Monday, August 09, 2010

Pass is Fading

Despite my efforts to look the other way, Michelle Obama is starting to get on my nerves.
All of the cooing that goes on about her with the liberal media.  They even try to make us think that she is some kind of fashionable looker.   I mean, she's not ugly, but let's leave it there.
And she doesn't seem to have any intellectural depth.   Her campaign against obesity in children seems to miss the mark somehow.
This entourage to Spain... between trips to Bar Harbor, Martha's Vineyard and Florida..... how many of us can afford all of these back to back sojourns.   She's not a private citizen.... see's the Frst Lady of the United States - a title that brings her own White House Staff.   Not a good example when the country is struggling with 9.5% unemployment.
Then I listen to people like Cokey Roberts who smirks and says stuff like, "Yes, it's poor judgement and looks bad.  But this will all blow over."
In the end, the pass that Michelle and her husband gets will start to wear off, even with all of the swooning.

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