Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Decking Sticker Shock

Took a break from grinding out paypoints at Nanepashemet Telecom this afternoon and headed over to Moynihan Lumber in Beverly to put the order in for the Sundance deck framing and decking.  Went with 2x10 pressure treated Joists when 2x8's would do, and 6x6 pressure treated posts when I could have used 4x4's.   The extra size framing materials will make for a much stronger platform.
The decking is Latitudes Intrepid Composite Decking, whch is an engineered product designed for long wear and low maintenance.  It's nice, but freaking expensive.  A 5/4" 6"x 16' board comes in at $40.00 each, and I needed 30 of them.  You do the math.
This is a plain vanilla deck... a little reposition of some hot water heating baseboards, breaking though a living room wall for a six foot wide sliding glass door, then constructing a 16' x 14' rectangular deck about five feet from ground level.  Shouldn't pose any challenges, even for a slightly overweight, midde aged guy like me.
But I was shocked at some of the prices of the components.... $4.95 for a Simpson Strong Tie Joist Hanger (need 15).... $71.00 for a box of 350 stainless steel colored deck screws (and I need 3 boxes of these).  The job will be run as a business project, with meticulous record keeping and charging of all activity in order to get an accurate cost at completion.
Will keep you informed.

Tuna Lips said...

It's been a spell since we had one of yer vitree all infused vague premonishuns about what the future hold for thems that does you wrong. I so enjoys them.

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

It's been a spell since we had one of yer vitree all infused vague premonishuns about what the future hold for thems that does you wrong. I so enjoys them.