Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Emergency

Those of you who know me best, know that I'm a tolerant person.... willing to live and let live..... with an appreciation of diversity and my fellow man.
Why is it then, that I feel such seething hatred for these irritating assholes on Channel 5 Eyewitness News this morning who are trying to make a major issue over a few freaking snowflakes???
When did a snowstorm emolt into highly charged news in New England?
We've had the Governor on the line, and some asshole from the Town of Marblehead called me at 9:00PM last night with a computerized message about the "Emergency Blizzard".
The "Emergency" is not the freaking snow... it's having to put up with these egotistical assholes who have nothing better to talk about.
I suppose this post sounds a little grouchy, and maybe it is, but I'm not in the mood for silly bullshit this morning.  We'll be firing up the new snowblower soon enough.

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