Your MOAM is so happy that our POTUS is tackling the crucial problem of opening our relationship with the People's Republic of Cuba.
It is so important to extend our hand to a brutal, repressive dictatorship. Maybe now, people will stop trying to escape Florida and navigate to Cuba in small overcrowded vessels, leaving their families forever to embrace a life with freedom.
Oh sorry.... I got that a little reversed. But whatever.... Maybe we can finally get to play Cuban baseball players, or smoke authentic Cuban cigars.
President Castro met BO with open arms at the airport.... no... that would have been the Socialist Pope. But at least he agreed to release political prisoners and hold free elections.... no,,,, just kidding.
We didn't get much, but BO, Jawn Kerry, and our own Congressman Seth Moulton at least should be getting some pressed Cuban sandwiches and a Caribbean tan.
Meanwhile, in other news, 23 people have been blown to bits in Brussels, Belgium. Guess there must have been another pesky video causing people to die.
Oh well.... at least we have our priorities straight.
I'm not a big Cigar guy though.
I'm old enough to remember when the Cubans let Russians point nuclear missiles down our throats. We actually had air raid drills at my elementary school then,... where every one was filed into the school corridors, put on our knees with our foreheads on the floor, and waited to be swept away by an atomic bomb. As a little kid, I truly believed that Missiles from Cuba would kill us all
Guess what President Castro?? You suck!!!! And everybody who kisses your Repressive, Dictator Ass sucks too.
Pray for Belgium. And pray that we someday will have a POTUS who doesn't have his head up his own ass.
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