Sunday, May 14, 2017


Happy Mothers Day.
Recently I was de-friended on FACEBOOK by a Mom who disagreed with my stance on Planned Parenthood.

She said that as a man, I had no idea what it is like to have an unwanted pregnancy.

Which is absolutely true.

Then she said that Planned Parenthood provided many health services for women.  I told her that they didn't perform mammograms, which she disputed.

I asked her what she thought about PP selling body parts of aborted babies.  No opinion on that.

I told her that I supported her right to have an abortion, but not as a form of birth control or convenience, and unless performed under the most extreme circumstances, it is immoral.

She made a sour face. 

She said she still likes me even though she defriended me.

I told her that I had no problem with being defriended, because she is a Whack Job Liberal.

It was a lovely conversation.

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