Monday, October 15, 2012

Stepping Out

As some of you know, I am on a Mission from God to lose weight for Katelyn's wedding eleven months from now.
So Far, I've been hitting the machines at the YMCA with some regularity, and my pants definitely feel a little looser.
But I've kept away from getting on the scale and weighing myself until this morning.
When I finally got around to stepping on the digital scale, the weight reading was..... OM Freaking G!!!!
Let's just say that I can't imagine peeling off all those lbs.  We'll have to reduce every body part.
As Lao Tzu said, "A Journey of Ten Thousand Miles begins with a Single Step."
This will take quite a few steps.
A fitting challenge for a Mountain of a Man.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nanepashemet Fact Checking

Mike Rockett posted this photo on Facebook yesterday and it is a bit troublesome.
Someone back in the 1930's obviously missed the mark by calling Sachem Nanepashemet a Nipmuc.
He was the Sachem of the Naumkeag Band of the Massachusetts tribe that actually lived  in Marblehead where this sign is set.   Or to be more accurate, this was a primary village location.  The Indians would seasonally migrate to other locations within their region and Nanepashemet died in a fortress that he built in Medford.
He ruled the region from the Charles River in Boston to the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth and north to Indians in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
The Nipmucs were allies of Nanepashemet and resided in Central Mass around Worcester and Grafton.  Nanepashemet sent his wife and children to live with the Nipmucs when he was under attack by the Tarratines/Micmac of the upper Maine Coast and Nova Scotia.   The Tarratines were bent on revenge to Nanepashemet because he had aided the Penobscots in Southern Maine who were at war with the Tarratines.  All the while his people were being ravaged by smallpox that they had been exposed to by European fisherman who were plying these shores before the Pilgrims landed in 1620.
Nanepashemet's family escaped the disease because he had relocated them to live with the Nipmuc's and he was not affected because he was isolated in his war fortress in Medford (located behind the present site of Medford High School).
The fort was eventually breached by the Tarratines in 1619 and the great Sachem, Nanepashemet, known as New Moon to his people because of his proclivity to take walks at night,  was killed.
Sucks to be the Chief, I guess.
But his wife, known only as Squaw Sachem ruled the remants of his territory along with his three sons until 1669 when she was felled by a stroke.  She remarried a chief from the Musketaquids of Concord, but was the uncontested ruler of her people until her death.  There is a mural depicting her in the Winchester Town Hall and she is reported to be buried somewhere in present day Winchester.
Wouldn't you think that the Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission would have checked the facts before they cast this metal commemorative sign?  I wonder if Liz Warren was on that Commission?

Deck Gaze Demand

Apparently, Tommy O, former POTY, was seen up at the Gerry 5 Club last Friday night flashing photos of his new Nanepashemet Deck.
As long as that was all he was flashing, then no harm, no foul.
Can't blame Tommy though.  We went over to Home Depot yesterday to get the Lattice stock which will trim out the below deck area and are ready to call for a final code inspection to close this project out.  The deck looks the Balls.
Plus the good part is that the rate of trespassers entering his property to gaze at this exhibit of Nanepashemet deck perfection has gotten down to acceptable levels.  You can't really stop people from trying.... it's like telling Muslims to stay out of Mecca.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Creepy Reality

Not for nothing, but if you represent a big Insurance Company like Travelers in a Lawsuit, you are not working for the people that are suing the Travelers Insurance Company.  D'uh  Really?
Then Professor Pow Wow Warren herds up some people who are stupid enough to believe that she went to the Supreme Court to represent them, and gets them to say condemning things about Senator Scott Brown.
Some of us are stupid, and some of us are "BAAA BAAA shear off my wool" really freaking sheep-style stupid.
When the Nanepashemet Revolution comes, and you rise up to proclaim me as  Emperor of the United States and its Allies, and Territories, I will make such sheep herding efforts as illegal and subject to the supreme punishment of making perps like Liz continuously watch reruns of Joe Biden debates until they either puke or plead for mercy.
Plus, I will make the charges retroactive to comdemn Liz.  That's how much I abhore this dishonesty.
Direct from the MOAM to Liz....

"Professor, if you want to be a US Senator, go for it, but don't go creating some phoney Indian, middle class fighter personality and claiming that you are it.  Be yourself, Pro.....  A carpet bagger Cantabridgian wannabee, who lied to Harvard by saying you are a non-white minority, and makes a household income of 3/4 of a Million Bucks from that institute of Uppity Moonbats then complains about the cost of higher education.... who represents major corporations as a lawyer without a license, and  is in lockstep with our Indonesian POTUS."
Peeps... here is the creepy reality.   There are a host of people in Massachusetts who eat a heaping helpful of Warren Bullshit and support her dishing out more.
That is freaking Hallowneen season creepy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Political Overeating

I'm getting sick of politics.
Grown adults twisting the facts, or making outright misrepresentations and lies, in an effort to garner votes from an electorate that they are trying to herd and manipulate.
Some are worse than others.  Some are downright dispicable the way they seem to talk down to us and treat us like imbeciles who can't see through the Bullshit they send our way.
That said, I'm still going to watch the Vice Presidential debate tonight.
It's kind of like continuing to eat when you are not hungry anymore.
Not Good.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Pulling Out the Card

With less than a month to go in the Presidential Election, Romney is on the offensive, gaining ground, and the Lefties are screaming foul.   If what he says makes sense, he must be lying according to these pundits of leftest propaganda.
The gloves will be coming off as Romney gets depicted as a despicable human being, incapable of the truth......   a Lying, Racist, Low Life Mormon.  You watch how this plays out.
The Dems have to endure a performance by the Vice President, Joe Biden, who could douse their cause with gasoline and light it up with one of his classic, facts be damned gaffes.
What's your favorite Biden Gaffe?
Mine is the classic below...
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened." –Joe Biden, apparently unaware that FDR wasn't president when the stock market crashed in 1929 and that only experimental TV sets were in use at that time, interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 22, 2008 (Watch video clip)
I love the way Biden just reaches reaches deep and pulls shit right out of his ass to use as facts.  This is the Vice President of the United States, a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world.  But then again, we have a community organizer who currently has that job, so how bad could Biden be.
It will be quite remarkable if our unstable second in command doesn't plunge the Dems a little further down in the polls before BO has to face another debate without teleprompter soon.
I almost feel bad for those unbiased folks over at MSNBC.  They are so close to popping  a vein.  And Peeps ..... they will be rolling out the race card big time pretty soon.  This is coming or I'm not a Rough, Tough, Hard to Bluff, and Damn Good Lookin' Mountain of a Man.
You heard it here first on the Nanepashemet Blog.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

POTW Week 40

For the 4th day in a row, I've hit the gym for a rigorous workout on the aerobic  and weight machines.  Peeps, you may think the Mountain of a Man is a pinnacle of fitness, but you would be wrong.  Even I have to tone up from time to time in order to maintain peak MOAM condition.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 40th Week of 2012

Kerry D'Orio
Peter Lojko
Fletcher Boyle
Will Murray
Harvey Rowe
Mitt Romney
Plus now I can chow down with impunity and watch the Patriots take on Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos.

New Menu Item

I know that many of you think that my culinary skill is limited to Buffalo Wings, Macaroni and Cheese, and White Trash Balls.
Fair enough.
I do prepare these delicacies at a professional grade level... but today I will be broadening my horizons for the Patriots Game Dinner with Chicken Marsala over Penne.
Sometimes, being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to expand the menu.
Man cannot live on White Trash Balls alone.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Helpless Degradation

Yes Peeps, I did get in the workout at the Y this morning ... despite a bit of irritation.
There are a lot of pretty women working out there, but when I work out, rest assured that it is all business.   But as I was pedaling away on the elliptical trainer, I could sense the women staring at me... especially at my ass in motion.
Pretty annoying being eyed like a piece of meat.   Downright degrading.
And then when I would whip around and check who was starring, they would immediately avert their gaze in a vague attempt to act as if they were not fixated on my sweaty backside.
Naturally, I depend on my Mountain of a Man capabilities to maintain a civil decor in this situation.
I will try not to let this degradation inhibit my fitness activities in the future.  They really can't help themselves.

Saturday Plan

More work this weekend, processing orders at sizzling hot Nanepashemet Telecom.  I don't mind, but it's not like my cash position will be improving with daughter Kate's wedding plans.
Not complaining.  She's the best daughter in the world and my hope is that she and Brady will supply me with Depends and other staples as I pass through my Golden Years not so long from now.
So this wedding is really an investment in the future.
But back to this weekend... I plan to take a break from the Nanepashemet work at some point and get in an intensive workout at the YMCA.  They have some healthy looking staff there who appear to be trained in the use of a defibrillator, so I'm really going to let it rip.   Some cardio machine for 45 minutes, then upper body weight work, then I will try to remember how to shoot a basketball for a cool down.
God willing, that defibrillator will stay attached to the wall during my stay.
High tide is at 4:00PM and at some point, I have to get to the WhaleEye and de-boat all of the boat beers, beverages and that bottle of Lagavulin that is doing me no good floating in Salem Harbor.
We have important plans for this evening too, which I'm not going to tell you about.
But what the hell are you reading this for????  Get your own freaking Saturday Plans.

Friday, October 05, 2012

Snickering Indonesians

Before dinner tonight at the Dolphin Yacht Club with the Johnsons, we went over to Ryan's apartment where we met up with Brendt and Kerry (POTY) D'Orio.
Seems that Kerry has ordered some Yoga Pants from the Nanepashemet Clothing line and found them a little snug.
Damn those Indonesians!!!!!  I put some real American money into their apparel sweat shops, and this is the thanks I get.
I specifically told those SOB's to go generous with the threads and make these pants a little easier on the derrierre.
But these obstinate bastards get a huge kick out of the thought of American Women jamming their asses into pants that are just too damn tight.
Wouldn't you be pissed if you were me????
I swear to the Baby Jesus, if I have to fly to Jakarta, I will get these pants right. 
If Kerry thought they were cool, millions will follow and I can't afford a bunch of snickering Indonesians to cut into this profit margin.

Mitt has Momentum

Turns out that Mitt Romney so trounced President Obama in the debate, that his supporters can only say that Romney was "lying".
Let me see if I understand this position.
You get up and speak in front of 50 million people and think that you can get your points across by lies..... with the Liberal Mainstream Media fact checking every thing you say.
@Libs, Lefties and Phonies.... I don't think so.
And to our esteemed ex-VP Al Gore (inventor of the Internet), who said that Obama was affected by the altitude (no Joke).... I must retort.  Wasn't Mitt at the same altitude????
When are people going to see Gore as the crazy Moonbat that he is?
Romney slammed Obama with details and facts in a manner that suggests that he obviously commands the subject and is the most qualified candidate.
If I were Obama, I would cancel the next two debates and keep running those stupid ads about how Romney doesn't care about half of the population and only wants to help Wall Street and Millionaires.  BO's only chance is if people ignore the facts and believe this bullshit.
Mitt has Momentum.  31 days to go.