Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Barack's Birth Certificate

This whole controversy over Obama's birth certificate is bogus.
I know what the Constitution says.... that you have to be a natural born citizen to be elected President.  But as a nation of immigrants ....(except for the Native Americans that we wiped out with disease or  rounded up and put onto reservations.... but that's another story).... I should be able to vote for Arnold Swartzenegger if I wanted to.
Barack Hussein Obama was duly elected as President of the United States.   I don't care where he happened to be when he popped out of his mother's womb.
Put your focus on stuff that matters.

Pisc said...

I agree with the sentiment of let it go. But we are a nation of laws, first and foremost. Without them (e.g. the Constitution of the United States) this whole thing falls apart.

Maria Rowen said...
This Barack-‘birf’place‘bidness’ has some‘Birther’s-bloomers in a bunch. House Arizonans passed the ballot-bill ‘requiring’ Barack to belly-up his birth certificate. At the same time… the finches return to the feeder. It all matters…but... in a moment of merriment…peeps should pass on politics, pursue pleasure and on May around the Maypole.


Pisc said...

I agree with the sentiment of let it go. But we are a nation of laws, first and foremost. Without them (e.g. the Constitution of the United States) this whole thing falls apart.

Maria Rowen said...

This Barack-‘birf’place‘bidness’ has some‘Birther’s-bloomers in a bunch. House Arizonans passed the ballot-bill ‘requiring’ Barack to belly-up his birth certificate. At the same time… the finches return to the feeder. It all matters…but... in a moment of merriment…peeps should pass on politics, pursue pleasure and on May around the Maypole.

Maria Rowen said...

Hi John,

Sometimes my idea of humor offends even me. I sincerely hope this comment does not offend the sensibilities of your faithful followers...

Congratulations on your award and hope to see you and Joanne soon!