Friday, September 23, 2011

Tank Top ReTool

Had to redesign the classic Tommy O Tank top.  The Indonesians just couldn't get the Irish Tri-Color Flag right and they were gouging me on the price at the same time.
Those low paid Asians can really be a pain in the Ass.
So I bit the bullet and came out with a Tommy O logo that costs a lot less to manufacture.
Sometimes being a Mountain of a Man means that you can change if prompted by screaming Asians.
Click to See this in the Store

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pronouncing Cancun

The other day, I heard Obama mispronoucing on an ethnic basis the names of some places... like Cancun and Copenhagen.   Here he is, talking along with his faithful teleprompter, when all of a sudden he veers into some ethic accent when he mentions these places.
Turned me right off.
The French call their city "Paree"... but we Americans call it  "Paris".   As long as I'm an American from Boston, I'll continue to call it "Paris".
You hear a lot of this phoney pronunciation from people on National Public Radio and other liberal media outlets.   It always has some sort of elitist twinge to it.
Sorry but I miss Bush butchering the language. At least he didn't overpronouce stuff on purpose. Natalie Jacobson on Channel 5 used to be the worse. Give her a Latino name or Serbian town to pronouce and she was off to the races with her own ethnic version of the name. Techs at the station told me she was a real Jerk anyway.
Couldn't believe it when I heard Obama do the same thing.

Tuna Lips Wannabees

To all of you nagging, clamoring Tuna Lips fans whining about his inclusion into the Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel line.... HOLD YOUR FREAKING HORSES!!!!
Like I'd really leave out ole TL????
The Indonesians were having a little trouble getting the Tuna Lips graphic just right, so I cut them a little slack.
Hope that was OK with you.
Anyway, after enduring a ration of Indonesian obscenities, I finally did get the first Tuna Lips entry out of the sweat shop and on line for purchase, although I basically don't recommend that you buy this T Shirt.
Do you really want people to treat you like Tuna Lips?

Morons Released

I'm happy that those Americans were released from Iranian prison.
But, Not for Nothing.... what kind of an asshole decides that the Iraqi border would be a nice place to hike???  What's the matter with the freaking Applalachian Trail????   Or even Mount Kilimanjaro if you have cash to burn?
Something is screwy with these morons.   If they are not CIA, then they are real assholes.

American Hikers Leave Iran After Prison Release


New York Times Published: September 21, 2011

Two American hikers imprisoned on espionage charges in Iran were released Wednesday after days of conflicting signals, ending diplomatic skirmishing that complicated the United States’ already fraught relationship with Tehran for more than two years.
The men, Shane M. Bauer and Joshua F. Fattal, both 29, were released from the notorious Evin Prison at dusk and whisked by diplomatic convoy to a plane that took them to Oman, where they raced down the stairs of the aircraft to hug waiting family members.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sweating It at the Sweat Shop

I knew this new line of Nanepashemet Blogging fashions would be popular... but even I didn't think it would go this viral so quickly.
I've got about a hundred, normally docile Indonesians, bitching away at me on Skype from South East Asia with a fairly unnerving rancor.
How was I to know that these orders would be crushing the capacity in their happy little sweatshop?????
And now... with the addition of the TommyO Tank Tops and the Mountain of a Man Couch Potato Pants.... things are only going to get worse for them.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nanepashemet Nautical

Blogging and Boating Gear

It dawns on me, Peeps, that the new line of Nanepashemet Blogging Apparel can also be used for things other than blogging.
In particular, they are really cool for nautical activities, and in independent testing, they have been found to seriously attract the opposite sex.
Click to see more

The line also works exceptionally well in either workout or couch potato sessions.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hostile Work Environment

So now the story comes out that the Obama White House is a "hostile work environment".  That's the best thing I've heard in awhile.  It makes me think that Obama is not a hopeless case.   At least the place is not the wussy, politically correct, goo-goo, phoney, moonbat haven that I had previously imagined it as.
At their core, liberals are always the worse offenders anyway.  National Public Radio (NPR), that collection of phoney accented pseudo-intellecturals has a particularly high rate of discrimination and sexual harassment suits.
I've always thought that liberals look inside themselves... are horrified at the base emotions and beliefs that they see.... and project it upon the dumb conservatives who are struggling just to be left alone by the government and everyone else.
That's why liberals are quick to call others racist, or polluters, or other base things that they really see in themselves.   So if they are chewing each other up in the hostile work environment of the White House, it just stands to reason.

Straining Exploitation

Whoa Peeps!!!!
I knew that the Nanepashemet Line would be hot.... but easy on the order button.
My Indonesian sweat shop can only manufacture these items so fast.   You've really put the strain on my exploited Asian laborers.
BTW, if you have a specific clothing item that you would like to see desecrated with Nanepashemet Blog propaganda, let me know and I'll put a special request into the Indonesians.
Also.... don't forget to check out the Women's Items on Pg. 2 of the Nanepashemet Peep Apparel store.....
Tasteful yet slightly erotic merchandise.

Tuna Lips said...
I likes to wear me one of them thongs too. Frees up access for skritchin' my undercarriage, and keeps the snarl ups to a minimum when beset by a case of ring worm after eating at Shoo Fly's. Jeez, that possum meat turns fast.

TommyO said...

Good Stuff,
Now don't forget, when you need to Import these quality items into your US Distribution Center from Indonesia give me a call. This is what I do.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Nanepashemet Peep Line of Blogging Apparel

Peeps -
Many of you have been irritating me constantly with questions like, " J.  When are your going to come out with a line of Nanepashemet Blog wearing apparel.?"
Naturally, I've been ignoring this for the last few years, but of late, a line of very high quality and affordable items have been made available to me, and I might as well satisfy your completely over pent up demand.
I came through with the book, didn't I???  So quit your nagging.
If you need to bulk order these items, drop me an email and I'll make you a deal.
the sheik and sophisticated line of Nanepashemet Peep Apparel....
Click on the shirt to see the full line, and don't blow all of your wardrobe budget on Nanepashemet stuff.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

POTW Week 36

We took our bankers out on the WhaleEye to chase the elusive Bluefish yesterday afternoon.  The fish were not compliant with our quest, but that gave us a great excuse to tie up in Manchester Harbor for some refreshment at the Seven Central Landing.  But the real story here is the ultimate class move exhibited by Bobby Brown, the original Mountain of a Man, who showed up at the BYC Dock with a bottle of Lagavulin, the King of Scotch.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 36th Week of 2011

Bobby Brown (Automatic Lagavulin Gift Rule)
Katelyn Nestor
Lisa Rowe
Gail Johnson
Peter Crawford
Gordon McBurney

Someday, the WhaleEye will bring us to fish.   But not yet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reality Dream

Ryan had a furlough yesterday, and his kids had a great time hanging with their Dad and friends for an all too short afternoon.   There is no doubt that when he gets out in a few months, this will feel like a bad dream... but right now it continues to be all too real.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jacqueline Kennedy ... in Diane's Own Words

I'm trying hard to watch this ABC News documentary about Jacqueline Kennedy's taped memoirs that she made four months after the President's assasination.
But that self absorbed twit, Diane Sawyer, just will not freaking shut up.    Diane, let the tapes do the talking.  Please shut the fuck up.   I used to be a big Caroline Kennedy fan, but apparently she turned the tapes over to ABC News so that Diane  could drone us with her irritating, editorializing, self-righteous drivel.
Caroline.... don't you think it would have been nice to hear your mother on this program???? instead of  this dreadful dimwit????
Diane profoundly tried to make us believe that Jacqueline was actually pronounced "Jac Leen" by all around her, when her husband continally pronounces it the way we've always heard it.    Diane - do you think that President Kennedy, in an international Paris address, would mispronouce his wife's name, instead of pronouncing it like you want us too\?  What's with you phoney liberals with your name pronunciation anyway???  Jeezz.
Wish the Sox were on.

indonesiatooverseas said...

I love to hear the news too, it's make us have a wider view of the world.