Tuna Lips said...
I thinks here and now I need to cop me a squat. I thinks it was the fandango burrito with hellfire sauce and bottle of tekeller that led me to this place.
Maria Rowen said...
'Carpe'someone you love and enjoy the 'diem'!
- Well senora, or senorina, I am in line with yer cogitatin. Tell ole TL yer hopes and dreams. Shhhh. Ise keeps it a secret . . . .
- FYI- Oprah Winfrey is interviewing Sarah Palin on a show airing nov 14....Thought you and your peeps may want to tune in. I certainly will be.
- A signore...with the indulgence of this blog's author...I respond in kind...Questa buona singnorina voule l'amore di buon signore...it's that simple...and it's no secret...*_*
- Tuna Lips said...
My o my, Missy Rowan, you even parlay the French. Can ye cook a fine fricasee ta boot?!