I'm waiting for the Grandkids to come by, and I'll be spending some time with them. But I'd love to get some fence pole holes dug before this three day rain storm hits. The backyard will be soggy and muddy for weeks after that soaking.

Since the willow trees in the back have been gone, the water table seems to have risen considerably. Apparently, the huge willows sucked up a tremendous amount of moisture that is no longer leaving the soil. Even with the trees, the water table in the backyard was only two feet down or so.
Maybe, I'll have to dig a shallow well and install a pump to use for watering this summer. With a Japanese pond and Coi Fish to follow.
That would be the ultimate evolution. From Appalachia, to a Japanese Water Garden! I should start digging for the electrical conduits, but it already has started to rain.
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