As Americans, our government was formed to provide us with the opportunity for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
These are rights that say that the rank and file of us can live to freely try to find happiness.
When you reflect on the seemingly tormented life of Michael Jackson, it becomes obvious that talent and wealth do not
guarantee happiness. So many
celebrities seem to live a life of pain amid their possessions. Even when you can totally control your environment, as Jackson did, happiness and contentment are elusive.
The answer seems obvious.
Pursuing happiness is not the pursuit of things, or talent, or relationships.
The Pursuit of Happiness is a search to find a way to see the good in all things.... to see the glass as half full.... to be comfortable in your own skin.
The Pursuit of Happiness is an inner journey to let your soul resonate in harmony with any surrounding that you choose to associate. James Taylor sang, "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time." Happiness is that natural state of the universe.... with electrons harmoniously rotating around protons and neutrons whether you are Michael Jackson or a piece of granite.
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to see the harmony in each passing moment, or you can resist and long for a different moment or environment causing anxiety and discord.
If you can't see the the harmony in your current situation, then pretend that you can.... because it is there. You just are not tuned into it. I know of no person, myself included, that doesn't have some massive adversity that imperils their well being and state of mind. But each adversity carries its open or hidden benefit, despite the apparent absurdness of this assertion.
Don't judge the rightness or wrongness of the situation. We are eternal beings and each experience has its lessons and insights for us that benefit and enrich us for the long haul. In the context of eternity, all adversity is just a detail.
Nobody can give you happiness. It is your personal choice. The Pursuit of Happiness is to constantly remember to choose happiness in each moment of time.
You can choose to embrace this, or to ridicule and degrade it.
Again... it is all up to you. But open your eyes and test it before you fade back to black.
Choose happiness. Bitterness, hate and despair suck compared to it.
Nice use of alliteration in making your point about public policy, pointing peckers and your peeps.