Thursday, October 12, 2006


... is so cool.
When I was growing up, people were fleeing the cities. Surburban sprawl was the watchword of the Seventies. City Planners and Urbanologists theorized that the sprawl would continue indefinitely and spread to the exurbs. The condition of the "Inner Cities" was the sourch of considerable social tinkering by the Federal Government.
But then the City seemed to rediscover itself. Now it is a highly desirable place to find yourself.
In the telecom biz, I get to stay in Marriott Courtyards all over the United States. Other places have appeal, especially San Francisco and Seattle, while you couldn't pay me enough to live in Cincinnatti or St. Louis. The desert in Arizona and New Mexico is neat, and the mountains in Denver are awesome.
But I'm always happy to fly back to Boston. Ocean, Fields and Woodland, Mountains, History, Straight Talking Rude People. This is my home.

First Blog Poll Results

After tallying literally thousands of votes from around the world, the results of the first Nanepashemet Peeps Poll showed overwhelmingly the need to maintain our high levels of daily inspiration to you, our Peeps.

The Nanepashemet Blog....

  • Irritates Me 13%
    Inspires my Everyday Thoughts 50%
    Makes me question my sexual preference 0%
    Creates Outright Hostility 38%
    Is Nauseous and Sickening 0%

Please participate in our future polls. The quality of our message depends on your constant feedback. Our next poll seeks to answer the pressing question of what to do when you have finished building your Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender.

Gay Jokes

Just about all of my friends, as well as my kids, like to joke about gays, call each other gay, and mention homo stuff a lot. My guess is that none of them go the other way, so why do these references always come up?
It would appear that heterosexuals are natural homophobes. The urges and thoughts that the average hetero gets about the opposite sex are so constant and prevailing that the very thought that these feelings could be aimed at a same sex situation, by people so inclined, causes a humorous, angry, or fearful reaction. Hence, gay jokes are used to defuse the impact of these emotions.
I think gay jokes are pretty funny. As a caring, feeling, human being, I don't want to hurt the feelings of gay people, but I'm not phony about laughing about gay stuff.
I've known gay people, and I don't feel that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.
If you are confronted with a couple of provocative naked people, you can't choose whether a male or a female will give you the familiar tingle. You have no choice. So gay bashing obviously doesn't make any sense, outside of the basic human tendency to attack people who are different or who you do not understand.
In this sense, homophobia might be a tribal thing.
BTW - I'm in the Hetero Tribe and Blogging is NOT GAY!!!!

Bloggers Honor Roll

Peeps -
Please welcome new bloggers who will be looking to Nanepashemet to bring relevance and meaning to their lives.
Jeremy Johnson
Bill Shanahan
Ivan Salaberrios
The first step is always the hardest.

WiMax and Wireless

Saw some old friends at the trade show at Boston's World Trade Center.
La plus ca change, la plus ce le meme chose.
More to come as we reveal how Ivan got his WiMax Certification

Poll Results

The Nanepashemet Blog poll, which will run until Fri., currently shows overwhemingly that my peeps need the Blog to formulate their everyday thoughts and the blog in no way threatens their sexual predisposition.
Some people are taking it more seriously than others.
No surprizes here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Boston's North End

Heading into the North End tonight with the Darwin team after the WiMax conference.


DiMatteo is an expert on North End Italian Ristorante's. That alone is reason enough to put up with his daily annoying antics.

North Korea

Here we go again.
Why can't we just get along???
Funny how a country about the size of Mississippi can scare the hell out of the world. Nukes in the hands of a whack job, with Japan sitting right next door.
The Japanese must be freaking out.
BTW - That is one ugly national emblem that they have. Plus their leader has a serious problem with bad hair days.

WiMax World Conference - Boston

"Although analysts vary on their estimates of the size and growth of the WiMAX market, recent projections are that the WiMAX market will grow to $20B to $100B in the next few years" - WiMax World

Looks like there are some french fries which could fall off of that plate. Should keep the Seagulls busy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Good Old Days

Lobstering in a Swampscott Dory.
No E-mail, no Cell Phones, no Blogs, no Powerpoint Presentations, no Skymiles.....
How the hell did they pull it off?
What did they Google with?

First Person Singular

Main Entry: 1 sin·gu·lar

Etymology: Middle English singuler, from Anglo-French, from Latin singularis, from singulus only one

a : of or relating to a separate person or thing

b : of, relating to, or being a word form denoting one person, thing, or instance

c : of or relating to a single instance or to something considered by itself

Want to annoy me? ...It's not hard at all.
Anytime someone in a group situation characterizes the group output with the first person singular pronoun "I", it disempowers the contribution of all of the other team members, not matter how important or trivial their role.
In the network deployment business, I have often heard people address the team effort with a phrase such as... "I can install x units in x days", or "I can lease x sites", or "I can get my proposal to you in two weeks" etc., etc., ...when the dufus couldn't do jack without a whole team in place.
This seemingly small habit annoys the hell out of me.
Sometimes it not only annoys me, but really pisses me off. Generally the perpetrators are not bad people, and are not intending to disempower, belittle, and embarrass the rest of the team. But they do.
When I get pissed off, I get irrational.
Not now, though. Now I'm just mildly annoyed.

Conference Call...

... with the Big, Dumb, Swedish Meatballs.
You know who you are.