Sunday, August 31, 2008
Mystery of the Links
So Mike decided to make small talk this afternoon, by asking me why I thought that I sucked so bad in golf. Normally, my response would be a kindly but firm, "Kiss My Ass", but the topic is one that has intrigued me as well.
After all, the two boys are good golfers, both captained the Marblehead HS Golf Team in their senior years, and my father was a natural athelete who just about mastered any sport he tried. I remember he always would come home with trophies for bowling or golf - every time he got involved with some sort of organized activity. He was also a hell of a baseball player, spending a season down south in the Yankees farm system.
Like I told you earlier, my tennis game was once such that I felt I could play with anyone, and I always could hit a baseball. So why can't I at least play golf with a modicum of competency???
My drives are erratic and short.
I can't chip to save myself.
Putting is an atrocious embarrassment.
I never open a sleeve of balls that I don't lose in the woods.
A round is something that I survive, not finish.
WTF is going on????
So Mike, it's a legit question, and deserves a thoughtful answer. And the answer is..." I have no freaking Kiss My Ass".
I Believe This....
vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in
their desires to reach their potential."
- John Maxwell
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Physical Phatigue
Specifically, all we did was weed, cultivate, trim some overgrowth and plant about 30 chrysanthemums. How physically taxing could that be???? In truth, the weeds had so taken hold that I made four F15o truckloads to the Marblehead dump. There were big ones, thorny ones, and some really rooted weeds. Then a few hours of tilling and tree trimming.
By the time 4:00 PM rolled around, I was one hurting Buckaroo. Which would have been easy enough to endure if I wasn't tortured by taunts from the likes of Will and Lynda Murray, as well as Brendt and Kerry D'Orio, as they cruised West Shore Drive ostensibly looking for action.
My friend "Who doesn't want his name mentioned in the Blog" saw me at one of the Dump runs and invited me over his house for a beer. That would have been nice if I wasn't so sweaty and filthy. Plus he is not over the euphoria of landing two Bluefins at Stellwagen yesterday which I am unabashedly jealous about. So I declined.
At the Marblehead Garden Center, while picking up the last ten Mums, a fetching Marblehead SUV Mom asked if I worked there. Not really flattered by that assumption, I said, "No... but do I look like I work here?"
"Well, you look like you know what you are doing," was her glib retort.
Maybe that's good... I'm still not so sure. But it did take my mind off of my painful physical fatigue for a few seconds.
Anyway, there is no excuse for letting the weeds take over at the Sundance Pre-School. I have to resolve to stay ahead of that game.... so I can bike more on the weekends.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Weekend Focus

Normally, this would be a good time to kick back. But I want to get the Sundance landscaping looking real good for the opening of the school next week.
And I want to get some nagging maintenance issues done around Beverly Ave. Like waterproofing under the deck to store the lawnmower and powerwasher etc. there rather than in the garage.
I have to put the garage back in shape for some serious boatbuilding work on the Marblehead Gunning Dory. So I suppose that you forgot about that project???? After all, it is one of the primary focuses of this pathetic Blog.... or so it is supposed to be.
Despite all of this Puritannical attention to labor, I still have to catch some fish this weekend. Maybe a football tuna or striped bass.... Maybe.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
POTW Week 35
I haven't caught nearly enough fish, haven't rowed the tender, and spent a lot of time trying to grow a front lawn only to see it burn up through overfertilization. I'm sure that the neighbors get a chuckle over that. But I'm not giving up.... not with the whole month of September ahead of me.
We'll make up a lot of time in September and we'll keep the Tender going easily into November.
At least I can look forward to the Republican National Convention.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 35th week of 2008
Susan Raich
Katelyn Nestor
Sarah Crawford
Caroline Bruett
Eric Johnson
John Kerry
We have the whole month of September.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dems in Denver
Bill Clinton, welling up in tears and mouthing "I love you" to Hillary while she spouted from the podium, was particularly painful. Everything seems so pretentious and staged.
I doubt that the Republicans will be much better.
Choosing the leader of the most powerful nation on earth is such a sell job. You would think that we could figure out a better way. Maybe program a computer to be ultimately logical, just and wise.
I ultimately will vote for McCain as the lesser of two evils, although I remain thrilled that a non-white has overcome the deep seated racial insecurities to emerge as a Presidential candidate. Within my own lifetime, the nation has made a quantum leap and has become a better place to live.
Admitting to Weakness
So naturally this pathetic blog has had to suffer. What do you want from me? I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. No trust funds, no inherited wealth. I generally have had to work my ass off everyday to make a living.
And even if Nanepashemet Telecom is cruising along now, there is always the chance that it can fall off of a cliff. So I have to work hard and be vigilant, even in the good times.
So.... How's that for a nice dose of paranoia????
At any rate, I can sense a bit of workaholic creeping into my character, and will try hard to screw off more often in the future.
It's especially hard to admit to weaknesses when you are a mountain of a man like me. But I do have my shortcomings.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The tire stated to use 65 psi for on road and 45 for off road, so I inflated to 65 psi. A big difference. Took 4 minutes off of the 14.6 mile loop and felt a lot better during the cycle. The small seat does a job on your glutes though, and can get downright uncomfortable to the boys. I suppose this will take some getting used to .
Joanne wants me to take her bike home and that she'll ride it there. Since the Cybex hasn't felt her on it's seat for over a year, I have my doubts. But I'll hump it home anyway.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

I couldn't believe how bad I felt on my 15 mile bike ride yesterday.
So much so that I went the same route today.
The difference was that I brought a 16oz. bottle of iced tea, which made me feel much better... but my ass has still be dragging all day since.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
BTW, I'm pretty sure that the "Bud Collins" guy is an imposter. The real Collins would never have the balls to call me a Bitch.
Tennis Return
Bud Collins said...
I write for the Boston Globe, sir, and have played tennis since before you were born and commented on it for major media outlets since the 1974 season, in which Ashe beat Connors in 4 sets at Wimbledon.
Nevertheless, I am not voting for Obama. Like you. Bitch.
John Nestor Said....
Excellent Trash Talk. Unlike you, I will let my racket do the talking. I'll have to bring two though because the first one will be sticking out of your ass.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Peep of the Week - 34
We have been patrons at Eastern Mountain ever since we bought our first pair of XC skis from their Amherst, MA store back in 1973. It was pretty embarrassing lately when I saw the same models hung on a Pub wall as antiques!
Oh Well... Tempus Fugit.
Anyway, in a complete impulse buy, I bought two mountain bikes for Joanne and I. Joanne was fairly horrified, but within an hour, we wwere pedaling around on our new IronHourse Maverick 1.0 26" mountain bike beauties.
The IronHorse is made in China where billions of people pedal as a way of life, so that sounded like a good deal to me.
Naturally I immediately overdid it by biking fifteen miles over to Intervale and back. It's not the same as 15 on the stationary Cybex, and my back was screaming.
We bought cool helmets too.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 34th week of 2008
Abby Bruett
Lindsey Kepnes
Lauren Rathbone
Brian Butler
Jason, the guy from Eastern Mountain Sports
Linda O'Shea
Tomorrow will be more reasonable.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
More Olympics

Some of the sports in the Olympics that you don't see often are really cool.
- Team Handball - a combination of Basketball and Lacrosse.
- Badminton - Not your backyard lawn game.
- Water Polo - Something fun to do at the pool.
- Table Tennis - Definitely not Ping Pong.
- Wrestling - has nothing to do with the bogus stuff on TV, which shouldn't be call wrestling.
I'm not really interested in the baseball, basketball or tennis where the Olympics are not the pinnacle of the sport.
Course Track and Field still rules. I'm disappointed that Shalane Flanagan hasn't received any televised recognition though. She runs in the 5000 meter final on Friday, but since she wasn't a medal favorite in the long runs, the networks televised pre-planning hasn't keyed on these events.
If she medals again in the 5000, the networks will have missed out on a great story.
- Tuna Lips said...
Howdy, and apologies for my absentee being. Hoo yow! I am flush with pocket money and tales to spin from the road, wherein my jug band, the Foghorn Leghorns, just come back from. Called it 'Tunapalooza' in these parts, hit every town fair and roadhoase juke joint from the Ozarks Hempfest to the Winnebago Muddy Water festival. Ussins blazed a trail of toe tappin' fiddlin' and bumpin', liquor fueled misdemeanors and amorous involvifications with BBWs. This here money I lifted from an invalids' panhandlin' is burnin' a hole in my trousers. I am gonna git on down to the oriental health spa (next to the coin-op launderin')and get my road weary bones a rub down, and mayhap a welcome home hand release! Coo Coo!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Truth Beckons
No spin, no angles, no color commentary, no ass covering, no distortion.
I knew what they were calling about, and I didn't call them, they called me.... and I appreciate it.
I got no satisfaction from what they said, only felt good that they were compelled to say it.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Lesser of Two Evils
So I got up this morning feeling ready to go, but I was super irritable. Even I noticed it. It wasn't a day to aggravate me or make a stupid, unthinking remark, as two hapless individuals found out. I don't feel bad about teeing off on them though. Even if I felt fine, they still deserved it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hidden Benefit
But that's where quitting drinking has its benefits.
Joanne and I took the WhaleEye up the Annisquam River in Gloucester yesterday with the Murray's, then back over to Brown's Island where we tied up with my "Friend who doesn't want his name mentioned in the Blog", and his lovely wife Nancy.
The weather was perfect, and normally the beer would be flowing like wine and I'd be paying for it today.
Instead, I bounced out of bed and made the 3 1/2 hour trek to be at the jobsite by 8:00 AM.
Course, driving home will tend to suck, but that's to be expected.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Flanagan's Shocking Third

Exactly one day after she was named as a Nanepashemet Peep of the Week, former Marbleheader Shalane Flanagan placed third in the women's 10,000 meter run.... earning a bronze medal and gunning down two Kenyans to do it.
I know that the POTW has power, but even I had no idea that it could have this type of effect.
There were no pundits who predicted this amazing finish for her on the elite international stage.

Congratulations on a great run!

The week started with the Merrimack Golf Tournament with the Two Bobs and talented newcomer Previte. You will recall that I gave the portable beer can container that we won to Superpeep, Ben Martin.
I did travel to Gloucester and Bourne and filed for the Coast Guard permits. Only received Glocester, Bourne is in the mail.
Had some very important customers over to the house for an evening harbor tour and then some tuna steaks. ( I still can't believe how much like prime rib a grilled fresh tuna steak can taste.)
Headed to Maine to close out the first phase of the Rockland Coast Guard installation. Couldn't close that deal for various shit-happens reasons, and will have to return on Monday to punch it out.
Filed most of my taxes, so that I wouldn't be legally harrassed by this government of the "Land of the Free". (Don't get me started on this one!!!)
So I guess I covered a lot of what I set out to do, even if everything didn't end up all packaged with a bow on top. It still was more that the vast majority of you could get done in half a month.
Bar Harbor Maine Lunch
Friday, August 15, 2008
Aim High

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
- Michelangelo
Michelangelo would never last in a big corporation. I'm pretty sure that his relationship with the Vatican was contentious as well.
Can you imagine the freaking paint-by-numbers mess that the Sistine Chapel would have become if Michelangelo was a corporate, ass-covering weenie???
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Week 33 POTW
Even with my natural charm and persuasive ability, I was not able to convince the young check-in meister that I was not your average guest, and that my presense would lend intangible prestige to his lodging house for the next two days.
Who needs the freaking Somerset anyway??? Been there, Done that.
We ended up in a brand new extended stay room at the TradeWinds, complete with a jacuzzi, fireplace, and nice view of the harbor. And far cheaper than the Somerset.
See That??? When God closes one door, he opens another. There is no bad luck - only our limited vision, and time impaired judgement of events.
Speaking of bad luck, it's time to announce the Peep of the Week Selections.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 33rd week of 2008
Bob Brown (automatic Lagavulin criteria)
Bob Wojcik (also an automatic)
Michael Phelps
Bela Karoli
Tom McMahon
Shalane Flanagan
Plus, Joanne is within walking distance of all of the downtown Rockland attractions - galleries, museums, shops and restaurants. I'll have our car parked two miles from town at the freaking cell site all day..... pounding away on line with the excessive documentation that this job entails.
Business Focus
That will be a relief, but there is a big deadline on the Coast Guard project that we are trying to accomplish by the close of business Friday.
Joanne is making the trip with me to Rockland, but she will have to cope at staying at the Samoset Hotel Pool by herself as I will be at the cell site closing down the first construction phase.
It's all Business Baby. What can I say? I'm focused on the ultimate dominance of Nanepashemet Telecom.
I know that you're probably worried that I'll forget about the POTW selections this evening.... well Chill OUT!!! I've got it all under control.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Olympic Progress
Michael Phelps can freaking swim.
No way are the Chinese Women Gynnasts 16 years old.
Bela Karoli, the Romanian who runs the US Women's Gymnast program, is just a little over the top.
The Chinese really overdid the opening ceremony and lost it with the lipsynching kid.
The Water Cube is very cool architecture.
As much as I am fond of President Bush, he should get his ass back to Washington.
Synchronized diving gives me the creeps.
Alicia Sacramone, from Winchester, MA, on the Women's Gymnastic team is very, very cute.
The NBA Basketball players seem out of place.

Women Gymnasts are better looking than Women Swimmers, but the US Women's Beach Volleyball Team is by far the hottest.
Dara Torres, the 41 year old Californian Mother, is the most incredible swimmer at the games.... Phelps included.
It's been interesting so far, but the real deal for me begins with the Track and Field events. Shalene Flanagan from Marblehead is running the 10,000 meters. I've followed her career a little and have seen her running in Town here, and it will be interesting to see if she can get into the Final and be competitive at this level.
Merrimack Football Tournament results
I pretty much delivered on my reputation, although I did have to carry the foursome on my back on a number of occasions. The "Crusher" was in attendance and managed to mangle a few of the dimpled spheroids.
Bob "Mountain of a Man" Brown was clearly off his PGA rated standard game, and Bob "the Insidious" Wojcik (the one who screwed up my knee) was not particularly impressive. But they totally redeemed themselves by giving me a fifth of Lagavulin which obviously has automatic POTW connotations.
The one bright spot was talented newcomer, Jeff Previte of EBI Consulting, who consistently rained vulgar insults on himself after every other shot. Quite entertaining.
At least we cleaned up on the raffle at dinner after the game, with three winners out of five tickets. I gave Ben Martin, the worthy Merrimack Offensive Line Coach, one of the prizes... a collapsable gadget that holds thirty beer cans. I'm sure he can get some use out of it.
All in all, the Merrimack Football team stands a little taller today, and Nanepashemet Telecom was happy to oblige.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Packed Agenda
Did I just say "doozy"? If I did, I apologize.
The week starts out with getting permits in Gloucester and Bourne on Monday and Tues. And I have to fit in the Merrimack Football Golf Tournament in Windham, NH today. In retrospect, I really can't afford the time to golf, but I've lined up a good foursome. Hope my game shows up.
Wed., Thurs., and Fri., I'll be up in Rockland, Maine to close out the first phase of the Coast Guard site that Nanepashemet Telecom is building. All of the issues with other customers will be handled remotely because my Internet Card works great up there.
In the middle of all this I have to file the Sundance taxes by Friday.
"How will it all get done???" you ask.
Why don't you just pay attention to what you have to do this week, and let me worry about that.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Root Ball

I've been thinking about moving the fir tree in my front lawn for some time now and today was the day. Not sure where that motivation came from, but I put my work boots on and went with the flow.
The tree is about 12' tall with a 4" caliper trunk. I cut the lower branches with my sawzall so that I could dig a ring about 1 1/2 feet around the trunk. The soil was relatively easy to move because of the heavy rains of late around here.
After digging about eighteen inches down around the circumference of the truck I rocked the root ball back and forth until the ball was separated from the surrounding hole. Then I got out my six foot iron crow bar and used it to leverage the root ball onto a dolley.
Archimedes said that if he had a place to stand and a large enough lever, he could move the earth. I don't know about that, but the crow bar worked fine on the root ball.
From there, it was simply to transfer the tree to a hole that I had dug in the corner of my backyard and backfill the tree and the hole in my front lawn.
I know that this isn't particularly fascinating, but nobody made you freaking read this now... did they? I mean... I could have written about how I weed crabgrass, but that would have even bored me.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Olympic Recollections

The Beijing Olympics start tonight. It's the 29th Olympiad.
As a former track athlete, this was always a huge highlight for me. I particularly remember the Mexico City, Munich, and Montreal Olympics.
Then President Jimmy Carter decided to boycott the Moscow Olympics due to the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan. What an idiot, but that's getting off of the subject.
The Russians returned the favor and boycotted the Los Angeles Games four years later.
Carter accomplished nothing but screwing up the lives of athletes who simply wanted to compete against the best, with no other pretense. After Carter made his so called "point" eight years of athletes non-political highest hopes had been dashed. So the ensuing Olympiads were not as memorable to me, and I had to pay attention to making a living anyway.
I remember .....
Jim Ryun losing to Kip Keino in Mexico City in the 1500M.
Dave Wottle with the stupid hat, coming from behind in the 800M,
Dave Hemery, who became a coach at BU, winning the 400M hurdles,
Joan Benoit Samuelson winning the Marathon,
Frank Shorter doing the same with an imposter coming into the stadium before him,
Tommy Smith and John Carlos on the 200M medals stand with their fists raised in the air,
Steve Prefontaine losing the 5000 to the Finn, Laisse Viren, who I always thought was a blood doper.
Al Oerter winning the Discus - for the fourth time,
Jim Toomey and Bruce Jenner winning the Decathlon,
Bob Beamon, popping a 29' long jump, that obliterated the world record by a foot and a half,
Flo Jo Griffith Joyner with her fingernails, winning the 100 and 200m sprints.
Dick Fosbury, reinventing the high jump, with his backwards, "Fosbury Flop" (I actually used this technique to get my earth bound body over a 5'1" high jump bar, which still amazes me, since I could just manage to touch the bottom of the net in basketball.)
Michael Johnson, with his weird backwards slant, winning the 400.
Lots of others......
My brother and I were big track fans, and we knew of all of the athletes and their records in the 60's and 70's. My best track times were 4:30 in the mile and 9:44 in the two mile, and I had a couple of cross country races in high school and college where I exceeded my ability, but I was always a better fan than participant. Since then my interest has waned.
Back then, all of the sprinters were Black and all of the distance guys were White. The jumpers were Black and the throwers were White. There were articles in Sports Illustrated that tried to say that the trends were due to the different muscle fibers found in the races, but time has proven that the classifications are made more around cultural and political lines than biological ones.
Since those analyses, we've seen the Kenyans dominate distance running and many white and Asian sprinters emerge... I think that it really has to do with the priorities and choices available to some groups over the other.
I'm probably opening a can of worms here, so I think that I'll just do a slow fade.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Week 32 POTW
I suppose that's not a stupid question.
After all.... there are no stupid questions... only stupid people who ask the questions.
Every once in awhile, my patience gets severely tested. That's when I thank the good Lord for blessing me with great tolerance and forebearance. But to think that in this advanced period, there are those who still reside in such sheltered, cloistered, and uninformed existences that they ask the ultimate fundamental question.
"What does it take to be named a Peep of the Week?"
Aggravating, isn't it?
Once again... if you've been......
Annoying or Stupid,
You're Not Dead,
You're Not an Animal,
You've given me the Gift of Lagavulin (the King of Scotch) in the past week....
Then there is a slight chance that you may be named a POTW. Of course, you can always take the automatic Lagavulin route, which is the vastly preferred alternative.
The following people have met the criteria for this week's selection.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 32nd week of 2008
Nancy Bruett
Louis Casale
Dennis Fai
Joan Samuelson
Mike Sullivan
Paris Hilton
Now the criteria should be crystal clear.
Wonder Drugs
Casale wants me to take a pill every day to prevent gout, which I am reluctant to do because I'm leery of any side effects, but Casale says that the side effect of not taking the med is that I'll be afflicted with mind numbing gout again.
The guy has a point.
He gives me two prescriptions... one to take the immediate gout pain away, and the other to prevent it's recurrence.
Drugs are a wonderful thing. Four pills later and my toe is fine, and I'm feeling freaking good all over. Dr. Casale is a brilliant man. I can't wait to start taking the rest of the pills.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The Joy of Giving

The Merrimack Football Team is a charity that we have taken heart to, and you would too if you saw those deserving young men dedicated to driving their pointy ended ball into opposing end zones.
Makes me tear up just thinking about it. I'm bringing some of my favorite customers to donate their golf game to this worthy cause.
Happy Birthday Caroline Bruett
Give it hell Caroline! Looking forward to seeing you!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Return to Form
It's pretty accurate.
I really did miss half of June and all of July, due to throwing my back out while lugging the Tender over the mud flats when I got caught at low tide in Marblehead Harbor. By the time my back improved, my gout reoccurred in my right big toe.
But did you see me whining and complaining all the time about all of the pain that I was in???? Pain that would incapacitate the vast majority of lesser men???? No, you didn't.... so once again I humbly assert my inherent superiority over the rest of you.
Anyway, I finally broke the pattern and got on the Cybex late this afternoon. Worked up a good sweat and peddled seven miles. Maybe this stretch will get me to where I can get some runs in again.
This time, I'm going to swear off drinking until I lose at least 20 lbs. That's no Lagavulin, no Dark and Stormies, no Guinness, no Jameson's, no Sam's. I know it sounds harsh, but I've made up my mind and there's no turning back.
- Bud Collins said...
Swear off tennis, too. Please.
- John Nestor said...
- That's it "Buddy Boy" !!!!! I'll bet you a three pack of Penn Championship Extra Duty Felt Balls that I can kick your serve and volley ass. I'll do my talking on the court. Any time, any place.... provided it's two months from today.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Clean Gutters
So I got out the ladders and with a little help from Jim Bob Peabody, then Tommy O, had the extension ladder moving right along across the roof ridge at the front of the house. Cleaned out the gutter, shot in a couple of supporting screws and caulked the gutter seams.
So far, so good.
When I got to the garage gutter, the complications kicked in.
First I ran into a hornets nest and one of the little bastards stung me in my right bicep. God Damn, did that hurt, and it still is sore as hell.
I sprayed the nest, but then the thunder and rain rolled in... a bit of a delay. When the rain stopped, the gutter cleaning proceeded without further incident..... until I got to the gutter at the back of the garage.
Cleaned out that gutter, but the downspout is completely clogged and the gutter is coming off of the fascia board because of extensive rot.
Now I have to remove the gutter, and take out the rotten fascia board. Can't wait to see what the roof joists look like. They are probably pulpy too.
All I wanted to do was clean out the freaking gutters, now I have a sore arm and a semi-major maintenance project. And all of you pathetic peeps think it must be so cool to be me!!!
Fishing by Fright
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Week 31 - Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week
A big part of being the Mountain of a Man that I am, is letting the little people have their say.
A lesser man would have pummeled the hapless "Bud", but I have the God given ability to rise above it all.... be the bigger man.... turn the other cheek.
The fact that Bud is a worthless, wiggling, wimpy, weenie doesn't give me the right to shut him down by taking the last word. That would be unsuitable on my part. So enjoy your last word, "Bud", you pathetic POS!!!!
Speaking of unsuitable....... time for the insidious weekly selection.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 31st week of 2008
Jeremy Johnson
Charlie Jellison
Jim Peabody
Jack Henderson
Manny Ramirez
Mike McLellan
Time to resume living and let living.
"I likes to go swimmin' with bowlegged women and swims between their legs, swims between there legs, o swim betweens their legs . . ." oh ascuse my little ditty, I was just ponderin' how Willie Clinton is kickin' hisself fer selectin' that Al Gore ninny he run with. Shoulda got hisself an office mate he could play grab ass with like this Sarah gal, wearing her hot pants and toting a double ought, he'd a had a big ole party and kept that feller hillary off his back. Shucks, titties and guns, throw in some bourbon and take out, you got yerself the life of, well, Tuna Lips, heh heh heh. I'm gone, see ya, wouldn't wanta be ya!