they come up short, I have a ton of pics to choose from... I got a great one tonight from one of the Peeps of the Week.
My guess is that I'll be happily sipping the King this weekend sometime.