Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Henry the Cat

A lot of you have been asking how Henry, our new 1 year old cat that we bought from the Salem Shelter, is doing.
At first, the feline was acting skittish and hid under the bed whenever you came in... that was two weeks ago.
Now, I am presently experiencing the rare instance when Henry is not laying across my arms, preventing me from typing on this laptop.
Joanne and I have had cats most of our married lives, but this one is crazy affectionate.  Really in your face, notice me, purrball affectionate.
Naturally, Joanne is a little put out that Henry prefers sitting on my lap, but to a cool cat like Henry, a MOAM lap is hard to resist.

Doug said...
Creepy... on Henry the Cat

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Matinicus Double Ender

At Rest by Christine Coombs

At right is Christine Coombs' painting of her family's  Matinicus Double Ender, Freedom which was refurbished by Duck Trap Woodworking of Lincolnville Beach, Maine.
These boats were originally designed and used for lobstering off of Matinicus Island.  It's said that they were inspired by the canoes used by the Passamaquoddy Indians in Maine. 
The Passamaquoddy's were warlike and used to paddle down the coast all the way to Massachusetts to attack the peaceful and agricultural Pawtuckets and Naumkeags.
There is a nice Matinicus moored near Brown's Island in Marblehead Little Harbor.
I bought a set of plans to build a 12 footer a few years ago, and just pulled them out again.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Speaker Thomas McGee of Lynn

Tom McGee, former Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, passed away this week from Alzheimer's Disease. He was 88 years old.

McGee from Lynn was a tough, cigar chomping,  ex-Marine and was an old style politician who believed in helping people.   He was completely unpretentious and didn't tolerate fools or phonies.
During his heyday in Massachusetts, the Governor's Office was held by Michael Dukakis, who was a well spoken academic liberal, adored by the Boston Globe.  McGee wasn't.   He and Senate President Billy Bulger were held in contempt by the Globe which held a great deal of sway in that pre-Internet era. 
The Globe had no use for straight talking, no bullshit political operatives that they couldn't intellectually control in those days, and that is precisely what McGee was.
When I had the ambition to become the Executive Director of the Lynn Housing Authority, I had a strange intuition to call the Speaker's Office and ask to talk to McGee.  I was 28 years old at the time, but remember precisely where I was as I miraculously picked up the phone and dialed his number without even checking the telephone book.   The number just appeared in my head, and I dialed it, even though I never had called him before.   That is a true story and even I have always been significantly weirded out by it.
McGee got right on the line, and I blurted out to him that I was interested in the job and would appreciate if he could give me his support.   He said he'd get back to me, and that was it.   Less than a minute on the phone.    
Two weeks later, I was the Lynn Housing Authority Executive Director.   I was young, naive and not a little bit stupid, but aggressively worked that job until I ran afoul of the state regulatory bureaucracy when I asked them to restore local control to the Authority.  They were hell bent on having the state community affairs office run the Lynn Housing Authority
In a showdown meeting in Speaker McGee's office, complete local control was restored after I demonstrated the physical and financial improvements that had been made in my first year there.
Throughout my three year tenure at the Housing Authority, I was accused of shilling for McGee for units and jobs, but he never put the arm on me to do any of that political stuff..... except once, when I laid off a painter who was his AA sponsor.  I didn't even know of the guy's relationship with McGee when the layoffs went down. McGee got me on the line and ripped me a new one for 30 seconds, then slammed the phone down.   So.... against the union rules and state regulations, I promptly put the painter back on the payroll.   Never a peep from anyone.... not the state bureaucrats, the union stewards..... nobody.
McGee was really proud of being the Speaker and loved to show you his office at the State House.   Grand ceilings and ornate wood paneling.   He served longer than any person in that highly volatile position and was crucial in helping the State maintain fiscal solvency when the Dukakis Massachusetts Miracle hit the skids.
I attended a Mayor's meeting once with a Dukakis transportation bureaucrat named Fred Salvucci, who was pining away on state process and policy when McGee finally had enough, slammed his fist on the conference table in the Lynn Mayor's office and yelled, " You tell your fucking boss the Governor, that Lynn gets this funding and I've got the fucking votes."   The Dukakis intellectual was stunned and the meeting was abruptly concluded.
Peter DeVeau and I sat in the back of the room, glanced at each other and suppressed even a smirk at this awesome shutdown by McGee, who so inelegantly stated what we we both thinking.
McGee was upended in the House by George Keverian of Everett who put together a coup and got the Speakership votes.   He still had a year or so to go on his State Representative term but he had to move out of the posh Speaker's Office and took a desk in the State House basement amid the exposed pipes with other freshman reps.
Harvey Rowe and I went to visit him down there, and I felt really bad to see him in those surroundings that were obviously meant to embarrass him, but he was his genuine self and was pleased that we had taken the time to look him up.
A while ago, I ran into Bob Fennell, State Rep from Lynn who told me that the job isn't like it used to be.  "You really can't do anything for anybody," Bob said, lamenting a time when guys like McGee would cut through the red tape and make the system work.
I always felt that I made a contribution in Lynn... at the Lynn Housing Authority, when I got grants to rehab all of the units, eliminated the graft and corruption from the budget and spending,  and brought fairness back into the process of getting a public housing unit.    After three years, that agency had been turned around, was being touted as a model for the State,  and I entered entrepreneurial business, which is a whole other story.
Maybe I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get that job without asking for Speaker McGee's sponsorship.   He didn't know me at the time.  I was the Deputy Director at the Lynn Community Development Department and had never even shaken his hand.   But I asked for his help and he gave it.
And it makes you wonder how many other people in his wide sphere of influence around Lynn and Massachusetts are thanking him in their prayers for the opportunities that he tilted for them as well.
Thank you for helping me Mr. Speaker.
They don't make them like you anymore.  

Monday, December 31, 2012

Nanepashemet Peep of the Year - 2013

It's that magical time of year again, Peeps.....
At the stroke of midnight, the reign of Kerry Russell D'Orio as the 2012 Peep of the Year comes to a crashing end, and the power shifts to a new, hapless yet fortuitous POTY.
As you now should be so painfully aware, the Peep of the Year selection criteria is identical to the weekly standard held for the POTW.
The successful candidate must ....

Have been either particularly annoying or inspirational,
Not be an Animal,
And not be Dead.
That leaves the field pretty wide open.
There are also a couple side rules that bear mentioning...  You can never ask who the POTY is going to be, and if you suggest a POTY, that candidate is banned from the award/disgrace.   And the most important criteria of all.... You can never ask why the candidate was chosen.  That is an immutable, final rule.
Pretty simple, but you would be amazed at how many Peeps can't seem get this simple criteria straight.
Usually, the Peep of the Year experiences events during his/her reigning year that are life transforming.   Sometimes this is obvious, and other times is it is imperceptable.  In the case of reigning POTY, Kerry, she did seem to blossom this year in her steadfast committment to Motherhood, Republicans, and Brendt.
This year will bring change to the new POTY as well.
Many of you think that you know the reason for this choice, and you may be right, but can never be certain.
The Peep of the Year for 2013 is.....
Use your Power Wisely, Brady.

Feel free to Congratulate/Console Brady for this ultimate Honor/Disgrace.
It will be a memorable  Year for him and for us as well.
Brady now joins an elite cadre of individuals whose lives will never be the same.

  • Tom McMahon ~ 2007
  • Lauren Rathbone ~ 2008
  • Michael "Murph" Murphy ~ 2009
  • Jeremy Johnson ~ 2010
  • Tommy O'Shea ~ 2011
  • Kerry D'Orio ~ 2012
  • Brady Boyle ~ 2013

  • ~
    Congrats Brady. I can't believe looking at the dates that I have been reading this blog for six years, time flies.   ~  Lauren Rathbone

    Brady Boyle Said....
    My oh my, holy crap what an honor,
    The Peep of the Year title is nothing to ponder.
    Without hesitation I gladly accept,
     The responsibilities ahead will all soon be met.
    To Kerry D’Orio, your time has passed,
    You served the post well, but now kiss my ass.
    The Mayans were wrong, there's nothing to fear,
    Hope everyone else has one hell of a year.
    POTY Poetry -
    I don't know about you Peeps, but this has got me all misty eyed.
    You have begun your Reign well, Brady.

    Saturday, December 29, 2012

    New Year's Resolution - 2013

    So many of you Peeps have been nagging me to disclose my New Year's resolutions.
    I can tell you that one of my key resolutions is to be more patient with your foibles and annoying requests.  So I'm not as irritated with your pesky probings as I normally would be.
    I guess I could wait until Tues. to lay out my 2013 resolutions, but I have them all in tow right now, so I might as well drop some heavy duty, Mountain of a Man, Wisdom on you in this posting.
    Simply stated, I'd like to dedicate the entire year of 2013 to a singular effort.   To take each moment in it's present, without judgement.

    That means, I will strive not to label everything that happens with a past experience.  Nor will I define the present based upon the concerns of what might happen in the future.
    If the present moment suggests action, I will move forward.  If it suggests restraint, I will hold back.  Both with the faith that the present circumstance is the cosmic best of all possible outcomes. 
    The Sages tell us that perfect joy is the natural order of things, and the harmony of joy rests in the present moment.  
    So my resolution is to stay focused on the present, and trust that the present will provide harmony, joy and abundance amid a chaotic and constantly changing world.
    This doesn't mean that you'll see me sitting around with a sappy smile on my face all day.   It means that I won't be chastising myself when I am angry, or lazy, or stupid.  I will be accepting those states as the natural reaction to the present without judgement.
    If this doesn't work out, I can always revert to my normal cantankerous, abrasive self in 2014.

    Progressive Herd

    Congressman Ed Markey has announced for the Senate Seat being vacated by the elite John Kerry.   Kerry gave his blessing to the notion.
    So that's it Dems.   Herd yourselves to the Polls to make it official.   And please try to end these incessant "Baa, Baa, Baa" utterances.
    You may act like sheep, but you don't have to bleat like them.
    And I wish you wouldn't  call yourselves "Progressives".   That's just another perfectly good term gone down the shithole.
    But then you'll have to deal with the evil Scott Brown.  More people voted for Brown when he lost to the Indian than when he beat Martha Coakley.  The Presidential vote and tons of national "Progressive" money brought a high tide of votes for the Warren Cherokee Lady, so our boy Scott came up on the short end.   But that's no guarantee that Markey won't get the Coakley treatment from Scott Brown.
    So the Elite Progressives can't just swat him away.  Very Inconvenient.

    Friday, December 28, 2012

    Hapless Helmsman

    The so called "Fiscal Cliff" is a construct of the Federal Government.  It was created by the Feds, and now the big drama to avoid it is being carried out by the Feds.
    It is a series of laws that they can legislate away.... just like the way they spend your money on massive amounts of debt that they have no right to accrue.
    Don't you feel like the state of the US Federal Budget is a runaway juggernaut, and that nobody has the balls or expertise to take the helm?    The President is the Leader.  It is ultimately his responsibility.  History will never even footnote who was the Speaker of the House when the ship went up on the rocks.

    Thursday, December 27, 2012

    POTY Roll Call

    • Tom McMahon ~ 2007
    • Lauren Rathbone ~ 2008
    • Michael "Murph" Murphy ~ 2009
    • Jeremy Johnson ~ 2010
    • Tommy O'Shea ~ 2011
    • Kerry D'Orio ~ 2012
    • ???????????~ 2013
    Who will it Be!????
    This is Freaking Bewildering.

    Getting Platonic

    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
    ~ Plato

    The old Greek is on to something, isn't he?
    No matter who you are, you have your problems... and everybody that you look at has theirs.   So don't try to pile your shit onto others.  Shoulder your responsibilites.  Face your adversities.
    At least you are not alone.

    Monday, December 24, 2012

    Acquired Taste

    I took Joanne and Grandsons Will and Ethan over to the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem yesterday, and we came home with Henry, a 1 year old, short haired, Black cat.
    Henry pooped and peed in the litterbox last night, but other than that, he seems to hate us and has stayed hidden since we brought him back to the Sundance house.
    Whatever Henry.
    The Nestor Family is an acquired taste, as many of you Peeps can testify.  It takes a while.

    Rockport New Construction Opportunity

    $591,600 - 0 South Street in Rockport - 7.71 Residential acres (335847 sq.ft.)

    Nanepashemet MLS Search Engine ~781-727-6516 ~ jnestor@nanepashemet.com

    Merry Christmas

    Sunday, December 23, 2012

    POTW Week 51

    Do you hear that steady Thud, Thud, Thud in the background?
    That's the drums beating for the nomination to the year's Peep of the Year.   The reigning POTY, Kerry Russell D'Orio's special year is almost up, and she will shortly be passing her crown to another fortunate yet hapless Peep.
    Who will it be????  You know I can't answer that, yet the choice is so freaking clear this year that I can't believe that you don't already know.

    Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 51st Week of 2012

    Mayor Tom Mennino
    Joanna Stanton
    Tony DeFillipo
    Bob Wojcik
    Alex Watts
    Jill Phillips

    Christmas shopping is done, but I'm thinking to going over to the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem and getting a cat to start off the New Year and celebrate our continuing survival.

    Saturday, December 22, 2012

    Joy of Giving

    With three days to Christmas, I'd like to wind things down... ratchet back a bit.   But I have a ton of Nanepashemet Telecom financials to get out before the end of the year, and haven't gotten any substantial shopping done.
    Glad that the Mayan prediction was a bust.
    So now we can empty our wallets and experience the joy of giving.

    Friday, December 21, 2012

    Beat Back Buzz Kill

    With only a few hours to go... I think we made it.
    The only disaster seems to be President Obama's nomination of John Kerry for Secretary of State.
    Although the huge silver lining on this is the chance to see our man, Scott Brown, get the seat that he was outspent on by the first ever Native American Senator from Massachusetts, WhatsHerName.
    I hope he runs.
    Other than that, the nation gets to see our boy, "Do You Know Who I Am" Jawn "Purple Heart" Kerry wield his lovable , entitled self on the international stage.
    Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Dems.  At least we beat those buzz killing Mayans square in their tracks.

    Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Doomsday Prediction

    With the Mayan last day set for tomorrow, I guess I should sound in on the Doomsday predictions.
    Peeps... I'm not scared.   It takes more than a Mayan and his stone calendar to run a shiver up the spine of this Mountain of a Man.
    And I'm no Prepper. Won't see me stocking a concrete bunker in the backyard.  If everything goes haywire, I'll be looting and scavaging like the rest of you Bastards.  I won't be trying to fend off Peeps trying to steal my hoard, because I'll be out there trying to steal yours.
    But I kind of hope that I can scarf up a case of Scotch, build a bonfire, and sing Kumbaya at the top of my lungs with any hapless Peep that wanders near.   Then I will find a boat, and go for a long row.
    Someday this world is going to come to an end.
    But not yet, Peeps.    Not yet.

    Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    Want v. Need

    There is a difference between want and need in our society.
    And the firearms control issue illustrates this perfectly.
    I feel like a jerk saying that at least one teacher in Newtown should have been able to bear a concealed weapon.  It's not something I want, but it obviously is something that was needed.
    I don't want teachers to have weapons... I don't want anyone to have weapons.... but this isn't a wish for "world peace" at a beauty pageant.
    Until we can control the mentally ill, and the sociopaths, and the criminals... we need to arm ourselves.
    This is an imperfect, flawed society.  You have to deal with reailty, and take responsibility for your needs rather than wish them away, or delegate to others.

    Monday, December 17, 2012

    Smith and Wesson BodyGuard 380

    At first I was moved at President Obama's speech in Newtown.  But then he said that "we haven't done enough" and "we must change".
    Sorry Peeps.... that is classic Bullshit.  It is not our fault if lightning strikes.  And more people would die if you banned lightning rods because they attracted lightning.
    I'm sure that a lot of people smarter than me could poke holes in this analogy, but my fear is that the knee jerk reaction of Obamanistas will be to try to take legal firearms away from law abiding citizens, when the reseach  shows that to defend ourselves, and lessen crime, more firearms, responsibly licensed, is the answer.
    I'm all for banning automatic assault weapons - the guns with large bullet firing capacity that spray hundreds of rounds as the trigger is depressed.   Here in Massachusetts, and also in Connecticut, this is the case.   There is no need for this type of firepower in the public domain.
    But I'm also in favor of arming responsible citizens with concealed handguns.  In Massachusetts, you can't have a magazine of more than seven rounds.   But this would have been enough to halt the mental case in Newtown.
    Somehow, I don't think that our President had in mind that we must "change" by developing programs to insure that our citizens can defend themselves and their children.   I fear that he will call for measures that will make us more vulnerable and put our families in greater danger.
    Brave teachers in Newtown put themselves in the line of fire to save their students.  Their only weapon was the flesh of their bodies.  What if just one of them had a Smith and Wesson BodyGuard 380 and knew how to use it responsibly?
    We can't wish or legislate that sociopaths and criminals don't harm ourselves and our families.  Unfortunately, in this imperfect world, we have to take realistic measures.

    Sunday, December 16, 2012

    Non-Political, Common Sense

    Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School:

    TURN OFF THE NEWS.......

Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
    "You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
    It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed  people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

    CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

    You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."


    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    POTW Week 50

    I had a birthday celebration with the family last week, where I was presented with my favorite gift, Lagavulin 16 year old Single Malt Scotch by my kids and their significant others.

    Usually, when someone makes this special effort, it is singular in purpose and designed to attain the status of being named as an Automatic Peep of the Week.   But this is clearly a group effort, so it's the first group nomination... probably ever.
    Peeps of the Week for the 50th Week of 2012

    Ryan Nestor
    Katelyn Nestor
    Mike Nestor
    Brady Boyle
    Pam Georgian
    Kim Hause

    Birthdays at my age can be depressing events.  This definitely took the glint off.