Monday, April 26, 2010

May Day

For some reason, May Day was a big thing when we were growing up in Lynn.  Kids would dress up in costumes and wrap strands of paper around a Maypole.
The significance of the event has escaped me, but I dug out this old photograph of the kids in my neighborhood standing on the sidewalk in front of my old house in the Highlands.
I'm the good looking one on the left in the Fireman suit.

Sue Sue Raiche said...
That little firefighter looks just like Ethan!

Tuna Lips said...
look like them munchkin folk from the wizard of oz. Theys sure growd them freaks good in Lynn town


Tuna Lips said...

look like them munchkin folk from the wizard of oz. Theys sure growd them freaks good in Lynn town

SRaiche said...

That little firefighter looks just like Ethan!