Friday, October 05, 2012

Mitt has Momentum

Turns out that Mitt Romney so trounced President Obama in the debate, that his supporters can only say that Romney was "lying".
Let me see if I understand this position.
You get up and speak in front of 50 million people and think that you can get your points across by lies..... with the Liberal Mainstream Media fact checking every thing you say.
@Libs, Lefties and Phonies.... I don't think so.
And to our esteemed ex-VP Al Gore (inventor of the Internet), who said that Obama was affected by the altitude (no Joke).... I must retort.  Wasn't Mitt at the same altitude????
When are people going to see Gore as the crazy Moonbat that he is?
Romney slammed Obama with details and facts in a manner that suggests that he obviously commands the subject and is the most qualified candidate.
If I were Obama, I would cancel the next two debates and keep running those stupid ads about how Romney doesn't care about half of the population and only wants to help Wall Street and Millionaires.  BO's only chance is if people ignore the facts and believe this bullshit.
Mitt has Momentum.  31 days to go.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Liberal Ass Whupping

I didn't get to see the Presidential Debate tonight, but I listened to it as I drove the 3hr. drive back from a New Haven County Zoning Hearing (where I emerged victorious in standard MOAM style).
From what I heard though, Mitt kicked Barach's lefty liberal ass with his facts, logic and style.
Course, I make this judgement from a thoroughly unbiased, independent and non-judgemental standpoint... a stance I learned by watching Rachel MadDog Madow on  MSNBC.
I'm no psychic, but I have had a vision of George Democratontopofus declaring BO as the victor on ABC Good Morning America tomorrow.   Next thing you know, I'll be talking to dead people.
I kaint define sodermy, but I knows it when I sees it. Barry needed a napkin after that seshun.
at 8:43 PM

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Debate Outcome

Haven't I told you how out straight we are at Nanepashemet Telecom?  Working tireless for hours on end to fulfill the 4th quarter push?  Then why were so many of you constantly pestering me today... asking my opinion on who won the Brown v. Warren debate????
I don't have time to explain the obvious to you time after time, all day long.
It is my fervent hope that some of you can be weaned from this Blog someday and actually form your own feeble yet pathetic opinions.... and not lean on me for continual  insight into every political aspect of this exciting Senatorial contest.
And don't be baiting me with questions like whether it still bothers me that Warren claims she is a Native American (pc for Indian) and that her grandparents forced her mother and father to elope because of their hatred for the Red Man.  Liz should be credited for distancing herself from these racist relatives.
By all things Nanepashemet, Native Americans are inspirational to me, but I regret to say that they seem to lose their cache by the time that the blood is diluted to the 1/32 level that Warren claims to carry around.
I can't say who won the debate, but I can say that Elizabeth Warren is a liar, and liar's turn into losers.   Scratch that.... Scott kicked her lying ass.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Liberal Feline Bureaucrats

We've had cats all of our married adult life.... from Mingo who we got from a farm in Hadley, MA a month into our marriage, to Roenick pictured below in the driveway, who used to follow us to the neighbors houses up and down Beverly Ave. and wait for us outside to walk us home, all of our cats were healthy, happy and spent a lot of time outdoors.
It is my considered opinion as an experienced and seasoned Feline observer that to keep a cat imprisoned in a house is cruel punishment and against the natural order of things.   Over the years, one cat got hit by a car, one was poisoned accidentally by the next door neighbor, one went away for two weeks only to crawl home with feline leukemia and die within hours, and a number saw their end at the Marblehead Veterinarian's Office after a full feline complement of years.
Owning a cat is a pain in the ass, because you end up caring for them as much as a kid, and then you outlive them in 15 years or so.
So when the Grandkids wanted us to get a kitten, Joanne and I headed over to the Marblehead animal shelter on Village St.  to adopt.   They were charging $180 bucks, but I figured that I was there so that was the deal.
Then we had to fill out an application, and they wanted to check our references.  Then, they asked if the cat would be let outdoors, because they wouldn't allow any cat to be adopted that was subject to coyotes or cars on the street.  In other words. they are in control of these poor indigent felines, and they know best.
I was polite though, as I sensed a certain "save the whales" essence starting to permeate the room.  We exited and I told Joanne that we wouldn't be supporting their little kitty fiefdom with a purchase and would find a cat elsewhere.
Felt a little bad because I did like some of the cats and seemed to make a connection with one of them.
Then last night, I get a call for my "interview to adopt".
When I explained to the nice lady who seemed to know best all things feline that I felt that keeping a cat indoors was cruel, the conversation veered off quickly with a mutual declaration that "we have different philosophies."
Indeed we do, and I bet cats are not the extent of it.
If she doesn't have an Elizabeth Warren sign outside of her cat filled house, I'll be shocked.

Our basset hound is from the Salem shelter. They pull the same stuff but once you put down $250 for the free shelter dog that no one else wants well they become convinced that you understand the rules and will follow them. True Americans.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Work and French

I don't like to work on the weekends... Business style work I mean.   The weekends are for diversion, like fishing or building Tommy O's deck.  But this weekend, I had to devote extensively to Nanepashemet Telecom.  The orders are piling in, which normally happens in the 4th quarter of the corporate world and we have to rise to meet the challenge.  Which we will... MOAM style of course.
I did sneak a couple of peeks at the Patriots game and also visited Ryan in his new apartment.   And got in some good firearms talk with Brendt D'Orio since that seems to be the topic de jour.   (that's French for topic of the day.)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Red Squirrels and Dead Squirrels

Got a ton of response from you Peeps about which new piece I should purchase to add to my obsolete firearms collection that my Grandfather handed down to me.
When I think of how my Grandfather used to sleep with a loaded pistol under his pillow, and thought nothing of leaving me as a ten year old kid out on the side porch up in his Maine cabin with a .22 calibre rifle telling me to "shoot the phucking red squirrels" that he hated so much.... it's hard to believe that I turned out as such a  well rounded, overall nice person.
Grampa backed me off of this squirrel duty after I put a round through his shed and splintered a rug on his wooden ladder.... plus I missed the phucking squirrel.
I know that this is starting to sound like a Tuna Lips vignette, but it really happened.
Anyway.... I had no idea there were so many Glock and Smith & Wesson afficionados out there.  I was originally set on a Glock 19 or 23.  Now I'm leaning heavily on the Smith & Wesson 38 or 380.
Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions, but I'm more confused than ever.
Maybe I'll just keep cleaning Gramps old collection.

If you're truly interested in plinking squirrels, I'd suggest the Barrett .50 caliber. It's the only thing I use AND it quite effectively gets rid of them. It also gets rid of any loose hanging branches as well.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Permit Breakthroughs

Lately Peeps... Nanepashement Telecom has taken the science of Zoning permitting to new levels.
We have been pulling massive amounts of permits using a range of new and exciting techniques.
Naturally, I can't disclose these techniques in that they are trade secrets and company confidential, but rest assured that they are wicked effective... allowing us to pull multiple permits in one visit and completely manipulating the outcomes of zoning hearings.
We may have to seek the services a patent attorney soon.

Glock v. S&W

The handguns and hunting rifles that my grandfather left for me are cool, but are starting to seem really old and dated.   I take one or two of them to the firing range every couple of months, but they are really antiques and I thought that I might want to impress the guys at the gun club with a new composite Glock 23.
But a close friend of mine, and the guy at the Fireams store today talked me out of the Glock and pointed to good old Smith and Wesson as the direction that I should head in for the use intended.
Plus Smith and Wesson is manufactured in Springfield, MA, while Glock is an Austrian company.   So I'll be zeroing in on an S&W model to update the family arsenal, and doing my part to help abate the United States trade imbalance.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Racist Grandparents

I've been trying to get over my obsession with US Senate Candidate, Liz Warren, and her claim to be a whopping 1/32 Cherokee Indian... without much luck.
It's because she won't admit to the lie.  Now she says that her parents eloped because her paternal grandparents objected to her father marrying someone who was part Cherokee and part Delaware.
What parts Liz????  The top geneologists in the country come up short and can't find a drop of your minority red blood corpuscles coursing on their 1/32nd path through your high income Harvard attorney frame.
And what about the racist stock that you come from??? Now that you have disclosed your grandparents as anti-Native American.
I have to admit, my hands are tired from scatching my head every time I see a Warren sign.  Who could ever buy her Bullshit?

Tuna Lips said

Great point. To explain herself she takes a big sh*t on her own. Kind of like Frank MCCourt making money off of telling how his mum had to prostitute herself to get by. It happens, we get it, but don't shame your own in public or speak of their failings in a casual manner to advance your life. They gave you that life.

Warren has loyalty to herself and the story she tells about herself, that is it.
Just heard her pathetic ad again this morning.  She ends it by saying that Scott Brown is attacking her family.   Quite a twist of logic.  She accuses her grandparents of racism, but when Brown challenges her obvious lie, he is guilty of attacking her family.   What the Hell do they teach those kids at Harvard anyway????

Just my Opinion - Polls.

ABC News and Bloomberg have polls out that show Romney falling behind President BO.
What a shocker!  These polls seek to be the news rather than reflect the news.
Remember the Brown polls when he was running against our beloved AG, Martha Coakley?   Seems the election results showed that the polls were wrong.... big time... as Brown pounded the smug heir to the Kennedy Senate seat.
That is what I suspect is going on here.
The only reason that Conservatives have prevailed against Democrats in two of the last three Presidential elections is that Americans are not stupid.  They can't be herded into the pens that the Liberal polls seek to create.
Good Morning America is shamelessly reporting today how things are getting better in the Country and how Romney is dropping in the Polls.   You can't make this shit up.... excuse me?  ABC News makes it up all the time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Warren Deserves Respect

Scott Brown Supporters today were shown in a disgusting video, taunting Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren with tomohawk chops and war whoops.
What an insult to the Native American Indian Senate hopeful!
Oh... I forgot... Warren is not really a Cherokee.  She just claimed to be when she applied for law professorships in Ivy League Schools, like Harvard.
And when she was tenured for her teaching position, she did the moral thing by unchecking the affirmative action box.   And it didn't matter a bit that she didn't need to claim to be a minority anymore.... it was the right thing to do.
Shame on Senator Brown for not controlling his supporters with their shameful display of disgust for Professor Warren.  He should clean his act up.
Warren deserves Respect.  She's always been for the little guy... like securing a trust fund for employees that her client, the Travelers Ins. Co. was suing.  But... if she was working for the Travelers, why was she helping their opponents????    Then she represented another  big business, LTV Steel.   But I thought she was supposed to be for the little guys.
This is so confusing.  Can you say "Horrendous Liar"?  Cause that's what it seems like, doesn't it?
Hopefully some of my "Progressive" Friends can explain it for me.

But don't make fun of her Phoney Indian Heritage.  That's just not right.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Narcissist in Chief

I, for one, am not willing to criticize our President for choosing to hang out with Barbara Walters, Whoopie Goldberg, and David Letterman rather that meeting with  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
So what if Netanyahu has his finger on a nuclear trigger in the most volatile hotspot in the world.  Shouldn't he cater to Baba Wawa first?   And what if he were to delay an audience with the cheater but really funny Letterman?  Could he risk getting a cheeky remark from the Liberal wisecracker?
Netanyahu should take his proper place in line.  Just keep his finger in his pocket and shut the phuck up about that stupid Iranian annihilation threat.   Geez... What a Freaking Nag!!!!  Wants to take up BO's time for that shit when he has to prep for Late Night with Dave?????
 Go see the Canadian Prime Minister or something and don't be such a whiney girlyman.
When you are the Chief Narcissist of the Free World, you have to pick your priorities carefully.
Beyonce v. Benjamin?
You make the choice.
Tuna Lips Said.....
Say what yiz want, but Billy Clinton woulda had his hand on that comely lass Lizabeth thigh, stead of sitting next to them two beasts. Little known fact, I have done the lighting and soundboard on a couple movies. This set up in the picture, a whole hodge podge of women and a black guy, New York City, it's a story line ripe with potential. on Narcissist in Chief

OK..if you can pick out the one person here who knows how to sit like a man, you will win a free copy of Lizzie Warren's best selling Native American Cookbook... "Pow Wow Chow".
(Hint.... look at Goldberg.)
Tuna Lips said....
I think that Ben Franklin lookin' negress has a sausage betwixt her legs
Nice to have TL Back.