Thursday, April 29, 2010

Classic Conumdrum

I'm thinking seriously of renaming the "Classic Winter Cocktail". 
Since it's now spring, and I show no signs of  backing off, maybe its time call the satisfying combination of Seagrams Seven Canadian and Ocean Spray Cranberry something like.... the "Classic Multi-Season Cocktail".  Or the "Classic Six Month Plus Cocktail".
None of these sound right.
But "Classic Winter Cocktail" doesn't fit anymore.
Part of the problem is that spring came early this year.  It's one of the five warmest Aprils on record here in Boston.  So who would have thought that the weather would screw up the harmonic seasonal nature of the official Nanepashemet beverages???
Dark and Stormies in the Summer.
Seagrams and Cider in the Fall..
The Classic Winter Cocktail in the Winter.
Course,  Lagavulin, the King of Scotch, rules over all seasons.... but this goes without saying.
Now we are left with quite a dilemma, and it's probably those freaking Mayans who are screwing with us again.

Tuna Lips said...
I does like the white rusky fer a drink come candlemas. Its liquored enuff, yet somewhat mild, allowin' fer several long quaffs. Get yerself under a warm blanket, best served with a Injun squaw and a pipe of skunk bud ala Shoo Fly. You will be singin' "I am Superman" in short order. In concludifying, and I thinks milk and vodka wuz part of that teachable merment, so Ise vote white rusky.

TommyO said...
"Seven Seas Cocktail"

Think about it....

Ocean Sprays from the Sea, You are a Sea-Goin Guy, Seagrams Seven, Lucky Seven, Seven-Eleven
Seas or C's (Celtics) Bruins in Seven. To the Ancients, Seven meant "Many"



Tuna Lips said...

I does like the white rusky fer a drink come candlemas. Its liquored enuff, yet somewhat mild, allowin' fer several long quaffs. Get yerself under a warm blanket, best served with a Injun squaw and a pipe of skunk bud ala Shoo Fly. You will be singin' "I am Superman" in short order. In concludifying, and I thinks milk and vodka wuz part of that teachable merment, so Ise vote white rusky

TommyO said...

"Seven Seas Cocktail"

Think about it....

Ocean Sprays from the Sea, You are a Sea-Goin Guy, Seagrams Seven, Lucky Seven, Seven-Eleven
Seas or C's (Celtics) Bruins in Seven. To the Ancients, Seven meant "Many"
