Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hope and Change... but mostly Hope.

I'm tired of everyone who would deny the President and his family a 10 day vacation in Martha's Vineyard.   The plunging stock market can wait.  The 10% joblessness rate can wait.  The useless loss of American lives in Afganistan can wait.   Time for a little much deserved R and R.
Do you think I'm saying this because I just haven't felt confident enough to leave Nanepashemet Telecom for my own vacation this summer?
Maybe that's so.
But I have some really important stuff to take care of at my company.
It's just not as stable as the way our President has guided the country.  So he goes, and I slug away.
It's not that I'm  jealous of the President.  But I am truly sick and tired of this lightweight who seems so inadequate as he draws the salary of the Chief Executive of the United States. 
Hope and Change... but mostly Hope.

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